Tustlikamagfe!^ NEVERNEVER I

Tustlikamagfe!^ NEVERNEVER I

' THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. Admiral TELEVISION—RADIO Today's TUESDAY, MARCH 0. 10&I B-17 pwnl§ Television Today—Tuesday, March 9, 1954 Highlights television's outstanding personality of the year P.M. WNBW <Ch. 4>|WTTG <Ch. 5> IWMALTCH. 7) |WTOP iCh. 9> Television Today. ,M Fintllght Tkeiter H.ppity Sklpplty ’ Family Playhouse Starlight Theater 7:30, WMAL (7)—Cavalcade of ill “lucky wltk Moppet Mines Crustier; Weitktr RADIO America: “Duel at the OK SUN 1 :3p larrigin" Wirrt*. News News—Pu» The 6:30 Reperl 6,45 Weather; Niwsi Spts. Simps**; WtatkM Jim Glbhens SPew New, RickerPs Corral” tells the story of Wy- - f Earp. Bishop ;pp Superman Captain Vldei Jim Cibhins Skew MarkErim Skew att * " j Mevle Raick nun Jek* Oely News 7:30, (s)—Fairy Olesk Skere Anderstn es News; WTTG Tales 7,1:M CsveicaPe tawiris of Christian NEVER, ,45 News Ctraviß fairy Isles Stafford Hans Andersen: IS I Americe Je I Tonight’s drama is “The Ugly 41 Miltam Berle Blskep Fpltei The Mask Gene Autry ’* - Fulton J. • Duckling.” Skeen Jack Cirssi Sktee dry Merrill ,)| “Reehester" Pantcmuea Bali William Prince Beslan Blickii 8:00, WNBW (4)—Milton Berle 8:15«4S ” ” " " "•* _ Jack Carson and Eddie ’ Show: * :BB Flresldn Tkniter Frnm Onter Spied Ream fer Daddy This Is Sktw " " “Rochester” Anderson head NEVERNEVER I Bnster Crtkkn Danny Business fkomss the guest lineup. :38 Circle Tkeiter Llkerace TV Naur Suspense " " " " 9:11 M ” M M i4S 9:00, WMAL (7)—Make Room (KNOWINGLY) I :BB Julie Fer Yenrself Wrastlihf TV Hour Faiigar for Daddy: Told to relax, Danny steps out and buys a | :3S Mr. ini Mrs. " " Tkn Names Sit it Nsw 0 ” ” nightclub ¦4S Nsrtk ths Sams (f. B. Murrew - :B8 Hirknessi Neither Niwt; Spirts Rendell; Btchismm Cickrs*; Neither 9:00, WNBW (4)—Fireside The- UNDERSOLD I 4 4 ;1S Cintms Playksusi {Weitker; Theater Seven Star Theater Sieiel; SevareiP ater: Circumstantial evidence I | :JS “Identity Night Owl Theater “Thirteenth Tht late Shew threatens a woman with al- i4S Unknown” "Wtlves if the Sea”, Guest” j "Holiday Rhythm” most certain conviction for ELECTRIC MIXERS - £ 12:BB Cinema Fleykeuse Night 3wr Tkeetir Sevee~~StjT~Tkeiter iliTTite"Skew the murder of her husband in “The Farnsworth Ca s e.” Ruth Clifford and John Agar Sunbeam _-46.50 31.18 Wedncsd °yr March 10 * 1954 1<MBieranpwiwHa>aißi!r ,> Television Tomorrow- head the cast. Dormeyer 29.70 WNBW—t:4S, end Ceuntry News; Wright; 46.50 Tewn l:st. Look te This Day; I. Today, 7:25, Holly 9:00, WTOP (9)—This Is Show (4) 7:31, Today; 7:55. News; I. Tldey; 1:25, News; l:3t, Today: I, Kitchen Cunhoari; 1:38, Waring Portable 19.95 12.48 Figure Farmule; 8:48, Phyllis Weaver; 8:45, French; 18, Dins Dons School; 18.38, One Business: Musical Comedy Waring Blendor 39.95 24.73 RENT TV| Man's Family; 18:43, Three Steps t* Heaven; It, Hints: 12, Bride and Grtom; 12:15, Star Vivienne Segal Joins the Largest —Lowest Rates Hawkins Falls; 12:30, Betty White Shew; 1, Feature Playhouse—“ Petticoat Politics"; panel. Westinghouse Mixer _ .46.20 29.88 Screens | 2, lass's Angle: 2:31, News; 2:35, Mike Hunnicutt; 3, Kate Smith; 4, Welcome Travelers; Certified Rentals 4:38, On Ysnr Account; 5, Pinky Lin; 5:30, Nawdy Onedy. 9:30, WMAL (7)—TV Hour: Nat'lly Adv. Portable--19.95 9.88 TV 1 Cronyn Wy- WTTG—I:4S, Hume and Jane Carteon Theater; 18. Early Bird Theater—" What's Your Racket?"; 11, Jamboree; Family LI. 7.7600 | (5) 11:30, Around thn Town; 12, News; 12:15, Midday Chapel: 12:38, Heppity Skippity; 1, att co-star in “The POWER Session; Man,” a comedy concerning I LAWN MOWER Lamb 2, Interlude; 2:3t, Diana Lucas; 3, Paul Diton Shew; 4, Matinee far a You— “Rins Arsued the Mean." Washington correspondent. Below Wholesale Cost! WMAL—B:3d, Carteen Capers; I, Breakfast Club; 18, Movie Ctuk—"Sens fnr Mils Juh(”i 9:30, WNBW (4)—Circle The- Jackson 16” Rotary Elec. 64.95 39.88 (T) 11:48, TV Clsseup; 11:45, Paradis* Island; 12, Cartaon Concert; 12:55, News, Rendell; ater: Arthur Treacher and Gas_ SENSATIONAL j; 1, Just far Fun; 2, Hollywood Matinee—"Man at tht Gate"; 3, Modern Woman, with Jackson 18” Rotary 89.95 55.88 Yeur will be are featured savings sensational if < > Roth Crane; 3:38, Jerry and Jimmi; 4, Sawyer”; 4:30, Mildred Natwick you take advantage our big Bill Wells—" Tom Carteon Reo 21” Gos 136.95 91.88 of < [ Capers; 4:45, 5, Family Playhouse—“Yeuns in "Tam O Shanter,” a com- trade on a new co-stars Hume Chelmondeley; Recruit." J' J i JUST FOR FUN—Jane Wyatt with Cronyn in edy about a news-making hen. William McCleery’s comedy, “The Family Man,” which WTOF—B:3B, Time end Music; 1:53, Meditations: 7, Ray Meachum; 1:55, Douglas; 8, Billy Jphn RCA will 9:30, WTOP (9)—Suspense: |[ AIR CONDITIONER |! be presented on Motorola TV Hour at 9:30 tonight on (8) sin's Show; 8:55, Donna Deuslss; 10, Arthur Godfrey; 11:30, Stnko It Rich; 12, Valiant Lady; 12:15, Live if Life; 12:38, Search tar Tomorrow; 12:45, Guiding Light; 1, Jeffrey Lynn portrays a hum- dipMD VACUUM CLEANERS | WMAL-TV. Brighter Day; 1:15, Mark Ivans; 1:3B, Garry M«nrt; 2, Doukle «r Nothing; 2:38, Housi ble bank clerk who turns de- PHRRRIOUI)T Party; Big Pnyaffi Jtfferys; Temple; Creaky. j; CO. \ 1, 3:38, Allan 4, Pick 5:38, Boh tective in “Before the Act.” «; 2202 Georgia Ave. N.W. |! 10:30, (91—See model !> HU. 3-4800 <! Viewing TV WTOP It Now: GE Canister 89.95 53.88 f|f J | PLENTY FREE PARKING !» Tuesday, March 9, 1954 Edward R. Murrow reports on Universal Tank 79.95 38.88 Radio Today Senator Joseph R. McCarthy. FA*. WMAL—63O WRC—9BO WWDC—I26O WTOP—ISOO Royal Tank __-___63.95 33.88 Nine Years' Work and Video 188 Star Ntws News; Eli Bek Welff News; Jackseu Radio Today. Westinghouse Hand til Miltan t. Peri lari Bedwla Bandstand) Nows News; Spts.i Cochran 8:15, WRC—Frank Sinatra: :)S " " Bergmaii Ntws Bill Stnrn Curt Msssey the modern mood. Vacuum 27.50 17.88 6 ” " Music in an >43 Ntws Berger Thomas HEAT Make Phyllis Actress 3-star Eitrai Bandi Lowell 8:30, WGMS—Student Recital: BQ John Vuderceuk Nows, Dreier Fultoe Lowls~lr. TennesstTlrnit Soprano Hutchisons FURNACES fir HEATERS By C. S. Butterfield Cangrass Today Breedwey Tunes Hit Bouiah Edna* REPAIR * PARTS Tueos :3B Captain Starr Ncwst Beatty Gakrial Haatter Cheraliers MacCrindle is heard. DEEP FRYERS 0-3036 ** 0 3306 NEW YORK. It comes to playing mother roles 7:18¦4S [ft YA £ E. L. POE ", Naws On* Mm's Fimlly Eddie Fisker Ed. R. Murrew 8:30, WRC—Barrie Craig: The 0213 Georfte Ave N.W. The television camera’s in- on either radio or television. She Peratrlj 17 Tears with Gas Coaspaas Bill Moyhush Dinah There 1281 Cluk Pioplt Are faaay Investigator exposes a hoax demand for new faces demonstrated again in " '* " " Call fer Par Lew Prteee satiable that the Frank Sinatra Jack Rawilp Coronet 24.95 14.88 “ " in the case of "The Tearless | and new talent is casting such Steel Hour on ABC-TV last wr eek 8:18:1> Barria Craig News; 1288 Mr sap Mrs Nsrtl » " » " " Widow.” people as Phyllis Kirk, a girl of •45 1283 Club Dormeyer 29.95 17.88 B pixie-like beauty, into the lime- >BO IAmerica’s Tiwu Dragnet HeUry: 1288 Jiknny Dollar 8:30, WTOP—Mr. and Mrs. Westinghouse 29.95 19.08 ED’S GRILL light. Mooting ” '* 1250 Club " ” North: A young man becomes Channel Chuckles * ” " 3 Swayri; fartuaa Chemical Engiaeert My fruna irma entangled in a web of circum- -ryryte 29.95 16.88 M For the 24-year old Phyllis, 9:18 I * " 15th and H N.E. :*8 s. 0. Canharn Ricky Fartuaa Home Rule; Greeae provided -- -- “Step SHEEHY television has a short >BB stantial evidence in into EDDIE Bill Meieae Skew Fihiaer McGee fTonk ldwirdi Tiny Martia MyParlor.” ELECTRIC HEATERS 50% OFF cut to top. > ” B We are bock again serving the the 4/5:111 caa Yau Tap ran Newsreel [Ginger Regers this bright * " " same good food at reasonable prices. It has taken lass lU 3 Light Up Tim* Mickey Spillaee Dick Powell 9:00. WRC—Dragnet: Jack Hercules Fan Heater 14.95 7.48 STEAMED SHRIMP only nine years to realize her •** " " i Newt Mac McGarry | " " Lsuella Parsons Webb stars in a documented Hercules Automatic 19.95 9.88 ’teen-age ambition to become an Bill Malont Show News: fleley 5588 Massey WorlS Tenigkt crime-drama. SEAFOOD—STEAKS M “ ” ” Electric Radiator 29.95 14.88 actress. :1 * Lee Daytea News; McDonaii " " 9:00, WMAL—America's Town Open Sun., 1 p.m.; Weekdays, 8 a.m. For the girl w ith the elfln 31 I Music Tkreugk News; Mtsiey Moondlal T n ,4 * " " tk* Night Massey EOdi* Gineker Meeting: Representative Wal- expression, _ | 5588 1492 H television has it all 3,: i ST. N.E. *8 Midnight with Miltoa NewsT" Muslu JSP3 Massey News! Music ter H. Judd. Ernest Gross, former United States Ambas- MISCELLANEOUS f| Horry MocArthur, The Star'* television sador to the United Nations, columnist, is ill. His column will Wednesday, March 10, 1954 Elec. Knife Sharpener 14.95 7.48 m Radio Tomorrow and Harry F. Kern, senior resume on his return.

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