THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE BY EDWARD GIBBON EDITED BY J. B. BURY, M.A. WTH AN INTRODUCTION BY THE RT. HON. W. E. H. LECKY VOL. IV NEW YORK FRED DE FAU & COMPANY PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT. x#, FRED DE FAU & COMPANY. CONTENTS OF THE FOURTH VOLUME ?Am LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . n CHAPTER XXII Julian is &Jared Emperor by the Legions of Gaul -His March and Sycuss - The Dcalh of Cmtantaw - Civil Adrninistralh of /dim AD. The Jealousy of Constantius against Julian . 1 Fears and Envy of Constantius . .. 3 363 The Legions of Gaul are ordered to march into the East . 3 Their Discontents . 6 They proclaim Juliin Emperor . 7 His protestations of Innocence . 9 Hi Embassy to Constantius . I1 3Q, 361 His fourth and fifth Expeditionsbe&d'the &ne . 13 361 Fruitless Treatyand Declaration of War . 14 J+ian prepares to attack Constantius . 17 HIS march from the RhineintoIUyricum . 19 He justilies his Cause . 22 Hostile Preparations . 24 361 Death of Constantius . 25 361 Julian enters Constantinople . 97 361 Is acknowledged by the wholeEmpire . 48 His civilGovernment and private Life . a8 Reformation of the Palam . 31 Chamhr of Justice . .... 34 Punishment of the Innocent and the Guity . 35 Q Clemency of Julian . 38 His love of Freedom and the Republic . 39 His care of the Grecian Cities . 41 Julian, an Orator and a Judge . 42 His character . 44 CHAPTER XXIII The Religion of Julian - Universal Tohdion - He attempts to restme ad reform the Pagan Worship; to rebuild the Tempk of Jerusdm - His artfd Persecutim of the Christians - MUud Zed and Injnsticc Religion of Julian ....... 46 351 His Education and AJCI&CY . 48 He embraces the M ology of Paganism . I . 50 The Allegories . 52 V 'ALMA COLLEGE MONTEITH LIBRARY ALMA, MICHIGAN vi CONTENTS Aa. ?Am TheologicalSystemof Julian ...... 53 Fanaticism of the Philosophers ...... Initiationand Fanaticism of Julian ..... His religious Dissimulation ....... He des againstChristianity ...... 361 UniversalToleration .. 361-363 Zeal and Devotion ofJulian in the R&orak~.~ok Paganism Reformation of Paganisn ....... The Philosophers ......... Conversions .......... The Jews . ........ Description of ~em&em ....... 74 Pil$rimages .......... 363 Jullan attempts to rebuild the Temple ..... 'L 7 TheEnterpnse is defeated ....... 80 Perhaps by a preternatural Event ...... SI Partiality of Julian . .. ... Heprohibits the Christians & teaching &Is . Disgraceand Oppressionof the Christians .... They are condemned to restore the Pa Temples . The Temple and sacred Groveof DapE .... Neglect and Profanation of Daphne . 361 Removal of the dead Bodies. and Codaption of ;he T&& Juliin shuts the Cathedral of Antioch ..... 93 George of Cappadociaoppresses Alexandria and Egypt . 95 36r He is massacred by Peoplethe .... 96 Heisworshipped as a Saint and && .... 9r 36, Restoration of Athanasius . ..... 99 He is persecuted andexpelled by Julia n .... 101 361363 Zeal and Imprudence of the Christians .... 103 CHAPTER XXIV RGsideAcc of Julian d Anhh. His mustjul E~peddiom &he Pcrsiaru .Passage of the Tigris .The Rektmi and Death oj Juliam . eLE& of Jovian .He saws the huArmy by a disgraafd TrW The Csesars of Julian ........ 106 362resolves He to Persiansmarchagainstthe ....108 Juliin pdConstantinoplefrom to Antioch ... 109 LicentiousManners ofPeople the of Antioch ... IIO Their Aversion to Jdian ...... , 111 Scarcity of Corn, and publicDiscontent .... 111 Julian composes a Satire againstAntioch ... , 114 314-390Libanius The Sophist ....... 115 363 March of Julian to the Euphrates ......rrp His Design of invading Persia ...... 119 Disaffection of the King of Armenia .....x10 , Military Preparations ........ 111 Julianthe enters Persian Territories ..... 123 His March over the Desert of Mesopotamia ....123 His success . ........ '25 Description of Assy;ia ........ 127 CONTENTS Vii A.D. Inwsianof Assyria ........ ... Siege ..Perisabor ......... siege ..Maogamalchr ........ Personal Behaviour of Julian He transports his Fleet from the Eupadten the'Tigr& Pa=ge .. the Tigris and Victory ..the Romans.. ... Situation ... Obstinacy ..Juhn ...... He burns his Fleet ......... Marches against Sapor ........ Retreat ... Distress .....Roman Army .... Julian is mortally wounded ....... 363 Death of Julian . ....... Election .....Emperor 'Jovian ...... Danger ... DifEiculty .....Retreat ..... Negotiation ... Treaty .. Peace ...... The Weaknessand DisgraceJovian .. ..... He continues his Retreat ..Nisibis ..... Unived Clamour against ... Treaty ..Peace ... Jovianevacuates Nisibis. and restores the five Provinces ..the Persians ........ Refctions .. the Death ..Jdi ..... On his Funeral ......... CHAPTER XXV Thc GovmnmnJ and Dcdh of Jovian- Election of Valmtiniaion. who asso- ciaks his Brother Vdenr. and mkcs tke final Division of thc Easlenr and Westem Empires- Revoll of Prompius-Civil and E&siastical Admm~slrocion-G-ny-B~~~n-AAfrica-TThcEast-TTkcD~ de-Death of Valdinian- His two Sons. GraJian and VderJinian II., succeed to the We'cslmr Empire 363 State of the Church ........173 Jovian proclaims universal Toleration .....176 His progress from Antioch .......171 364 Jovian. with hi infant Son. assumes the Name and Ensigns of the Consulship ........ 178 j6q Death of Jovian .........=79 Vacancy of the Throne ........ I& 3f54 Election and Character of Valentinian ..... 181 He is acknowledged by the Army ...... 182 hssociatesValens his Brother ......184 364 The ha1Division of the Eastern and Western Empires . 365 Revolt of Pmcopius ........ % 366 His Defeat and Death ........ 190 373 Severe Inquisition into the Crime of Magic at Rome and Antioch 192 364-375 The Cruelty of Valentinian and Valens .... 196 Their Laws and Government ...... '98 Valentinian maintains the Religious Toleration . 201 367378 Valensprofesses Arianism. and persecutes the Catholics 203 373 Death of Athanasius ........ zog Just Ideaof the Persecution of Valens .....205 370 Valentinianrestrains the Avarice of the Clergy ...207 366-304 Ambition and Luxury of Damasus. Bishop of Rome . 209 ... vlll CONTENTS AD. 364-375 Foreign Wars . 365 I. G-FJWMY. The Alemamiinvade Gaul . 366 DefeatThem . 368 Valentiniin passts, and fortifies, theRhine . 371 The Burgundians . The Saxons . 11. BRITAIN. The Scots and Pias . 343-366 Their Invasion of Britain . 367-370 Restoration of Britain by Thecdosius . 366 111. AFRICA. Tyranny of Romanus . 372 Revolt of Firmus . .... 373 Theodosius recovers Afria . 376 He is executed at Carthage . State of Africa . .... 365-378 IV. THE EAST. The Persian War . 384 TheTreaty of Peace . Adventures of Para, King of Armenia . V. THEDANUBE. Conquests of Hermanric . 366 The cause of theGothic War . 367,368, 369 Hostilities and Peace . War of theQuadi and Sarmatians . i;i The Expedition of Valentinian . His Death . The Emperors Gratian and Valentkian'II. CHAPTER XXYI Manws of the Pasknd Nations - Progress of the Huns, from Chim lo Ewopc - Flighi of the Goths - They pass the Danube - Gothic War - Defeat and Death of Vahs- Gatian invests Theodon'ur with the Eastern Empire - His Char& and Svccess - Peace and SetUemcd of thGdks 365 Earthquakes . ...... .. 376 TheHunsand Goths . .. The Pastoral Manners of the Scythians, or Tartan .. Diet . .. Habitations . .. Exercises . .. Government . .. Situationand Extent of Scythia, or Tartary . .. 0-1 Seat of theHuns . .. Their Conquests in Scythia . .. aor Their Wars withChinese. the . .. 141-87 Decline andFall of the Huns . .. 100 Their Emigrations . .. The White Huns of Sogdiana . .. The Huns of the Volga . .. Their Conauest of the Alani . .. 375 Their Victdries over the Goths . .. 376 The Goths implore the Protection of Valens . .. They are transported over the Danube into the Roman EmpiFe Their Distreasand Discontent . Ass. Revolt of the Goths in Mreda. and their 6rst Victories . They penetrate into Thrace ....... 377 Operationsof the GothicWar . ... Union of the Goths with the Huns. Alani. &c ... 378 Viory of Gratian over the Alemami ..... Valens marches against the Goths ...... Battle of Hadrianople ........ The Defeat of the Romans ....... Death of the Emperor Valens ..... Funeral Oration of Valens and his'Army .... The Goths besiege Hadrianople ...... 37% 379 They ravagethe Roman Provinces .... 378 Massacre of the GothicYouth in Asia .... 379 The Emperor Gratian inwsts TheorloGus with the Empire of the East ......... Birth and Character of Theodosius ..... 379382 His prudent and successfulConduct of the Gothic War . 326 Divisions.Defeat. and Submission of the Goths ...sag 381 Deathand Funeral of Athauric ......33' 386 Invasion and Defeat of theGruthungi. or Ostrogoths . 333 383-395 Settlement of the Goths in Thrace and Asia ...335 Their hostile Sentiments ....... 337 APPENDIX ...........441 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS A ROMAN Fm .......FIanaipsirr From a drawing by Jan Styka. FAG. JULIAN THE APOSTATE ........20 From a bust in the Capitoline Museum. MAP OF MESOPOTAMIA ........1% JOVUNWITHAH~GPARTY ......174 From a bas-relief on the Tomb of Jovian. BATTLEBETWEEN ROMANSAND GAULS .....21s From a bas-relief. Aac~OF CONST~INE,ROME .......290 From a photograph. THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPlRE CHAPTER XXU Jdk~is &&red Emperor by the Legions of Gaul - His March and Success- The Death of Cmbntius - Civil Administration of Julian WHILE the Romans languished under the ignominious t+ny of eunuchs and bishops, the praises of Julian were repeated with transport in every part of the empire, except in the palace of Constantius. The Barbarians of Gennany had felt, and still dreaded, the arms of the young Cazsar ; his
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