FILE COpy The Pentecostal NO' BY ""GMT• 1'10"' BY '"0 WI;It. BUT n MY ."'!tIT. BAIT'"' THIl L.OltO \ r ..• • THE EDITORIAL VIEWPOINT The Pentecostal EVANGEL Priests of the Pen WEEny VOICE OF THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOO OCTOBER 5, 19S8 NUM8ER 2317 Thomas Carlyle ~aid that "men of letters are a perpetual pric!>thood, from age to age, teaching all men that a God is l:>till present in their EDITOR .. ROBERT C. CUNNINGHAM life .... " If we may adapt Carlyle's thought we should like to refer EXECUTRE DIRECl"OR , J. R. F/ov.'er to the men and women who produce you r church literature as "priests LAYOUT EDI1'OIi. • Ltslie rv. SlIlilll of the pen." EDITORIAL ASSISTANT E/:.:a M. JOIIIIIOIi Like the priests of Aaron's line, your publication workers arc dcdi* EDITORIAL POLICY BOARD ). R. Flower (Chairman), 1I0,",'ard S, Uush, N. D. caled to a panictllar ministry. Their calling is to preach and teach Davidson. Roy H. \\"ead, AaT()n A. \Vil<KIn the unsearchable riches of Christ through their pens. A desk is their CONTENTS altar, the printed page their pulpit. Many of them reside in Springfield. Missouri, while others rnait their writings from all parts of the cOllntry. " I Beli e ... e in Miracles" ...... Anne Sal"dberg 3 The tons of literature that go Ollt fro111 you r Gospel Puhlishing House Proper Set of Values ........ Fred Smolchuck 4 Y01,lr Questions ............ E, S. Williams S every week bear testimony to the importance of the ministry of these God', Antidote to Fear , ....... Forresl Smith 6 ';priests of the pcn." Generol Presbyters Meet ..... ..................... 8 Thi. Present Wortd .... Harold C. Mlntte 10 I nasmuch as October is Protestant Press Month, this would seem For.i9n Missio"s ............ Elva M. Johnson 12 to be a good time to pause and consider just how important their work Homo Miuio"s ........................ Ruth Lyon 14 is to our Assemblies of God fellowship, Th. Christian Homo ............................... 16 Suftday School Leno" ............J. B, Bishop 1B Can you imagine how difficult, if not impossible, it would be to Toking tho Gospel to maintain our nationwide fellowship without Ollr periodicals? The til. Fa ir ................ Charles A. Thomas 20 Sunday School workers depend On the COl/lIsel/or for news ancl in­ Dig"ity of tho Ministry .... George Holmes 22 formation about the Sunday School. The young people look to the " 8y My Spirit" ............ Henry Jouhiainen 24 C. A. Herald as their channel of communication with other C. A.'s all Revi ... altimo News ............ Stanley Michael 2S New. of ('IOngelism ............ Dan Mollough 26 over the lane!. The ladies have their W. ~l. C. publications and the men their Team maga7ine, while the ministers have Pulpit. The mis­ Co sh Your Checks ............ James E, Adams 30 Hong out the Key .................... Olive E... ans 32 sionary-minded (and Ihis ~hould include every believer) prayerfully follow the progress of our missionary work through the pages of th(' all E.11G1lgrl OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL COUNC IL World Clwlle llYf. And the strongest bond of is our weekly Rall'h M. Ri ggs (G~n, bUilt.), T. F. 7."nm~r"'."', which brings ncws of the a~sel11blies, announcements of important meet­ C F I ~wis Ben Webb. C. W, .11. ScO\! , J. 11: , Fi o ,,~r, '~L 'u. :>.'eud, Nod l' ~rkLn. II. ~, )I~,"h. ings, report s of an ... wercd prayer, and information about the nation­ D. II. McLlIU21.lin, A. II. W il!l<"', ]{. 11. \\nd wide and worldwide projects which arc the common concern of tiS all. Think how we would miss the Sunday School quarterlies and slory . We believe Ih ~ IJible to he Ihc ""pir~d ~nd onl\ ",!;,llih1e ~nd aUlhorLl~I"'e p.1.pcrs if the consecrated workers who prepare them were to give tip Wonl of God. WE IEl.lEVE that Ihere ;~ one ('oJ elunilly cxistrnl in three !'erMlns: God the ~his ministry. Without the story papers the Sunday Schoo! pupils ~'alhH Gnd Ihe 5o.'n, ~nd God Ihe lIoty Gho$\ WE Il't-:I.IE\·E in Ihe deity of our I.ord J ~.U5 (h.i<t, wou ld miss excellent Christian training and without the quarterlies in lIis vi'gin b,rth, in lIis Amlc" life, in lilt the teaching ministry of the Sunday School would be greatly weakened. ,,,iracle~. on lIis ,·icariolu and Iioning de~lh, III Il,. bodily re~u.r""ion, in Ilis • ."enl,On 10 Ihe riRhl We believe these quarterlies are the best to be found. The)' place rich hand of Ih~ Falhu, and in IIis pcrJOnal luture r~· lum 10 Ihis ~arlh in polO'er and &lory 10 rule OYer Dible study helps in the hands of pupils and teachers alike, the nation.. WE BELIEVE Ihal Ihe only !neans ol.II(''''g cleansed fT()m sin is Ihtou~h r~pcnla nce Ind lanh in Ihe p.roou. blooc! of Chnit. Christian books and periodicals make it possible for all to si t at the WE BEl.lEvt: Ihal re&Cneralion by the 11 0ly Spirit i. ~bsoluuly uwnlial lor _pcrMlnal ,."·all<"", feet of a great variety of Spirit-filled preachers and teachers, The WE BELIEVE Ih ~t Ihe rcdemrl'H ..·ork of ChfiSI on Ihe erOu provides healina: a Ihe humin body in writers verily arc "priests of the pen," ministering guidance. under­ anlwer 10 behe,·ing pnye.. WE UEI.IEVE thai standing, encouragement, comfort, and spiritual help to our souls, Let th., Baptism 01 Ihe Holy Spiril, ao-cordinlr 10 AtU 1:4, i. gh'en to bclie,·.. r ~ who ask for ,I WE In; the literature minister to you and for you during this month of October, I.1£VE tn the 1~.IlChfy i nlf pOwer of Ibe Holy Spirll by whose indwel1illll th., Chri5li~n i< .. nlbl .. d to liH Read it and share it with others. In the words of the apostle, "Give ~ holy life. W£ BELIE"!;: in tbe reu.rrcction of both Ihe sayed and Ihe lost. Ihe one 10 nertaU,nlC attcndatlce to readillg," hfe and Ihe olher 10 t"erlas!ina: damn~l;on . TItE PENTECQSTAL. EVANGEL i. p"btl.~ed w~ ~I, Jly ,b. Go.~1 Pubh.h'~1 UO<L,e, • 0 Ih . .. m. oddr ...)-1~ lor IJ ........ $.1.75 I", • ~"', an ...h .ub.eripl;"'" 414 W ....... ,1 .. S ... ", Spnnr •• 1d 1. 1010, U,~A.-l1L"'. F. Z'm"'c"".n, =-- ... ""y. FORE leN LANDS ( ....pl C.n.d, ODd PUAS eou",,,u"j S[SCI.f: SU BSCRIPTION­ 1),,..,0' $4 1S 10. CIn. , .. r-$&.1S 10. 1.. '0 , ....-$12_15 lor ,h,u_ RUNDLE ItATE {minim"'" of ADDRESSES IN TItE U.s. IJtID U. S. paSS£.:l.S10N, SISCLE SUBSCRIPTIOS-$l.'<l four lub.. ription., .• 11 ",oiled '0 ,h. um•• dd .....J-'ll. /or ,h,,' ..n .... k., ~JO for ' . , ... , 1<>. one 1<&..-..)S lor Iwo '.ar......, 00 fo< 'I.... 7U". SPECIAL ISTROOUCTORY ....... ~ ."b.. "ph.... "i' U~!;-U, S. ro'u 'Wl, to ,n C<>1Ln'n .. in the P",,,I Un,on OF.FF.R-fIOO for Iw .... " ..~k. II US DU: JI~TE 'm,n,m"", 01 lour .ub"";p,ion•• all 01 the Am ....,. oad Spain 5.. ,"", Poo.m .., .. tor • hn of 'M" m"l.d '0 'he .. rn ••dd .... )-Mc 10' IJ ..·«k., S?lS lor • lU•• on u.II nb.. "p,_. Enl.,«l u ....end .lu. ",.11", Jun. :5, 1911, 01. ,h. I'on 011, •• ,n ~';"lr;'ld. Mo .• CANADIAN ADDR ESSES, SISCLE SU8SCRIM'ION-IJ.IX/ lor CIn. 7........ ' S7S I", '_0 undo< Ih. ACI 01 )1 .."" J, 18'9 A."'p.~ for mlll,n" at 'IX<LlI tit< p'oy,.d ,ft s.... , ....- $1.50 lor lb ••• lCOro. IIUNOLE RATE (",,,,i,,,,,,,, of I .... , ."boc"p'_' ,\I ""it..! llOJ of Ou. J. 1917, IUlhot,.~ ]1117 l. 1911. Pnn,«l 'n I~ ' U,S A. 2 THE PENTECOSTAL EVANGEL This truck driver says- , • I Believe In -- MIRACL s BY JAM E 5 A. WRAY (os told to ANNE SANDBERG) - A FEW "EARS AC.o IF AKYOXE HAi) Don't lct anyone tell you that truck predicted I'd be working day and night drivers are hopeless. You never can without sleep to pay a $150.00 church tell what's behind tho~e hard eyes, that pledge I would have s.."lid he was crazy. sarcastic mouth twisted around a cigar. And the fact that 1 did it was a miracle. that big chest. They"'e all got a heart, But then, I've seen a lot of miracles you know. Just let a guy see what I in the two years I've served the Lord. saw and it's bound to break him up. Truck dr,ver Jomes A Wroy, soved ond Like the time r was loaded with 7500 \Vell. I made up my mind this was heeled by the power of God. gallons of gasoline and skidded on the rcal and r was cOllling back. r\ ext icy highway-but I'd better start from night when the healing evangelist asked the beginning. the sick to stand, raisc their hands and My parents wcre Christians, but their believe while hc prayed, I figured, yet. but I believe in it and am expecting ways didn't suit me. It griped me when "What ha"e r to lose? I'm ftlll of pain to receive one oi these days. Alean­ .i\lother WQuld talk about God and harp and sin and need help bad." So I while, nothing I call do for the Lord on tithing. No one was telling me what stood and believed.
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