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The Legacy of the Famiïy of Pompey the Great in Sicily A study of the clientela, property, and reputation of the Pompeii Magmi in Sicily with comparisons to their legacy in the province of Asia, to Juiius Caesar's in the province of Aquitania, and to that of other families in Sicily by Mauro Lo Dico A thesis submitted to the Department of Classics in confomity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Canada January 2000 copyright Q Mauro Lo Dico 2000 National Library Bibliothèque nationale 1*1 of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographic Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A OU4 Ottawa ON KIA ON4 Canada Canada Your fi& Votre référence Our fik Notre rBfBrence The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distnbute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microfom, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/fïlm, de reproduction sur papier ou su.format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts from it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may Se printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimes reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. A bstraet This dissertation studies the impact that Pompey the Great and his family had on Sicily. As the fist members of the gens Pampeia on the island, they were aIso the most often in contact with it and even owned land there. Many of the isIandls inhabitants became their clients, and even adopted thek names if they were granted Roman citizenship by the Pompeii. The extent of the family's influence on the Sicilians is examined through that relationship, both as a process of Romanisation in a province and as a province's contribution to the Roman world. The introduction to this thesis reviews the scant literature on the topic and provides the pertinent background. The first chapter surveys all the members of the gens Pompeia involved with Sicily, since they could make the provincials Roman citizens. The second chapter examines the Sicilians granted citizenship by the Pompeii, for the status of the former in their locality reveals the type of relationship that both parties shared and, thus, the kind of auence that the Pompeii had there. The third chapter contrasts those Sicilian Pompeii with other groups so that they are viewed within the greater context of the Roman Empire. Comparisons are made with: a) the Pompeii from another province, noting any regional similanties or differences; b) another distinguished gens fiom yet another province, to gauge the degree to which the Sicilian Pompeii were established in the Empire; and c) other prominent gentes in Sicily, thereby detennining the status of the Pompeii both on and off the island. The dissertation argues that there was a substantiai Pompeian presence in Sicily, acting as a Romanishg agent which produced citizens who were not al1 passive participants in the Empire, as is traditionally held, but rather who played an active role in its expansion, consolidation, and prosperity. Acknowledgements My fïxst thanks must go to my supervisor, Professor Bernard J. Kavanagh, who guided me through al1 the stages of this dissertation. Mention should also be made of the rest of the staff and students in the Department of Classics at Queen's University, namely T. Smith, Professors Falkner and Hagel, but especidiy Professor R S. Kilpatrick. 1am fûrther iixdebted to my fiiends at McGiil University: PhiI Smith for bis editing, Franco Taddeo for his books, and Marc TemeLini for his discussions. My gratitude also extends across the Atlantic to Professor R. J. A. Wilson fiom the University of Nottingham for providing me with the opportunity to work in Sicily and to his students whose Company can still be feLt I cannot thank Spyros Caragiannis and Marcus McHafne enough, nor Emily Chen who went beyond proof-reading. The contributions of Antonio Sorge and Silvio Ursino will never be forgotten- Final, but foremost, acknowIedgement is expressed to my family, both here and in My,namely my brother Gaetano and his wife Julie, my mo ther, and mygrandmo thers. Table of Contents Abstract Acknowledgements List of Tables vii List of Figures viii Ab breviations Introduction Literature Review Methodologv Background Chapter 1 The Original Pompeii in Sicily The gens Pom~eÏa The Branch of the Bithynici/Rufi The Branch of the Manni a) The AccompIishments of Pompey the Great b) The Children of Pompey Other Pompeii with a Connection to Sicily Conclusion Chapter II The Sicilian Pompeii Roman Enftanchisernent Sicilian Cifentela a) The Ancient Literature b) The DatabIe Inscriptions c) The Less Datable Inscriptions Conclusion Chapter III Cornparisons fot the Sicilian Pompeii Pom~eiiand the Province of Asia 78 Iulii and the Three Gauls (especiallv the Province of Aauitania) 85 The Gentiiicia in Sicilv 92 Conclusion 96 Thesis Conclusion 98 Tables 106 Figures 116 Bibliography Primaw Sources Translations Consulted Secondary Sources List of Tables A GenealoPicaI Tree of the Pompeii BithvniciRufi 106 Sources: CIL suppl. IV: 192-3; W. K. A. Drumam Geschichte ~om?IV Hildesheim 1964: 308-596; & F. Miltner RE XXI.ii (1952) 1992-5. A Genealofiical Tree of the Porntxii Mami 107 Sources: E. Babelon Description historique et chronologique des Monnaies de la Répblique romaine 2 vols. Bologna 1963: 336-7; M. Gelzer ~om~eiu.?Munich 1959; J. Leach Pompey the Great London 1978: 9; MKR; Pi..; R. Syme Histo~in Ovid Oxford 1978: 156-68, The Augustan Aristocracy Oxford 1986: 505-57; & A- B. West "Lucilian Genealogy" AJPhil. XLIX 1928: 240-52 at 252. A Genealoaical Tree of the Pomtxii FaIcones 111 Sources: W. Eck "Senatorische Familien der Kaiserzeit in der Provinz Sizilien" ZPE CMII 1996: 109-28 at 1 17; E. Groag, "Prosopographische Beitriïge" JmXVIII 19 15: 265-80 at 273; G. Libertini Centuripe Catania 1926: 43; PIR' Ill: 66 (P #459); & I. Scheid Lesfières desParis 1975: 380, A Genealogical Tree of the Sicilian Roscii 112 Sources: W. Eck "Senatorische Familien der Kaiserzeit in der Provinz Sizilien" ZPE CXIII 1996: 109-28; PBZ' III: 133-5 (R #64-74); RE 2"d ser. 1: 11 16-28; RP; & O. Salomies Adoptive and Poiyonymous Nomenclature in the Roman Empire Helsinki 1992. A Genealogical Tree of Theophanes of MvtiIene 113 Sources: V. 1. Anastasiadis & G. A. Souris "nieophanes of Mytilene" Chiron XXII 1992: 377-83; J. M. Bertrand "Apropos de deux disparus" ZPE LM 1985: 173-6; P. A. Cartledge & Antony J. S. Spawforth Hellenistic and Roman Sparta London tNew York 1989; PB' Il1 67 (P #471); & RE XXI.ii (1 952) 2276-9 1 (Pornpeius #92-124). A Genealoaical Tree of the Cn. Pompeii Herrnipvi 114 Sources: E. J. Champlin "Miscellanea Testamentaria" ZPE LXUC 1987: 197-206 at 200-2 & H. Halfniann "Die Senatoren aus den Kleinasiatischen Provinzen des Romischen Reiches" in S. Panciera (ed.) Atti del Colloquio internazionale AIEGL su epigrafia e ordine senatorio Rome 1982: 603-50 at 629. Seven Grou~sof Gallic Mii from the Province of Aauitania 115 Sources: J. F. Drinkwater "The Rise and Fa11 of the Gallic Iulii" Latomus XXXWI 1978: 8 17-50 at 8 19-22 & R Syme Tacittts 2 vols. Oxford vii List of Figures Mat, of the Roman Empire 116 Source: K. H. Scullard & A. A. M. van der Heyden Shorter Atlas of the Classical World New York 1967: Map 12. Map of Italv Source: CM* X: 416 @lap 3). Map of Sicilv 118 Source: R. J. A. Talbert Atlas of ClassicaiHistoryNew York 1985: 148. A Mosaic in Ostia Il9 Source: G. Becatti Scmi di OsfiaIV Rome 1961: pl. CXXIII (#68). Mar> of the Province of Asia 120 Source: R. J. A. Talbert Atlas of Classical History New York 1985: 158. Map of Transabine Gad 121 Source: R. J. A. Talbert Atlas of Classical History New York 1985: 136. viii ~b breviations' duumvir A. Aulus A&R Reynolds Aphrodisias and Rome AC L 'Antiquitéclassique add. addendurn ad L. Ver. Fronto Epistles to Emperor L. Vem ad M Caes. Fronto Epistles to Emperor M-Aurelius ad Pium Fronto Epistles ro Emperor Antoninus Pius AE Année Epigaphique aed. aedilis (aedile) MA Pasoli Acta Fratrum Arvalium Am Ancient History Bulletin AJA A rnerican Journal of Archaeology AJAH American Journal of Ancient History AJPh American Journal of Philology ANRW Aufstïeg und Niedergang der romischen Welt AP- Appius Builetfino della Commissione archeologica cornunale in Roma Archives of the British School at Rome C. Gaius cm2 Cambridge Ancient History (second edn.) CIL Corptrs Inscriptionum Latinarum Cl. Claudius Cn. Gnaeus cols. columns COS. consul CQ Classical QuarterZy D. Decimus desig. designated dict. dictator eh. edition eds. editors Emp. emperor For ancient authors and theit works, the standard abbreviations are used (as listed in OC& h-liv). ix FE Forschungen in Ephesos figs. figures Fm Riccobono Fontes IdRomani Antefmtiniani FI. Flavius fi m. fiater arvalis (arval brother) gov. governor IdiCos Segre Iscrizioni di Cos LEph Merkelbach Die Imchr~penvon Ephesos IG Imcrrptiones Graecae IGRR Cagnat Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes I, 1. de Gaule Wuil Ieumier Inscrï#ions latines des Trois Gaules ELRP Degrassi Inscr@tiones Latinae liberae rei publicae ILS Dessau Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae Inscr. Ital. Imcr@tiones Italiae Im Priene Hiller von Gaertringen Imchrrjten von Priene JahresheJie des Osterreichischen Archiïologischen Instituts Journal of Roman Studies L.
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