FHIC T ERMS: {'FEN CENTS PE~ COPY. VOL. Vr., No.8. CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21., 1886. .M 00 per Year, In Advance. "COME ON! FOLLOW ME!"-PHIG. SHERIDAN AT THE BATTGE OF FIVE FORKS.-DRAWN BY E. PO'l'HAST, FROM MATT MORGAN'S GREAT PICTURE OF THAT BATTLE. 114 TI-I E GRAPH Ie. VOLUME VI., NO.8. Is THERE a man who longs for fame; let him cross Nations to write long diplomatic document~, indulging C6 R.R1? 1-1 I G_ the Mexican border, inaugurate a war on some pretext in obscure statements and ambiguous phrases. In all or other, and then appeal to the United States Govern­ this Adee is an adept. He is, in fact, a word monger AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. ment. He may bring on a war in which thousands and word coiner." PUBLISHED EVER Y SA TURDA Y. will' be k.illed and maimed, and millions of treasure No wonder the capers of an insignificant c~ss like expended. Then he will be immortal. It is a glorious CUTTING came so near involving two friendly countries ART CORb.ESPONDENCE SOLICIThD. opportunity. in war. How would it be to intrust such important Artists and Photographers are invited to submit Sketches and corresponden~e to a man who can write the English MANY an heir never does a lick of honest work till PhotoR'raphs of subjects of general interest. All material language in a manner that it may be understood? In­ used will be credited and liberally paid for after publication. prudent old father dies and leaves a fortune to some­ stead of this it' is left to a "fellow who is a professional body else. Then the youth turns to thought and labor, Our Eastern Agent is H. N. GRANDIN, NO.4 Murray Street, maker of "obscure sentences and ambigUous phrases." to break the will, and develops more muscle and brain New York City. As if to emphasize his unfitness it is stated that "he is, in the matter than he would ever have enjoyed other­ in fact, a word monger, a word coiner." Uncle Sam wise~ ~o that by the time he gets a slice by way of com­ CINCINNATI, 'A,UGUST 21, 1886. does not require any such talent in his diplomatic letter promise or verdict, he is qualified to take care of it. writers, and Secretary BAYARD shoul4 make a note of Engraved and Prinled by Ike Graphic Press. it. Probably this word monger's ambiguity has had THE disposition which Mr. TILDEN made of his vast something to do with prolonging the muddle, whereas, HEIDELBERG is proud of its age, like a ruin and a wealth disconcerts the bitter partisa~ who have been a few courteous sentences, couched in terms that could wine-cellar. holding him up as an example of all that was mean, be understood, might have straightened things out stingy and little. A man who leaves the bulk of his is safer to pinch the Mexican snake than to pull the without all this agony. A word monger has no busi­ 1'£ estate for the maintenance of pubiic libraries, and tail of the British lion. ness to be intrnsted with any kind of literary work gives the trustees of the several tru~ts the widest dis­ except to write platforms for political parties. In cretionary powers, as did Mr. TILDEN, is not the man TOM CORWIN'S old speech ON the Mexican war is handling the tariff and temperance questions for the who would lay awake nights to devise ways and means recommended for Friday afternoon exercises. politicians his obscure sentences and ambiguous phrases to beat the tax collector. are of great value. But he is out of place in the State A MINSTREL .. end man" has been arrested in San Department. MR. W. N. WHITELY, the great reaper manufacturer Francisco for disturbing the peace. This is a healthy of Springfield, does not seem to be the hard-hearted FORESTRY. sign. tyrant that he has been represented. He 'arranged for CINCINNATI was at one time the home of editor CUT­ his 1,600 employes to take a vacation trip to the Davton THE Ohio Legislature has never taken very kindly to TING;' but we do not understand that Cincinnati is Soldiers' Home last Saturday. The men, with their the forestry idea. It was only after the most persistent pointing with pride to the fact. families, filled four or five trains of ordinary size, and efforts that a bill was finally passed, creating a State had a good time. MR. WHI'l'EI. Y rose to wealth from Forestry Bureau, and the inadequate sum of $1,000 ap­ WHEN the CUTTING case came into prominence, the an humble position in life" and knows, by experience, propriated for its maintenance. This bill was passed Presidential candidates at once began to consider how the happiness that a little thpughtfulness on the part of in 1885, and the first year's work of the Bureau is now best they could cast an anchor to windward. an employer will bring ~o the laboring man. set forth in the amiual report of the Secretary, Hon. ADOLPH LEUE. It is a very complete and comprehensive EDITOR CUTTING is dreadfully afraid that he will not MR. BUTTON, the LynchbUrg editor, who, during the review of the year's business, and will add much to the be released in time to catch the benefit of the adver­ late Presidential campaign, published libelous edi­ general knowledge on the subject of forestry. The tising boom his paper will get from his incarceration. torials on all the prominent Republican Senators, was work of the Bureau has been conducted in a systematic nominated for postmaster by the President and and painstaking 'manner, and not the least important IT is only the blatherskites along both banks of the promptly rejected. Since the Senate adjournment part of it is the compilation of opinions from farmers Rio Grande who want war; but if they can plunder BUTTON has been appointed to the office, and the and others regarding the effeCt of the removal of forests without war they prefer to have it that way. They are Republican Senators are mad about it, and threaten to upon the climate, soil and water supply. Throughout not half ~s warlike as they talk. " test the right of the President to appoint a nominee Germany and other European countries, experimental after rejection. Mr. BuTTON was an offensive partisan stations have been established, at Government expense, THE; hot weather lasted long enough to fill up the of the meanest stripe, and sought the little office as a summer resorts. Then the "resorters" .were ashamed for the purpose of forestal meteorological observations. reward for such services. When the facts became To obtain, as far as possible, the same information, the to come home until they had made a stay, although the known the President ought'to have dropped him. By home teniperature had become delightful. Ohio Bureau addressed this question to a large number a few such appointments as BUTTON'S he will drive of persons in the various counties in the State: away all the so-called Mugwump' support. OPERA singers and high-priced theatrical stars will be "Has the clearing of forests had any noticeable next on the list of boycotted establishments, unless effect upon the climate, soil, and water supply? If so, they reduce their prices to a human standard. They THE American branch of the Universal Peace Union please state such effect." will not be treated as demi-gods very much longer. has been holding its annual meeting at Mystic, Conn. This query was generally replied to, and the informa­ If the objects of the union are implied in its name, we tion obtained goes far to prove that the clearing away THll po'or of the present travel more than the rich of do not think it has been fortunate in the selection of a of the forests has materially affected the climate, the a half century ago. Sunuiler excursion rates get cheaper place of meeting. In the selection of Mystic there is water supply, and the fertility of the soil. The follow­ every year, and there is no excuse for a man to stay at something mysterious. Why did they not spread their ing reply will give an idea as to the information ob­ home, except too niuch business or too little strength. tents, upon the banks of the Rio Grande? That is the tained: place for a peace society. There is something down "Streams that, twenty-five or thirty years ago were THE Cincinnati Exposition Commissioners were there for it to do, and we do not understand that there fair mill streams are now worthless for that purpose, shrewd enough to arrange promptly for advertising is at Mystic. Perhaps the Union prefers to teach gentle rise rapidly and run out in a few hours. Thirty-five space in Editor CUTTING'S paper. The opening of peace to spead her white wings at long range, and thus years ago this township had four grist and saw-mills this Exposition will be a most favorable time for avoid coming in personal contact with grim-visaged run by water, while none exist at present. The soil the peace men of Texas to visit the North. war. Still we think the selection of Mystic for a Peace washes a great deal more than it did a number of years Convention, when we have Texas on the map, was a ago. On. rolling or hilly land the farmer must be vigi­ THE Belfast riot, when four hundred persons were misfit.
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