l Four corners accident Page 3 V'ville school tax finalized Page 3 Eagles top Plainsmen Page 16 ",.... ... 'SEP', 2 '5 1991 September 25,1991' Vol. XXXV, No. 40 • HJ? OJ (eekly newspaper B'E:TH - F'UBL. I c:; i... J Bf~p~n\{ •• 451 DELAWARE AVE ~ -, rving the towns of DELMAR '1"-NY 12054. - , IG ....... :.di 1; 3, l~~\f, ~,nd New Sc'otland Chief Currie announces, retirem.ent By Susan Graves Chief Currie, 62, worked his way up Bethlehem police will bid farewell to through the ranks after graduating from their chief Paul E. Currie when he offi­ Utica College with a degree in criminal cially retires on the first of the year, justice. He began his career with the Chief Currie, who has led the Bethle­ Mohawk Police Department. He served as chief there for 13 years before coming hem department for eight years, an­ to Bethlehem. Chief Currie is also a 24- nounced plans to retire today. year veteran ofthe Army National Guard, "I've been thinking about it for some active and reserves.' time. Things are going great, but it's time For Chief Currie, there was never a , for fresh blood and new ideas," he said. question of a career choice. "I've always The chief, who is just shy of his forti­ wanted to be a police officer," he said eth year in law enforcement, said he will from his office, which reflects his many miss his work. "I'm really going to regret years of police service. The walls sport leaving - I've been in it so long. 111 miss many commendations and awards, but it," he said. also a pen and ink drawing of Gran do, the But he added, "It's the right move at department's German shepherd in the K- the right time." , 9program. His immediate plans are to travel to Chief Currie, who is also a graduate of warmer climates for two or three months the Federal Bureau of Investigation's in the winter. He also plans to pursue National Academy in Virginia, said the ongoing projects in law enforcement re­ only question he had when he started his lated to writing policy and procedure. career 'was choosing the police agency Chief Currie was cited this year for his 'he wanted to work for. He said he chose "significant contribution" in establishing the Mohawk, Herkimer County depart­ a New York State Law Enforcement ment over the state police since it only Agency Accreditation Council. , 0 CHIEF/page 12 the fire? Report: Get paid paramedics By Susan Graves Three factors underlie the need for A Task Force on Emergency Medical increased service: increasing complex­ Services in Bethlehem has recommended ity of patient care, increasing call volume establishing a partially paid paramedic and decreasing numbers of individuals program as a supplement to the existing willing to volunteer for EMS. ambulance services in the town. John T. Mitchell, task force chairman, The recommendations were made in a said th'e group reviewed what was in reportthatwas to be presented to Super­ place in the town, as well as what other visor Ken Ringler and the town board at towns have, before coming up with its its meeting tonight (Wednesday), recommendations_ The report states that EMS services in Those recommendations include sev· Bethlehem are at a crossroads and that eral possible options for a partially paid though the existing system is not in cri­ paramedic program. In one proposal two sis, "the standard of care will decline paramedics would be on duty at all times without intervention. n o PARAMEDICS/page 14 Pols grapple over the 'mess' at New'Scotland Town Hall By Mike Larabee often refers to the need for a firm deci­ Much of the Republican campaign to , sion-maker to take the wheel of admini­ wrest the New Scotland supervisor's post stration he paints as directionless and from the hands of two-term incumbent adrift, Democrat Herbert Reilly is taking shape In a race many say could go either way, along one major theme - straightening Republicans are hoping to hang respon­ out the "mess" at town hall. sibility for perceived inaction by town The party's campaign slogan is "lead­ government squarely on Reilly's shoul­ ership" for New Scotland, and a town ders, and turn what they see as deep­ board candidate has structured a cam­ rooted voter dissatisfaction into a No­ Joshua Hensel, whose father is a Voorheesville firefighter,is vember victory. ready to ride in Friday night's Mardi Gras parade in Delmar. paign ad around the notion that "chaos" Elaine McLqin. reigns in town government. Republican "It's one of the main issues of our supervisor challenger Harry Van Wormer o NEW SCOTlAND/page 19 elebrate autumn at our fabulous Fourth Annual Fall Festival·' ) ;-? ' ' Sunday,. October 6th 12-5 p.mi Ii:) /' Sunda.y Family Fun .' '~/ // .' d' ~'/ , , I at MaID Square Fall Festival Delmar, NY. - +-------, //" ;'l/.//~//:-::---- ,Main Square Shoppes in Delmar will host their fourth annual Jj "Family Fun Fall Festival" on Sunday, October 6, 1991 at 318 7./, Delaware Avenue and Oakwood Place from 12 noon to 5 p.m. ~: " ~. As part of the afternoons' festivities, live music and clowns will, -/ "~7;~I~~ provide free entertainment -and with a gift to the Bethlehem Food _ ,.), / ___ Pantry-give-aways include pumpkins, balloons, and pony rides. All donations will be added to the $350 to be given to the Food, Pantry by the Main Square tenants on behalf of the "New Dads On The Block" music group. ~::::-= Local D,J., Terry Ryan, will kick-off the festivities at 12 noon. The CountryCloggers, a dance group, will perform at 1:30 and 2:30p.m., followed at 3:00p.m. by "New Dads On The Block" W-iI==1IF~I~~lr renditions of classic rock and roll. An appearance by Mr. Bouncety Bouncewil1 be ahighlight of the activities planned for children. Therewillalso be demonstra- ~~~~~~~w~~t~~~ tions of Sheep shearing, an exhibit by Delmar's Fire Depart­ ment, and Food available from outdoor vendors all after­ noon. The8ethlehem Police Department's Youth Bureau will be there with the police dog, "Granda". The raindate is Sunday, October 13th, same times, same place. For further information call Dennis Corrigan in the offices of Main Square Shoppes, at 439-0146. Designated parking areas will be posted near and around Main Square. So join us for a fun-filled day of entertainment and activities as we celeb'rate the arrival of autumn! .. -" Raindate is Sunday, October 13 , \ 318 Delaware Avenue SQUAR~ at Oakwood Place SHOPPES . Delmar, New York 439-0146 PAGE 2 - September 25, 1991 - The SpoJ/ight Women, children pinned in automobile mishap . By Susan Wheeler scared." Two Delmar women and their Inderhees said she has a sore children received minor injuries neck and back, as well as several last Wednesday evening after a severe bruises. Her children were station wagon driven by a 42-year­ also bruised, she said. Saturday old woman pinned them against a she said she felt "sore, tender, stiff, Delmar store front. grateful. Probably grateful should Taylor Terrace resident Mar­ bethefirstword. We're all so lucky." garet Inderhees, 36, her two chil­ "Over and over in my mind I dren, Willie Foss, 2, and Zoe Foss, watch a station wagon crunch my 4, and Kenaware Avenue resident family and friends," said Robert Barbara Walenta, 33, and her chil­ Walenta, who was sitting in his car, . dren, Matthew, 7, and Karen, 6, parked in the next parking slot. were chatting outside the South "The car was pulling into the park­ Street Framers and Gallery at the ing lot at a normal rate of speed, Four Corners at 6:13 p.m. on Sept. when the engine revved up and it 18. bounced over the curb. We're for­ According to police, they were tunate everyone was just bumped . struck by a dark blue 1987 Ply­ and bruised. The glass plate win­ mouth Suburban driven by Helen dow bowed out of the way to ac­ Olchak-Otero of Lincoln Avenue. cept the bodies." "We were leaving the conven­ According to police records, ient market, talking to friends: Olchak-Otero said she was con­ Inderhees said in a later interview. fused and thought she had her "Both Barbara and I were pushed' foot on the brake, rather than on up against thewindow of the frame the gas pedal. Sleurs said no tick­ . shop. My two children were really ets were issued. protected in their (twin) stroller." Inderhees said the car shoved The Delmar Rescue Squad took the'stroller behind her legs and Barbara Walenta to St. Peter's againstthe masonry. "It went wall, Hospital in Albany, while' Inder­ children, my legs and car," she hees and her two children were said. "The car just pressed. It taken to Albany Medical Center turned us (Barbara Walenta and Tim and Dave Veltman, from left, of the herself) so we faced the building. ~,~e~:!,ees I~its while DelmarRescue Hospital. All were treated and re­ Sling~rlands Rescue Team, use the Jaws of Bob Boyeo and Amos Bastiani, from left, leased the same day, according to Both of us had our hands over our heads." . Life to free the Foss children from their comfort the children. Elaine McLain hospital spokesmen. stroller. The children's mother Margaret According to Bethlehem Police Barbara Walenta, who said "it In:l~rhees said as the car Slingerland's P.escue Squad was the kids out of the stroller." She Sgt. Joseph Sleurs, Barbara all wenfso fast," attempted to pull cruncted them, she was afraid the called into helpwiththetask, using bought an identical stroller'Satur- Walenta's husband, Robert, took her son off the curb he was stand­ , store's Nindowwould break.
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