CERNJuly/August 2019 cerncourier.com COURIERReporting on international high-energy physics WLCOMEE GELL-MANN’S CERN Courier – digital edition COLOURFUL LEGACY Welcome to the digital edition of the July/August 2019 issue of CERN Courier. n p When CERN was just five years old, and the Proton Synchrotron was preparing for beams, Director-General Cornelis Bakker founded a new Λ Σ0 periodical to inform staff what was going on. It was eight-pages long with a Σ– Σ+ print run of 1000, but already a section called “Other people’s atoms” carried news from other labs and regions. Sixty years and almost 600 Couriers later, high-energy physicists are plotting a new path into the unknown, with the – 0 + update of the European Strategy bringing into focus how much traditional K0 K+ Ξ Ξ K*0 K* thinking is shifting, with new ideas and strong opinions in abundance. η0 –0 The first mention of quarks in theCourier was in March 1964, a few π– π+ ρ– ρp ρ+ months after they were dreamt up almost simultaneously on either side of 0 0 0 ω0 ϕϕ0 the Atlantic by George Zweig and Murray Gell-Mann, who passed away in ηʹ π May, and whose wide-ranging legacy is explored in this issue. Back then, the – 0 idea of fractionally charged, sub-nucleonic entities seemed preposterous. K– K0 K* K* It’s a reminder of how difficult it is to know what will be the next big thing – 0 + ++ in the fundamental-exploration business. On other pages, LHCb unfolds Δ Δ Δ Δ a ground-breaking analysis of CP violation in three-body B+ decays, nonagenarian former CERN Director-General Herwig Schopper reflects on lessons from LEP, and Nick Mavromatos and Jim Pinfold report on the cut and thrust of a Royal Society meeting on topologically non-trivial solutions of quantum field theory. Σ*– Σ*0 Σ*+ To sign up to the new-issue alert, please visit: – 0 http://cerncourier.com/cws/sign-up. Ξ* Ξ* To subscribe to the magazine, please visit: http://cerncourier.com/cws/how-to-subscribe. Ω– EDITOR: MATTHEW CHALMERS, CERN Lessons from LEP DIGITAL EDITION CREATED BY DESIGN STUDIO/IOP PUBLISHING, UK CERN Courier at 60 European Strategy updates CCJulAug19_Cover_v3.indd 1 27/06/2019 15:39 CERNCOURIER WWW. V OLUME 5 9 N UMBER 4 J ULY /A UGUST 2 0 1 9 CAEN Electronic Instrumentation CERNCOURIER.COM IN THIS ISSUE V OLUME 5 9 N UMBER 4 J ULY /A UGUST 2 01 9 Stackable Power Supplies 684 569 R Strom Born for GEM Detectors From small Labs… … to Large installations Nature M Brice/CERN-GE-1201006-1 European strategy CLIC project leader Steinar Stapnes Infrared discovery New nebula spotted A life in colour Murray Gell-Mann, discusses linear colliders. 7 in Cassiopeia. 11 1929–2019. 25 HiVolta (DT1415ET) A1515 Family SYx527 board NEWS PEOPLE 8 Ch Reversible 1 kV/1 mA 16/14 Channel 1-1.3kV (1 - 3 mA) ANALYSIS ENERGY FRONTIERS FIELD NOTES CAREERS OBITUARIES European strategy update Three-body B+ decays Topological avatars High-energy Olga Borisovna Igonkina • Nb3Sn cavities • Break- violate CP • Neutron • IPAC goes down networking 1973–2019 • Dieter Up to 8 Ch. 1 kV bias Groups through tech funded stars in ALICE • CMS under • FuSuMaTech The CERN Alumni Renker 1944–2019 • High performance constrains charm–quark • HEP in Latin America Network is proving • Anton Oed 1933– in Lebanon and Nepal hadronisation • LUCID • Heavy ions and hidden a valuable careers 2018 • Jacques Soffer • The kilogram redefined luminosities. 15 sectors • Mexico hosts resource. 47 1940–2019. 55 Indipendent Channels Floating up to 5 kV • White dwarfs merge. 7 LHCP • 3D printing. 19 PMT-based, SiPM, MicroMegas, Hybrid-PMTs, Wire chambers, Silicon Strip Detectors, Silicon Drift Detectors, Proportional Counters, Photodiodes, Germanium Detectors, FEATURES and many others... GELL-MANN TRIBUTES CERN COURIER AT 60 Gell-Mann’s multi- Strong interactions Memories from We’ve been here Our solutions... fits them all! dimensional genius The steps that led to a Caltech before… A stand-out among full understanding of the Gell-Mann’s complex What six decades of other Nobel laureates. 25 strong force. 28 character and his rivalry stories tell us about the with Feynman. 34 strategic choices facing www.caen.it the field today. 30 Small details… Great differences Low Voltage Power Sup ge & plies Volta Pro OPINION DEPARTMENTS igh duc H ts VIEWPOINT INTERVIEW REVIEWS K*0 K*+ FROM THE EDITOR 5 A Tovey Reflections on Lessons from LEP Radio-euphoria NEWS DIGEST 13 –0 Granada Herwig Schopper on rebooted? ρ– ρp ρ+ LETTERS TO 43 0 00 Eckhard Elsen on the what can be learned for • Radiation • Guido ω ϕϕ THE EDITOR symposium of the future colliders. 39 Altarelli’s legacy – APPOINTMENTS 48 European strategy for Signatures of the K* K*0 • & AWARDS particle physics. 37 artist. 45 On the cover: Hadron RECRUITMENT 49 multiplets arising from Gell-Mann’s quark model. 28 BACKGROUND 58 Universal Multichannel NIM High VME High Desktop and Rack PCB PS High Power Low PS Control Software Systems Voltage PS Voltage PS High Voltage PS Voltage System CERN COURIER JULY/AUGUST 2019 3 CC_July_Aug_IFC.indd 1 11/06/19 17:29 CCJulAug19_Conts_v3.indd 3 27/06/2019 15:42 WWW. CERNCOURIER V OLUME 5 9 N UMBER 4 J ULY /A UGUST 2 0 1 9 CERNCOURIER.COM HIGH VOLTAGE. EXACTLY. FROM THE POWER FOR MODERN DETECTORS EDITOR MODULAR LOW AND HIGH VOLTAGE MULTICHANNEL POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS MMS MMS HV LV compatible compatible Fighting fit for a seventh decade hen CERN was just five years old, and the Proton Synchrotron was preparing for beams, Director- W G e n e r a l C or n e l i s B a k k e r fo u n d e d a n e w p e r i o d i c a l to inform staff of what was going on. The first issue ofCERN Courier (right) appeared in August 1959. It was eight-pages long with a print run of 1000, but already a section called “Other people’s atoms” carried news from other labs and Matthew reg ion s. Si x yea r s l ater, w he n CER N l au nc he d a we e k ly bu l- Chalmers le t i n for st a ff, t he Courier for m a l ly b e c a me a n i nter n at ion a l Editor p u bl i c a t i o n. To d a y t h e m a g a z i n e c a r r i e s a r o u n d 40 e d it or i a l p a g e s plu s 20 i n a d v e r t i s e m e nt s, it s 2 2,000 pr i nt c o pi e s a n d website reac hing a global readership of more t han 100,000. Several transformations have taken place in its 60-year h i s t or y, m o s t r e c e nt l y a pr i nt r e d e s i g n. Ve r y s o o n, t h e Courier Number one The cover image of the first issue ofC E R N C o u r i e r. will have a brand new website, too. It’s the beginning of a n e w o n l i n e p u bl i s h i n g m o d e l w h e r e b y s t or i e s w i l l a p p e a r o n the Courier w r o t e o f “o p e n r e v ol t” c o n c e r n i n g t h e i r n a m e s – cerncourier.com in a t imely ma nner, wh i le offer ing g reater which included George Zweig’s “aces” arranged into “deuces” variety and flexibility in the volume and types of content (mesons) and “treys” (bar yons). It’s a reminder of how dif- t hat we can publish. ficult it is to know what will be the next big thing in the No w i s a n o p p or t u n e m o m e nt for t h e h i g h- e n e r g y p h y s i c s fundamental-exploration business. c o m m u n it y t o h a v e a n e w c o m m u n i c a t i o n t o ol a t it s d i s p o s a l. Readers sometimes ask how articles get into the Courier. We The update of the European strategy (p7 and 37) is bringing e n c o u r a g e a n y o n e w h o h a s a t o pic t h e y’r e p a s s io n a t e a b o ut, into focus how much the traditional thinking in particle a n o pi n i o n t h e y w a nt t o s h a r e or a r e s u l t or a pr oj e c t t h a t t h e highest channel density to save valueable installation space p h y s ic s a n d c o s m ol o g y i s s h i f t i n g, w it h n e w id e a s a n d s t r o n g c o m mu n it y s h o u l d k n o w a b o ut t o g e t i n t o u c h w it h o ut h e s- o pi n io n s i n a b u n d a n c e.
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