-11*^,. ■ 7 PAGE SIXTEEN TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1972 iSattrlftBti^r lEvrnin^ % ra U i Art Show T h e W e a th e r Af Library Variable cloudlneM through tomorrow with chance of few Coventry South Windsor late ahowera 'fhuraday; low -to­ Page 2 night near 60—high tomorrow about 80. Friday , . cloudy. Manehe$ter^A City of Village Charm VOL. X a, NO. 229 Wrestling with Pollution Wapping Plan Pro-Group (THIRTY.SIX PAGES—TWO SBCTtONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1972 (Claaillled Adyertioliig on Pago S3) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS By HOIX.V OANTNER town’s eUgibiUty for funding, undeveloped areas around the suddenly be bulldable. creating (Herald porrespondent) but thus far, no word has been lake not served by the initial even more of a population ex- The pollution issue has been received. service area and the area of pk>sl<)n. before the town of Coventry for Combination PoaslMe ^>1 VaUey. The matter of these lots. several years now, and the 1 1 1 0 most likely solution ap- The central northwestern sec- which existed prior to soning, Appeals for Public Push • Town Council must. In the next pears to be a combination of two town. Including the area is being liwestlgated by the Benefit Hike several weeks, make a decision or more of these approaches, bordered’ “-----* on— the“ ■ * noi^---- “■ by'— Rt*** Planning and Zoning Commis­ on what course of action to fol­ particularly in view of the over- **** south by the Na- sion to determine whether they Proponents of the High one child has been enrolled in He said the other half of the mission who are No More Draftees low. whelmlng defeat of a sewer ref- ronm t, on the west can, lis effect, be knocked out Sohool-Wapplng 0>mplex Plan, the school systenl. He said he oth grade Is housed in the Ells- figures from the arw itecU , she 'i There are nearly as many erendum last year. by the Bolton town line, and as a building posslUlity. (utilisation of the Wapping felt Immigration of children worth school, a situation par- Also defending the_ *><>*«>*• proposed solutions to the prob­ Regarding sewers. the Town **** *■ The need to force homeosm- School as an annex to the high would not change the overall ents are very happv with, but position was Donald Itorghti^ Defies Nixon, a nlember of the board, who lem as there are townspeople Council is now reviewing a re- included In thU second area ers with Inadequate sepUc ays- school In lieu of building and picture on population. u,at in the middle schort, pointed out that the declslan for willing to express an opinion, vised program, leas compre- ** terns to conform is considered addition to the presently over- The group, working with youngsters In the «th grade are hensive than the one Chat was long-range area Included by many of the howeowners as crowded high school) last nl|^t school -enumeration totals, re- u,rcwn Into a sltualon "they the architect U made by the and on Thursday night at 7:30 Town Council and the board Sent to Vietnam In the high school, all of them defeated last year, but One that **** P*'" covw the » grossly urfalr stdutlon, since encouraged more public parti- districted students from the handle at too early an would sewer most of the lake southeast sectton of town where the cost U hl»h, and In some cipation at town meetings In an Wapping School to other town ’ does not govern the Public arc invited to be heard In a Gains Favor WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres­ September 1 troop target level until war prisoners have been Building Commission. and village areas. planned construction of 1-84 cases, the homeowner cannot effort to acquire facta needed to elementary schools to ascertain that with the bulld- ident Nixon- announced today of 39,000 would represent a 93 returned or accounted for. public meeting being scheduled COffyn asked B er^ u is why by the council with the purpose Total cost of this project, interchange purchase additional land for the determine png>er action on all that the plan could work with- ^ jhe high school addition, WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite President Nixon's plans for a two-month with­ per cent reduction from the au­ The White House spokesman which includes Joint partlcipa- **** possible relocation of installation of adequate leech- matters In town government. out overtaxing the elementary assume that the board did not ask for a spe­ of gathering as many opinions ODjections, Democrats are moving' ahead with plans to drawal of 10,000 U.S. t n x ^ thorized celling of 649,800 In ef­ said that in addition to troops Uon with UC<Muirthe Mansfield R‘- 275 lends Itself to an Indus- „eias. Donald Marra, a member of level. “ “ * cific date for the cost figures to from South Vietnam and di­ os possible. _ j,,. Ellsworth School would be clos- tack a 20-per cent Social Security increase onto a bill fect when Nixon took office in in South Vietnaum, some 40,000 Tranlng School, and the town of lone. p^ei Town Should Help the group which, along with ap- x breakdown be returned to them, either by What course of action does ShouM Help the group which, along with ap- x breakdown of each total j within two to four vears af- raising the national debt>ceiling. rected that only draftees who 1969. men are aboard ships offshore th ^ “th e '^ ^ u la t^ n Willingiton. Is J12.S38.000. Of- tWs. The initial servicesendee area would Lake area owners now under proxlmataly 50 helpers, clrcula- school populaUon and the per f f , school constrwUon letter ^or r^Urequesting M tlng volunteer be sent there In the Ben. Frank CSiurch, D-Idaho, -------'■-------------—— ____________ _ Asked if toe 39,000 would rep­ and approximately 46,000 others . ^ Coventry’s cash outlay would be P® f®*" completion by 1985, local abatement orders feel the ted a petlticm in South Windsor pupil-teacher ratio was placed , town council for the help, filture. •aid hla amendment la in (Inal resent a “ residual force,” Zieg­ are stationed elsewhere in want Its .seven elected ep - ^ million. J3 mUUon less according to the report; the ^est of the town has a respon- calling lor immediate acUon on view on the walU of the ‘ Berghuls repUed the board has te rn « r i H Sen. Church aaid the financ- Nixon’s action would reduce sentatlves to follow? There are ler said he regarded that term Southeast Asia. than last year’s proposal. CX>st short term area by 1996, and slblUty to help clear up Idke the overcrowding problem after meeting room. In tvro of the In- Arnold, wife of „o "power to do it.’’ S S i ^ m L . p r o v t a W o f hla bill, to pay toe authorized troop level to 39,- several alternatives, all being aa "somewhat of a misnomer.’’ These figures have Increased had definitely been considered the long-range area after 1996. problems, and this fact U being an anUcipated June referendum coming fifth grades the group ®* Education Chairman, one parent called for Imme- 000 by Sept. 1. Investigated by these seven However, he said the United by about 36,000, he reported, by town officials as an Import- Wh*i« the town Is under an recognized by the council In tu had been rescheduled, possibly ^^wed 25 pupils per teacher contradicted statements made jiat, acUon. She said the town before to. Senate, probably been cleared with toe Social Se- The average mcxithly with­ members of the Town (Council. TTuiraday. States "shall keep toe min­ since Hanoi’s current offensive ant (actor in the referendum de- abatement order from the attempts to secure engineering to November. Marra told real- the maximum ^ e other S»>e said they has "dlsgrunUed” hl^ s^ool j ... # euHty Admlntitratlon. drawal rate of 5,000 for the One is sewers in the lake The Hbuae imum needed to achieve our began last Easter weekend. (eat. IxKiause of apparent aid for affected resldenta. It U denU who attended the Infor- classrooms ranged from 17 to ‘ ntplsdn^ ‘ •“ ‘ t no plan for students. "Tow n officials have paaaed toe debt- They would booat toe wage summer months was half toe objectives. In any case, some Ziegler, while declining to area, a solution which would It is felt also that the re- ‘a*® pdluUon problems, the hh- ,rom this atUtude also that the mal discussion meeting last „ atudents in all arades in the the students has been made by been dilly-dallying too long," Hmlt blU m to IM Tuewlay. b a i^ t o e " iJ^ount of level of the May-June rate of -American forces would remain most likely Immediately satis­ vised plan currently under con- ewer to many is more cotnpU- council asked its engineers to night that public meetings are bomerooms One duplex nort- the present board. she said. earelnga agalnat which toe pay- 10,000. (See Page Eight) fy the requirements of the State sideraUon would eUmlnate some cated than “Just sewers." ^ feaslbiUty re- “very lonely when you are the .. ' be us ^ ^ " ’The board has a plan to ^ roU tax la levled -from tJooo Press Secretary Ronald L. W ater Resources Oommission, able would be used in three of the other sore polnU in last The problems go back more on a sewage treatment cnly member of the pubUc at „,,_--t„rv schools build onto the high school." she Manchester Evening BeraM it? $10,800 in 1973 and $ia,.
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