Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-17-1931 Bee Gee News November 17, 1931 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News November 17, 1931" (1931). BG News (Student Newspaper). 143. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/143 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. BEE GEE NEWS 'in m VOL. XVI. BOWLING GREEN STATE COLLEGE, NOVEMBER 17, 1931 No. 9. V* MW Y. M. STARTS WHY BE HONEST Not long ago an article appeared in the TEXT STUDY Bee Gee News giving out statistics on the Develop the mind alone and you have a THIKEffiCMD relative honesty of college students. Ac- skeptic, develop the heart alone and you cording to these, BO per cent of our college have a bigot, develop the body alone and students would cheat in a crisis. Impossi- you have a brute; but develop the mind, ble—nearly everybody is honest. If they heart and body and you have the noblest were not our whole civilization would soon work of God—A Man. be a thing of the past, or would never have This unified development of the mind, come into existence; we would live like heart and body is the nucleus around which savages, every man watching every other we are building this year's Y. M. C. A. pro- man, not daring to trust him. gram. Our aim this year is for quality and On all sides of us today we see evidence not quantity. of relationships based on mutual trust and At our last meeting we decided to take confidence between individuals, social up the study of Hodgkin's book—The Way Interest in the snapshot section of group, and nations. Without honesty co- of Jesus. This book is divided into weekly the Key should run high when the operation would be impossible. The business divisions and then sub-divided into daily Keys are distributed next spring. It of the world is based on credit. Everyday units. It is our plan to take up these week- is the plan of the Staff to incorporate people deposit savings in banks, make large ly units in informal discussions at our re- snapshots which symbolize and depict loans, invest thousands of dollars in various gular Y. M. C. A. meetings which are every the life about Bowling Green. Frater- enterprise, because they can rely on the Thursday evening from 7:00 to 8:00. honesty of men. We extend the right hand of welcome to nity and Sorority snaps, activities of other organizations, social events, and Each of us have two types of talents (1) every man on the campus, an invitation to physical talents which make us useful and attend our Y. M. C. A. meetings which are the fun and frolic of capricious col- legians are all grist for the mill which enable us to do things as they should be open to all. turns out a complete Key. done. (2) Social talents—Loyalty, fairness Of all sections, the snapshot section W. A. A. News is to sweep frcm corner to corner of (Continued on page 2, column 1) The W. A. A. board was invited by the the campus, gathering in its train the president, Thelma Dillinger, to spend the episodes and personalities which Suitcase Brigade week-end at her cottage on the Maumee. The make college history. Inasmuch as a twelve mile hike and the pleasures of its good beginning is essential for this Stays in Trenches destination were enjoyed by all who went. section, the Staff would like to re- Strange to see so many on the campus Exploring and hiking were features of the mind the student body that subjects over week-ends. But it's none the less ex- vacation. for interesting snaps are continually hilerating. The Homecoming was success- The Archery tournament, planned for at hand. A box will be placed in the ful in persuading many of the docile Fresh- Armistice afternoon, was postponed on ac- main corridor of the Administration men to stay—and many of the upperclass- count of the weather. building. Drop your snap-shots in this men, too. Plans are progressing for the "Kick-Off" box or hand them to Willard Ault or Why can't we have that sort of a crowd dance given for the football men and W. William Sloat. Attach your name and every week-end? It would go far toward A. A. girls. the subject-matter of each picture to building up a school spirit that would mean After the outdoor sports season is over, the snapshot. Begin now! I much to the college. a sports dinner will be given for all who Here's a suggestion for the fraternities have participated. At this time emblems and KEY PAYMENTS DUE and sororities. Have something doing every awards will be made. The occasion will be MONDAY, NOV. 23 week-end. Don't let a meeting pass with- on the Monday after Thanksgiving. Don't out encouraging your members to stay and forget the date, November 30. enjoy the fellowship you can afford. By w "•"_ •— a»~f. _ •"•_ doing this you would be the author of a Miss Ethel Reed, fourth grade critic at Kindergarten Ass'n. work most sorely needed at Bowling Green. the Ridge Street School, and her student teachers had a weiner roast Wednesday Meets afternoon at Vollmar's Park. The Billy The Kindergarten-Primary Association Emerson Literary Goat furnished plenty of entertainment af- had its annual alumni meeting Saturday ter the roast. The girls taking part were morning, Nov. 7. A lovely two course break- Society the Misses Maxine Cook, Naomia Gifford, fast was served at ten o'clock at the Wo- "Lest We Forget" was the topic of dis- Arville Beier, Cora Beaver, Frances Kelsey, man's club. An interesting program was cussion Wednesday night at the meeting of and Jesse Harshman. rendered by the present members, Miss the Emerson Literary Society. After the Isabelle Stanton acting as toastmistress. regular business meeting the following pro- Last Tuesday evening the association gram was enjoyed: readings by Laura Tea Dance at Shatzel held its monthly meeting in Shatzel Hall Bates; "What America Did" by Arden The girls at Shatzel Hall sponsored a Annex. Mrs. Hissong gave an interesting Snyder; vocal solo, "Lest We Forget" by Tea Dance given in the Annex, Wednesday talk on the World War. Miss Paxton, our Wesley Watson; oration by G. C. Munger. afternoon from 2:30 until 5:00. Bob present advisor, spoke to us and invited us War songs were then sung by the entire Butler's orchestra kept everyone in good to visit the kindergarten. An enjoyable society. Ethel Rita Miller then took charge spirits. Features of the afternoon were the time was had by all, and we heartily invite of parliamentary drill and after several Girl's Choice dance and the Circle dance. all Kindergarten-Primary students to at- weighty matters of importance were dis- Hot tea and wafers were served. tend these meetings. cussed, the meeting adjourned. PAGE 2 BEE GEE NEWS BEE GEE NEWS DEFECTS OF PRESENT Billy's Doings PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM BY THE Conversation overheard between two STUDENTS AND FACULTY In a recent educational article by Dr. OF freshman anticipating Mr. Crowley's de- BOWLING GREEN STATE COLLEGE Clarence Cook Little, former president of >' ■—" mand for notebooks: "And how do you con- the University of Michigan, attention is ROBERT BOYER * , __ _- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF struct the infinite curve?" WILLIAM NOBLE ASSOCIATE EDITOR called to the fact that American colleges and " and then drop a perpen- PAT LIMBER ASSISTANT EDITOR universities will expend for the current DON CRYER SPORTS EDITOR dicular up to the diagonal." MEARL BARRETT ORGANIZATION year approximately $500,000,000 for the ARDEN SNYDER SOPHOMORE REPORTER MINNIE MILLOFF FRESHMAN REPORTER education of 1,000,000 young people. RUTH HARRIS REPORTER "Slim Clingaman deserted old B. G. over KATE CLEARY SATIRE One-third of those entering college this EDWIN BANNING AND EDDIE LOOMIS SKETCHING the week-end and attended the Navy-State PROF. G. W. BEATTIE FACULTY ADVISOR year, it is estimated, will drop out by the end of the freshman year. Many of these game. The man—well he was just a friend SUBSCRIPTION RATES enter college poorly prepared, or lack ab- of hers. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS PER YEAR FIFTY CENTS ility, and many more are forced out of col- lege by the intolerant attitude of instruc- The drug store cowboy seems to be mak- SEND ALL REMITTANCES TO tors. ing quite a hit with a certain Bills Hall BUSINESS MANAGER BEE GEE NEWS BOWLING GREEN, OHIO In addition to the one-third of the col- dame. Careful there, you in 18. IN CARE OF B. G. S. C. lege group eliminated annually, there are hundreds of thousands of brighter young WHY BE HONEST The permanent question with Fern (Continued from page 1, column 3) minds who ought to be receiving some bene- Kaiser is: 'Shall I go home this week-end?' fit from the $1,665,000,000 invested in our various higher institutions of learning. helpfulness and honesty—Virtues that en- We're finding things out over here—you able us to get along in society.
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