Ecotourism Development A Manual for Conservation Planners and Managers Volume I An Introduction to Ecotourism Planning Andy Drum m and Alan Moore ••4t••·i TheNature ~ . Conservancy. Y~ • SAVING THE LAST GREAT PLACES ON EARTH The Nature Conservancy helps partners and colleagues use ecotourism as a conservation strategy at some of the world's Last Great Places. It is from the labors of our dedicated conservation partners in these places that the experiences and inspiration for this manual have emerged. With this publication, The Nature Conservancy seeks to make a contribution to the understanding of the importance of ecotourism for conservation and sustainable development and to facilitate its implementation where it can most contribute to tangible lasting results at scale. www.nature.org/ ecotourism Ecotourism Development A Manual for Conservation Planners and Managers VolumeVolume ll An Introduction to Ecotourism Planning Second Edition Andy Drumm and Alan Moore Ecotourism Development – A Manual for Conservation Planners and Managers Volume 1: An Introduction to Ecotourism Planning, Second Edition Copyright © 2005 by The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia, USA. All rights reserved. First edition 2002 I.S.B.N.: 1-886765-14-6 Printing 7 6 5 4 3 Editing: Alex Singer Design/Layout: Jonathan Kerr Cover Photography: Ecotourists at Yaxchilan Mayan site, Chiapas, Mexico © Andy Drumm; Jaragua National Park, Dominican Republic © Andy Drumm; owl-eye monkeys, Panama © Marie Read Production: The Nature Conservancy Worldwide Office, 4245 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203, USA Fax: 703-841-4880; email: [email protected] This publication was made possible, in part, through support provided by the United Nations Development Programme under terms of contract 2002-0501, and through support provided by the Office LAC/RSD, Bureau for Latin American and the Caribbean, U.S. Agencey for International Development, under terms of Grant No. LAG-0782-A-00-5026-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agencey for International Development or of the United Nations Development Programme. This publication was also made possible, in part, thanks to the vision, trust, and support of the Alex C. Walker Foundation. For further information on the Conservancy’s ecotourism activities, please visit nature.org/ecotourism, or to provide feedback, please write to [email protected] or to: Andy Drumm Senior Ecotourism Specialist The Nature Conservancy Worldwide Office 4245 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, VA 22203 USA printed on recycled paper Preface to the Second Edition ince the first edition was published nearly three ment process. The figure on page 65 shows how eco- Syears ago, tourism to protected areas has continued tourism is incorporated into the four components of the to grow at a rapid rate. Inevitably then, demand for Conservancy’s “Conservation Approach”. The diagram guidance on developing ecotourism opportunities and on page 61 shows the steps for creating an ecotourism on managing the rising tourism tide at parks around the management plan once visitation is established as a world has expanded in a similar way. Yet even as the threat or as an opportunity. demand for visiting natural areas increases, the number of protected areas around the world remains compara- Also new to this edition are several new case studies tively unchanged. To ensure that the increasing pressure about community-based ecotourism. Other additions from tourism does not threaten the long-term health of include new references, updated statistics, and new ter- these precious areas, more than ever it is important that minology. With these updates, we hope the volume will tourism development for protected areas occur within continue to serve as a valuable resource for developing the context of conservation management. ecotourism as an effective strategy for conservation. In this second edition, we have added new diagrams showing the steps involved in the ecotourism develop- Preface to the Ecotourism Development Manual cotourism has become an important economic ❖ build constituencies for conservation, locally, nation- Eactivity in natural areas around the world. It pro- ally and internationally; vides opportunities for visitors to experience powerful ❖ promote sustainable use of natural resources; and manifestations of nature and culture and to learn about the importance of biodiversity conservation and local ❖ reduce threats to biodiversity. cultures. At the same time, ecotourism generates income for conservation and economic benefits for Some areas have greater potential for realizing the communities living in rural and remote areas. benefits of ecotourism than others. In areas with low visitation, the potential is not usually clear. In others, The attributes of ecotourism make it a valuable tool tourism may already be an important factor. In both for conservation. Its implementation can: cases, the ecotourism planning process is critical to achieving ecotourism’s potential as a powerful conser- ❖ give economic value to ecosystem services that pro- vation strategy. tected areas provide; ❖ generate direct income for the conservation of pro- Of course, not all tourism to natural areas is eco- tected areas; tourism. Nature tourism, as opposed to ecotourism, may lack mechanisms for mitigating impacts on the ❖ generate direct and indirect income for local stake- environment and fail to demonstrate respect for local holders, creating incentives for conservation in local culture. Economically, nature tourism is also booming. communities; Consequently, we are witnessing an onslaught of visita- Volume One: An Introduction to Ecotourism Planning 3 tion to natural areas which, in many cases, is under- understanding of conservation issues and consequently mining the values that make these areas attractive. operate in an unsustainable fashion. Because of their ecological value, protected areas, We now recognize that in order for ecotourism to especially those found in the tropics and in less-devel- be successful, conservationists need a greater under- oped countries, contain many of the world’s greatest standing of business considerations; likewise, developers ecotourism attractions. These attractions may consist of need a greater awareness of the management mechanisms one or a combination of rare or endemic species of flora that are necessary to ensure the sustainability of the or fauna, abundant wildlife, high indices of species activity. Combining both perspectives is essential for a diversity, unusual or spectacular geomorphological for- successful ecotourism program. mations, or unique historic or contemporary cultural manifestations in a natural context. Protected areas may be state, private or community owned or administered, or any combination thereof. Protected area managers, then, are faced with the chal- Funds for protected area management of all types are lenge of controlling and limiting the impacts of unfettered usually scarce in developing countries. As a result, nature tourism while at the same time deciding where these areas often lack the capacity to ensure that and how to plan adequately for the development of eco- tourism generates the full range of benefits it should. tourism as a compatible economic development option. Hence, in many areas, opportunities for income gener- ation for conservation and local communities are By integrating ecotourism development into a sys- under exploited and tourism may in fact pose a tematic approach to conservation using The Nature threat to conservation. Conservancy’s Conservation By Design1 framework we can ensure that ecotourism is only initiated when it is the For ecotourism to fulfill its potential and generate most effective strategy to achieve tangible, lasting results sustainable benefits, protected areas must implement a at scale. These distinct but intimately interrelated aspects planning framework to guide and manage the activity. of ecotourism — conservation management and business development — must be fully understood by ecotourism This manual focuses primarily on providing a set of planners and protected area managers before moving criteria to ecotourism planners and managers at conserva- ahead with plans to implement ecotourism activities. tion NGOs to facilitate decisions with respect to eco- Conservationists have typically approached ecotourism tourism management and development. However, it with a limited understanding of business issues and an should also be helpful to protected area specialists and incomplete understanding of the management mecha- managers of state-owned and community-owned reserves, nisms that are available and necessary to ensure the sus- as well as to other actors in ecotourism including tour tainability of tourism in protected areas. Typically, starting operators and hotel developers who seek greater orienta- points for an ecotourism initiative have been guide train- tion in understanding the conservation implications of ing programs or lodge construction. This approach is proposed activities. Additionally, it will be of use to almost guaranteed to end in failure. It has led to: investors considering ecotourism development proposals. ❖ the creation of high expectations in communities The manual consists of two distinct but related stand- which are seldom fulfilled; alone volumes. Conservationists who are intrigued by ❖ ecotourism activities becoming a drain on scarce ecotourism and want a greater understanding of
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