• • • 9. ', ' - --- ~.' ~ ~. ~ ,,_,,! -~-- ---- ............ ..... · .. :• . .. ~- . ---- --- ,. ........... ..... -·- .-. --· -·· .. --·- .. r ... .. ..... -----·-· .... .,_.... -···· •·· ..... ......... .. ). '-~·--·~t ····-·-··-- ---····-···- ........... ------ ......... -1. -- --··· ,,,_, ___________ _ --·-· " ... --- ------ ......... --- '" ._ - - --- .:·.- ·-··· . '. • I .. • .' . • . ' . ' '•. ·. .. 25~' I Count; ·New: I • - ... CABmzoZO, NEW MEXIcO Ba:!ot ~--,.... .;' ~ .. '·' I• • ·.• . • . • . ards· k~~P lead ,. swamped the RuidoSo B bi~ting , . ' team 45 to 6 and· retained their No •. 1 Gacy Gaby Lueras are '. .• alate rating' In Class A f09thall. (Se&. both out for ten ~ys. · HolDa CUmmins (right) provided the · c.rdiDal. Capers) · . Coach f'aul, hoM~ver, believes most badleque. for-600. Democrats,. With bim · Capitan turned the hometown lights-· . or. bis te!IDl :will lie back in shape for back on with a 27~ win ovet' ·Reserve f'JDal District play and predicts a new iiild i1lso won a Nwribet' a rating' from • picture after l"riday rught. the &ll«ts writers. in state ~~~~. Fl:idav · night · Ca_pitan .goes .to • (Dstails inside) · . · ~ Mol.ult~llir and should bring home a I '•· 'lbe.injury ridden Carrizozo GrizZlies · winner. ·Carrizozo ~ts Reserve on abowed. the other side of the Jlicture and home.· ground and is the predicted fell to Hagerman 26 to 16 m a game winner. Corona goes to AIS in a game· ·In the ·first lielthe~; te!IDl. wil(face ! aeemedable to move IIi the sel:.ond its big d\allenge when meets Melrose . · periOd the Gr'iizlies seemed to have it in District piiiy. That same Friday Will . ··. Jimmy Samol-a i:uns the 'outside In ~tOUJ:tbquarter. Beltran convlll;led back togethel:. f'md th<: Tigers and the Grizzli'!s finding . · optioo for a touchdown for !lie GrizZlies . for an extra two. • • 'lben GrizZly end got his f'mgers on a out who· is really the biggest. ; .. ' . Hagerman P8Sll on the IS yard 1in!i and • · • · ·~~ i b. 11· -the 1ineinan ruled' it an Interception. · . -It D :~~~=e~=~:::;~~ County:;'nets ., . tstrtct vo. .ey ·. a . the play an mcoJ;Ilpletion: The next play ·· 1-~~ourney. _in-;·e~pitau ·-~-H · ·· · ~·::=:=~~:l?~~·-·n:ice-piofit 1 • and the ~ended with a cold Gri2Zly determined 'by two round Robin team Iooiing at a 26-0 score. Th!' couilti! road department bad a The girls . SA District Volleyball The Carrizozo eleven came back to Tournament will he held-this Saturday. · Tournaments. held · the last two whopping garage sale Saturday and is thegam&after the half lO<lking lik~ they evening October 23rd in Capitan gym. · saturdays. riclier by $13,520. · · wanted to win; · ~ ' . ~ . Team's participating are Cloudcroft, Les Olson, county manager, told the Last weelt' i~ was apples ai\d polities for Bert Pf'mcsten, a ·stauncn Holldo i ·AdmiSsion prices for each session· will • ~ BeltJ:an tookJl pass from Jimmy ' Carrizozo, Capitan, and the winner. of a be: Adults· $1.00- Students· 75.cents, SamOI'a over the goal line and then ran· , ~o~ ~ay that he •vas llaUou RCI«''IuhU-;- ' Hoodo, LakeArthurplayoffnui,tcb to he pleased with the results of a used 'lbe fll'Stmatch ,Yill startatS·OQ>p'ni''' •-...tor the extra two. ln UM:fourth,_Jimmy equipment auction which were · 'played in Lake Arthur Friday · . • · • SamOI'a ran · the outstde option for afternoon. CloudCfO{t is seeded .fil'ljt be tween CaPitan and CarriZozo. .anotherpointmaket"andBeltranadded somewhat hettet' than anticipated. l'he ·with l!.D 11-0 record, Capitan se<:ond with the.two. · county's rock. crushe~; brought the a &-3 slate, Carrizozo third at 4-4, Lake The host. team D>p1tan ·u~~~= highest price at tho: auction, $21,750. But it was too late for. the recha1rged Twoloadersand three blades were next Arthur with a 2~ record ls fourth, and . come . into the tournament team 'to overcome the firSt ------ii~;&;~;;~~~;at:;.;~Pi;~;.~~~--~~~t~ are • trucks and two cars plus some seniors, Becky and Co<lW<leSita \;QIIC.O Henry Paul up incidental equipment. Bales; juniors, Bonnie Eamello, Macy to . a lack or dePlh caused by an The county had gotten an... the Public T-M Ann Gutierrez, and Darlene Herrera; accumulation of injured players. practical use out o.f the· 'fging sophomores are Julia Coleman, Donoa Bugsy Vega, the te!IDl's number two equipment and wiuHnneed of new Lisa and back, bas been missing for most. ot the • • Coopet', Lamb, Kathy Torres: items. The proceeds of the sale . go freshman team members are Debbie play. Billy Bob Sbafet' suffers with an for upclalfug the ~;®d · meetmg set Castjllo and Cindy Cline. injured shoulder. Beltran is still equipment. The first and second place teams Delegations from the car;:~~:~~ from the district tournament will Upper Hondo Natural An introduction to Transcendental · advance to the Regional Tournament to Conservations Districts-asked Medition will be the main discussion at be pl_aye!l at a.site yet to he detennined got around J8C)O each (or coming · --'11·meetiilg-·1!f' the Carrizozo Woman's Locat· .. art. October 29. Dpe~;ating funds.. Clull Thursday night at 7:30 p.m. at the Also Ibis year for the first time 12 all · Woman's Club Building. A..W. Gnatkowski, speaking fOI' the . '• . district will he selected at~th~e;__(:(~~ that the. funds (or a nature trail in the of Fires f'ark, cine ~ the returned from France where match: used to hang in the she T•M teaching methodS; courthouse bas a new home. · to inform tC)Urislts the mailing . li¥Vla Nng, Y~tter·s. state eampaign members from Georgia, Karr-~ ~~~IId~-~.Qre~_~- en~te;r~ing~~thi~-s~fi~•ei~d~,of a home for-shae~w~a~s~a~_.;Sp~~~~Lttoc~~~= ·.iuV:imille • ~Conunissl~~~--ot-''Trinl.tySite"is~ooer~~B~ud~~~ipa~in~tinJ·;g~· in the ~trall,forminorsecretariat,costs for Dext v .... r chairman · and Peanut Brigade Jessie Ebanks and: Edith talk - Tech University with a 1 - psychology. · ·· · committees' work was voluntary and· Program Chairperson is Veda meet c· ..:.. :lled unpaj,d and f'lln<:tioned in cooperation . .. Stephenson and Marv Ellen Payne is . · i:l,l: . .._. J p with £he Soil Conservation Service. Politics into finals -~ ........0 _ a""e - -· hOStesS for the \lellerl which will follow Box 728 ~·· the program. Mrs. Payne will give a Carrizozo, New Mexico 88301 street problems ' brief resume of Carrizozo garbage The Carrizozo Board of Trustees with the trade ofcounty land fo~; private PoUtics in. Lincoln County appeared cili•ens of New Mexico. Congressman proble. ms a nd ask for help from the failed to come up with any answers to Dear ••-,,..-, •o.. ...,ne:•• land m improving right. or ways and to he drawing more interest than in Runnels said he and Sen.' Montoya organization. the fmaneial or garbage problems in a The International Space Hall of providing access to all.lal)d owners. other recent election years. The worked as a team ta bring federal Mary Rich, president of the club, said three hour special meeting last week. Fame, and myself personally, thank 'lbe largest owner m the area, the Democratic Party is ·. making benefits to the people of the state. that the public is invited to Ibis They Will try again Tuesday at 7:30 you very much for your bea\ltiful Nazarene Camp was helpful in working determined effort to put a Cull slate into Democratic Chairman Jones urged important program. "T·M is not a p.m. when it is hoped that the State painting of "Trinity Site." The Site is. outstreets thalsatisfied all land owners the Republican dominated courthouse. the election of the Democratic slate to religion,'' she said,, "although all Local Government Financial Dlreetor truly the birthplace of' space- and users, according to Olson. TlieGOPshows no inclination to let g() • Ui§.¢ourthouse. saxing that it was time religioos urge meditation as a way Al Romero will he present to give his exploration. The picture · witt be · Bud Payne was named ambulance of the Court House and is working to for a: change in county om,ers. toward spiritual awareness." position aiid advice. displayed in the office of the Spa¢e Hall . coordinator for the county. He is a capture the state's other U.S. Senate A coffee atthe school- gym in Corona "In this time of' external pressure we On the agenda for the meeting in· of Fame. · driVet' and trained EM'l'. The ~ounty seat. was. hosted by Ken Fuller. Pinky Jones all need help finding inner peace. ad<qtion to garbage problems is a · for the In ·Lincoln County, at least. introduced the candidates foii0\1/illg a fotmd relief ·from discussion of rate · an Hess when St. Joseph's Republican Candidate Jack Schmidt is welcome ·by Fuller. former Corona 'n'ustees and the 1977 Int ti Spa Senator Joe Community Dewlopment program erna on · ce . Olson prepare tor the MontO¥a t!lllred Cou.nty Thursday the fair building for a In last '\Wek's meeting, the pros and lease pun:base of data processing with Congressman Hatold Runnels, Democratic Party and tbe Flu clinics open cons ol the garbage $Ystem now m use October 14,19l6 equipment for the count.y. Such Stale C'arte.--Mondale C!l·Chairman final speeches of the• day. Sil< more were beard, Trustee Willie Silva · Mr. U.w, Hess, anticipated ex.pense was. put into the Da\lid King and other DemQCratk s.tate ·members of tbe Peanut Brigade A high risk ~:linic fOI' the Swine presented figures Ill show that th~!c new · ' Esec:11tive Dlrec:tW' budget but application was del~cyj~cl and ~nty candidates in day long attived tllspeak,tor the Carte,...Mondale lnfl~ immunizati.on is set for Hondo !1Ul?inated system co¢d.ll.e paid. tor ilild International Space Hall of Fame • pending passage of federa\, ~venue campaigA fo~; 'lotel;.
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