/Jr VOL. XXV. NO. 89 The ObserverWEDNESDAY, MARCH17, 1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Saint Mary's elections to be held tomorrow Missing teens rescued; By KATIE CAPUTO AND Mary Soice, secretary and Glo­ NICOLE MCGRATH ria Reyes, treasurer, all make SJqrm death ~ou tops 200 News Writers up the second ticket. McLain has served on Regina Hall The last grpvp of. 2{ . roads so. emerg~ncy vehicles Saint Mary's College students ~~~-Iii council and just resigned as .fl. campers missi · •• cq:uld pass; before this storm will select class officers from a Board of Governance's election ewy AppalachiM ..•.• <the state had a1ret\djt ~ent $75 ~tECBri<r5t~s J99s commissioner. ejhe deatll;•de ··· · million on snow.renioval: variety of tickets tomorrow. : : . .. : . .: -~ . : :- : .. =·: : ·:: '·. ·.: . The Class of 1994 will have women, we would have a new "Most of our ticket doesn't ... four tickets to choose from this and even flow of everything," have a whole lot of experience And the NationalWeather Thursday including current said Petrovic. but we all have ideas," said Service warned. TUesday that junior class president, Beth McLain. much of the eastern :p~rt of the Their platform focuses on country, especially the Qhio Petrovic. making the seniors' last year A senior class remembrance All candidates want to sup­ the best while looking forward book, similar to the yearbook, Valley. and New England, is port the Saint Mary's sesqui­ to the future, according to would include a personal page, . Ukely to face springtim.e flo()().­ centennial committee's events Petrovic. Having a resume pictures and major world ing because of the storm; surrounding the Class of 1994. workshop and supporting Saint events. Possible senior class ·· "Tlle .volume< of wat~r that Petrovic, if elected, would Mary's alumnae workshops are trips might be to the Oprah ll ~~ ~P9W, lli~Y pe serve for the third consecutive a couple of their ideas. Working Winfrey show, Indiana dunes or .. utea,;- FrarilOUc. year as president. Her ticket Cedar Point. · . of tne Weather S~roc . ecla1 with the new Counseling and · · studies. branch<said at· a news includes current junior class Career Development director "As a service project, I want vice-president, Erin Cannon, will be important in making to look into working with one or c;onference inWa!>llin~on. Tbe Miclligan ·campers. Kristin Johnson, secretary, and these ideas a reality, she said. two families by having the se­ Mary DiFranco, treasurer. Becky McLain, president, nior class 'adopt a family' year- mostly teenagers. who all had undergone wilderness survival "Both Erin and I can continue Beth Regan, vice-president, our work but with two new see ELECTIONS I page 4 training, were among a group oH17 who set o~tlJ1ore than a wee.k ago. and. had b~~n sched, Williams completes two-week South African trip uled ~o e~xu1rge - · · · oods •:rliesd,ajt. ····· · · · ; By KRISTIN MCGOWAN News Writer ... ·Most had beeli foQ,pd Mon­ The question of how the U.S. day, leaving 21 students and can be more influential in pro­ three teachers missing. moting the empowerment of They were located Tuesday blacks in South Africa was the afternoon in the Hazel Creek focus of Father Oliver Williams area near Fontana Lake in recent two-week expedition to North Carolina. said (Jql. Larry that country. Sh.elton .·of the TePD:essee Air Williams, an associate provost · National Guard.··· and professor of management at Notre Dame, travelled to South Africa as a member of Area bars to participate in the National Advisory Council to U.S. companies operating there. His particular role with the Designated Driver program council focuses on business By MEREDITH campaign. Created by the Des­ ethics. His intention on this ignated Driver Task Force of St. visit was "to communicate that MCCULLOUGH AND SARAH DORAN Joseph County, the campaign the U.S. is very interested in the involves giving free soda and ethical dimension - the moral News Writers coffee refills to the designated dimension - of investments," he St. Patrick's Day has long driver and chances for him to said. win free dinners, tickets and The council "interviewed and been characterized by its tradi­ tional venue of festivities and hotel stays. It is the first of its listened to all the major kind in the area. political parties," according to celebration and at Notre Dame and Saint Mary's, this often "We have received calls from Williams. many different people that are translates into the attendance Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the glad we are doing this, a lot of of students at area bars. leader of the Inkatha Freedom people think its a really good Photo courtesy of Father Oliver Williams In an effort to make the holi­ Party, "gave us a lot of good Father Oliver Williams meets with lnkatha Freedom Party leader, thing" said Larry Wolf, presi­ ideas," he said. Even more day a safe one, the bars have Mangosuthu Buthelezi while on a two-week expedition to South Africa. planned a few ways to ensure dent of the Third District Tav­ important were the ideas the ern Owners Association and council wanted to impress on that a designated driver will be instrumental in promoting a member of the task force. Buthelezi. black party, because he believes Buthelezi to accept it. "We are going to learn a lot Buthelezi has been resisting a new tradition- one character­ it provides insufficient federalist One week before their trip, ized by safe driving. from it, but, like a newborn new political agreement be­ structure, according to the council was briefed by the baby, its going to take a while. tween the National Party, the Eighty-seven area bars will Williams. National Security Commission. participate in a year-round It will need adjustments and dominant white party, and the changes," he said. The council, on the other "Their strong feeling was that program that kicks off today the African National Congress hand, approves of the agree­ called the "If you Drink, Think" see DRIVERS I page 4 (ANC), the most influential ment, and wants to persuade see WILLIAMS I page 6 Rear Admiral Wilmot to address Naval ROTC battalion By SARAH DORAN and Training. volved female officers, she said. is an atypical lifestyle and some Associate News Editor Wilmot sees a great future for "The Navy can and will edu­ can't handle that. You must women in the Navy, despite the cate and protect against sexual have an understanding before current administration's cut­ harassment. I am in a good po­ you get married and a serious When Rear Admiral Louise backs. sition to ensure a good training discussion with your husband Wilmot received her commis­ "The changes in the Navy program. But, you must speak about careers and how it is go­ sion as an ensign in the U.S. should not be seen as frighten­ up when you see things going ing to work," she said. "It must Navy in 1964, it would have ing or limiting. They will only wrong. The Navy did not edu­ be a team effort to work out." been very easy for her not to expand opportunities for cate and commission you for "All it takes is planning out see a future in her chosen ca­ women," she said. "The cuts sexual harassment." she said. when to have children. There reer. will mean a lot of competition "Don't let a bad situation go has never been a situation "Women were not in com­ for jobs. It is positive for women on." where a female aviator has not mand in anything. We could not and for the navy." "The Tailhook 1\vo report will been able to carry out a mission be aboard ship, husbands were It has been recommended by come out soon and with it will due to pregnancy," she said. not entitled to benefits, and acting Secretary of the Navy Rear Admiral Louise Wilmont come another round of scrutiny. Before assuming her present having children meant not Admiral Kelso that•all areas of Officers are supposed to be the post, Rear Admiral Wilmot was having a career," she said yes­ the Navy be opened to women, will soon go on most ships, and epitome of good behavior. commander of the Naval terday afternoon during a said Wilmot, who sits on the also into combat. There is something that allows Training Center in Orlando, meeting with Naval ROTC Secretary of the Navy's Com­ "Combat in the Navy means people to suspend good Florida and has been decorated women midshipmen. mittee for Women. being on ships or aircrafts,"she behavior- it is wrong," said with the Defense Superior Ser­ But, after almost thirty years "Right now, it is not the said. "There is no reason why Wilmot. "Behavior must be the vice Medal, Legion of Merit of service, she is not only a number one issue, but it is one women can't do that. There will same all the time. We must Medal, Meritorious Service decorated officer but also the of extreme importance. I be­ be a push for women in the uphold high standards." Medal, and the National De­ tenth woman in Navy history to lieve that we will soon see the Navy." She also addressed the sub­ fence Medal. She will address be picked to be an admiral, a repeal of legislation that bars Women should not be dis­ ject of women and family in the the Naval ROTC battalion this position she was appointed to in the restriction of where women couraged with the Navy in light Navy, stressing understanding afternoon at 3:25 pm in room 1991.
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