\ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, IWO --------- . ' '..J PAGE TWENTY-POUR The Weither Average Daily Net Press Run Fereenat iof U. S. Wentfcer For the Week. Ended ^ ' Jan. 16, I960 Cloady with The Stein C3ub of toe VFW Poet event to aid the Arthritic' Clinic Parkade Office tonight. Low near 90. Home will sponsor a' dance Satur- Beauticians Name at Manchester Memorlar Hospital little chnage In temperatare About Town and the Manchester Public Health 13,067 ds.v from -9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at toe t t y day. BUgh In 90a. Po'st'iHo i'e. All proceeds will be do­ Benefit Commitees Nursing Assn, during National Opening Slated Member of tlie Audit There *111 be a rummafc^ sale on nated to tofe March of Dimes. A Beauty Salon Week, ^ Barena.of CXrenlntloB. M anchester— A dity of Village Charm Friday. Feb. 8, at 10 a m. at the buffet lunffl « ’ill be served. Mls^ Bernice M. Juul was Those, named to committees are By Conn. Bank Betty-Jane Turrer School .of Danc­ Mrs. Lu Scarlata and Mrs. Cecile named chairman, and Albert PRICE FIVE ing. 205 N. Main St., for the bene­ Zion Evangelical Lutheran Heavisides, co-chairman and mas­ Thompson, prizes: .lohn Scarlata, ,The new Parkade branch of ,the MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 196/B (Cfauaifled Advertlaing on Pn|e 16) fit of the Mile of Dimes. Church will hold its adult informa­ ter of ceremonies for- a benefit tickets; Paul Levesque and Ray­ Connecticut Bank and Trust Co. VOL. LXXIX, NO. 100 (ENGHTEEN PAGES) tion course tomorrow at 6;30 p.m. dessert card, party and food -sale mond Nelson, decorations; Miss will open officially on Monday., The KofC Setback tournament to be followed by the Mlssidnary, to be held Feb. 9 at the American Yolanda Felice and Mrs. Stelli Crusade meeting at 7:30 p.m. Kaminski, food sale; Mrs. Har­ In advance of the opening, ah Hale’s Does It Again! Legion Home under' the sponsor­ will take place tomorrow at 8 p.m. open, house for toe public will be thla week Instead of Friday. ship of toe . Manchester . Halr» riett Horan, linens: Mrs. Betty Queen Expects Cooper and Mrs. Julia Borst, des­ held from 6 to - 9 p.m. Friday Algeria Tension Eases Probe Told The Women's, Benefit Assn, dressers'. Assn. i night. guard ciiib will meet Friday at 8 At a meeting last night In Ver­ sert and coffee fSMrs. kay Haugan, MORE Boy Scout Troop 3 will meet to­ wishing well, and Miss Juul, pub­ The branch will be known as night at 7 at the'Waddell School. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Aurora non, the group named committee 3rd Child Soon, licity.- the Parkade ■ Office, According to EXGITIND New members are ln\ited, • Goulet, 329 Hilliard St. chairmen .for the annual benefit Leitter E. Shlppee, chairman oi A M A Bars Chief Proposes the bank. It contains about VALUES Nurse Reports 1,700 aguare feet, and includes four French Troops tellers' windows and a drlve-ln FROM Drug Check bay-type window. London, Jan. 28 ( ^ — Sister Helen Rowe, who will assist at What Values In Our Washington, Jan. 28 (/P)— Hale’s Self Serve and Meat Department the birth of Queen Elizabeth's The American Medical Assn, Dr. Kove Elected Await Orders third child, is returning to was accused today of once tp ’- Alert London today. Time ing to thwart a House inquiry To Podiatry Post By ANIHUBW BOROWIEC •among the Moslem population of The baby Is due any day now. The little white-haired sister jinto whether advertising of | MILLINERY Algiers, Jan. 28 {IP},— French Algiers. The appeal to the Catbah met with only partial success. A all nurees are called slate, in Brit- Uj.anquilizing drugs was false; Dr. IrwUi Kove, Manchester CHICKEN Troops who have faced a podiatrist-chiropodist, was In­ few hundred Moslem war veter- j aln—has been^ looking^ ! and m isleading, rightist French settlers’ in­ ans turned out to parade .before - | new ^baty . of Mrs, Ji Uet John A. Blalnik (D-Minn). LAST stalled as secretpry of the Hart­ Calls Plan surrection passively since French colors at the barricades. ; wife of the iI who headedneaoea the investigation two DEPT. ford County Podiatry Society at Sunday were notified today Food supplies began moving in at old Sleningford ' years ago. made the accusation In , t v ceremonies held at the Stone ^ W h o le ■ country. they will soon get orders that toe capital and utilities began I testimony before a Senate subcomr; B.^'7 Haven- Restaurant in Farmington "I am awaiting a phone call 1 which is looking into Iran- i Deterrent yesterday.. must be obeyed. functioning In response to sym­ or Cut- pathetic appeals to the barricaded commanding my attendance at | prices. Dr. Kove has been in practice in A cryptic broedcaat by Delegate Buckingham Palace." the nurse Bjatnik said also that the Fed- m-: CLEARANCE Manchester for three years. He has General Paul Delouvrler. Preal- insurgents by De Gaulle's chief 'S DAYS political representative and his said. I era) Trade Commission, whose job been the author of several articles dent Chariee de (Saulle's top civil To Russia OF ALL / Up repreaentaGve in Algeria, hinted commander in chief in Algeria. She told reporters the queen said j jt ia to. police fal.se advertising, has 1 published in the Journal of the In a letter recently that the will be | peen ignoring this field American Podiatry Assn. Recently, he expected a friendly ahowdown The army announced that I he completed post-gradual e work that would unoondttlonally return suV ^of siege and martial law r e -; i reftrence to hi.s own invest!- ' m Washington, Jan. 28 (4V - in foot surgery at the Civic Hos- Algeria “to De Gaulle and to mains in effect- ....................... In the tense.......... cap- two boys“ *' ! gallon, Blatnik asterled; | It is conceivable that the Rui^ I pital In Detroit. France.” Sc 1 "In our efforts to assist toe ■ sians will have enough long of J. W. HALE’S Prior to opening his office in .If anyulUmatum w ls Involved, But authorities lifted e b n s o r .a -nd two j American public, we were thwart- | Manchester, Dr. Kove served In the It deeply veiled. ship without explanation to ed at every turn by the profession-1 range missiles within about Army asaignej to the orthopedic lb n »e ordera to the 500,000-man correspondents tell the full story The nurse. who is In herc earlyu .u al representatives .of the profes­ two years td permit a massive section of the U.S. Army Hospital army, Delouvrler aald, will be Is­ of the^evolt since It broke five 80 s att^ded the sion.” missile attack on the United at Fort Carson, Colo. sued by 'Gen. Maurice Challe, toe I days ago. Prmce Charles and Princess Anne . The Senate group continued Its States, Gen. Thomas S. Power Dr. Kove resides on Henry St. nulitary commander in chief. Armed insurgents still clung to were born. , rhearings despite objections from Without saying what those or­ said t(>day. Other officers installed include the barricades. They were firmly "The queen writes to me from j fj-ms tha' the matter is now The chief of the U.S. Strategle I Dr. Edgar Dillon. Avon, president: der* might be, Delouvrler toeh an­ In control of an area in the heart time to lime giving me a progress I before the courU. Air Command said the only way INVENTORY Dr. I..e.ona'rd Silverman, West nounced he and Challe were quit­ of the city. Paratroopers ringed report on her children,” si.«ter .pbe government yesterda.v filled the Soviets can be deterfed from Hartford, vice-pre.sident; Dr. Rob- ting Algiers for a command' poet the Insurgent encampment - but Rowe revealed. _ a- civil suit in New York's Federal Prince Charles and Princess risking such aii onslaught is for hert Brynga, Hartford, treasurer." In toe countryside. made no move to Invade. District Court against Carter an alert force of American strat®” ft He told the leaders of the bar­ Products Inc, and American Home g(ic bombers to be In the air at all A- ricaded Insurgents — foea of De (Continoed on Pag* Two) 41' B r e a s t > 41' (CoaHaued on Page Ten) Products. tones. GauIBU path l » let Algeria-event­ QUARTERS It accused the two New York f : '-M Power said In an address pre­ (QUARTERS ually decide its own future—that companies of agreeing to exclude pared for a meeting of the Amer­ RUG and be and Challe would return to Al­ .all others from the manufacture ican Legion’s National Security giers “at the Un»e which you wiah” Cheated Stockholders and sale of tranquilizer pills in Commission: UPHOLSTERY to -Ghs6iB luuids. ...... .... ............. -which meprobamate-tr-the sole -ac­ “ ‘T am““Conltdent that "the So­ The order* U) which Delouvrler tive ingredient. - ' viets wlU be strongly deterred or referred preeumably are from to* from risking an attack on this CLEANING French cabinet. A Paris spokes­ They were charged also with'! f t i agreeing to.jflx prices for the sale country as long aa they know that man announced yeaterday toe cab­ Guterma Convicted they cannot destroy the alert force Ttl. Ml 9.1752 inet, at a meeting presided over by ■ of Miltown and Equanil Iran-1 , quUizers and agreeing -u- when , nor prevent it from setallating d ^ Smoked Shoulder De Gaulle, had approved Ins.ruc- clsively.” VALUES TO $16.98 M l 3 ^ 7 4 7 tlons for Delouvrler and Ctoalle.
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