February 27, 2019 The Voice of the LaRouche Political Movement Volume 3, Number 1 The Hamiltonian Let’s Realize the Dream of All of Mankind! by Helga Zepp-LaRouche We are witnessing right now an epoch- may have one intention—possibly replac- What we now see unfolding in the al battle for the true identity of mankind: ing the INF with a new agreement—but Russiagate coup is what the military an- Are human beings, as the proponents of the Russians are reacting to the reality alyst Pat Lang correctly calls a “seditious the New Green Deal suggest, parasites of the hawkish tones coming from other conspiracy,” an effort to “overthrow, put that put a strain on nature, and whose members of the administration, such as down, or to destroy by force the Govern- number must, therefore, be kept as low John Bolton, Michael Pompeo, Dan Coats ment of the United States.” The perpetra- as possible? Or is the human species the and others, as well as the British “minister tors of this conspiracy must be brought to only creative one known in the universe of war,” Gavin Williamson, who threatens justice, and all the documents concern- so far, a species with a limitless capacity to use “hard power” and who claims that ing the role of the infamous Christopher for self-perfection both of its mind and the “boundaries between peace and war Steele dossier and the role of British intel- the beauty of its character, with infinite are becoming blurred.” ligence in collusion with forces inside the capabilities to discover new principles of In response to this strategic environ- US must be made public. our physical universe? ment, President Vladimir Putin declared, President Trump has waged a tremen- This is not an esoteric question; it is the in his annual address to the Federal As- dously courageous fight under these con- central axiomatic controversy underlying sembly, that in the wake of the US with- ditions, but he now needs the support the present strategic battle between the col- drawal from the INF treaty, Russia does of every patriotic American, to free him lapsing old paradigm of the neoliberal sys- not intend to deploy intermediate-range from the chains of the “seditious conspir- tem and of geopolitical confrontation, and missiles in Europe, but that if the US acy” of the so-called “Russiagate,” whose the emerging new paradigm of an econom- does, “It will dramatically exacerbate entire aim was from the beginning to pre- ic model devoted to the common good of the international security situation, and vent him from improving relations with all people of this world, living in a harmo- create a serious threat to Russia, because Russia, and by implication, with China. nious relation of the development of all. some of these missiles can reach Moscow What the fake media have hidden from The old paradigm is the British Empire in just 10-12 minutes… Russia will be the American population is the fact, that paradigm of voracious greed and of oli- forced to create and deploy weapons that a new paradigm has been developing garchical control of the world. It express- can be used not only in the areas we are with a speed and a depth about which es itself in the fact that fewer and fewer directly threatened from, but also in areas most people, who have been subjected people own the wealth of the world—a that contain decision-making centers for to a wartime-like propaganda campaign 2018 report found that just 26 individ- the missile systems threatening us.” against China, have absolutely no in- uals possess half the wealth of the entire Putin stressed, that Russia does not seek kling. President Xi Jinping, whom Trump human population—at the expense of the confrontation, but that it is enhancing continues to call his “very good friend,” poor becoming poorer and more numer- its defence capabilities in order to make has initiated with his Belt and Road Ini- ous. The hardships this paradigm causes sure that “nobody would even consider Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressing the Schiller Institute conference “Let Us Create a New, More Human Epoch for Mankind” in Morristown, New Jersey, on February 16, 2019. for the ordinary man, woman, and child, pressuring us, or launching an aggression Continued on Page 4 are the reasons for the Brexit vote in 2016, against us.” In other words: if this spiral for President Trump’s election by what of a new arms race and possible confron- Hillary Clinton cynically called the “de- tation goes out of control, Europe would The Jan. 27, 1989 Jailing of Lyndon LaRouche plorables,” for the election victory of the not be the only nuclear rubblefield. Rus- present Italian government, and for the sian defense minister Shoigu commented Defined an Era, Which Now Must End protest of the “Yellow Vests” in France, a on Putin’s speech, that Russia’s new weap- protest which is spreading to other Euro- on systems, such as the hypersonic glider We Call Upon President Trump to Exonerate LaRouche! pean countries. “Avangard,” which can travel at speeds be- yond Mach 20, are a hundred times less Many Americans sat in stunned amaze- A New Paradigm in the United States? costly than the American missile defense ment earlier this month as the venerable system, which can only reach a speed of New York Times and Specaial Counsel President Trump promised not only to Mach 5, and which, according to experts, Robert Mueller’s apparatus moved to put defend the living standard of the popu- is therefore obsolete. the President of the United States, Donald lation, by recreating productive jobs for Trump, on trial for treason, because he Defeating the Attempted Coup everyone, but also to end the permanent Against Trump dared to meet and converse with Russian foreign wars and to set US relations with President Vladimir Putin; because he has Russia and China on a positive basis. But, So it is high time to stop the coup referred to NATO as being “obsolete” and so far, the British-designed coup attempt against President Trump, especially in questioned its role; and because he fired pushed by the Democrats and by neocons light of the fact that not only has the his director of the FBI, James Comey, as in the Republican Party is designed to pre- Senate confirmed that there was not one the Constitution prescribes he has the au- vent Trump from carrying out his inten- shred of evidence of collusion between thority to do. Jaws dropped as it became tion, to force a continued confrontation Trump and Russia, but also that members public that top echelons of the FBI, the with Russia and China, and even to draw of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals CIA, and the Democratic Party—all on Trump himself into a new quagmire of for Sanity have produced evidence that instructions from British intelligence— foreign interventionist war in Venezuela. the so-called “Russian Hack” was actual- had been, and still are to this day, engaged Concerning Russia, in respect to the ly an inside job. They have produced the in an active coup d’etat against the elected withdrawl from the Intermediate Nucle- technical evidence, that the emails of the President of the United States. ar Forces (INF) Treaty, President Trump DNC were downloaded and not hacked. Many of you reading these lines today Lyndon LaRouche, as a political prisoner, in Rochester, Minnesota, 1991. The legal assaults against are rightly aghast at the fact that these ac- LaRouche and his movement were characterized by Ramsey Clark, former Attorney General of the United States, as the “number one” case of “a complex and pervasive utilization of law enforcement, tors, although they have not yet achieved prosecution, media, and non-governmental organizations focused on destroying an enemy.” their objective, have so far gotten away with their plot, and that they act with torney General of the United States un- media, and non-governmental orga- seeming impunity. “How is that possi- der President Lyndon Johnson, and who nizations focused on destroying an ble?” you ask yourself and your friends. also represented LaRouche in his appeals enemy, this case must be number one. To find the answer to that question, to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals you only need look to the events of Jan. and the U.S. Supreme Court, stated in an With LaRouche’s jailing, America and 27, 1989—precisely 30 years ago—when April 26, 1995 open letter to then Attor- the world were deprived of their most il- Lyndon H. LaRouche and a group of as- ney General Janet Reno: lustrious statesman and economist. sociates were railroaded into prison with Because LaRouche’s policies for replac- lengthy sentences, for crimes they never I bring this matter [the LaRouche ing the deadly looting of Wall Street and committed. The frame-up and jailing of case] to you directly, because I believe the City of London with a just New World LaRouche, facilitated by years of lying it involves a broader range of delib- Economic Order of universal, high tech media vilification of LaRouche and his erate and systematic misconduct and development, were not implemented, On December 11, 2017, President Trump signed “Space Directive 1,” which states that “the United movement, which continues to this day, abuse of power over a longer period hundreds of millions of people around States will lead the return of humans to the Moon for long-term exploration and utilization, fol- was carried out by the same British-run of time in an effort to destroy a po- the world remained in poverty and tens lowed by human missions to Mars and other destinations.” Credit: NASA political apparatus—in many cases, by litical movement and leader, than any of millions perished unnecessarily.
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