m' t'S^u V'< raiiisp'ir^;HJtW ^'. i''t3? .SiiSi fh-IO J3ploj ~ f\ ^>*nfiTn«iM •! I'll II I I pi*9wrMsmmmm i4:V* ••;• l?i-'•'. k. •'';: •• '•.:.>'"-'\Kfs5fBi ipliiw fu'' •>'<* ^'}>V''"' '••'•'• •»•'• '' n'!l'?3B mml 'ijf'! ."' \ /'*''• •'*-'V*i''}' ^ •'.r • •*•' ^'"• ':''\ -' "'• •' , <3^ .j4_. .. (ir-«P^77 C>_ i :l ) • u •l/^ ~'^' ~ •A Eii€r'^y.^Zh ..^ I.Hi) ... r^ ^ r ' *" * f i>_.,. j::;^-._9_o p_i 'It.. .V .'"^'S^ - (^jgr I .A- X!^yp/}rrx Ui>-\' .*s^ ...<- <-' tlV)f; v.n. '• Afl__.. _. '^Czh-iP-.J-J^A^ W-Ja^. jh: 'H-vo ( -f#-- t- -- T#f- Tfr i . '.*•* ' ,•1. ' ~r' I - r 'V Mr •T(--— i:r .V, M -.-/ly• .t>7 .'^ •t-'«^ Onomastikon of Coan personal names •? This onomastikoa. includes the names of people who were of Coan origin. The scope of the list is further limited to individuals who were historical. Accordingly mythological figures are excluded. The ^ main source of information is epigraphic. A number of Coan eponyms are supplied by amphora handles and Coan coins. Literature and papyri also furnish Coan names. The names of fabricants on Coan amphora handles have not been included because of the uncertainty as to their foreign or Coan provenance. Similar caution has been exercised over the inclusion of characters appearing in authors,or authorities,traditionally associated with Cos,except where the Coan setting of a v;ork seems certain. The perennial difficulty of distinguishing between homonyms and the same individual is ever present,but is alleviated for Hellenistic Cos by the survival of contemporary lists in which the names of mothers and maternal grandfathers are given for each individual,as well as personal names and patronymics. The list is as complete as is possible at present, when Coan material still remains to be published. It is of considerable interest. In the Hellenistic period the names are predominently of Doric form, though Ionic endings also occur, reflecting Ionian influence. A number of old Persian,Iranian, Carian,Phoenician and Macedonian names giv'"es further evidence of the historical contacts of the Coans. Each entry gives the name,patronymic and immediate collaterals; the source; the date where possible, and a comment when necessary. The notes conatin corrigenda' and new readings based on personal examination of the relevant inscriptions. In addition to the usual abbreviations used in this book, the following are also used: Kroll = J.Kroll,A.Num.Mus.Soc.Nntes,11,196^, pp.81-117. PH N = Paton and Hicks,The Inscriptions of Cos, Oxford 1891,pp» 303fft Coan coins N 1 - N 253» ONOMASTIKON 2L..<£>2 'A etc. CMG IV 175 ( V BC). - 12,8 (d. X'ipiOi : early ii BC),contrib» to epidosis. 'AyotQ^vyeXo^ - S.B.Berl. Ak. 1901«P.W no ^.71( f.'Av-rfo^o^ :AD ^^?). ~ S.B.Berl. Ak. 1901,p. 485 no 4,113(f-'Poo<^jwv : AD 86?),cf ibide 122,126(f,/^yetS^vy^Aoc; (AD K-cJCTotl^0 <; (AD 99?). — S«B.Berl« Ak» 1901,p. 485 no 4,122(s« Ay«©o<vyeA05 ; AD 95?)»priest of Apollo at Halasarna, - ^ 4l6 (Imp.). Ay« Qocv £poc, - ASAA NS 25-6,1963,p. 165 no IX a,6(s. c()«A:c^. 200). - ibid, (f. TTA^-t IWet ). Ay«6yet W/J p\^pO£ - O; 175,l4(f. -tjJwo5 : c. i BC). - S.B.Berl. Ak. 1901,p.484 no 4,4o(s."E-Tr/yoN^os :AD 13?), priest of Apollo at Halasarna. - ibid. 86(f, AuAoj AloivrAios ;AD 59?). Ayct© rcoN/ - ibid. 78(b. AliptJV :AD 51?)»priest of Apollo at Halasarna. V\yt>c©oK-Atiq ~ ra 10,c,46(f. ; c. 200). - PH 10,a,49(s.^TCpot-roi^A^^ : c, 200),contrib.' to epidosis. - BH : c. i BC/i AD). - S.B.Berl. Ak. 1901,p. 485 no 4,95(Tro.T6pwT.os *Ay«tOoKA?[s : ad 68?),priest of Apollo at Halasarna. - NS 595 (f. simp,). /Ay<t0oirou5 ~ M 276 (f.'£"piK^p7no<; ; imp.). - ^ 138 (s.^^HytJwp^evos * Imp.). - Synteleia Vicenao Arangio-Puiz 2.1964.p. 8l8,19(Tf^, KA, AyoLQo-noos %reign of Claudiusi) COAN ONOMASTIKON QL.03 ADDENDA '.Ay®' - Ann. Arch» Mus.Istanbul 1§66,p.190 no 224 (s.MvAeov : i EC - i AD). - iM.Cf.'AyJteuv ). AoC/>^0 feT polTO^ - ^ 2511970(1973)«Chron.p.518(pl.440y : f. A/»kolxiov ; iii/ii BC). iTO |5ooAo_f - Pliny.NH VII,37,124: see p.ll45j n 264,doctor of Philip II of Macedon. I A] oC ^TTtJV - ^ 99,1975,p.102 B,15Ciii BC). /V1ICoCTiO V - AD 25.1970(1973)Chron.n.5l8.pl.440y (d. AoL/xobTp'^-ros jii BC). 'Af I(3TO IC^ M3 SKfi^ . '3 CD j G7 . AloC/jdfl^ e-s^ • ci S~c)^ j>t'i»TO IT 0^ Aj) Zf^[^lx> ( lAlz) U^. f . {pi. H't'O/') •|i; BX. Cj. ICu^)i <Trrr<'j ) K Ai <T TTO ^ liui [j. pi K^f t ^ / (^ XII 3 . I3^J fc7 A 1C^ Lrb» Xn p IJ if 3^ifj)3 Cs. C iro BC — ;ixi ) ONOMASTIKON ^ !Ay Go&TpotTos ^ 10,d,73Cs« Als/nvwV t c. 200)jContrib. to epidosxs. •Ay^GtJV "" PH398,1( s» Wicv: Imp,). - SEG XXIV 683 (s. )Ay4ewv^ :iii EC). - ibid,(f, ^yt<0tJV ), 'A[y]4 bccvSpoi ~ 200),contributor to epidosis, 'AyubtuSus " M ^31 (s. KocXXuts : ?iv/iii BC), - PS 10,c,85(c. 200). *Ay€/novi5 - ra 378(d.^AYeiToA.is ; c. i EC - i AD?), - ASAA NS 25-6,1963,p. 165 no IX a, l4(d,'ApifeTiTT-rr'Sots • c, 200), - MM SS 25-6,ibid, no IX c,10,25,43(d, Zt^TTupoff } c. 200),eadem XXVI E,II,2, - ASAA NS 25-6.ibid, no XXVI E,III,66(d. TTotp/vvevieico? i c, 200),ibid, IV,16, Ayfe-troAi? ~ M 378(f.'AYe/>^ov-is : c. i BC - i AD.*?), - O 183(1, Apfi-Totv^pos :Hellenistic), - NS 675»28(s. £'oTuxf^<*<: ' iii/ii BC), - MM SS 25-6,1963,p. 165 no IX a,15(f, ApxeiroAis : c. 200), - MM NS 25-6,1963,p. 188 no XXVI,B,I,3Ms,'Apr6-n*ix^o?; c. 200). - ibid, 36(f. AA.us ). - ibid,V,2(s. Ato^oTo? : c, 200). - ibid.V.6(f, V\7roAAo5 cjpos , Atfexpo? )• - ibid,V.29(s,V\pe<.-r.W). "" j-bid. V,3l(fo /S^iKOificot ), . A/€6€'s "* P»2^.1969.p. 129 no 5* CAyli^fcotv<Spi 5ixc ~ SS ''•26(impr, text,PdelP 2^,1969,p, 131fno 12),f, NiKop\^^q :ii/i BC?. , ^ X.£>S OKOHASTIKON • 'Ayn&ocv^pos - PH 328 (Imp.) - PH >25 (f.^'Ep^Sc ). - IG XII(8),260,10 is. E— : c. 8?). - TC i89,1( f. KAeo6e^vq$: i AD). " M-10,b,25 (s. AwfA.o^wv' ; c. 200)contrib. to epidosis. - PH 10,c,4(s, ©pititJV :c. 200)fcontrib. to epidosis. - PH 11^ (f. N»tc4vu»p ; ii BQ.cf Milet I (3)119 b.5 (f. /ViK^vwp tend ii BC); ASAA NS 25-6,1963,p. 173 N 12^ (ineditttm). - ^ 387»12 (s, Niko6Tpotxo$ :c. 200),contrib. to epidosis;idem BCH 59«1935«P» ^21 (f.^Ay«|6iet4; . c. 200). - BCH 59,1935,p.^21 (s."*Ay/i&m«; KofeTp^Too :c.200), contrib.to library. - S.B.Berl. Ak. 1901 ,p.^8l,no 3»5(s. NiK«CYop<=ts :iii EC hieropoios and contrib. to epidosis. - ASAA NS 25-6,1963,p. 165 no IX a,l6(s. c. 200). - ASAA NS 25-6,1963,p. 167 no IX a,19 (s.'Stti 4 c. 200). - ASAA NS 25-6,1963,p. 167 no IX a,29 (s. ^lAnfrro^ • c. 200). - ASAA NS 25-6,1963,p. 179 no XIII,5(f.<|>«Aiot5 : ii BC). - ASAA 25-6,1963,p. 188 no XXVI B,I,H(s. : c. 200). *" ibid. 1,55,11,57 ( f.Ayr^fciU^ , Gpoieoocv - M N133 (c. 200-88),cf N137: ep. Cf; NI61,170,180, 183 (c. 155- c. 88). li. ONOKASTIKON 'AyfierCocO - Kroll 13 (c. 1^5 - c. 88). ^AyafciKXqs - PH 376 (f. KX6iv/«5 ; ii - i BC). - ra a,1(s. ©eo^wpos ; c. 200) ,contrib. to epidosis, - ^563 (n KXw^JOS :Imp.). 673,30(8, ""OvcifcncAtiS :iii/ii BC). - ASAA KS 23-6,1963,?. 163 no IX a,4(s. 0ei5KptTos : c. 200),cf ibid. 76 (f. ©feonpiTos ), - ASAA NS 23-6,1963,?. 169 no IX a,37,79(f^ ^^'Xccivf^ : c. 200). - ASM NS 23-5,1963,?. 188 no XXVr B,I,19 (b. rXotu KnT-rro^ :c. 200), - ibid. III,35Cf. •'Ovotfii KAfis ). - ibid, V,l6Cs, voAos ),ibid, l8(f, (^»Xivv/cv (|)/Xiwo<. ,1, 36), - Synteleia Vicenzo AranRio-Ruiz 2,196^,p. 8l8,8 (s. Kotus : reign of Claudius), - ined. (f, FevonA^s :c. ii BG),cf p. Ay/ife I M 67 (s. AyI® ' ' i AD),stratagos, - ibid, (f. Ayrja iKpi^<Tt|5 ). - 16 XII(8) 170 d,6l(s, Hu(j>p:ov rafter 130) .proxenos, Ayri6TvtK05 ~ jra 388,6(f, £rjepotfeTiS : c. 200),idem ASAA NS 23-6. 1963,?. 195 no XXVI B,V,48Cf. repotCT.s -0.200), 'Ay«ifeiov - ASM NS 23-6,1963,p. 200 no XXVI B,VIII,22,33 (d. <f>«X7 :c, 200). An6«S"(?) "• £S 27»3(s.^H7rrKoupof :ii/i BC),stratagos. AyqeTf - ASAA NS 23-6.1963.P. 167 no IX a,^9(d. i^Xo{/vv«-rpiO:f ? 0. 200). - ASAA NS 23-6,1963,?. 187 no XXVI B,I,4(d.V\pv^vot6-roj c. 200). - ASAA NS 23-6,1963,?.190 XXVI B,11,33,III,20(d. E^d-rv^'TSsts ).
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