Ilias Papailiakis was born in Crete in 1970. He is one of the most active and acclaimed Greek contemporary painters. He lives and works in Athens. He studied paintin" at Athens #chool of $ine Arts, Athens, 1990&199'. In 199( he was awarded the first pri)e of Yiannis and +oe #pyropoulos $oundation. In ,001 he represented Greece at -a .iennale di /ene)ia% 09th International 12hibition of Art. In ,001 the Macedonian 3!se!m of Contemporary Art or"ani)ed a retrospective e2hibition with works from the period 199'&,001. In ,009 the Hellenic $oundation for C!lture 4.erlin branch5 or"ani)ed a retrospective e2hibition with works that belon"ed to German collections from the period ,006&,009. In ,017 he was one of the si2 shortlisted artists for the 89este: foundation pri)e and in ,016 the independent art center #i"nal 4Malmo, #weden5 e2hibited his work in collaboration with Pa!line ;liveiros. In ,017 he participated in documenta 10 in <assel-Athens. In ,01( he participated in Athens .iennale ,01(% =>I. In ,0,0 the 3!nicipal Art Gallery of Athens, or"ani)ed a retrospective e2hibition with works from the period ,017& ,0,0. He has presented his work in more than ,6 solo e2hibitions in Greece and abroad. He was a visitin" tutor at the Architectural 9epartment of Patra?s @niversity from ,009 to ,019. His work can can be found at both private and p!blic collections. #olo #hows ,0,1 Do What I Do 4with =icolas #imantirakis)% a.antonopoulou.art, Athens, Greece ,0,0 Theoretical Objects: Works 2017–2020% 3!nicipal Art Gallery of Athens, Athens, Greece ,019 The Archaic Parts% Cr!2 Galerie% Athens% Greece ,01( Before Phidias% C #<% -arissa% Greece ,017 Das Lebe Der A dere 4with =icolas /amvouklis)% 3!nicipal Gallery Corf!% Corf!% Greece ,01' !tud# for a !edate La dsca$e 4with Charalambos <ourkoulis/photoharrie5% 1lika Gallery% thens, Greece Delos% 9io Horia Gallery% Mykonos% Greece Da# After Da#% Agai % #alon de .ricola"e% Athens% Greece Portrait of P. P. Pasoli i% BCD EmatterF H*-1% Athens, Greece ,016 Water 'ollows !tone 4with Pa!line ;liveros)% #i"nal Centre for Contemporary Art, MalmG% #weden ,010 )onfide ce B"ildi & Measures% Marinos /rachimis Art Proposals, =icosia% Cypr!s ,011 Dresde % Upstairs .erlin Gallery% .erlin% Germany ,009 *#tholo&ie + serer ,"ku ft 200-.200/% Hellenic $oundation for C!lture% .erlin% Germany The Apotheosis of Ba0aria% >he .reeder Gallery% Athens, Greece ,007 Like Lovers Do…% /enetia <apernekas Gallery% =ew York, @# ,006 De2ocracy is the O$$osite of I &ratitude% >he .reeder Gallery% Athens, Greece )assa dra% Upstairs .erlin Gallery% .erlin% Germany Ilias Pa$ailiakis% #orcha 9allas Gallery% Glasgow% @< ,000 La d of the 3"st% /ilma Gold% -ondon% @< ,007 Ilias Pa$ailiakis% >he .reeder Gallery% Athens, Greece ,00, Pa$ailiakis% >)amia&<rystalla Gallery% Chania% Greece ,001 Pa$ailiakis 1//4.2001% Macedonian 3!se!m of Contemporary Art, >hessaloniki% Greece ,000 The Ori&i of the *#th% Papafion $oundation% >hessaloniki% Greece Basic Arsis a d Thesis% Plessas >e2tiles #. .% Athens, Greece 1999 The Ori&i of the *#th% Yannis #pyropoulos $oundation% Athens, Greece The Objecti0e I2a&e% <appatos Gallery% Athens, Greece 1997 5on 'istorical )osmos% Gallery 7% Athens, Greece. #elected Gro!p #hows ,0,0 6"ara ti e 78hibition 9O li e:% #tudio5, Gallery% Athens, Greece Who’s afraid of komodo% Allouche .enias Gallery% Athens, Greece Am2ophila <ol. 1 Birth i 7lafonisos% 1lafonisos, Greece <isuali=i & '"2a ity 9o li e:% the first project by the =etwork of Contemporary C!lture 3!se!ms of the Hellenic Ministry of C!lture and #ports Theori2ata 2: O 'istor#% =ational 3!se!m of Contemporary Art, Athens% Greece ,019 Art-Athi a% Cr!2 Galerie% Athens, Greece > (oke (ith a 2arble head i 2# ha ds% <-Gold >emporary Gallery% -esvos, Greece ??? @ A σ A CCC/O2e&a to Alpha% .athhouse of the Iinds, 3!se!m of Modern Greek C!lture% Athens, Greece Bli d DateE <ersions of Artistic )iti=e shi$% C.C.A. J Contemporary Art 3!se!m of Crete% Kethymno, Greece La ds of )reation: A Trib"te to Metsovo% Averoff 3!se!m% Metsovo, Greece ,01( A tiE Athe s Bie ale% Athens, Greece ,017 Fe( Acq"isitions 9201H - 2017: of the 7%*%!%T% )ollections% =ational 3!se!m of Contemporary Art, Athens% Greece <on Pablo Picasso Bis Iobert Ia"sche ber&% <!nstsammlun"en Chemnitz% Chemnitz% Germany A tidoronE Docu2e ta 1HE Jridericia "2E Kassel, Ler2a # Te )ha$ters: Artworks from the Per2a e t )ollection of )%)%A.% C.C.A. J Contemporary Art 3!se!m of Crete% Kethymno, Greece 2 Decades M% >he #pyropoulos $oundation in collaboration with the /orres 3!se!m% Paiania% Athens, Greece ,01' Platfor2 201N% >inos L!arry Platform% >inos, Greece Tra2onta a% Ileana >ounta Contemporary Art Center% Athens% Greece Le ii Loci% Lreek Art from 1/O0 to the Prese t% Hellenic Ministry of C!lture and #ports, Mane"e Central 12hibition Hall% #t. Petersb!r"% K!ssia Ur&e t )on0ersations: Athe s – A twer$% =ational 3!se!m of Contemporary Art, thens, Greece ,016 Lrou$ ;1-% Marinos /rachimis Art Proposals, =icosia% Cypr!s ,017 D7!T7 Pri=e 1O% 91#>1 $oundation% Cycladic Art 3!se!m% Athens, Greece )i0ilisation 9&e res a d cases)% >.A.$.A>he Art $oundation% Athens, Greece )onte2$orar# Lreek $ai ti & 92 d <isual Arts Jesti0al Ie. culture 2:% #ka"iopouleio $oundation% Patras, Greece Kodra Jresh: Jloati & Walls 4Action $ield <odra International Art $estival)% Action $ield <odra% >hessaloniki% Greece I the !tudio 9IeMa$ H:% <!nsthalle Athena% Athens, Greece The Mediterra ea 78$erie ce% Macedonian 3!se!m of )onte2$orar# Art% >hessaloniki% Greece Thrills a d )hills% C = Christina ndroulidaki Gallery% thens, Greece )%P.)a0af#: Pai ted% .. & M. >heocharakis $oundation for the $ine Arts and 3!sic, Athens, Greece Pai ti & Matters% 1lika Gallery% Athens, Greece ,01, Jaces% ;nassis C!ltural Centre% Athens% Greece ,010 Monke# see 2o ke# do% Montehermoso C!ltural Center% /itoria -Gastei)% #pain ,009 The Jirst I2a&e% Centre Ke"ional d?art Contemporain d! -an"!edoc-Roussillon% #ete% $rance Pai t - Id% Macedonian 3!se!m of Contemporary Art, >hessaloniki% Greece War"2 Ich Kei Ko ser0ati0er Bi % 3!se!m der bildenden <!nste% -eip)i"% Germany ,00( Archaeolog# of *i d% Malmo Art 3!se!m% Malmo, #weden Archaeolog# of *i d% <!ntsi 3!se!m of Modern Art% /aasa% #weden ,007 I Prese t Te se% =ational 3!se!m of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece Topoi 9Places)E An 78hibitionE a Ap$roachE a *"se"2E a 'istor#: )onte2$orar# Art i Lreece Throu&h the )ollections of the Macedonia *"se"2 of )onte2$orar# Art% .enaki 3!se!m% Athens, Greece ,00' Take it 7asy% =e!e <!nst Halle #t. Gallen% -iste 0'% .asel, #witzerland What re2ai s is f"ture% Patras 1!ropean Capital of C!lture ,00'% Arsakeio, Patras ,000 Breakthrou&hP Lreece 200H: )onte2$orar# Perspecti0es i the <isual Arts% Alcala 71% Madrid% #pain ,007 Jree -Tra sit 9Q:% +appeion Hall, Athens% Greece !tra &e Messe &ers% >he .reeder Gallery% Athens, Greece ,00, Ieconstr"ctions, I< )eti jske Bije ale% CetinHe% Montene"ro Pre2io del Lolfo La !$e=ia 2002% .iennale 1!ropea Arti /isive% Palasport, -a #pe)ia% Italy ,001 Platea" of '"2a ki d% -a .iennale di /ene)ia% 09th International 12hibition of Art, Giardini di Castello, /enice% Italy !ketchi & out Toda#E Tomorrow a d Yesterda#% You & Lreek Artists: Trib"te to the Ie&ion of Ioa i a% Averoff 3!se!m% Metsovo and Macedonian 3!se!m of Contemporary Art, >hessaloniki and >echnopolis, Athens% Greece ,000 !election 2000% Kethymnon Centre for Contemporary Art, Pieridis 3!se!m% Athens !"22er )a2$ - )a2$ !"22er% 1st 1lementary #chool of Hydra% Hydra% Greece 1999 <isioni di f"turo. Bie ale dei &iova i artisti dell'7"ro$a e del Mediterra eo% Mattatoio di >estaccio, Kome% Italy 1997 %%%a d still the shi$ is ot i si&ht% >hessaloniki% 1997 C!ltural Capital of 1!rope% >hessaloniki% Greece %%%a d still the shi$ is ot i si&ht% -ichtha!s e/% GmbH. .remen% Germany TD 'O) / a d IF !IT+% Kethymnon Centre of Contemporary Art Creation% 3!nicipal Gallery -. <anakakis.
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