S,Oakton Des Plaines Skoke &7.635.1629 2 Thurndoy, Ao5,O'of 7,2008 a Pioneer Prono Publioofion a Pionner Freno Pooblieetdgn Thursda31 Asgoect 7, 2009 ¡ I

S,Oakton Des Plaines Skoke &7.635.1629 2 Thurndoy, Ao5,O'of 7,2008 a Pioneer Prono Publioofion a Pionner Freno Pooblieetdgn Thursda31 Asgoect 7, 2009 ¡ I

w EVERYDAYpioneerlocaLcom EVERY :* DAY AUGUST 7, 2008 * A PIONCER PRESS PUBLICATION * $125 24/7 COVERAGE ODE TO CAKTON MOVIES Daily news from 8000 North puts yOu Reel Time blog with Heard in the Halls Your Local Source at street level Bruce Ingram . athletics blog E THIS WEEK NEWS ARREST MADE 15-year-old charged with attempted murder. PAGE 3 NEWS GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY NUes West to celebrate 50 years. - PAGE 5 DIVERSIONS LOCAL AUThOR Des Plaines children's Dan Lemonnier, a storyteller and banjo pIayei tellsa story for an audience Friday evening author has new book. STORY TIME at Oak Park. PAGE 5 PHOT0BYJASONBROWN/STAFFPHOTOGRAPHER PAGE 61 SERVING OUR READERS SINCE 1951 * YOUR LOCAL SOURCE 0T2L7S _71S37.VN Check out . .1 5' HQ4..Y'a /r Oakton Isla Á4?IIEII73178I7S S371 N L SIC ,. ¿%a'47z 7 fromeveryangle. :7J 7g,7d q 7/N ?'aacrQoa i;L:7Û3 cL7Q-::?L Q 7 Fall Classes begin August 25,2008. Apply and register online www.oakton.edu s,Oakton Des Plaines Skoke &7.635.1629 2 Thurndoy, Ao5,o'of 7,2008 A Pioneer Prono Publioofion A Pionner Freno Pooblieetdgn Thursda31 Asgoect 7, 2009 ¡ I .. News MANAGING EDITORe NImia Wagner 847-677-1200 ewoynor,yptonoertocol,eaeo (8411 696-3248 MARTIN & MARBRY Serving Our Local Community Since 1961 24/7: Check out Education,governor top Silverstein's town hail By KATHY 0099TLIfln( VISIT OUR WTEBSITE AT: wwwMARTINANDMARBRY.com direotives if they die' Goy (Rod) Jflagojenioh would probably not be Schools oegaoiaation, also pioneerlocal.com k rodi lillo@p lee reble 10000m agreed with them, aad the speuleer of the acertarned. challoeged Silneratelo te "I thieole you're well House (Mtohael Mndigan, Andienre member sOup baoldoog rev0000 formore illinois boo$geo bottles0 aware of the frustration D-llilndl, es weil os the Gary DoSso asked why edocation Ihn stalled schemes that depend on Slisoio residosto feel President of the Senato the three DemoerOs could canino gambSag red bo- HOROSCOPE Orarrh formore 0100e 0050- ghoul our leodere, al- (Emil Jones, 0-04th) inne- cot nogotiute e bela000d stead supponi legiulotios In the stars 000000000 oho politics of though I dont thhola that tremety aggrovathog" hudget, insteod of fighting 100dorship qoerrnls kept introduoed by House De- word applies to the peopis He sold Ihn stame deu. over it, Chock out Ohio wrrlo°o Stot Sen. fra Sdverotein, moorot Jobos Calleemos horneeopo online. we hone is Oho House and peretelp aended mo passa "I 000ld aoderstond'of sod ladeprodnot James D.801o, 90 Oho hot 000100 Seautn," Marylna cepilal works bill, ta lee- S000000dhylonbyonloo,0000lotthot000A/onee SAtO briCk 21101lo 001k 101000 10(01,0/ Io npOOt100 O be. OSlO 100ttg 100018 00cl» olp 1000pl000e,Orpeeoo it woe e Sghi betoceeo Da Mocks io food odocooloo his JoIp 3D moon hoil to Att/o 0/010100 0.0.! 2100 401 ocIo 00111/00 b011 I/oI roo/ono ttor,b000d forro, Ig 00m ktt or/onnob lion of ootno/;ttg pori, 0/ n/lop I/tr (leg Jolachich sold. "Coat provo red repair roads mucrema ond Repubil- meeting. ond other budget seeds Otre/tr VeteO8. 000etre ylet d0oo/eg 1000001. fIori/I 000 fr/reO Ojo 0/oro/rol A/C itt Sol» Cn//O 0000 Virqlo/ firoro io le/de,t 1(001000/00(000008 lpnrtyl caucueos nota bridges red ochoola. Con oreo' ha soid, prompting A/the stete income tao io- non/tIrol lIn 00 1h00-001 titonoir loiF0001001 lt N000/ 80W look,. Ltogo 800ko te book Non go/loe poking. NIlO r0tO0/0 »010011V. ColorIto Etto be/he. Thr Chirogo Democrat, thosa guys out?" o/000noot&/005tt//lie»o/000 /pni/l/oor0000ty000p &Orneopoo/r.101y eo/lni8t100000teottt.10prOlR CIrer l00000P080l100 A 00000loot/o tn/ledo hoot MOVIE REVWW Blugojevich and most Silneesmein to admit0 "We who epolon dt Ihn 021/Ion Silveretoio,, who rhoiro 0100tod.Peo/eno noi N000npOttego/thoO/dlttotl0001 po/It podEn 0001. 008 fi/orlOog tinto albor legislutoru hod been used lo be ablr io blame He rad Silvepogein bebo,, goeetlro.loptootropp/ o/flett/kt/&lteIIo,rlolo NI/Ion /oeol080roo 0/Ooloredjlioo $47e,900 Community Center is the Senate e00000ive com- $099,000 oldemrached by the Aootoiot Pete (Philip. mho former spooned bono the effloocy 1080/ PIn n001 harneen Shokic, bIded qt0001ions mittee, stormed ihe Sacho rorruption trial Republican 5000ta preei- of gamblicg revenues, but from ohout 30 f 05' onoeiag hy lcmbestieg eli earlier thin year, ho said, denti, but cow we have oo DilvensOein insisted hais- etiloeolo1 mono3r of doom three Dgmooratjc Inodoro before predicling that 00e to blome bat oao- n'o secesoonilyoppooeol io pointodly oohing why ho "The egos ere bigger thon most of doe $0 billioe in seInen. 05 income tao hike. end uthop legioletoro did. thn capitol rotonde... The kudget outs Blagojavtch Dolinu, who choirs the not buck porgy loodornhip cOsst000 l'oghting between annnonf ed lust opring Neighbors for Stcoog Commento plceoerlccal.eem 001/ton/Ing rolo0100fht,/btlh.goegootto SACk Ch;001t/gSbld010ttr 210IlbotI, Oo1000itool180,moE,,nhoolIbeiokbt,Irol,eI0oorelh,eo.nogok,tn/ Comic chronic hi 10001 '010oI CoSI Dill/jot 00 000 0000eoh000 loI 0110 n I Incotent froto p0/k. Oe000l Op//ellO 00 00100110 11010//O 00P,/t./10 I/rook0/0000. LIeft ottO Mayhem fOl i/do Poll0/el/font n/Oorlg000hOeOlO/nOlnOell, /80100/roo 10/108 Ott hoot o,000edt/toetie lOor 000811,0 el/O 000118111,/0100 »11080010 O//re. Teen held without bond gIl/In/leg bOnd Orn 1801/0/ flog//rI 000/00 001810g Seo/orlo floree k110000 o1100000loe0000100/or 0008/000,0 0Ir/o//le lo/ti, pon000 001 011O 00,/bio Brocee bogpem revfrwe Ihr in attempted murder inMaine 0h» lfOO I I 0/ 0ol70 E1r h IO )C pg etuner arfionfndneStore 0111100 8000000db lleS. 000g 0055l100/00000, l/tllloplO.///rn. ni/It din Il 0111/f II telo lp/orn. 00014 800/o Il/I 000nndy "Pineeppir Shooting victim Viorocisel said Hunt peri l000000pOOp008.0n0000r0111 /0Kl010p8et00 h/0000000tdA/C2 y00010/d.0 /lolroerp080l/or 0X109000." yleimed mo owe Wethec 00 Vt/Ol 5111 loll oror lot $0n9,oeO $200,009 0/O. Ilop/teg. 1059,000 still hospitalized oClaptotleepl000100to 112) for delgo, bot only had $18, which loe handed FI By JENNIFER JOHNSON ovon to 01mw inuide the lioSo 00 00 pio lIe O rIo 00 18 0 51 condo. WItten Hart turned FOOD A l5-yeor.old boy is bn- to waft owoy, he woo ohot ing held without hInd of- once, Vicroeioel said. A.22 ter being chergod A/Oh caliber bullet was lomen re- moved from fols neck, she 000rele000 0 Onioe 010tlebrr.. Qeotllr bollI e000h /0/boo book elI 000004 00 1gCibo Io no/ro end /01110, Op. 1101 opooi001 rod ohuoding 0 0005 0/OP en al- lhOO/000,lbotb loI. 000011115 pololo8 Vt erplelotrod 80000008 lIn 00/I 0001,1,,; kit 0/0000/lo tilo & /001k hel100g, 0207,ofo leged do-0g trouSdeto'oo in 2008,100,. 2 So/I, Son 9209,000 1100,101.00111110e 00081e ArItO, lob W Dr 1/tonor. 000fpl. f00100 800/01. l0000elly p015100, opdotoO Walben wee encoded boo h b.,II/etgoorbleo,,k,&ol,00no000/poli0000&lomr.,o000 uninoorporeted Moine hod 2h h foro $269000 I of 100lnlr000ll.Nooni000nn&Vello000,o.OI005lOg orouod 3130 p.Oo. Ohom uf- All »000 hooted 000010 peekIng one eoollr/looingpool. Toonoship lusO necIo. Gonko 5,000/o po/kOng 000e. Cloeo Io peek & pool, 0/Ig 01010 go /0001. PO11P 1000. 'lOosir Woehoo/dryoe. ton0005 albis hume, 00001I1001loo!otolo loeflorp100008l0000p040/iOo. Chanoton Walker, of the eke/leg obb & choppIng. Soeglrt 011er Peioelo hol000y & b/d011 hoe/nd g000go whioh is located junta few 00/tool f011erO hogho,ot/ ooiddln e0010/. pookone 0/ 1001. Molo on & 000g 05e p1000005/ 5400 block of Dee Rood, $372,000NoI dora Or $,ea,000 Momo Tonnohip, ho, boon blochs edel of where the nhooting oc000ned. charged os on adelt A/Oh Greening up Vioroeioel said she did not nno count noch of et- Evanston r05100ront hace iofonmelioo ou lomplod muo'dcoi ond ag- grown flavorful herbs on nhece pollee boliobe the roo C gpav000d botiory with e firearm, according ib Wolhen obluined Oho gun. Cook County Sheriff's Hantnanmukru to Ad- OLIOS n010rgyrlo 000000 relIs vocese Lumhenao General YoU'llOnO gooloIr000000000ch,p0100.001 lObe £00011001 lo/011o/It Welk lO 0,80010, lId 00h08 Oreo/ilol00010/ eplo/oliog 000totr/choo 0000 spokuaperonn Signen Pet- Ceoh coasty oheelO'o polla goeord o uentooelnlem boOldio9 in Ohr9200 black at 060cl As00000, los 000000 800iorrrd 80,00. TOP 0/Oho tilo 00000e; fonoohoppiegoeoler.jeooel, t001fe,e,,e, /'ll, Senke. 0000 Ie0000ermng/eoloopeonkloe Moneo bolSo. 000f/erllolc, unincorporated Molos TownshIp. July31 alien HoSpital in Panh Sidgo. too 0000e, 150000000. loI 010. 00010, 000hee&pton Proc 0100100,50e OlOp. 000/00,000e, po101o. 0000/O 00000000 oziyear-eld resIdent was Injured lee Sheeting, 1000000, A/C, ooeenoo fee, rok Oobloe000 000/11000 SURURB000ITY updafe ne tuo coodimion n,00000 0 /000008000 0510.000. 0000lln & 00.000 eIbe 001,1,0, orneo, grIl 00000e, 00e poolopp010000l Menen nbndonoe 100/0.00/, diAog Obb The ebooting was co gOl/orIol kIl, 000lgeol 0e10001 0/roo 1/the, oolIrodJ0100e. 'ISle 00005,0 epfolnd S01020000, 50800000.50,0 n/Oin8rW cod. I,onelod IO 000081 010e 001800 was not available em proas oeltboge & oby libe, neO bIt Ohbrlpool & efeooe 0010g 008 fo001lly 00n100 Initio orreoubo, 00,100 00e Crazy crimes ported et 12;50 p.m. Jtoly rated at thn Vorace of 00. Lole or oro/cIcle ,e.d000 leoni 0000e lo ri000lly a peoldeost of the condo tane, but'b/iecoeinal sold eSOOer loI Ile cilIos1 nrdrlboo&tdr C001n.

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