Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 4-14-1937 The aB tes Student - volume 65 number 01 - April 14, 1937 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 65 number 01 - April 14, 1937" (1937). The Bates Student. 663. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/663 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. P 7 3/?£" " . the uncertain glory of an FOUNDED IN 1873 April Day . " — Shakespeare. LEWISTON, MAINE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1937. PRICE, 10 CENTS Bates Ball Team Outing Club Board Elects Over 2500 See Fifteen Schools To Compete WillBatAgainst Samuel Leard President Scientific Show g doin Mon. At The College For Championship Cup In oW At Meeting Last Night Biennial Science Exhibition Debating League Finals Battery In Exhibition Junior Body Selects Leard And Jack Was Under Supervision Of Spear'37 Game Co-chairmen Of Winter Carnival D. Kennedy '38 Girls Outnumber Boys Two To One As h is known of the Bowdoin By John Maney '40 Maine High School Students Vie For | Nu' r: ,n which is scheduled to To Be Held Here Next February More than 2500 visitors saw the bi- Chosen Editor ennial scientific exhibit held Thurs- Forensic Honors Here lai P ' Ln on Carcelon Field next B. O. C. DEPARTMENT HEADS ALSO ANNOUNCED day and Friday evenings, sponsored I .Morey on. In the past the first by the Jordan Scientific Society, Law- 1938 "Garnet" . between tne two clubs has rance Chemical Society, and the QUIMBY ANNOUNCES TWO INNOVATIONS «•«* tin a fair indication of the Ramsdell Scientific Society. Despite ■ New President Has Been Member Of Junior Body Since — hf0rth StateSeneS the inclement weather on the final AssociateYSSOCiaiC EditorL-.U11UI This 1 mo Year, I v-ut, evening, the exhibit attracted many ^-^h aliens next month.l Freshman Year And Is Sports Editor Of The Miss Kennedy Will Take Coaches, Contestants, Chairmen, Judges, And timers '''roach L'n Wells is bad.y » r*ed STUDENT For Next Year high school groups from districts as Instructed To Appear In Chase Hall At C! it-handed pitcher to replace far away as Portland and Augusta. Over Duties In Fall ( Hedge Laboratory and Carnegie Effllfanter of last year's team. Ara 3:30 And 7:00 P. M. Friday '*'Uu! ,' this year's captain. Samuel E. Leard '38 was elected Secretary Morris was chairman of Science Building played host to visi- Dorothy Kennedy '38 of Manches- S the P tchmg squad which includ- president of the Bates College Outing the all-college skate for this year's tors who watched a mechanical model ter, N. H.. has been elected editor- Carnival, and is an assistant tennis of "Old Faithful", shoot a column of By Paul Stewart '38 ^ „ Buck. Ralph Gould, and John Club at the first meeting of the new in-chief of the "Garnet" by the Pub water into the air at four minute in Girls outnumber boys more than two to one in the finals of tPjJ? brother "Bud- White board of directors held last evening. manager. Amrein had charge of the lishing Association of the college. She interdormitory competition for the tervals. thereby illustrating the prin- Jeni "inner of a swimming title ,n Leard, chairman of the secretariat of the Bates Interscholastic Debating League in which fifteen the organization last year, succeeds ciple on which the Yellowstone geyser schools will compete Friday and Saturday for the trophy emble- ;he N,-.v England*, Walter Rodgers '37. works; saw illustrations of various Jealous Catcher tropisms in plant life at the Botany- matic of the championship of Maine. When the members of the junior e eatehing department is weak exhibit, and went to the movies at innovations nom tne procedure*. , Th bcay group of the Outing Club elect ■ ,'eor«. Griffin, Charlie Hark.ns, | Hedge Laboratory. WHICH nas bovenicu Lie previous c» Stanley Cowin and George Ellis. ed the new board of directors at a yean ol MJ* ns.soe wm uv toe an £53 outfielder, and Fred J*al- Electric Eye Sees All Eastern Maine Institute: Affirma meeting just before the vacation. bouncing w pu.niigs just uiior to to* tive. Rebecca Lombard and Shirley "vho te on from the JV etching An electric eye counted the visitors „us »hu i. op candidate. Leard and Grace Jack '38 became co- ucuaic COULCOL.-. ami uic use ol IWO Webster; negative, Enid Cole and that entered the Physics exhibit, grS'shTJop are' wide open chairmen of next year's Winter Car- luunutf muter Wan one to determine Louise Merrill. nival. where polarized light and its possible u.u asnouts to compete ID me linal ue- Machias High: Affirmative, Garth i Nelson Corey and Biff Davis application to automobile headlights L..W .he first sack position and Committee Heads Chosen uaies oi oatuiuay morning. <-nam Sprague and Annie Hill; negative. and windshields with the consequent At the same time, the other mem- mons oi preMout. years wnicli nave Mam- 1'lummer and Paul Farris. Melen.lv. Vergason, and Hair* the elimination of driving glare were ex Eta" short field candidates. George bers of the board, the group which quaiiueu lor tne lou.naineiit nere in (Continued on Fane Three| plained. In the same department,, the ciuuc- loitianu rlign bcnool, lieiwick ££. I. the certain second h*- held its presidential election last cathode ray oscillograph projected .-icauemy, anu aiepnens lugn Scnuai Ln «ith Ken Birkett at the hot evening, were announced as follows: visitors' voices on a screen in a visible i,i uuiiuoiu. ueavict institute, last Cabins and trails, Charles Alexander beam of electrons that fluctuated ir- Phi Beta Kappas 5, ai .- cnanip.oii, uiu not quaiuy. The' outfield will be determined '38; hikes. Robert Elliot '39 and Par regularly as people spoke into the loiuanu anu Oioiio, second anu tnnu the squad gets onto the playing nel Bray '38; cabin parties and win- microphone. Neon lights, photogra- To. Hear, Bowdoin Jfler piace Winners respectively last yea., field with hitting strength the pnm- ner sports. Ruth Waterhouse '38; win phy, surveying and a demonstration aie ai,a.n in tne competition. „ consideration. Frazter. Rowson ter sports, Carl Amrein '38; and OVER 2500 cywiltcKSaou ~ "President Speak and Tracy are at present good pros- chairman of the secretariat. Robert of the Millikens Oil Drops Ex peri - ooacneth contestant* cnairnicn, pects with certain disappointed in- Morris '39. ment whereby the charge of electrons juuges, unu timers are instructed to "The Scholar In Public Life" Llders sore to try their luck in the Upperclassmen who have bden elect- was determined were included in the appear at me general assemmy in ed to membership in the junior body ouase nail at o.tfu anu i.OU o clocK Will be Sills' Topic at Initia- "garden". , exhibit of the department. Dorothy Kennedy '38 As was the case a year ago. the and who attended tlaeir first meeting Chemistry Capers i nuay wnen important announce- tion Dinner Monday game may be played on Pickard Field last night are: 1938, Gordon Williams will take charge of Bates' literary- ments will be matte. At an evening The Chemistry exhibit included gas and Ruth Hamlin; 1939, Sherwood magazine immediately following the meeting Scheduled lor 8.45, President if the diamond at Lew.ston is not analysis, illustrations of commercial The newly elected Phi Beta Kappa Ricker. John White, Chester Parkier, summer vacation. Pinion l). Gray will greet representa members will be initiated at 5.00 p. m. usable by Monday. Carnival. Miss Bray of the co-educa uses of phenol-formaldehyde resin, Eleanor Smart, Helen Martikainen, Miss Ktennedy. majoring in English, lives oi tne competing schools. An- Monday, April 19. at Chase Hall, after tional hike, and Elliott of the Pole and movies showing the manufacture and Dorothy Weeks. has been associate editor of the "Gar- nouncements oi decisions of after- which a dinner will be served to fac Hill Field Day. of steel. On display were samples of The following freshmen have been aspirin, mouth wash and cold cream net" this year, and was recently noun and e\ening debates and tne ulty and student members and guests Naming Of "Betty AlenMfci is MM MM president of •elected secretary of the FnUHsMng names ot tne tnree schools qualifying nan fnvunnwi unm*m ••<" •*• made by students. Results of analy- of the honor society. the class of 1938, while Miss Water- Association. Consistently on the hon- ior the Saturday morning contests Club: Kathryn (iould. Maxine L'rann. ses of popular dentrifices and cosme- Professor Ramsdell will preside at Bates" Marks End house is a member of the choir, choral ors average list, she won the Alice Joan Wells, Hamilton Dorman. Robert tics conducted by those engaged in will be made at this time. both the initiation and the dinner, and societv. and Heelers, and a staff writ- Jane Dinsmore prize for excellence Of Health Fiesta Hulsizer. Richard Martin. Stanley research chemistry. The commercial Several of the teams are coached will introduce the chief speaker of the er for the STUDENT. in creative writing in her freshman Wass, and John Wilson. uses of resins included brake linings. l>y present or former Bates students. occasion. President Kenneth C. M. year. Daily Pre-Breakfast Hikes Are Sports Editor Leard I Continued on P»s« Four) Ernest Kobinson, current president of Sills of Bowdoin College.
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