July 2007 No. 26 The $2 €2 Internationalist Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants For Militant Peter Pereira/New Bedford Standard-Times Workers Action to Stop ICE Raids For Workers Strikes Against the War. 3, 30 France Turns Hard to the Right. 10-22 Australia $4, Brazil R$3, Britain £1.50, Struggle for Immigrants Rights . 36-54 Canada $3, Europe €2, India Rs. 25, Japan ¥250, Mexico $10, Philippines 30 p, Workers Power to Free Mumia. .55, 60 S. Africa R10, S. Korea 2,000 won 2 The Internationalist July 2007 In this issue... For Workers Strikes Against the War! ........ 3 ¡Ya salió! Defend Iran Against U.S. War Threats! ....... 5 El Internacionalista Police-State Attack on Squatters in No. 6 Copenhagen ............................................... 8 órgano en español de France Turns Hard to the Right ................. 10 la Liga por la IV Internacional Not One Person, Not One Cent for the Imperialist War Machine! ....................... 23 US$1.50 México $7 Don’t Beg Congress! Brasil R$2 Defeat U.S. War on Iraq! ......................... 30 Europa €1.50 “State Capitalism”: Anti-Trotskyist “Theory” to Cover Refusal to Defend Adquiérelo de las USSR Against Imperialist War ............... 36 siguientes direcciones: Mundial Publications Apdo. Postal 70-379 Caixa Postal 084027 For Miolitant Workers Action to Stop Box 3321, Church St. Sta. Admón. de Correos 70 CEP 27251-970 ICE Raids and Deportations! .................. 39 New York, NY 10008 CP 04511, México, D.F. Volta Redonda, RJ U.S.A. México Brasil War on Iraq, Immigrants Under Attack ..... 40 LAPD Assaults Immigrants Visit the League for the Fourth International/ Rights March ........................................... 42 Internationalist Group on the Internet San Diego Migra Raids Terrorize Latino, Immigrant Communities ........... 43 http://www.internationalist.org Now available on our site: Mobilize NYC Labor to Defend Founding Statement of the Brooklyn Immigrant Workers! ............... 47 Internationalist Group Declaration of the League for the Defend Amber Abreu – Fourth International Drop All the Charges! ............................. 49 Articles from The Internationalist Articles from Vanguarda Operária Protest Against “Minuteman” at NYU ...... 50 Articles from El Internacionalista Articles and documents in German, Drive Out Racist “Minuteman” French and Russian Anti-Immigrant Vigilantes! ..................... 51 The fight to free Mumia Abu-Jamal Marxist readings CUNY Faculty Union Demands Freedom Now for Mumia Abu-Jamal .... 57 Visita la página del Grupo Internacionalista en Internet Hundreds March for Mumia at Philadelphia Court Hearing .................... 58 Visite a página da Liga Quarta-Internacionalista do Brasil Matérias de Vanguarda Operária A luta para libertar Mumia Abu-Jamal It Will Take Workers' Power to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal! ......................... 61 Documentos marxistas sobre a luta pela libertação do negro e da mulher Mexico's Tortilla Crisis, Product of Capitalism ............................. 69 The Internationalist Mexico: For Free Abortion On Demand! ............................................. 71 A Journal of Revolutionary Marxism for the Reforging of the Fourth International Venezuela: Battle Over the Media ............. 80 Publication of the Internationalist Group, section of the League for the Fourth International EDITORIAL BOARD: Jan Norden (editor), Mark Lazarus, Abram Negrete, Front-page photo: Worker outside New Marjorie Salzburg. Bedford, Mass. plant were 361 immi- The Internationalist (ISSN 1091-2843) is published bimonthly, skipping July-August, by grants were arrested in March 6 raid. Mundial Publications, P.O. Box 3321, Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008, U.S.A. Telephone: (212) 460-0983 Fax: (212) 614-8711 E-mail: Subscription blank graphic based on a [email protected] Subscriptions: US$10 for five issues. poster by V.A. Rodchenko, Books (1925). No. 26 C-701 July 2007 July 2007 The Internationalist 3 For Workers Strikes Against the War! Oakland Dock Workers Honor Picket, Shut Down War Cargo Shipper On May 19 in Oakland, California dock work- ers of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 10 refused to cross picket lines outside one of the most notorious war cargo ship- ping firms, Stevedoring Services of America, leav- ing three ships idle for consecutive shifts. The picket was also called against American President Lines, however no APL ships docked that day. When scores of picketers blocked the gates at the SSA terminal beginning at 7 a.m., the company eventually gave up and called off the shift. In the evening, an arbitrator ruled that this was not a bona fide “health and safety issue” and ordered the work- ers to go to work. However, the dock workers col- lectively refused. A black longshoreman insisted that there was indeed a safety issue because of the heavy police presence, and everyone there remembered how on 7 April 2003, shortly after the U.S. invasion of Iraq began, police shot pointblank at protesters and longshoremen at the same docks, injuring six ILWU members. The May 19 picket line was called by a “popu- Jeff Paterson/Courage to Resist lar front” coalition of antiwar groups, the Port Action Com- Oakland’s KTVU (Channel 2) news saying, “I think the mittee, rather than a labor group. PAC includes the Oakland message is loud and clear… If longshoremen at the Port Green Party and the pro-Democratic Party United for Peace of Oakland can honor picket lines against the war in Iraq, and Justice (UFPJ). In addition, Oakland’s Democratic mayor then they can do that in other ports. And this will be the Ron Dellums sent a sympathetic letter to the PAC. But the beginning of the end of the war.” At the onset of the U.S.- Oakland Education Association, which is part of the Action led imperialist invasion of Iraq, British railway engineers Committee, declared it was holding an official union picket refused to move weapons trains, and Italian rail unions (not a bogus “informational picket line”). Union picket signs joined with antiwar protesters in seeking to stop shipments declared “OEA Says Honor the Picket Lines.” And ILWU of military equipment to Iraq. Labor action in the U.S. longshoremen did. would send shock waves around the world. The ILWU has officially opposed the war and occupa- Since before the war began, the Internationalist Group tion of Iraq from the outset, as have most Bay Area labor has uniquely called for workers strikes against the war and bodies. But paper resolutions have not translated into union for transportation unions to “hot cargo” (refuse to handle) action. In May 2006, Local 10 passed a resolution, “Strike war cargo. A host of opportunist socialist groups dismissed Against the War, No Peace, No Work,” calling on unions and this call as hopelessly utopian “pie in the sky.” The Spartacist working people nationally to “mobilize for a strike action” of League, which regularly called for such workers action dur- 24 hours “to demand an immediate end to the war and occu- ing prior wars, suddenly dropped these slogans on the eve of pation in Iraq and Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. the U.S. invasion of Iraq. At the time of Democrat Clinton’s troops from the Middle East.” But the resolution was buried bombing of Iraq in 1998, the SL dismissed the IG’s call for in committee at the union’s annual convention. hot cargoing, claiming the demand had no “resonance” with The dock workers’ action shows the depth of anger workers today. Yet on May 19, West Coast some 200 union against the war in the U.S. working class and the real dock workers were respecting antiwar picket lines and shut- possibility of labor action against the war. Longshore- ting down war shippers. men emphasized the union’s opposition to the war. Local This can be an important first step toward the mobili- 10 executive board member Jack Heyman was quoted on zation of workers power to shut down the war machine, 4 The Internationalist July 2007 Barucha Calamity Peller Jeff Paterson/Courage to Resist Jeff Picketers meet outside gates of Stevedoring Services of America (left), a notorious war cargo shipper, on May 19. ILWU longshore workers refused to cross picket line, and three ships sat idle throughout the day. Internationalist Group has called since beginning of the war to “hot cargo” war materiel and for workers strikes against the war. This could be first step toward mobilizing labor’s power to defeat imperialist war. but that requires a sharp struggle against the bourgeois politics of the antiwar groups and union officialdom. The SL on Oakland Port Picket OEA calls for money for schools not for war, as if it were a matter of budget priorities, and the PAC poster made a Musings of Some Thoroughly social-patriotic pitch to “Bring the Troops Home Now, and Modern Labor Corporals... give them the care they need.” Such “peace is patriotic” of the Rear Echelon rhetoric is a staple of the UPFJ, but all the antiwar coali- tions make similar appeals to garner support from Demo- The 8 June issue of Workers Vanguard, newspaper cratic Party liberals. Revolutionaries and class-conscious of the Spartacist League, has a schizophrenic back- page article on the May 19 antiwar picket at the Port of workers, in contrast, emphasize that this imperialist war Oakland in the San Francisco Bay Area. After noting must be opposed by class war. that longshore workers honored the picket line, the rest The Internationalist Group, section of the League for of the article dumps cold water on the action: “it’s not the Fourth International, struggles to defeat the imperialist clear that any war materiel was stopped that day,” ILWU war abroad and the war on working people and minorities members handle cargo at the Concord Naval Weapons “at home.” Strike action by the unions against the war will Station, and it didn’t measure up to the Port Chicago mean a direct confrontation with the government and its mutiny or the Seattle general strike of 1919.
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