[1609] OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA. [Published by Authority at 8.80 p.m.] ,REGISTERED AT SHE GENERAL POST 0/ PIPE, PERTH, FOR TRANS SION BY POST AS A NEWSPAPER.] No. 33.] PERTH :FRIDAY, JULY13. [1928. Bank Holiday at Cunderdin. The Inebriates Act, 1912. PROCLAMATION WESTERN AUSTRALIA, / By His Excellency Colonel Sir William PROCLAMATION TO WIT. 1 RobertCampion,Knight Con:mu& i of the Most Distinguished Order of St. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, IBy His Excellency Colonel Sir William W. R. CAMPION, Michael and St.George,0.5.0., GOV - TO WIT. RobertCampion, Knight Commander Governor. ernor in and over the State of West- of the Most Distinguished Order of 61. ern Australia and its Dependencies in W. R. CAMPION, Michael and St. George, D.S.O., Gov- t Ls.] the Commonwealth of Australia. Governor. ernor in and over the State of West- IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth ern Australia and its Dependencies in section of "The Bank HolidaysAct, 1884," I, the the Commonwealth of Australia. Governor of the said State, do by this my Proclamation appoint Wednesday, 21th September, 1928, a -special 336/20. day to he obserVed as a Sauk Itoliday in the Town of WHEREAS under the provisions of Section 3A of " The (Iunderdin, Inebriates Act, 1912" (as amended by Act No. 29 of Given under niv hand and the Public Seal of the 1919), the GDVCP1101' may by Proclamation declare any Perth,this8th day of June, building,place, or establishment conducted or carried said State, at on by ally person or body of persons, Society or Asso- 1928. ciation, to be an approved institution for the purposes By His Excellency's Command, of this Act, and may at any time revoke such Pro- J. AL DREW, clamation: And whereas itisdesirable to revoke the Chief Secretary. Proclamation made and published in the Government GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! ! Gazette on the 6th February, 1920, declaring the Sal- vation Army Prison Brigade ITome at Claremont an Bank Holiday atli.olgoorlic. approved institution for the purposes of the said Act, PROCLA ,\TATION and declare the SalVation Army Prison Brigade Home kvusTuitx A usmAtin, l By His Excellency Colonel Sir William at Claremont to be discontinued and closed: Now, there- TO WIT. I Robert Campion, Knight Commander fore I, the said Governor, by and with the advice and of the Most Distinguished Order of St consent of the Executive Council, and in exercise of all W. R. CAMPION, Michael and St.George,D.S.O., Gov- powers inthis behalf enabling, do hereby revoke the Governor. ernor in and aver the State of West- ern Australia and its Dependencies in Proclamation published in the Government Gazette on D..s.] the Commonwealth of Australia. the 6th February, 1920, and declare the SalVation Army IN pursuance of the provisions contained in the fifth Prison Brigade Home at Claremont to he discontinued section of "The Bank HolidaysAct, 7.834," I, the and closed as front the 1st July, 1928. Governor of the said State, do he this my Proclamation appoint Wednesday, 29th August, 1928, aspecial day Given under my hand and Public Seal of the said toIle observed as a. Bank Holiday in the Town of Kal- State this 1 lth day of July, 1928. goorlie. Given under my hand and the Public. Seal of the By His Excellency's Command, said State,at Perth, this Gth day of July, 1928. J. M. DREW, By His Excellency's Command, Chief Secretary. J. M. DREW, Chief Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! GOD SAVE THE KING ! ! 1610 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. W.A. [JULY 13, 1928. AT a meeting of the Executive Council held in the PORT OF FREMANTLE. Executive Council Chamber, at Perth, on the 11th day of July, 1928, the following Order in Council was auth- Gage Boads to Owen Anchorage. orised to be issued: Bearings of Channel across Success Bank. The Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1904. NOTICE TO MARINERS. ORDER IN COUNCIL. 1VHEREAS it is enacted by Section 30 of ''The Fer- FURTHER to Notice to Mariners issued by the Fre- tilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, 1904," that the Gover- mantle Harbour Trust Commissioners dated 28th March, nor may from time to time make regulations inter alia, 1927, and published in the Government Gazette of 1st as to any matters whatsoever, not being contrary to the April, 1927, some question has arisen as to the exact provisions of this Act, necessary to give effect to this bearings of the transit leads for this channel, which Act: And whereas itis deemed expedient to amend the said notice gave as S. 10 deg. E. the regulations under the said Act published in the Pending the issue of another notice after the matter Government Gazette on the 3rd day of August, 1906, can be properly checked, mariners are warned against by adding thereto a new regulation as hereinafter men- relying upon compass bearings for this channel. tioned: Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor, acting with the advice and consent of the Executive Mariners should keep the Southern transit leads in Council, and in exercise of the powers conferred by the line and note their compass bearings of same in ease said Act, doth hereby amend the regulations under the the leads may be shut in by invisibility after they have said Act published in the Government Gazette on the entered the channel. 3rd day of August, 1906, by adding thereto a new regu- Chart affected: No. 1058Rottnest Island to Warn lation after Regulation 4as follows: bre' Sound. "4A.For the purposes of the next preceding Regu- Dated at Fremantle this 22nd day of June, 1928. lation 4 any article therein mentioned, ifitconsists of or is prepared from bones or other animal products For the Fremantle Harbour Trust Commissioners, which have not beenfirstsubmitted toachemical process or to a steam pressure of not less than 301bs. (Sgd.)H. S. NICHOLAS, to the square inch for a period of not less than two hours, so as to render the same to the best of the Harbour Master. vendor's knowledge and belief free from all infection, (Sgd.)F. STEVENS, shall, until the contrary is proved by the vendor, be Secretary. deemed to be an article which contains an ingredient deleterious to cattle." (Sgd.)L. E. SHAPCOTT, Clerk of the Executive Council. NOTICE TO MARINERS. AustraliaWest Coast. Denham Channel, Shark Bay. THE FIRE BRIGADES ACT, 1916. MARINERS and others are hereby notified that the Chief Secretary's Department, White Flashing Light on No. 1 Outer Buoy, Denham 1143/22. Perth, 12th July, 1928. Channel, Shark Bay, has been extinguished and will HISExcellencythe Governor inCouncil has been he relighted as soon as possible. pleased to appoint Hon. J. M. Drew, M.L.C., as the re- sponsible Minister of the Crown to administer "The Charts affected: Fire Brigades Act, 1916," and the Hon. W. H. Kitson, No. 518, Shark Bay. Honorary Minister, to assist the Hon. J. M. Drew in the No. 1056, Cape Cuvier to Champion Bay. administration of the said Act. Publication: H. C. TRETHOWAN, Australia Pilot, Volume V. Under Secretary. J. HARRIS, Chief Harbour Master. Harbour and Light DepIrtment, APPOINTMENT. Fremantle, 3rd July, 1928. Chief Secretary's Department, 1135/23. Perth, 12th July, 1928. HISExcellencythe Governor inCouncil has been pleased to appoint B. E. Bardwell to be Wharfinger, Shipping Master, and Deputy Harbour Master, Broome, Office of Public Service Commissioner, from 1st July, 1928, vice E. J. Bateman, resigned. Perth, 12th July, 1928. H. C. TRETHOWAN, HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has Under Secretary. approved of the following appointments: Ex. Co. 1909; P.S.C. 362/28.A. C. Harris, B. H. Bednall, W. Lockhart, and D. R. Moore, Assistant Div- isionalForestOfficers,ForestsDepartment,tobe NOTICE TO MARINERS. Divisional Forest Officers, at salaries of £408 per an- AustraliaWest Coast. num, as from 1st July, 1928 Champion Bay Geraldton. Ex. Co. 1909; P.S.C. 349/28.B. W. Jones, Clerk, Shorthand-writing and Typing, Lands and Surveys De- MARINERS and others are hereby notified that the partment, to be Cleric, Shorthand-writing and Typing, staff and cage have been replaced on the Outer Knoll (Surveyor General and Pastoral Appraisement Board), Buoy, Champion Bay, Geraldton. at a salary of £252 per annum, as from 11th April, Charts affected: 1928. No. 1725, Champion Bay. Ex. Co. 1962; P.S.C. 175/27.Allen William Johnson, No. 1723, The Noutman Rocks. under Section 28 of the Public Service Act, to be Junior No. 1033, Champion Bay to Cape Naturaliste. Clerk, Land Titles Office, Crown Law Department, at a salary of £120 per annum, as from 1st January, 1928. Publication: Australia Pilot. Volume V. And of the acceptance of the following resignation: Ex. Co. 1962.W. C. Mills, Clerk, Education Depart- J. HARRIS, ment, dating from 28th July, 1928. Chief Harbour Master. Harbour and Light Department, G. W. SIMPSON, Fremantle, 26th June, 1928. Public Service Commissioner. JuLY 13, 1928.] GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, W.A. 1611 VACANCIES IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE. Date Department. Position. Salary. Returnable. Crown Law Second Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate and Police £636£804 14th July, 1928. Magistrate Do. ... ... ...Fourth Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate and Police £600£756 do. Magistrate Public Works ... ... ...Draftsmen (2) * . ... £384£432 21st July, 1928. Chief Secretary's ... ... ...Clerk (Ledgers)... ... .. ... ... £261£312 27th July, 1928, Treasury (State Savings Rank) ...Clerk Assistant, William Street Branch ... ... £300£336 do. * One on Metropolitan Water Supply Department section and one on Main Roads Board section. G. W. SIMPSON, Public Service Commissioner. Crown Law Department, Toodyay District. Perth, 12th July, 1928. Bolgart, Poincane St.Montgomery, Clarence E. IIIS Excellency the Lieut.-Governor in Executive Coun- cil has appointed John F.
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