E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 146 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 2000 No. 5 House of Representatives The House met at 12:30 p.m. and was China has made a number of commit- Representative, designated China as a called to order by the Speaker pro tem- ments in regard to its trade policy. violator again for not complying. And pore (Mr. PETRI). Among those commitments are im- only when they were threatened with a proved market access, tariff reduc- $2 billion sanction did China begin to tions, elimination of nontariff quotas, comply. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO open service sectors and elimination of So China has shown an ability to ex- TEMPORE export subsidies. ploit loopholes in agreements regard- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- While many people are celebrating ing the transfer of military technology. fore the House the following commu- this alleged win for American busi- In 1992, China agreed to abide by the nication from the Speaker: nesses, I come this morning to question rules of the Missile Technology Control WASHINGTON, DC, the actual benefit for the United States Regime and then turned and sold bal- January 31, 2000. of America. China is the fourth largest listic missile components to Pakistan. I hereby appoint the Honorable THOMAS E. supplier of U.S. imports and the thir- Though no technical violation was PETRI to act as Speaker pro tempore on this made, the transfer, of course, was con- day. teenth largest buyer of U.S. exports. In addition, the U.S. trade deficit with trary to the spirit of the agreement. J. DENNIS HASTERT, China has also aided Pakistan, Iran, Speaker of the House of Representatives. China has risen from $6.2 billion in 1989 to $57 billion in 1998. and Algeria in the area of nuclear tech- Furthermore, China has a dismal nology and equipment. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT record of complying with prior inter- Another area of uneasiness is that China has made no attempt to conceal national agreements, and I think this A message in writing from the Presi- its aggressiveness dealing with mili- is an important point. A blatant exam- dent of the United States was commu- tary modernization. In addition to ple concerns intellectual property nicated to the House by Mr. Edwin arms purchases, such as the Russian rights. Thomas, one of his secretaries. built SU±27 fighter, which holds near The United States Trade Representa- parity with our F±15 fighter, China has tive can specify under the 1974 Trade MORNING HOUR DEBATES begun construction of two short-range Act which countries are violators. missile bases which now can threaten The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. They are the ``Special 301 Priority For- Taiwan. PETRI). Pursuant to the order of the eign Countries,'' sort of a designation Mr. Speaker, we also need not forget House of January 19, 1999, the Chair and those countries that violate U.S. the enormous damage called by China's will now recognize Members from lists intellectual property rights are so des- espionage activities resulting in the submitted by the majority and minor- ignated. So let us look at the list when theft of U.S. thermonuclear design in- ity leaders for morning hour debates. it comes to China. formation. The Cox report concluded The Chair will alternate recognition In 1991, China was named a Special that elements of this stolen informa- between the parties, with each party 301 violator for intellectual property tion would help China in building its limited to 30 minutes, and each Mem- rights. They sat down with them. They next generation of mobile ICBMs. In ber, except the majority leader, the mi- reached an agreement a year later and fact, the Washington Times reported nority leader, or the minority whip, China said: We will agree to strengthen on December 6 last year that China is limited to 5 minutes. our intellectual property laws and im- working on a new strategic missile sub- The Chair recognizes the gentleman prove protection for U.S. products in marine containing smaller nuclear from Florida (Mr. STEARNS) for 5 min- our country. But did they? warheads similar to American weap- utes. In 1994, the United States Trade Rep- ons. Upon completion, China will have resentative again identified China as a the ability to strike U.S. forces any- violator. At this time, many factories U.S.-CHINA TRADE AGREEMENT where it chooses. in China were pirating compact disks Mr. Speaker, I think the evidence is Mr. STEARNS. Mr. Speaker, as we while China trade laws restricted U.S. clear: this country is aggressively ex- begin the next session of the 106th Con- market access. So an agreement was panding its military complex, while at gress, we are going to engage in an- reached a year later again with China the same time blatantly disregarding other heated discussion regarding nor- to stem this piracy and enforce the in- international agreements and exploit- mal trade relations with China. tellectual property rules. ing loopholes in others. In exchange for attaining member- But again in 1996, another year later, China has a history of torturing some ship in the World Trade Organization, the USTR, the United States Trade of its religious leaders and arresting This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H51 . VerDate 27-JAN-2000 01:35 Feb 01, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A31JA7.000 pfrm02 PsN: H31PT1 H52 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 31, 2000 peaceful opposition demonstrators. to the debt limit that Congress has to AFTER RECESS China has stolen U.S. nuclear secrets pass and the President has to sign. Let The recess having expired, the House and attempted to influence the U.S. po- us lower that debt to where it will be was called to order at 2 p.m. litical process through what I believe at the end of this fiscal year next Octo- to be illegal campaign contributions. ber 1, and then let us stick to it. Let us Mr. Speaker, these are just a few il- make sure that we have the kind of PRAYER lustrations I've outlined in the brief 5 freeze that is going to take the burden The Chaplain, the Reverend James minutes that I have here. There is a off of our kids and our grandkids so David Ford, D.D., offered the following longer list of China's predatory tactics. that they are not going to end up hav- prayer: Do we have assurance that China will ing to pay for what we consider is very keep its words the next time. I doubt important spending this year. Our hearts and hopes and prayers are it. Mr. Speaker, I am a senior member of with all those who face any uncer- I bring this to the attention of my the Committee on the Budget. This tainty for the day or who must meet colleagues now so that when we have week we are holding what are called the predicaments that each day pre- the heated discussion regarding the listening sessions, talking about what sents. Where there is this uncertainty, normalization of trade relations with the Members are willing to do in terms we pray, O gracious God, that You China they will remember. of holding the line on spending. would grant faith and trust; where I am a very strong advocate, and I there are the dilemmas of decisions or will encourage at our meetings tomor- the compromises that shade our views, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES row, this week and next week, that we we pray for wisdom. O God, our help in SHOULD SERIOUSLY ADDRESS have spending caps for the kind of ages past and our hope for years to NATIONAL DEBT spending discipline that it allows us. come, lead us all in the way of peace The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under We have come a long ways. When I and understanding and grant us con- the Speaker's announced policy of Jan- first came to Congress in 1993, the pro- fidence in Your love to us and to all uary 19, 1999, the gentleman from jected deficit, in addition to what we people. This is our earnest prayer. Michigan (Mr. SMITH) is recognized were borrowing from Social Security, Amen. during morning hour debates for 5 min- was over $200 billion a year. Now, at utes. least, we have balanced the budget in Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speak- terms of Social Security spending, and THE JOURNAL er, all the Presidential Republican can- that is the largest amount. There will The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- didates and Democrats are cam- be approximately $120 billion or $130 ined the Journal of the last day's pro- paigning today for the Nation's first billion more money coming in from So- ceedings and announces to the House elections tomorrow. I would like to cial Security taxes than we need in any his approval thereof. talk, Mr. Speaker, about what is hap- one year, so somehow we should be Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- pening with our national debt. The starting to talk about how do we re- nal stands approved. public debt of the United States that duce that burden on working men and technically every citizen now or our women of America; and how do we save kids and our grandkids eventually are Social Security in the long run? PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE going to have to pay off.
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