THE LONDON GAZETTE, 31sT MARCH 1987 4357 South Molton, Devon and formerly at Station Road, AYLWIN, Barry James, Production Fitter, residing at 39 South Molton, Devon as TOY MANUFACTURERS and Foxcroft Drive, Hayes, Wimborne in the county of RETAILERS. Court—BARNSTAPLE. No. of Matter— Dorset and lately carrying on business as a HAULIER, 7 of 1985. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— formerly as a TAXI DRIVER. Court—BOURNE- Gilderthorp, Robert Stanley, 14 Paul Street, Shepton MOUTH. No. of Matter—8c of 1987. Trustee's Name, Mallet, Somerset, Authorised Insolvency Practitioner. Address and Description—Halls, Nigel John, Messrs Date of Certifiicate of Appointment—20th March 1987. Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Lennox House, Spa Road, Gloucester. Insolvency Practitioner. Date of Certificate BROWN, Neil Kavanagh, unemployed, residing at 30 St. of Appointment—20th March 1987. Peters Close, Water Orton, Birmingham in the metro- politan county of West Midlands (described in the re- SCOTT, James Thomas, of 22 Kemp Road, Winton, BH9 ceiving order as of Tamar View Industrial Estate, Saltash, 2PW, Stonemason, lately a BRICKLAYER, lately resid- Cornwall) formerly a COMPANY DIRECTOR, and for- ing at 22 Granby Road, Moordown, both in Bourne- merly residing at ' Sun Cottage', St. Mellion, Saltash and mouth, Dorset. Court—BOURNEMOUTH (by transfer lately residing at ' Meryton House', The Green, King- from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter—-89A of sands and previously residing at 1 Land Drake Cottage, 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Halls, Land Drake, Saltash all in the county of Cornwall. Nigel John, Deloitte Haskins & Sells, Lennox House, Spa Court—BIRMINGHAM (By transfer from High Court Road, Gloucester, Insolvency Practitioner. Date of Certi- of Justice). No. of Matter—SA of 1980. Trustee's Name, ficate of Appointment—24th March 1987. Address and Description—Ward, Barry John, 1, 2 and 3 College Yard, Worcester. Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appointment—19th March 1987. HARRISON, Peter William, unemployed, residing at 37 Hazelcroft, Eccleshill, Bradford, in the county of West Yorkshire, previously carrying on business under the LESTER, Paul Leslie, a Furniture Salesman, of 11 Words- style of Truck And Trailer Services, Gibson Street, Brad- ley Close, Church Hill, lately of 9 Cradley Close, Match- ford, aforesaid, as a COMMERCIAL VEHICLE RE- borough East, formerly of 147 Evesham Road, Headless PAIRER. Court—BRADFORD. No. of Matter—«4 of Cross, lately trading as The Dralon Centre, at Unit 6, 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Claugh- Millsborough House, Millsborough Road, as a FURNI- ton, Raymond Stuart, Messrs. Rushtons, 36-40 North TURE SHOP PROPRIETOR, all in Redditch. Hereford Parade, Bradford BD1 3JB, Accountant Date of Certi- and Worcester. Court—BIRMINGHAM (By Transfer ficate of Appointment—4th March 1987. from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— 10lA of 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Ward, Barry John, 1, 2 & 3 College Yard, Worcester. Chartered STOKES, Brian, SHEET METAL WORKER, of 28 Cleve- Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appointment—23rd land Street, Colne, Lancashire, formerly of 8 Haynes March 1987. Street, Parkwood, Keighley, West Yorkshire. Court— BURNLEY. No. of Matter-^44 of 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Lee, John Hendrik PRUGGMAYER, Robert Marcus, residing at 25 The Chadwick, 8 Manchester Road, Bury, Authorised Insol- Square, Alvechurch in the county of Hereford and Wor- vency Practitioner. Date of Certificate of Appointment cester, lately residing at 46 Buchanan Road, Walsall in —4th March 1987. the metropolitan county of West Midlands, unemployed, lately carrying on business in partnership with others at Longwood Lane, Walsall, aforesaid as a MANUFAC- PULLING, Simon Alexander Christopher, ACCOUNTANT, TURER of ANIMAL FEEDING APPLIANCES and of 8 Fodbury Court. Ethelbert Square, Westgate-on-Sea, also a COMPANY DIRECTOR. Court—BIRMING- Kent, formerly residing at Flat 8, Sussex Gardens, and HAM. No. of Matter—14 of 1981. Trustee's Name, previously at 4 Roxborough Road, both Westgate-on-Sea, Address and Description—Simms, Frank Arthur, P.O. Kent, formerly trading under the style of Alexander Pul- Box 5, Lutterworth, Leics. Authorised Insolvency Prac- ling & Co., ACCOUNTANTS, from 57 Station Road, titioner. Date of Certificate of Appointment—20th Westgate-on-Sea, Kent, lately from 46 St. Dunstan's Street, March 1987. Canterbury, Kent, and previously from 55 Station Road, Westgate-on-Sea, Kent. Court—CANTERBURY (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— SINGH, Sukhjit, residing at 74 South Road, Handsworth, 90c of 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description Birmingham in the metropolitan county of West Mid- —Frowde, Peter Roderick, Bank Chambers, 1 Central lands, unemployed, lately residing at 99 South Road, Avenue, Sittingboume, Kent ME10 4AE, Insolvency Prac- Handsworth, Birmingham, aforesaid, formerly residing titioner. Date of Certificate of Appointment—25th and carrying on business at 27 Whitehall Road, Smeth- March 1987. wick, Warley, aforesaid as a MILK RETAILER. Court —BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter—11 of 1983. Trus- tee's Name, Address and Description—Halls, Nigel John, KINGSLAND, Raymond Kurt, a SERVING MARINE, of Lennox House, Beaufort Buildings, Spa Road, Glouces- The Commando Training Centre, Lympstone, Devon, ter GL1 1XD. Chartered Accountant. Date of Certificate lately residing at 5 Nelson Street, Deal, Kent, and for- of Appointment—20th March 1987. merly of 16 Falkland Drive, Arbroath, Scotland. Court —EXETER. No. of Matter—46 of 1984. Trustee's TIMMINS, Raymond Joseph, unemployed, lately a COM- Name. Address and Description—Berry, Michael Rich- PANY DIRECTOR, residing at and formerly carrying ard, Messrs. Maxwells, 4 King Square, Bridgewater, Som- on business at 34 Brigfield Road, Yardley Wood, Birm- erset TA6 3DG, Authorised Insolvency Practitioner. Date ingham in the metropolitan county of West Midlands, of Certificate of Appointment—23rd March 1987. under the style of 'Stakerry' as a SUB-CONTRACT BUILDER. Court—BIRMINGHAM. No. of Matter— HAMILTON, O. (male), of 21 Henconner Crescent, Leeds, 129 of 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— West Yorkshire, LS7 3NS, occupation unknown. Court Hunt, Edwin Francis, All Saints Chambers, Eign Gate, —LEEDS. No. of Matter—55 of 1986. Trustee's Name, Hereford HR4 OAE. Authorised Insolvency Practitioner. Address and Description—Claughton, Raymond Stuart, Date of Certificate of Appointment—20th March 1987. 36-40 North Parade, Bradford BD1 3JB, Accountant Date of Certificate of Appointment—24th March 1987. WAGSTAFF, Stephen Gilbert and WAGSTAFF, Lynda Iris, both of 77 Wychall Road, Northfield, Birmingham, SOWER BY, Richard (described in the Receiving Order as West Midlands B31, lately trading together as 'Bob Mr. R. Sowerby), residing and trading at Blackmoor Wagstaff and Son' at 1407 Pershore Road, Stirchley, Farm, Tarn Lane, Shadwell, and lately at 2 Birch Tree Birmingham, West Midlands 630 and previously as Way, and previously trading at Cowper Works, Cowper "Steve's Furnishings" at 1428 Pershore Road, Stirchley, Grove, all in Leeds, in the county of West Yorkshire, Birmingham, West Midlands as SECOND HAND FUR- under the styles of R. S. Construction and R. S. Ceilings NITURE RETAILERS. Court—BIRMINGHAM (By as a BUILDER and INSTALLER of SUSPENDED transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— CEILINGS. Court—LEEDS. No. of Matter—37 of I26A of 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description- 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Claugh- Miller, Martin Jonathon, 69 Windsor Road, Prestwich, ton, Raymond Stuart, Messrs. Rushtons, 36-40 North Manchester. Accountant. Date of Certificate of Appoint- Parade, Bradford BD1 3JB, Accountant Date of Certi- ment— 16th March 1987. ficate of Appointment—24th March 1987..
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