600 Archives of Disease in Childhood 1993; 68: 600-601 Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.68.5_Spec_No.600 on 1 May 1993. Downloaded from Isolated single umbilical artery - the case for routine renal screening W G Bourke, T A Clarke, T G Mathews, D O'Halpin, V B Donoghue Abstract were undertaken in all infants with abnormal To determine the incidence of silent renal renal imaging. anomalies in infants with isolated single umbilical artery (SUA), all infants with SUA and without other obvious congenital Results anomalies, identified over a six year Over 35 000 placentas were examined. SUA period, were screened using renal ultra- was present in 112 (0-32%). Nineteen infants sonography. Over 35 000 placentas were had abnormalities on renal ultrasonography. examined. An isolated single umbilical Eight infants with SUA (7 1-%) had persistent artery was identified in 112 (0-32%). significant abnormalities. The remaining 11 Nineteen infants had abnormal renal were normal on follow up renal imaging. imaging. Eight of 112 (7/1%) had signifi- Of those with persistent renal abnormalities cant persisting abnormalities. Vesico- (table 1) vesicoureteric reflux was a common ureteric reflux was found in five infants finding, being present in five patients with (4-5/o). It is recommended that renal SUA (4. 5%), and was bilateral in four of these. ultrasonography be performed for all Three patients have so far had confirmed infants with isolated SUA. urinary tract infections. Two patients had (Arch Dis Child 1993; 68: 600-601) morphological abnormalities unassociated with infection or vesicoureteric reflux; one had Although the association of single umbilical an isolated right megaureter and another had artery (SUA) with other congenital abnormali- both kidneys on the left with one in the normal ties was alluded to as early as 18701 it was not position and the other in the pelvis. The systematically studied until 1955.2 There are remaining patient had significant dilatation of many reports of renal anomalies in association the left collecting system but micturating with SUA.3-6 However, the association of cystourethrography was normal and the urine silent renal anomalies with single umbilical was sterile. The results of follow up renal artery, as an isolated finding, has been contro- investigations on this patient are awaited. versial. Feingold et al reported an incidence of The remaining 11 infants were subsequently 33% for renal anomalies in infants with SUA shown not to have significant renal anomalies http://adc.bmj.com/ but without symptoms or renal findings.4 This (see table 2). high incidence was not confirmed in a number of subsequent studies.7-9 More recently Leung and Robson, in the largest series of SUA to Discussion date, found five of 27 (18.5%) asymptomatic This is the largest study of renal anomalies in infants with SUA had renal anomalies on infants with isolated SUA. In the series ultra- screening with ultrasonography or intravenous sonography was used as an initial screening on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. pyelography. 0 procedure for all infants with SUA. This study was undertaken to determine the The overall incidence of SUA in previous incidence of renal anomalies in a large number studies has varied from 0-2% to 1% which cor- of infants with isolated SUA. Renal ultra- relates well with our findings. The incidence of sonography was used as a screening tool in silent renal abnormalities in our study is less these infants. than that reported in studies by Feingold et a14 and Leung and Robson.10 Leung and Robson found five of 27 (18.5%) asymptomatic infants Patients and methods had underlying renal anomalies on screening intravenous Department of The presence of a single umbilical artery was with ultrasonography or pyelo- Paediatrics, Rotunda determined in placentas from all livebom graphy. However, in their study only a small Hospital, Dublin infants in the Rotunda Hospital by careful proportion of all infants with isolated SUA W G Bourke it is not indicated how T A Clarke examination of the severed end of the cord. were screened. Although T G Mathews Between April 1986 and March 1992 all infants were selected for screening, the authors cases of isolated SUA had renal ultrasonogra- note that the proportion of infants with anom- Department of alies was less when those in high risk groups Radiology, Children's phy performed within the neonatal period. Hospital, Temple They were reviewed at the 6 week baby check were excluded. In our study, all infants Street, Dublin visit when a clean catch midstream urine identified with SUA had renal screening. The D O'Halpin was obtained. Infants with SUA and lower incidence of anomalies in our study might V B Donoghue culture obvious coexistent congenital abnormalities be accounted for by a lack of selection bias. Correspondence to: Dr W Bourke, Our Lady's were not included in the study. Nevertheless the incidence of renal anom- Hospital for Sick Children, In infants with abnormal renal ultra- alies in this study is significant. Our findings Crumlin, Dublin, Republic sonography, subsequent appropriate investiga- represent a fivefold increase in overall renal of Ireland. in Accepted 9 December 1992 tions were carried out. Monthly urine cultures anomalies, and six to sevenfold increase Isolated single umbilical artery - the case for routine renal screening 601 Table I Patients with significant renal pathology Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.68.5_Spec_No.600 on 1 May 1993. Downloaded from Case Finding on micturating No Sex Findings on ultrasonography cystourethrography Follow up 1 M Mild to moderate dilatation of left Normal UTI at 3 months. Grade II-III collecting system reflux into right ureter and collecting system at 4 months 2 F Moderate to severe dilatation of Grade II to III bilateral reflux, UTI at five months. Reflux less right ureter with visual reflex on right>left marked on repeat micturating ultrasonography cystourethrography 3 M Bilateral mild dilatation of collecting Bilateral reflux: Grade III on right, Right 'Sting' procedure. Continues system grade II on left. to reflux 4 M Moderate bilateral hydronephrosis Bilateral grade IV reflux No renal scarring on DMSA scan at 4 months 5 F Dilatation of right collecting system Bilateral grade II reflux with duplex UTI at one month during voiding collecting system and ectopic ureter on right 6 M Dilated collecting system and ureter Normal Isolated right megaureter on to bladder ultragonography and intravenous pyelogram 7 F No kidney on right side. Normal left Awaited kidney and left pelvic kidney 8 F Significant dilatation of left Normal Awaited collecting system DMSA=dimercaptosuccinic acid, UTI =urinary tract infection. 'Sting' =endoscopic correction of vesicoureteric reflux. Table 2 Patients with minor ultrasonographic abnormalities andfound to be normal on subsequentfollow up Case Finding on mtncturating No Sex Findings on ultrasonography cystourethrography FolUow up 9 M Minimal dilatation of left collecting system Normal 10 F Minimal dilatation of left collecting system Normal ultrasonography at 6 months 11 M Mild dilatation on left Normal 12 M Mild dilatation on left Extrarenal pelvis normal 13 M Dilatation of right collecting system Normal Normal repeat ultrasonography 14 M Dilatation of left collecting system Normal UTI at 1 week old 15 M Mild dilatation on right Grade I reflux on right UTI at 6 weeks Normal ultrasonography and micturating cystourethrography at 1 year old 16 F Right extrarenal pelvis 17 M Left extrarenal pelvis Normal 18 F Slight dilatation of left upper pole collecting Normal repeat renal ultrasonography system 19 M Mild dilatation of left collecting system and Normal ureter UTI=urinary tract infection. vesicoureteric reflux, for infants with SUA over of renal screening in this group of infants. that found in population screening studies by In conclusion we have confirmed the associ- I Steinhart et all and Scott et all2 ation of silent renal anomalies with isolated http://adc.bmj.com/ The spectrum of silent renal anomalies SUA, in particular vesicoureteric reflux. We reported in the study by Feingold et al included recommend all infants with SUA have routine one documented case of vesicoureteric reflux renal screening with ultrasonography. and it may have accounted for the intravenous Thanks to Professor B Drumm for his helpful advice and com- pyelography appearances in one of the other ments on the preparation of this article. seven cases. Otherwise vesicoureteric reflux 1 Hyrtl J. Die Blutgefasse der menschlichen Nachgeburt in nor- malen und abnormalen Verhaltnissen. Vienna: Braumuller, has not been previously recognised in associa- 1870. on September 28, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tion with SUA. 2 Benirschke K, Brown WH. Vascular anomaly of umbilical cord. Obstet Gynecol 1955; 6: 399-404. Vesicoureteric reflux and urinary infection 3 Benirschke K, Bourne GL. Incidence and prognostic impli- are important contributors to the development cations of congenital absence of one umbilical artery. Am a cause Obstet Gynecol 1960; 79: 251-4. of reflux nephropathy, major of hyper- 4 Feingold M, Fine RN, Ingall D. Intravenous pyelography in tension and chronic renal failure in later life. infants with single umbilical artery. N Engl Jf Med 1964; The early detection and treatment of urinary 270: 1178-80. 5 Seki M, Strauss L. Absence of one umbilical artery. Arch infection in our patients should help prevent Pathol 1964; 78: 446. some to 6 Bryan EM, Kohler HG. The missing umbilical artery. Arch of the damage which leads reflux Dis Child 1974; 49: 844-52. nephropathy. 13 7 Fujikura T. Single umbilical artery and congenital malfor- In young mations. AmJt Obstet Gynecol 1964; 88: 829-30. infants, mild dilatation of the col- 8 VanLeeuwen G, Behringer B, Glenn L. Single umbilical lecting system may be within normal limits artery. Pediatr 1967; 71:103-6.
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