The Spirit Knights of Columbus Scott A. MacDonald Council 8512 V OLUME 3 7 I SSUE 12 D ECEMBER 2020 COUNCIL OFFICERS What is Advent, anyway? Chaplain ...................... Fr. Anh Tran ............ (817) 284-4811 Grand Knight ................ Mike Dellies ............. (817) 656-1492 by JD Flynn Deputy Grand Knight.... Robert Sands............ (817) 988-3376 Denver, Colo., Nov 30, 2020 / 11:35 am MT (CNA).- Advent Chancellor ..................... John Giglio ............. (817) 281-4617 began this year on Sunday, Nov. 30. Most Catholics, even Recorder .................... Allan Fitzwater ........... (817) 528-8142 those who don’t often go to Mass, know that Advent involves Treasurer ................... Gary Yanowski ........... (817) 656-1142 a wreath with some candles, possibly a “calendar” of hidden Financial Secretary ....... Mark Krueger ........... (817) 939-1192 chocolates, and untangling strings of Christmas lights. Lecturer ....................... Juan Valdez ............. (817) 966-8925 Advocate .................... Terry Barnhard .......... (817) 707-6135 But Advent is more than that. Here are a few points that Warden ..................... Gary Obudzinski ......... (817) 656-3274 might help you have a great Advent this year: Guard .......................... Paul Cuttica ............. (518) 774-4019 Guard ........................ Paul Posluszny ........... (724) 987-3126 What is Advent? Trustee (3-Year) ....... Ken Kenvin, PGK ......... (817) 595-4104 The people of Israel waited generations for the promised Mes- Trustee (2-Year) ........Jerry Dews, PGK ......... (817) 932-0551 siah to arrive. Their poetry, their songs and stories, and their Trustee (1-Year) .... Bobby Donahoo, PGK ...... (817) 498-9628 religious worship focused on an awaited savior, whom God INSURANCE had promised, over and over, would come to them to set Field Agent .................. Tim Bradford ............ (817) 821-2323 them free from captivity, and to lead them to the fulfillment of all that God had chosen for them. FOURTH DEGREE District 3 Master ........... Pat Conway Israel longed for a Messiah, and John the Baptist, who came San Juan Diego Assembly 2857 before Jesus, promised that the Messiah was coming, and Faithful Navigator ..... SK Dick Norgaard ........ (817) 656-2529 could be found in Jesus Christ, God’s son, the “Lamb of God Comptroller .. SK Ejikeme “EJ” Alozie-Nwagboso who takes away the sins of the world.” DIOCESE Diocesan Rep. ............. Bruce Mallory ........... (817) 807-2982 Advent is a season in the Church’s life intended to renew the experience of waiting, and longing, for the Messiah. Though District Deputy ............ Obie Obregon ........... (817) 528-2393 Christ has already come into the world, the Church invites us to renew our desire for the Lord more deeply into our lives, and to renew our desire for Christ’s triumphant second com- ing into the world. Inside this issue: Advent is the time in which we prepare for Christmas, the memorial of Jesus Christ being born into the world. Prepara- Calendar 3 tions are practical, like decorating a tree or stringing lights, but they’re also intended to be spiritual. Birthday News 4 Pro-Life Corner 5 During Advent, we’re invited to enter more frequently into silence, into prayer and reflection, into Scripture, and into News You Can Use 9 the sacramental life of the Church, all to prepare for cele- Volunteer Opportunities 15 brating Christmas. (Continued on Page 14) T HE S PIRIT P A G E 2 Grand Knight’s Message Brother Knights, Merry Christmas! It’s a little early for me to be using that greeting, as it’s only the beginning of December. But, we’re already in Advent, which means Christmas is near. As evident by this newsletter not being ready by the 1st of the month, I’ve been getting busy and time just keeps slipping away. I’m sure many of you will experience this same feeling as we all prepare for the coming holiday. As I write this, there are only three weeks left to do my Christmas shopping. I always dread going shopping for Christmas gifts, mainly because doing so has the reverse effect on me. Instead of feeling good about giving to others, I feel discouraged by the constant drumming commercialism. The emphasis seems to be on buying ra- ther than giving. COVID may mitigate this a little this year, but I’m sure traffic, crowds, and just the running around to find that ‘perfect’ gift is sure to wear me down. Other holiday preparations also seem to add to the lack of Christmas spirit for me. Got to put up the Christmas tree, put up the lights on the house (always more help putting up than taking down), sending Christmas cards to relatives and close friends (fewer each year), all mixed with the push at work to get things done before the end of the year, or before a few days off at the end of the year. Life was much simpler when I was a kid. There was the long awaited month-long Christmas break from school, followed by growing anticipation for the big night. The only cares I had was whether Santa heard my request for that toy. That’s it. I didn’t have to buy gifts for others, so I didn’t know the joys of fighting the mall crowds, heavy traffic, and where I grew up, snow squalls that seem to make traffic even that much more enjoyable. No, I just counted the days waiting to reap the fruits of my ‘goodness’ from the past year. Santa knows I’ve been good, right? How could he not put that coveted gift under the tree on Christmas eve? Then, Christmas Day! We most often started by signing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Jesus and enjoying a slice of birth- day cake. Then on to the living room. Wow! There seemed to be an endless array of gifts under the tree (although I probably only got three or four small packages — clothes didn’t count. The next week or so was spent enjoying the gifts I received, most of which lasted past New Year’s Day. Fast-forward 50-plus years. Back to reality. No more childlike anticipation. No more month long vacation. No more carefree enjoyment. I miss those days. Sounds like I need to re-focus my energy to the coming of Christ Jesus. That’s the best gift I could imagine. Every other gift pales in comparison. How could I not be overjoyed this time of year? Maybe all the things I mentioned would be more enjoyable, would have more meaning, if I were to keep the rea- son for the season in mind as I went through the motions of Christmas shopping, decorating, working, and just living. How could keeping the coming of our Saviour in mind not lead to a joyous Christmas season? I know, I’m human, destined to settle into the same old routines. I guess going through life is like navigating a cruise ship. It just wants to move in a straight line, and it takes a Herculean effort to change course. I guess that’s why man came up with the notion of making New Year’s resolutions. I always had trouble keeping my New Year’s resolutions, until I finally made one I could keep: No more New Year’s resolutions! Well, COVID will make this Christmas unlike any we’ve experienced before. Things won’t be the same this year as last. That could be a good thing in some ways. We may be forced to spend time with our families (in small groups, of course). We will probably stay at home and relax. Whatever this Christmas season holds for you, I hope that you find the peace of that silent night so long ago. I hope you enjoy this Christmas with your family, friends, or whomever you spend your holiday with. Nobody knows what 2021 will hold for us. Only hour Heavenly Father. My guess is next year will be better in many ways that this year. I look forward to a return to ‘normal’ and seeing many of you at our typical Council events. If I do not see you (likely, given COVID restrictions), I wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year! Feliz Navidad! Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will! MERRY CHRITMAS! SK Mike Dellies, Grand Knight T HE S PIRIT P A G E 3 Calendar of Events ALL MEETINGS ARE VIRTUAL UNTIL THE EASING OF COVID-19 MEETING RESTRICTIONS November 2020 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 BUSINESS MTG 1ST SAT. MASS (ZOOM) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 OFFICERS MTG (ZOOM) CHRISTMAS HAMS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CHRISTMAS 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 THIS MONTH’S EVENTS UPCOMING EVENTS 2nd Chapter Meeting JANUARY 2021 FEBRUARY 2021 3rd Business Meeting 2nd 1st Saturday Mass 4th Business Meeting 17th Officers’ Meeting 7th Business Meeting 6th 1st Saturday Mass 19th Christmas Ham Smoking 21st Officers’ Meeting 18th Officers’ Meeting 25th CHRISTMAS 27th Chapter Meeting 24th Chapter Meeting T HE S PIRIT P A G E 4 BIRTHDAY NEWS Council 8512 proudly supports the following seminarian: DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Joseph Hoffschwelle 1 Marcus Crocker 19 Joseph Campos Michael Marincel 2 Leonard Strittmatter 21 Josejuan Rangel Please keep them in your prayers. 7 Allen Spinner 22 Anthony Paciolla 9 Cary Nehib 22 Mark Waterworth PRAYER LIST 12 Stephen Higdon 23 Larry Sweat Pope Francis I 12 Guadalupe Santoy 24 Justin Eischens Pope Benedict XVI Bishop Michael Olsen 12 Marvin Massey, Jr. 25 Emmanuel Egenti Fr. Jack McKone 14 Antonio Coffee 27 Jose Sanchez Fr. Ahn Tran 14 Steven Poston 27 James Cardone Seminarians 14 Juan Valdes 28 Brandon Bachemin Unborn Children Middle Eastern Christians 15 John Salazar 29 Christopher Nottingham Victim of Domestic Violence 17 Lazaro Correa 31 Jeffrey Keifer Active Military / Veterans 17 Victor Gallardo 31 Robert Fischer First Responders 17 Dennis Ferrari 31 Lawrence Walker COVID-19 Victims/Families † Oliver Pettit 18 Ausencio Rodriguez 31 Michael Carson Joe Fitzwater Mary Grace Fitzwater Harvey and Jean Fitzwater BIRTHDAY DINNER MEETINGS ARE Bob and Marsha Blake TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED..
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