SINCE 1916 VOLUME 81f NUMBER 28 THE THREE MUSKETEERS MAY 13,1994 Dole addresses graduates at brief 81st Commencement by Charles Klein Malcolm Gillis introduced Eliza- "And if any single strand unites the beth Dole who stepped forward to diverse tapestry that is Rice, it is an deliver a short speech talking about unyielding faith in the individual, and Champagne corks popped, Angelo the opportunities for women, the im- his or her obligation to make a contri- Agulto Dinecto walked across the stage portance of character and the moral bution, and to change and improve with a small white wooden structure compass. the world we share," Dole said. on his cap and Elizabeth Dole spoke Having served six Presidents of Following Dole's speech, Gillis lead about what America needs from the the U nited States and being president the audience in the hymn "Lord of All Class of '94. of the American Red Cross, Dole com- Being, Throned Afar" before turning In the brief 81st Commencement bined her experiences in the White the program over to Interim Provost ceremonies, Rice conferred 657 un- House and in the volunteer world in James L Kinsey for the conferring of dergraduate degrees, 326 master's her message to graduates to be in- the advanced degrees. degrees and 108 doctoral degrees on volved in public service. Next, a succession of eight mas- graduates who blew bubbles and "'Nothing I ever did made me feel ters proudly presented their gradu- drank champagne in honor of the oc- so important.' Some of you may dis- ates from their colleges while an nounc- casion. cover that feeling in the workplace, as ing the summa cum laudes, magna little went wrong during the cer- a lawyer, a teacher or a businessman," cum laudes and cum laudes. emonies. Dole said. "Others may find it as a Students walked across the stage One errant photographer found his parent and a volunteer for the Ameri- with-Mardi Gras beads and "No way to the walkway connecting Phys- can Red Cross and other worthy mas...You jealous" decorating their ics I^bs and Lovett Hall. Faculty causes." caps. screamed for security into squelching She also stressed the moral com- Susan Wittenberg, co-master of Sid walkie-talkies to rectify the problem. pass and the importance of the char- Richardson College, walked away from The humidity melded the thou- acter over material possessions. the stage with tears rolling down her sands of bodies into one sweltering "Character provides both a sense cheeks after hugging her students as mass, but reportedly, the joy of seeing of direction and a means of fulfill- they walked off the stage. Parents a son, daughter or friend graduate ment," Dole said. "Itasksnot what you crowded the photo area to get the made the humidity irrelevant want to be, but who you want to be. perfect picture. Masters bid farewell c After the traditional academic pro- For in the final analysis, it is your to their colleges after their term as g cession and the laying of the wreath moral compass that counts for more masters ended. i on the tomb of William Marsh Rice, than any bank balance, any resume, "America,"aquickbenediction and 8 Mehrdad Abidari, rector for Autry and yes, any diploma." the traditional recessional through the g House, Episcopal Church Ministry to Dole's concluding remarks Sallyport ended the 81st Commence- ° Rice University and the Texas Medi- stressed leadership and the unique- ment A Will Rice College graduate raises his arms in triumph. cal Center, gave the invocation. ness of the Rice community. The Class of 1994 was history. Gillis' report card: His first year as the president of Rice by Peter Howley A new position, Vice President for oversaw. The Computer and Informa- technology is a field in which leading at least a one-year lease on life when Development and Alumni Affairs, has tionTechnology Institute building and universities should be taking some Gillis waived university distributive been created to reduce the burden on Baker Institute have received $50 mil- risks," Gillis said. "We will position charges. "I said thatas long as the Pub After a full academic year in office, the Vice President for External Af- lion in gifts in the last 10 moths. "That ourselves as leaders in the field with contributes to undergraduate life, we President Malcolm Gillis has im- fairs. Frank Ryan will become Vice far exceeds any expectation that we only modest incremental invest- will waive the charges," Gillis said. pressed much of the campus with President for Public Affairs and a new ments." The situation will be reviewed annu- both his accomplishments and his vice president will be found for the More relevant to undergraduates, ally, he added. personal style. While problems still other department 'No university does Gillis has focused on integrating aca- Incoming students will benefit from await his attention, he has made head- Other internal changes include the demic and residential life. Academic a number of other initiatives. The new way in guiding the university toward transfer of responsibility for admis- ' advising should be aided by the allo- tuition plan guaranteeing stable infla- the future and improving student life. sions, financial aid and the registrar's advising well; I want us to cation of $1000 to the reseacrh bud- tion-adjusted levels of tuition to next According to Gillis, one of his most office from the Vice President for Stu- gets of professors who serve as aca- year's incoming class is a major important steps thus far has been in dent Affairs to the Provost "These be the first.' demic advisors. "No university does change. "We are pleased with the re- laying the groundwork for his admin- are academic functions and need to —Malcolm Gillis advising well; I want us to be the first," ception [the plan] has received na- istration by filling a number of high- be under the chief academic officer," Gillis said, noting that the monetary tionally. As far as we can tell, we are ranking posts. The new Vice Presi- Gillis said. "Student affairs is becom- President inducemnet was "only the first step." the only university doing this," Gillis dent for Student Affairs and Provost ing very complicated." In addition, courses sponsored by said. "We needed to make a recom- will be announced at the end of the The presidentalso pointed to fund- the residential colleges will receive mitment to affordable education." month, along with the head of the raising efforts as a success. "It has had," Gillis saidV' $5000 per year to improve their qual- He pointed to a program to recruit James A. Baker III Institute for Public been a very, very good year in fund Another building, for the study of ity. and give summer remedial training to Policy. raising," he said. "We have a much- nanotechnology, is a major bragging Another area of undergraduate ten inner-city youths each year as an- Organizational changes within the improved program foralumnigiving." point "Everyone understands that concern that was partially resolved is other positive step. Along with the university's External Affairs depart- These efforts have benefitted a leading institutions in the scientific Willy's Pub. Faced with closure due to creation of an associate provost's posi- ment are also important internal steps. number of major initiatives that Gillis community have decided that nano- financial d ifficulties, the Pub wasgiven SEE GILLIS PAGE 6 Details all that are left after Rice formally joins the WAC by Tony Tran and gjaintenance of a Division I-A in- join. This arrangement would limit ing, Proposition-48 students, align- the past three years after the NCAA tercollegiate program is in Rice's best traveling expenses and time. In- ment and scheduling. found that the men's basketball pro- interest" creased traveling time was a concern The new WAC is also not without gram had violated extensive regula- The breakup of the Southwest Rice officially received an invita- because it would result in less time controversy as far as NCAA violations. tions. Then-coach Jerry Tarhanian Conference was finalized when Rice, tion to join the Western Athletic Con- available for academics. The president of UNLV resigned his resigned in the controversy. along with two other SWC schools, ference on April 21. President Mal- "We understand that the WAC will post last month in what may have Three other members or future accepted an invitation to jo in the West- colm Gillis and the Board of Trustees be organized into an eastern and west- been the last chapter in a controversy members of the WAC are currently ern Athletic Conference last month. then decided to accept Texas Chris- ern division," Gillis said. "Rice would that has embroiled the university for SEE WAC PAGE 6 The presidents of the WAC schools tian University, Southern Methodist be a member of the eastern division." met on May 5 to hammer out details University, the University of Tulsa, The other expected members of The Rice Thresher Non-profit organization about the new conference. San Jose State University and the this division are SMU, TCU, Tulsa, P.O. Box 1892 U.S. postage paid In a teleconference held by the University of Nevada at Las Vegas Cojprado State University, the Uni- Houston, TX 77251 permit #7549 WAC, University of Hawaii President were also invited to the WAC. versity ofTexas at El Paso, the Univer- Houston, Texas Ken Mortimer, spokesman for the In March, four of the eight SWC sity of New Mexico and either the Air league presidents, said, "It's a done teams agreed to join the Big Eight Force Academy or the University of deal." Conference, leaving Rice,TCU, SMU Wyoming.
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