Aquatic This material is provided by the International Cencr for Lising cen Resources Management (ICLARM), an independent,ronprofit rewarch terworking on fiaheriet and aquacultre in tropical third-world countriis. .o.ralsati,manila. philippine, ICLARM Technical Reports 19 Bivalve Mollusc Culture Research in Thailand Edited by E.W. McCoy Tanittha Chongpeepien r '~ ,)F., ::'YDepartment of International Center for,Living Deutsche Gesellschaft for Technische .;_Is-.:> iheries, Thai~and Aquatic Resources Management Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Bivalve Motlusc Culture Research in Thailand Edited by E.W. McCoy and TANITTHA CHONGPEEPIEN An account of research conducted under the project: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR APPLIED RESEARCH ON COASTAL AQUACULTURE A cooperative Project of the Department of Fisheries, Royal Kingdom of Thailand; the International Center for Living Aquecic Resources Management (ICLARM); and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fOr Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GrnbH DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES BANGKOK, THAILAND INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR LVING AQUATIC RESOURCES MANAGEMENT MANILA, PHILIPPINES DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT FOR TECHNISCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT (GTZ) GmbH ESCHBORN, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY I Bivalve mollusc culture research in Thailand Edited by E.W. McCoy TANITTHA CHONGPEEPIEN 19,8 Published jointly by the Departr - . .. .... ... angkok 10900, Thailand; International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, MC P.O. Box 1501, Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines; and Deutsche Gesellschaft for Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), GmbH, Postfach 5180, D-6236 Eschbrn I bei Frankfurt/Main, Federal Republic of Germany. Printed in Manila, Philippines McCoy, EW. and T. Chongpeepien, Editors. 1988. Bivalve mollusc culture research inThailand. ICLARM Technical Reports 19, 170 p. Departmuit of Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand; International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, Manila, Philippines; and Doutsche Gesellschaft for Technische Zusanmenarbeit (GTZ), GmbH, Eschborn, Federal Republic of Germany. ISSN 0115-5547 ISBN 971-1022-43-5 Cover: Steaming green mussels, Petchaburi, Thailand. Photo by Ronald Ventilla. ICLARM Contribution No. 455. /1 Contents Forewords ................................................. v Preface e .R. Smith and R.S. V.Pu/in .............................. viii Introduction ....................................... .......... ix Acknow ledgem ents .......................................... xi Aspects of Mussel Culture in Thailand ............................... xii Aspects of Oyster Culture in Thailand .............................. xiii Economically Important Molluscan Shellfish of Thailand ................... 1 Sabaithip Amornjaruchit. Translated by Tanittha Chongpeepien and E.W. McCoy. Hatchery Techniques for Tropical Bivalve Molluscs ..................... 19 Songchai Sahavatcharint, Arunee Chindanond, Sabaithip Amornjaruchit, Jintana Nugranad, Khom Silapacharl, Vichit Chawivanskorn, Suttino Limsurat, Sompong Klangnarong, C.L. Angell, E.W. McCoy, Kosol Mutarasint and Manu Potaros. Translated by Tanittha Chongpeepien and E.W. McCoy Oyster Culture in Tnailand ................... .................. 31 Pairoj Brohmanorida, Kosol Mutarasint, Tanittha Chongpeepien and Sabaithip Arnornjaruchit. A Bioeconomic Longitudinal Processing and Marketing Study of Green Mussel in Thailand ................................. 40 E.W.McCoy, S. Tuaycharoen, J.M. Vakily and P. Boonchuwong. Procedures for Stardardizing Bioeconomic Data on the Various Products from Green Mussels in Thailand .................................. 70 J.M. Vakily, Sunan Tuaycharoen and E.W. McCoy. Transplantation of Green Mussels (Perna viridis) inThailand, 1979-1981 ....... 80 Pairoj Brohmanonda, Kosol Mutarasint, Somchat Sukwongse and Naris Thanakumcheep. Translated by Kosol Mutarasint. Growth and Maturation of the Green Mussel (Perna viridis) in Thailand ........ 88 Sunan Tuaycharoen, J.M. Vakily, Agaluk Saelow and E.W. McCoy. Growth, Mortalit' and Transportation Studies on Transplanted Cockles (Fam. Arcidae) in Nakhon Bay, Thailand ......................... 102 Yudh Hansopa, Kwanruethai Thanormkiat, Songsit Limsakul, Yajai Charoenvittayakul, Tanittha Chongpeepien, Chaat Mongkolmann and Sunan Tuaycharoen. iii Transplantation of Cockles (Fain. Arcidae) into Sawi Bay, Thailand ........... .109 Thavorn Thamasavate, Khom Silapajarn, Jintana Nugranad, Wirach Pattharapinyo, Chanin Sangrungruang, Suttino Limsurat and Somchai Yangponlakan. Translated by Tanittha Chongpeepien and E.W. McCoy. Annexes 1. Unpublished Reports and Theses Produced during the Project ......... 113 2. Project-Related Publications and Reports on Mollusc Research in Thailand ...... ...................................... 116 3. Research Projects on Molluscs Conducted by personnel of the Brackishwater Fisheries Division, Thailand Department of Fisheries, from 1976 to 1985....................................... 120 4. Trace Metals in Bivalve Molluscs from Thailand. Phillips, D.J.H. and K. Mutarasin. 1985. Reprinted from Mar. Environ. Res. 15:215-234 ...... 128 5. Analysis of Length and Weight Characteristics of the Green Mussel Perna viridis from Thailand. Vakily, J.M., S. Tuaycharoen and J. Nugranad. 1988. Reprinted from Asian Fish. Sci. 1:165-174 ......... 148 6. Commercial Cockle Farming in Southern Thailand. Reprinted from Siri Tookwinas 1983. ICLARM Translations 7, 13 p. E.W. McCoy, translator. 1985 . .............................................. 156 iv Forewords Fishing and aquaculture production are very important to the economy of Thailand. As the natural resources are becoming depleted, the Department of Fisheries has initiated a program of replacement utilizing cultured species. Molluscs are a very important part of aquaculture planning. The research assistance provided by ICLARM has been particularly useful in focusing attention on the constraints to development in mollusc culture. Mr. Vanich Varikul Director General Department of Fisheries 7 The Department of Fisheries has research, development and extension responsibility. The Department attempts to develop and extend applied methods of culture, product handling and marketing to the private sector. The mollusc culture Project has integrated all of these aspects, with concentration on shellfish. The Department of Fisheries has incorporated the concept into a series of centers for combined effort on specific products. Dr. Plodprason Suraswadi Deputy Director General Development Directorate Department of Fisheries New product development and product quality are crucial in expanding demand for fisheries products. The Project has incorporated these aspects within the biological and economic framework. A series of new forms of mollusc products have been developed by the Department of Fisheries and particular attention is given to product preservation. Applied research, as illustrated by the Froject, must give consideration to suitability for local Ms. Bung-Orn Saisithi conditions. The long-term nature of the research assistance has Deputy Director General Technology Directorate allowed this consideration. Department of Fisheries As the economy and population of Thailand expand, the task of the Department of Fisheries becomes more complex. Land and freshwater become increasingly valUable for multiple purpose use. The marine and coastal waters may become the most suitable locations for aquaculture expansion. As data from the mollusc culture Project indicate, the same conflicts can arise in the coastal Mr. Urubhan Boonprakop zone if careful advance planning is not performed. Deputy Director General Administrative/ Marine Directorate Department of Fisheries V The Brackishwater Fisheries Division has responsibility for development of coastal aquatic resources. The Division has instituted a special section devoted to shellfish research and development. Project assistance has provided technical staff training and allowed Divisinn staff to interrelate with senior scientists from ICLARM on a day-to-day basis. The staff thus have gained the capability to produce high-level applied research which beyond the termination of the Project. Mr. Pairoj Brohmanonda will continue Project Director Brackishwater Fisheries Division The operating units of the Department of Fisheries must respond to current problems and plan information collection to respond to problems that may arise in the future. The decision to expand mollusc culture in the coastal zone was made a matter of governmental policy. Implementation of the policy is the responsibility of the Brackishwater Fisheries Division. Appraisal of the feasibility of the various means of implementation is the responsibility of the Planning and Policy Division. The mollusc KosolMutarasintChief culture Project was conducted within both Divi ions. The technical, Coastal InvestigationSection biological and economic feasibility of each system was carefully Bracklshwater Fisheries appraised. The Co-Project Leaders interrelated with each other and Division with Project staff to assist the Project Director in assuring beneficial 1 results to the people of Thailand. Manu Potaros Chief Research Section Brackishwater Fisheries Division Somying Reintrairut Chie; Fisheries Economics Section Department of Fisheries vi Other Senior Personnel of the Department of Fisheries, Thailand, Who Took Part in the Project Dr. Anant Saraya Ms. Tanittha Chongpeepien Dr. Yont Musig Ms. Yajai Ms. Vanida Anaman Mr. Yudh Hansopa Charoenvittayakul C -i Ms. Sunan Tuaycharoen Ms. Sabaithip Ms. Kwcnruethai Ms. Arunee Chindanond Amornjaruchit
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