CASS CITY CHRO N l CLIE . VOLUME 24, NUMBER 7. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN,, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1929. EIGHT PAGES. 1FAREWELL GIVEN FOR :under Roman rule, and even with Je- sus. As a man, He did not remain to THE WILSON FAMILY eMay 30th .......... -........ Albert T. Reid~ d .-8t, BIllET A By ]_ enjoy the future world kingdom PLAGF [I FRIIT 11 i r which He gave His life to make pos- I~£i iI=NiiI.ii iliiii ~ne o~ she mo>sb e~ioyau~c sociaz ~ibiu. iilu iivu~ ui ~ii dlu~u w~ iu, Lu.L T ILLII|II| IL LILIIi events of the year given by the M. 'made perfect' th)ffugh the triumph M. class of the Methodist Sunday o£ their cause in the lives of those school was that held in the church who followed after. Alli~they ask ~ of Bruce Hoadley and Claude Mit- "Plane" Air Circus Held Much parlors Monday evening when the us is that what they died for we care- Interest for Students of class entertained in honor of Mr. and fully preserve and maintain, else chell Lead Freshmen at Mrs. Mason Wilson, who will soon they Have died in vain. M. So C. Contest. the Upper Classes. leave for their new home at Ubly. A "Our country sacrificed 50,000 of pot-luck supper was served and the its finest young" manhood on the bat- The ~rst function of the commence- evening spent in games. Mrs. Wilson tlefields of France. The most and the Two foianer students of the agri- ment season at Case City was the was presented with a gift from the best of them went, willing to pay the cultural department in the Case City Junior-Senior banquet, a very enjoya- class. Much credit for the success of full price, in order to make the world high school were among the leaders ble and delightful event at the Hotel the evening is due the committee, safe for democracy and to bring in in an all-college judging contest at Gordon on Saturday evening. The in- Mrs. W. Campbell and Mrs. Guy the reign of universal peaceT"-After Michigan State College which was vitations sent by the juniors to the Rench. our having been drawn into the most conducted last week to determine the 57 seniors, the faculty and members foolish and costly of al°l the wars of selection of students who will be of the board of education announced MARRIAGE LICENSES. history, and in view ofowhat we trained to act as judges at the Inter- an "air circus" in the following" learned of war's beastliness and stu- national Stock Show at Chicago and. pidity and demoralizing influence, we words: "This calls you to a flying John Seddo~, 27, Millington; Ilah the National Dairy Show at St. Louis, treat, away from things that irk us; ~7~g shall have failed to keep faith with No. The contest was held because A. Pitts, 22, Mt. Pleasant. both soldier and civilian dead if we no fancy aviation meet, but just a Matthias Ringle, 22, Caro; Ada previous to this year few students 'plane' air circus. Hangar: Hotel Gor- Louks, 19, Mayville. Turn to page 5. have come out for this work. don. Flight commander: Robert Ed- Charles Lauria, 19, Millington; Vi- itS#~ Bruce Hoadley, son of Guy Hoad~ gerton. Hop off scheduled for six- ola Bellard, 19, Bay City. ley of Greenleaf township, placed ~hirty o;clock, May 25, 1929." Stanley Streeter, 21, Gilford; Elea- first as a freshman judge and stood Banquet room decorations were in nor Yokuty, 18, Gilford. i sixth in competition with all students. conformity with the aviation idea. lifts SIP[RilliTT Claude Mitchell, son of Win. Mitehelt P_laee cards were in the form of an of Evergreen township, placed second aeroplane and the banquet program as freshman judge and was seventh gave the menu, program, names of OF S, [. MilHiGIN in the all-college competition. Claud guests and the roster of the junior Ill[WELL FII IEVo was sweepstakes hog judge and third class. The program cover contained a J. Lee Barrett Outlined Coro- in animal husbandry with M1 college photograph of Col. Lindbergh. Favors t classes competing. were toy balloons, each carrying a munity Advertising in This is another evidence of the basket of nuts and mints. Address Here. ability of members of the local live After Rev. Win. Curtis had re- Members of Evangelical Church stock club and the type : of training turned thanks, the happy company received by agricultural students in sat down to a delicious meal. This Honor Departing Minister Southeastern Michigan is destined the Case City high school. Both boys was served by girls of the freshman to play an important part in the fu- and His Wife. graduated with the Class of 1928 and and sophomore classes. ture of the United States, according were charter members of the Boys' Robt. Edgerton, president of the to J. Lee Barrett, secretary of the Pig Club here. junior class, presided as toastmaster Members of the congregation of the Southeastern Michigan Tourist and and the toasts were given by speakers Evangelical church gathered Monday Publicity association, who spoke at a ELECTED CO. W. C. T. U. representing the juniors, board of ed- evening to honor t]~eir departing min- banquet Friday night to members of ucation, seniors and faculty. Speak- ister and wife, Rev. and Mrs. C. F. ~~-:!~~........ the Thumb Association of Michigan PRES. ELEVENTH TIME ers and their subjects were: Phyllis Smith, who leave this week to com- assembled at Case City. Lenzner, "Contact"; Frederick Pin- mence their pastorate at Kilmanagh. Outlining community advertising" in The Woman's Christian Temperance ney, "The Flight"; Glenn McCullough, The company assembled in the audi- its relation to the problems now Union of Tuscola county, in conven- "Stunts"; Miss Louise Watrous, torium of the church where a pro- Church of the Nazarene Corner facing southeastern Michigan, Mr. tion at Deford, re-elected officers at "'Lex~elling Off." Irene Stafford gave gram was presented, with Edward Third and Oak Sts.--Sunday school, Barrett pointed out that Michigan, as the Wednesday mdrning session. two vocal solos, "Wings" and "Lind- Helwig serving as chairman. Musical 1t Jl ttADIAI[ 2:00 p. m.. John Wentworth, Supt. [HllYiB DISTIIIT a whole, has in the past been neglect- Mrs. Genie Martin of Deford, who bergh," with Virginia Day as accom= numbers included several selections by Preaching, 3:00. Young people's ser- ed as a tourist center because of has just completed her tenth year as panist at the piano and Bruce Mal- a quartet of Messrs. Kercher, Ricker, vice, 6:30. Preaching, 7:30. erroneous statements regarding its county president, was selected to colm with cornet. Etliott and Buehrly, a piano solo by FtlM NORNIL W. F. Wiggs, Pastor. N[WS PAtAttAPHI roads and attractive features. "Gen- succeed herself in that position. Mrs. After the program, tables were ta- Miss Catherine Joos, a vocal duet by eral Case in 1812 stated that it re- Adeline Everts of Vassar is vice preso ken from the dining room and those Mesdames Albert Creguer and S. A. quired seven days for him to go from ident; Mrs. A. A. Ricker" of Case Commencement Exercises Will Owendale M. E.--Rev. Fred H. who cared to dance remained to enjoy Strittler, and Hawaiian guitar selec- Items Gleaned from Newspaper Detroit to Sandusky, Ohio, through City, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Townsend and ~ wife will return to that pastime. Music was furnished by tions by Burt and Leonard Elliott. Be Held June 6 with C. V. the swampy district south of Detroit. C. S. Bates of Kingston, recordilag Owendale on Tuesday, May 28 from Exchanges and Other Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sutton. Mrs. Louis Krahling presented Mr. It can now be made in two hours by secretary; Mrs. Hattie Cody of Caro, Candor as Speaker. their trip around the world, and he The Junior Class. ~and Mrs. Smith with a tableeloth and Sources° motor," Mr. Barrett said, adding that treasurer. will preach in the Owendale and Members of the junior class are: a dozen napkins to m~teh from the it was statements of this type that Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins of Flint, Grant M. E. churches at the usual have made it n~ce~;ary for more than ]3@hice Atkins, J. C. Blades, Roberta congregation, expressing in a bmef All sections of Tuscola county are Funeral services for John F. Mc- world director of Child Welfare, was hours on Sunday, June 2rid, his sub- ordinary effort to be put upon the ad- Bond, Frank Bullock, Marguerite Car- address the love and esteem in which represented in the normal school Intyre, 57, resident of Sheridan town- the principal speaker at the conven- ject being "A Universal Desire." Ev- i vertising of southeastern Michigan. penter, Louis Chaffee, Kenneth Cle- they wer~ held by the church and graduates who number 26 this ship, Huron county for more than 50 tion. erybody invited. Population changes, tourist statis- ment, Wilma Coller, Robert Edger- community. Mrs. C. J. Striffier, in spring. years, were held from St. Colum- ton, Billy Ehlers, Francis Elliott, presenting Mrs. Smith with a hand- Baccalaureate services will be held kill's church on May 22. I tics, history, tax statistics, climate changes and industrial growth were GAGETOW~ ~ VOTES Reeva Freiburger, Ira Get.u, Delpha kerchief shower from members of the at the Caro Presbyterian church on Miss Virginia Boomhower, daugh- LOCAL ATHLETES PLACE all mentioned by Mr. Barrett as af- Gracey, Laverne Hill, Audley Horn- Woman's Missionary Society, told of Sunday, June 2, with Rev.
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