Alternate page number, consecutive for the 17th Legislature, 1st Session: page 2765 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 0F ALBERTA Title: Thursday, May 4, 1972 2:30 p.m. (The House met at 2: 30 pm.) PRAYERS (Mr. Speaker in the Chair.) head: INTRODUCTION OP VISITORS MR. BATIUK: Mr. Speaker, it gives me pleasure to introduce to you and through you 29 Grade IX students from Ryley School accompanied by their teacher Mr. Voegtlin and supervisor Mrs. Voegtlin. I would ask that the students, the teacher, and the supervisor rise that they may be recognized by this Assembly. MR. MINIELY: Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure today to introduce through you to members of the Assembly, 120 students from McKay Avenue School in my constituency of Edmonton Centre. Mr. Speaker, McKay Avenue School is a very distinctive school having the distinction of being the oldest in the Edmonton Public School system, and is also on the site of the very first school ever built in the City of Edmonton. An additional historical note, Mr. Speaker, is that the first meeting of the Council of the Northwest Territories was held here. As well, prior to completion of our present beautiful Legislative Building, the first meetings of Alberta’s Legislative Assembly were held at McKay Avenue School. The students are accompanied today, Mr. Speaker, by their principal Mr. Olsen and several staff members. They are seated in both the members' gallery and the public gallery and I would ask that they all now stand and be recognized by the Assembly. head: ORAL QUESTION PERIOD MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Spirit River-Fairview followed by the hon. Member for Hanna-Oyen. Funds for Friendship Centres MR. NOTLEY: Mr. Speaker, I would like to direct this question to the hon. Minister of Health and Social Development. Is the hon. minister aware that the Lethbridge Friendship Centre has closed down and that the reason given is an alleged delay in receiving federal-provincial funds? MR. CRAWFORD: No, Mr. Speaker. Alternate page number, consecutive for the 17th Legislature, 1st Session: page 2766 43-2 ALBERTA HANSARD May 4th 1972 MR. NOTLEY: A supplementary question then. By way of explanation, it is my understanding that the federal government sent their share of the cost-shared program for friendship centres to the province on or about the 24th day of March. My question to you, in view of the fact the fiscal year for friendship centres starts on April 1st, can the minister advise the House why there was a delay in receiving this money? MR. CRAWFORD: No, Mr. Speaker, I cannot. But I don't mind looking into the question and ascertaining if there was any delay. MR. NOTLEY: One final supplementary question. Can the hon. minister advise the House whether the government will give any consideration to changing the policies in the future, so that provincial and federal funding will be announced well before the beginning of the fiscal year for friendship centres? MR. CRAWFORD: Mr. Speaker, the lead time that this government is trying to give in various programs that relate to municipalities or, in this case, a group operating in a particular municipality, has been to give as much notice as possible. I think the hon. member will know that there have been several matters brought before the House already including things like the municipal assistance grants and so on, where a great improvement had been effected in this area of timing for the benefit of, in that case, the municipalities all across the province. All I can say in respect to this particular matter is that I will assuredly look into it and see if there is some difficulty that has been caused that might have been averted. MR. HO LEM: Supplementary, Mr. Speaker. In view of the situation which has arisen, and it also affects Calgary, will the hon. minister give consideration to providing interim financing to keep these places going? MR. CRAWFORD: Mr. Speaker, I don't know the situation in Calgary to which the hon. member referred, but on the whole, the position that I'm taking with voluntary associations which have a background of dealings over the years with the provincial government -- in the sense that they receive grants from time to time, is that they should budget annually and adjust themselves to the government's budget year. I've been able to explain this to a large number of such associations on a person-to-person basis. Most of them seem to understand it fully and are willing -- well, indeed I would say, without exception, those that I have talked to are willing -- to submit their budgets by the fall of the year for the following fiscal year. MR. NOTLEY: One more supplementary question, Mr. Speaker, just for the sake of clarification, does the government intend to make grants available in conjunction with the federal government to friendship centres? It's not a question, I take it, of this money not being available. It's just a question of the time. Is that not a correct assessment of what you said? Alternate page number, consecutive for the 17th Legislature, 1st Session: page 2767 May 4th 1972 ALBERTA HANSARD 43-3 MR. CRAWFORD: Mr. Speaker, the answer to the question from the hon. Member for Calgary McCall did not relate to the situation in Lethbridge. It was a statement generally as to my approach to associations that seek funding in some way. My answer in regard to the Lethbridge situation would have to stand on its own merits, as previously given to the hon. member. MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Hanna-Oyen, followed by the hon. Member for Calgary Bow. The Highway Traffic Act MR. FRENCH: Mr. Speaker, I'd like to direct a question to the Attorney General. Have you issued instructions to the police not to enforce the laws in existence in Alberta? SOME HON. MEMBERS: [Groan] MR. SPEAKER: The question is out of order in its present form. MR. FRENCH: A supplementary question, then. Is the Attorney General aware that the Calgary... MR. FARRAN: A point of order. If the question is out of order, how can you have a supplementary to it? MR. SPEAKER: I understand the hon. member.... MR. FRENCH: Mr. Speaker, I'd like to... HON. MEMBERS: Sit down. Sit down. The Speaker is on his feet. MR. SPEAKER: As I understand it, the hon. member is rephrasing his question. He may have called it a supplementary, but I'm sure the contents will be the same. MR. FRENCH: Is the Attorney General aware that the Calgary City Police are not enforcing the statutory provisions of The Highway Traffic Act, as indicated in a press story appearing in the Calgary Herald, May 3rd , which states the city police say they aren't issuing summonses for inadequately insured vehicles, and won't until the current revision of the penalties under section 255 of The Highway Traffic Act is completed ? Alternate page number, consecutive for the 17th Legislature, 1st Session: page 2768 43-4 ALBERTA HANSARD May 4th 1972 MR. LEITCH: Well, Mr. Speaker, there were no such instructions issued. I think there may be some confusion. What I've asked the Crown Prosecuters to do is to hold, for the time being, charges that have been laid, assuming the accused consents to it, until the Legislature deals with the bill which the hon. Minister of Highways has introduced. But at no time has there been, nor will there be, any instructions to anyone not to lay the charges. It's a question of whether they are proceeded with until that bill is dealt with. Of course they will be proceeded with should the accused wish them to go forward . MR. FRENCH: Supplementary question, Mr. Speaker. Does the Attorney General intend to proceed with this bill that's before the House as quickly as possible, and give it special consideration, and possibly third reading? MR. LEITCH: Well, it isn't my bill, Mr. Speaker. It's the hon. Minister of Highways', but I would see no reason why it shouldn't proceed as quickly as possible. MR. FRENCH: I have a supplementary question for the hon. Minister of Highways. Is it the intention of the hon. Minister of Highways to give this particular bill special attention, and proceed with it as quickly as possible? MR. COPITHORNE: Yes, Mr. Speaker. If the hon. member had been noticing we have hurried along with the bill from its introduction. MR. SPEAKER: The hon. Member for Calgary Bow, followed by the hon. Member for Drumheller. English Employment Bureau Ads MR. WILSON: Mr. Speaker, I would like to direct a question to the hon. Minister of Labour. Would you please advise this Legislature what results you have had in your investigations of the exotic employment ads of the Senitol Bureau of Liverpool, England. DR. HOHOL: Mr. Speaker, one thing we found out in this investigation is, it is extremely difficult to investigate this kind of problem. You will recall, sir, that the hon. Member for Calgary Bow brought to the attention of the House advertising by a company called Senitol. This is what we found out. It is run by a couple from the United Kingdom; it sells clippings from U.S. newspapers, these are clippings which advertise jobs in the United States. We found that there is no conflict with the law in the United Kingdom, in the United States or in Canada. But we still question the ethics of this thing which appears to be lawful but unethical. The service does not provide any visa information.
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