FANIAS/- r EWE the weekly science fiction newspaper. VOLUME 4 NUMBER 6 . JANUARY 28, 1940 AtoUlaxb MiiViDBn 84 WEI RD TALES & FARNSWO R T H WRIGHT PART COMPANY WAS EDITOR OF WEIRD SINCE 1924' It is with deep regret that we RALPH MILNt FARLEY [NTLRTMNS announce that Farnsworth Wright Is no longer connected with WEIRD MUMIKEEFICFIONEERS TALES.* At the time of going to On Wed. Jan. 17th, Ralph Milne press, we have been unable to de­ Farley, well-known soienoefiotion termine whether Mr. Wright was author, entertained ’’The Milwaukee fired, or whether he resigned be­ Fiotioneers”, a group of well-known cause of ill health, although from pulp mag authors,! at his home in. a reliable source we learn* that he South Milwaukee, Among the promin­ was "toesed out”. ent stf personalities present were; Ray Palmer, editor of AMAZINS STORIES This will- cqme as .a* shook and Robert B loch, Jerry K. Westerfield, a bitter .disappointment to thous­ Leo A. Schmidt,, and Arthur R. Tofte. ands of Mr. • right’s admifers vho A novel feature of the gather­ have strung along with him on ing was a rebus game played by those WEIRD since he began editing the’ present. The game consisted in magazine in 1924. Mr. dis­ guessing what magazine was represen­ covered such fantasy, favorites as ted by each of various groups of August ,W. Derleth, C.L. Moore, ‘ objects. For example, a stick of Edmond Hamilton, Robert' Bloch, Hen­ wood in the bathtub represented the ry Kuttner, Manly Wade ’Jellman, SATURDAY EVENING POST, and two lead and. m any, many others. 4 soldiers on horseback on a toy stove represented RANGE RISERS. Ernest It is expected that these au­ Brent,won the first, prize, a gilt thors will protest the action of food-inspection medal on a piece of WT ’ s' publishers in fi ring Mr. Harvard Lampoon hat-band1 for a rib­ Wright. FANTASY NEWS likewise bon; and Robert Bloch won the second joins this protest and urges its' prize, a Junior G-Man budge. Ernest readers to deluge the publishers guessed 16, and Bob 15., titles out of WEIRD TALES with letters deman­ of 28. Palmer failed to guess the ding the return of Mr. Wright. title of his own magazine, represen­ FIVE.,, WELS," WTMY ~f or Na? ch ~1940 ted by the letters ”MA”, .a picture >f a man singing, and a’skyscraper. will, feature a fantastic adventure Tone could guess MARVEL TALES, rep­ of the 23rd century titled ’^Vandals resented by a china dachshund with Of the Sky” by John Murray Reynolds, two Marvel cigarets where the -tale Earth and Mars battle to rout crea­ should be. tures of outer space planning to Farley’s story, ’’Caves Of Ocean” rob Mars of its oxygen, destroy it, is running currently in THE VOICE, and then occupy Earth. An stf yard a South Milwaukee newspaper. in a non-stf mag.(Frank-.Litz) Page Two ____________________ ______________ FANTASY NEWS FANTASY NY'WS"1 1 s pub!is he d eve ry SCIENCE FICTION week by THE FANTASY NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY at 31-51 41st Street, Long [FANMAG. REVIEW by Harry Warner, Jr. Island City, N.Y. * Editor: Will Sykora BOLDEN ATOM: Vol. 1, no.4, Jan’40. Associates: Jimmy Taurasi , Sam Mos­ 3'4 1g mimeod pp, fteavy colored cov­ ers, Much improved material, in­ kowitz, Mario Racic, jr, cluding check list of Rochester fan Rates: 3 issues 100, 9 issues 300, mags. Still leans a little too 30 issues. 41.00, 52 issues (1 yr.) heavily on reviews, tho, 100 from $>1.50,. (NO STAMPS PLEASE) : 57J Lyndhurst St, Rochester, N.Y. LE ZOMBIE: Vol. 2, no, 9. 8 mime-' EDITORIAL by Will Sykora. o'dl pp, Excerpt from ill-fated Nova In the upper right-hand corner of this issue of Fantasy News will, and gossip, • 3 for JO0 from Bob be found a ’’poster stamp” illustra­ Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington, Ill. ting some species of dinosaur or SCIENCE FICTION COLLECTOR; Vol.5, other ancient reptile. Every other no.4. 32 small, well-hectoed pp. oopy of Fantasy News contains a dif­ Eso’ellent format, good contents, ferent st amp,s o ;th at only half are worth a dime from 1700 Frankford duplicated in ariy given number of Ave, Philadelphia, Pa.. copies. These • p i chute s ? ar b've ry THE COMET: first issue, Jan 1940. reminiscent of. the famous stfilm 24 lg, hectod pp, uneven■material ’’The Lost World” .which was adapted but some very good ideas, & good, from Sir A. Conan Doyle4s book of illustrations and makeup* It is going places. 100 from RFD # 1, the same name. No doubt the new (hw) film ”1.000,000 B.C.” will also Box 129, Martinet Calif feature' realistic life size models SPACEWAYS: Vol.2, no » 2» 25 lg- of these ancient creatures. we11-mimeod pp. Art!olo of unusual ■ ;. Luckily, we were fortunate in interest by Moskowitz. Interesting being.able to obtain a limited num­ material by Reinsberg, Warner, ber of these/set*® for the readers Haggard. 100 from Harry Warner,Jr, of this newpaper. They were, orig­ 303 Bryan Place, Hagerstown, Md.(sm) inally distributed by gasoline dealers who' obtained them from the THE TIME STREAM by Sam Moskowitz. Sinclair Refining Company, but they The appearance of WEIRD TALES are now no longer available from on Jan 17th instead of Feb 1st, this source and are becoming quite when it should have appeared accord­ rare. There are twenty-four (24) ing io its bi-monthly schedule, different stamps to each set, each gives hope that it may possibly pub- stamp picturing, a different species lish>two six-weekly numbers and of ancient reptile in various stri­ then resume monthly publication as king poses. “As a means of decora­ has happened in the past...Both Bob ting and individualizing personal Mudie, editor of:Fantascience Di­ letters and other correspondence, gest ,333 E. Belgrade St, Phila, Pa, they are unsurpassed. and Wally Marconette, editor of Believing that readers of FN, Scienti-Snaps, 2709 East 2nd St, who are -all active stfans engaged Day ton, Ohio, would greatly appre­ in corresponding with other fans, ciate any complimentary advertise­ would like to use these stamps on - ments they could get for the 2nd Anniversary numbers of their publi­ their letters., we supplying them cations, which will be of unusual to. our subscribers at ten cents (100)'size and excellence, and of course per set of 24 different stamps. expense. Your name printed promin­ Any reader, who desires to ently for as low as ten cents. Why avail himself of this service ,should•not help?...’’The Dweller”, poem by send‘100 (coin preferred) to Poster’ 1. P. Lovecraft, in latest -WEIRD Stamp Service, % Fantasy News at IaLES originally appeared in the the above address. You may obtain Nov .-Deo.f 35. issue of The Phantagrap as many sets as you wish while the’ i^be Oshinsky has published a first supply lasts. issue of International'Con /.'?;4,3 2) page Three FANTASY NEWS_____________________ , -■11-1111 HITTT.—.Trr—nrm—T.- tt- .rirn-r -..it ■■wmii r m ,niKi-iinTTnm- rm ■ —iJ&k ..y i—im 1 OFF T RAIL;by ” Jriiin ’ Giunta? jHORNIG TO LEAVE M YQM CT FEBRUARY The Feb issue of BLUE'BOOK ! “ Charles H or nig, popular editor, features a fantasy-novelet, "Why will leave New York right after at­ the FitzaldenS Are Web-toed", by tending the Feb Queens SFL meeting. ,Hugh Fullerton, It concerns the . He,will then journey to California Irish superstitions about elves, • where he will open a critic bureau and it takes place in.^George Wash­ for stf and other authors* He will ington* s time; ‘ „•: : . :also do stf cartoon scenarios, hav- The Jan 1940 WRITERS’, . DIGEST > Ing- al ready worked on‘some for features an article, "The Sky’s Np- Gernsbi.ck’s proposed comic mag. He Limit" by Jerry- K< Westerfield, will still edit SCIENCE FICTION and assistant editor of AMAZING STORIES..FUTURE FICTION by .remote control. To ^uote some of■ his phrasesthe The Queens SFL will give their old writer doing successful fantasy­ friend Charlie a great send-off, stories LIVES them while he is wri-’ AROUND TOV.lt by J'immy' TauraSl. ting them, .,s"our printer runs apn “ The' Jan 20th NS7 YORKER had a proximately 100,000 of .each .issue., two page• article titled ^'Captain "our expenses are: total bill paid . Future, Block That Kick" by S. J, for stories is around $650; 'other ; Perelman,, a:humorous Commentary on costs-paper, $1500; engr'aving, .$250M jthe stf/mQg CAPTAIN-FUTURE* The’ printing, $1500;- art,. $175; edit-: proofs of the second. CF and coming orial salaries^. $200; editorial of­ THRILLING BONDER STORIES 'were seen; fice supplies, $100;. total, $4375, -they-are m$re ,than good; ’ • OF* s 2nd plus general overhead, about $40,0; ‘ 'issue is again beautifully illustra­ net profit, $10y5.-^*"don’t get/,-, ted' by Wesso, The character novel swell-headed about this quotation, is so-, long that one department had gang I."stf pulps have a big ad- . •to.be; omitted, ■ ’■ ■ ■ • • . •-•■ vantage pye(r other pulp mags’in th The third FUTURE FICTION will that the readers are loyal and are Ie dated June 1940, published bi­ far above, the average pulp reader/ monthly on the dot. after that,This in I ,Q,."number one .stf writer .. i;. ’delay is so that FF will appear be-' •is probably Eandb (Otto) Binder,’ tween-SCIENCE FICTION,' so there will Otto turns, out" some 30,000, words be a BLUE RIBBON mag" on the stands per month.
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