a Grace Notes course History of the Christian Church VOLUME 6 The Middle Ages, the Decline of the Papacy and the Preparation for Modern Christianity from Boniface VIII to the Reformation, AD 1294 to 1517 By Philip Schaff CH609 Chapter 9: The Pulpit and Popular Piety History of the Christian Church Volume 6 The Middle Ages, the Decline of the Papacy and the Preparation for Modern Christianity from Boniface VIII to the Reformation, AD 1294 to 1517 CH609 Table of Contents Chapter 9. The Pulpit and Popular Piety ........................................................................................2 6.72. Literature ................................................................................................................................... 2 6.73. The Clergy .................................................................................................................................. 4 6.74. Preaching ................................................................................................................................... 9 6.75. Doctrinal Reformers ................................................................................................................ 13 6.76. Girolamo Savonarola ............................................................................................................... 15 6.77. The Study and Circulation of the Bible .................................................................................... 32 6.78. Popular Piety ........................................................................................................................... 38 6.79. Works of Charity ...................................................................................................................... 45 6.80. The Sale of Indulgences ........................................................................................................... 50 excerpts from their writings.—HERGENROETHER- Chapter 9. The Pulpit and Popular KIRSCH, II., 1047–1049.—JANSSEN-PASTOR: I. Piety 745–747.—HARNACK: Dogmengesch., III. 518, etc.—LOOFS: Dogmengesch., 4th ed., 655– 6.72. Literature 658.—For GOCH: HisDe libertate christ., etc., ed. For §§73, 74.—The works of Erasmus, Colet, by Corn. Graphaeus, Antw., 1520–1523.—O. Tyndale, Geller of Strassburg and other CLEMEN: Joh. Pupper von Goch, Leip., 1896 and sources quoted in the notes.—LEA: Hist. of Cler. artt. In Herzog, VI. 740–743, and In Wetzer- Celibacy. Also Hist. of Span. Inq.—Histt. Of The Welte, VI. 1678–1684.—For Wesel: his Adv. Engl. Ch. by CAPES and GAIRDNERTRAILL: Social indulgentias in Walch’s Monumenta medii aevi Hist. of Engl., vol. II.—SEEBOHM: Oxf. Goetting., 1757.—The proceedings of his trial, Reformers.—GASQUET: The Old Engl. Bible and in AENEAS SYLVIUS: Commentarium de concilio Other Essays, Lond., 2d ed., 1907. Also The Eve Basileae and D’ARGENTRÉ: Col. Nov. judiciorum of the Reformation, pp. 245 sqq.—CRUEL: de erroribus novis, Paris, 1755, and BROWNE: Gesch. d. deutschen Predigt, im MA, pp. 431– Fasciculus, 2d ed., Lond., 1690.—Artt. in 663, Detmold, 1879.—KOLDE: D. relig. Leben in Herzog by CLEMEN, xxi, 127–131, and Wetzer- Erfurt am Ausgange d. MA, 1898.—LANDMANN: Welte, VI. 1786–1789.—For WESSEL: 1st ed. of D. Predigttum in Westphalen In d. letzten his works Farrago rerum theol., a collection of Zeiten d. MA, pp. 256.—SCHOEN: art. Predigt in his tracts, appeared in the Netherlands about Herzog, XV. 642–656. JANSSEN-PASTOR: Hist. of 1521, 2d ed., Wittenb., 1522, containing the Ger. People, vol. I.—PASTOR: Gesch. d. Luther’s letter, 3d and 4th edd., Basel, 1522, Paepste, I. 31 sqq., Ill. 133 sqq.—HEFELE- 1523. Complete ed. of his works containing HERGENROETHER: Conciliengesch., vol. VIII. Life, by A. HARDENBERG (preacher in Bremen, d. For 6.75.—ULLMANN: Reformers before the 1574), Groningen, 1614.—MUURLING: Reformation, 2 vols., Hamb., 1841 sq., 2d ed., Commentatio historico-Theol. de Wesseli cum Gotha, 1866, Engl. trsl, 2 vols., Edinb., 1855; vita tum meritis, Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1831; Also J. Wessel, ein Vorgaenger Luthers, Hamb., also de Wesseli principiis ac virtutibus, 1834.—GIESELER, II., Part IV. 481–503. Copious Amsterd., 1840.—J. FRIEDRICH, Rom. Cath.: J. History of the Christian Church, Philip Schaff 3 CH609: Volume 6, Chapter 9 a Grace Notes course Wessel, Regensb., 1862.—Artt. Wessel in studii intorno a Savon., 1876, 2d ed., Flor., Herzog, by VAN VEEN, xxi. 131–147, and 1887.—The Triumph of the Cross, ed. in Lat. Wetzer-Welte, XII. 1339–1343.—P. HOFSTEDE and Ital. by L. FERRETTI, O. P., Milan, 1901. Engl. DE GROOT: P. J. Wessel Ganzevoort, Groningen, trsl. from this ed. by J. PROCTER, Lond., 1901, pp. 1871. 209.—Exposition of Ps. LI and part of Ps. XXXII, For 6.76.—NICOLAS OF LYRA: Postillae sive Lat. text with Engl. trsl. by E. H. PEROWNE, Commentaria brevia in omnia biblia, Rome, Lond., 1900, pp. 227.—Sav.’s Poetry, ed. by C. 1541–1543, 5 vols., Introd.—WYCLIF: De GUASTI, Flor., 1862, pp. xxii, 1864.—Rudelbach, veritate scrip. Sac., ed. by Buddensieg, 3 vols., Perrens and Villari give specimens in the Leipzig, 1904.—GERSON: De sensu litterali original.—E. C. BAYONNE: Oeuvres spir. choisies scrip: sac., Du Pin’s ed., 1728, I. 1 sqq.— de Sav., 3 vols., Paris, 1880.—Oldest ERASMUS: Introd. to Gr. Test., 1516.—L. HAIN: biographies by P. BURLAMACCHI, d. 1519, Repertorium bibliographicum, 4 vols., Stuttg., founded on an older Latin Life, the work of an 1826–1838. ED. REUSS, d. 1891: D. Gesch. d. eye-witness, ed. by Mansi, 1761: G. F. PICO heil. Schriften N. T., 6th ed., Braunschweig, DELLA MIRANDOLA (nephew of the celebrated 1887, pp. 603 sqq.—F. W. FARRAR: Hist. of scholar of that name), completed 1520, publ. Interpretation, Lond., 1886, pp. 254–303.—S. 1530, ed. by Quétif, 2 vols., Paris, 1674. On BERGER: La Bible Française au moyen âge, these three works, see VILLARI, Life of Sav., pp. Paris, 1884. GASQUET: The Old Engl. Bible, etc.; xxvii sqq.—Also J. NARDI (a contemporary): Le the Eve of the Reformation.—F. FALK: storie della cittá di Firenze, 1494–1531, Flor., Bibelstudien, Bibelhandschriften und 1584. LUCA LANDUCCI, a pious Florentine Bibeldrucken, Mainz, 1901: Die Bibel am apothecary and an ardent admirer of Sav.: Ausgange des MA, ihre Kenntnis und ihre Diario Fiorentino, 1450–1516, Florence, 1883. Verbreitung, Col., 1905.—W. WALTHER: D. A realistic picture of Florence and the deutschen Bibeluebersetzungen des MA, preaching and death of Savonarola. Braunschweig, 1889–1892.—A. COPPINGER: II. MODERN WORKS.—For extended lit., see Incunabula bibl. or the First Half Cent. of the POTTHAST: Bibl. Hist. med., II. 1564 sqq.—Lives Lat. Bible, 1450–1500, with 54 facsimiles, by RUDELBACH, Hamb., 1835.—MEIER, Berl., Lond., 1892.—The Histt. of the Engl. Bible, by 1836.—K. HASE in Neue Propheten, Leip., WESTCOTT, EADIE, MOULTON, KENYON, etc.— 1851.—F. T. PERRENS, 2 vols., Paris, 1853, 3d JANSSEN-PASTOR: Gesch. des deutschen Volkes, I. ed., 1859.—MADDEN, 2 vols., Lond., 1854.— 9 sqq.—BEZOLD: Gesch. der Reformation, pp. PADRE V. MARCHESE, Flor., 1855.—*PASQUALE 109 sqq.—R. SCHMID: Nic. of Lyra, In Herzog XII. VILLARI: Life and Times of Savon., Flor., 1859– 28–30.—Artt. Bibellesen und Bibelverbot and 1861, 2d ed., 1887, 1st Engl. trsl. by L. Horner, Bibeluebersetzungen in Herzog II. 700 sqq., Ill. 2d Engl. trsl. by Mrs. Villari, Lond., 2 vols., 24 sqq. Other works cited in the notes. 1888, 1 vol. ed., 1899.—RANKE in Hist. biogr. For 6.77.—I. SOURCES: Savonarola’s Lat. and Studien, Leip., 1877.—BAYONNE: Paris, 1879.— Ital. writings consist of sermons, tracts, letters E. WARREN, Lond., 1881.—W. CLARK, Prof. and a few poems. The largest collection of MSS. Trinity Col., Toronto, Chicago, 1891.—J. L. and original edd. is preserved in the National O’NEIL, O. P.: Was Sav. really excommunicated? Library of Florence. It contains 15 edd. of the Bost, 1900; *H. LUCAS, St. Louis, 1900.—G. Triumph of the Cross issued in the 15th and MCHARDY, Edinb., 1901.—W. H. CRAWFORD: Sav. 16th centt. Epp. spirituales et asceticae, ed. the Prophet in Men of the Kingdom series.—*J. QUÉTIF, Paris, 1674. The sermons were SCHNITZER: Quellen und Forschungen zur collected by a friend, Lorenzo Vivoli, and Gesch. Savon., 3 vols., Munich, 1902–1904. Vol. published as they came fresh from the II., Sav. und die Fruerprobe, pp. 175.—Also preacher’s lips. Best ed. Sermoni a Prediche, Savon. im Lichte der neuesten Lit. in Hist.-pol. Prato, 1846. Also ed. by G. BACCINI, Flor., 1889. Blaetter, 1898–1900.—H. RIESCH: SAVON. U. S. A selection, ed. by VILLARI and CASANOVA: Scelta ZEIT, Leip., 1906.—ROSCOE in Life of Lorenzo di prediche e scritti, G. Sav., Flor., 1898.— the Magnificent.—E. COMBA: Storia della Germ. trsl. of 12 sermons and the poem de riforma in Italia, Flor., 1881.—P. SCHAFF, art. ruina mundi by H. SCHOTTMUELLER: Berlin, Savon. in Herzog II., 2d ed., XIII. 421–431, and 1901, pp. 132. A. GHERARDI: Nuovi documenta e BENRATH in 3d ed., XVII. 502–513.—CREIGHTON: History of the Christian Church, Philip Schaff 4 CH609: Volume 6, Chapter 9 a Grace Notes course vol. III.—GREGOROVIUS: VII. 432 sqq.—*PASTOR: OF JUETERBOCK, etc. Much material is given by 4th ed., Ill. 137–148, 150–162, 396–437: Zur W. KOEHLER: Dokumente zum Ablassstreit, Beurtheilung Sav., pp. 79, Freib. im Br., 1896. Tueb., 1902, and A. SCHULTE: D. Fugger in Rom, This brochure was in answer to sharp attacks 2 vols., Leipz., 1904. Vol. II contains upon Pastor’s treatment of Savonarola in the documents.—The authoritative Cath. work is 1st ed. of his Hist., especially those of Luotto FR. BERINGER: Die Ablaesse, ihr Wesen
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