DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 64. NO. 26 PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 27, 1915 PRICE 5 CENTS SOLVING BASE BALL PROBLEMS Official Announcement of the Federal League's Decision as to New York Invasion Withheld, But Newark Well Assured of the Kansas City Franchise Preparatory Work Active All Along the Line ' will officiate are Brcnnsn. Barry MeCormick While no official announcement and William ("Spike") Shannon. * * * as to the disposition of the Kansas Action to prevent the use of the "emery City franchise, in the Federal ball" in the Federal League will be taken at League, has been made, it is well the meeting of the league in Buffalo, February settled that yewark, y. J.. has been 26, according to President Gilmore. * * * decided: upon an its resting place. A dispatch from Fargo, N. D., states that There is but remote probability of catcher Winfield, of tho Fargo Northern League Club, has signed with the Chicago Fed­ Jfew York invasion at present, time eral Club. * * * At Hot Springs, Scout and conditions for such a move not Joe Kelley, of the New York American team, being deemed propitious. Pending refused to permit pitcher Bluejacket, of the Judge Landis' decision in the Trust Brooklyn Federal team, to work ont with Suit, all clubs in the Base Ball his battery players. * * * Pitcher Eddie World are calmly pursuing their Plank, of the St. Louis Federal Club, has just announced his marriage on January 30 to preparatory work, the lastest news Miss Anna C. Myers, of New Oxford, Pa. of which is appended: American League Affair* Newark Choice of Federal League CHICAGO, Ills., February 23. Fred Car- isch, for two years catcher on the Cleveland NEW YORK, N. Y., February 23. Al­ American League base ball team, has beea though Pat Powers, who is the guanlian of tho given his unconditional release. * * * floating Kansas City franchise of the Federal Finners Quinlan, of Scranton, Pa., who was League, has repeatedly stated that he had purchased at the close of last season from the not yet decided on either Newark or the Oakland team, of the Pacific Coast League, by Bronx for the location of the club, those close the Chicago Club, has returned his contract to Federal League affairs stated yesterday to President Cqmiskey unsigned, owing to that the club would be placed in Harrison, dissatisfaction with the salary offered. * * just outside of Newark. It is stated that the * Forrest T. Plass, last year manager and deal for the Harrison site at Harrison Oval part owner of the Dubuque I. I. I. League was closed last week. On Saturday it is Club, has been appointed a scout for the De­ known that Powers, with C. B. Comstock, the troit Club. * * * Manager Clark Griffith, architect who has designed all of the Federal of the Washington Club, declares himself op­ League grandstands, and a prominent Newark posed to permitting the International League contractor visited the site and that workmen to locate a club in Washington. * * * were put on the job to make soundings for Having completed 2718 miles of their trans­ the foundations of the new park. The new continental pilgrimage. Clarence Rowland and park is on a site in Harrison bounded on the his party of White 8ox athletes arrived in East by Third street, on the West by Second San Francisco early Saturday morning, put in street, running in a northerly direction to a 10 hours of sightseeing at the inauguration point within 100 feet of Middlesex street and of the Panama-Pacific Exposition and at 10 extending 620 feet southward toward Somer­ o'clock at night started for Paso Robles, set and Hunterdon streets, giving the new where actual training started yesterday. * park an area of 620 by 550 feet. These * * Pitcher T. James, of the St. Louis grounds, which cut across the Harrison Oval, Browns, has become a member of the law re intersected by Somerset and Ilunterdon firm of Addison, King & James, of Columbus, streets, so that Mr. Powers will appear before O., and may retire from base ball. * * * the Hor/ison Town Council nt its next meet- The St. Louis Club has sold first baseman ins: and request that these streets be vacated Fred Snedecor to the Beaumont Club, of the within the boundaries of the park. It is un­ Texas League Club. derstood that Architect Comstock is planning only a temporary stand at this time with bleachers. The concrete and steel structure is National League News 1o be erected after the first season. The NEW YORK, N. Y., February 22. Catcher grandstand will be horseshoe shaped, and it LEE MAGEE Sid Smith, of the Pittsburgh team, has ac­ Is planned to accommodate about 20,000 per­ Player-Manager of the Brooklyn Federal League Clutj cepted au offer to coach the University of sons. The present grounds are nearer to South Carolina team, and will not report to Broad and Market streets, Newark, than Lee Magee, whose proper name Is Leopold Hoernpeliemeyer, manager of the Manager Clarke until the beginning of the \Veidenmeyer's Park, where the Interna­ Brooklyn Federals, is the youngest team leader In the major leagues. He wan born playing season. * * * Catcher Harry tionals play, and, although located in Harri- In Cincinnati, O., June 4, 1SSQ. Magee is of that type known as a smart ball player, Oowdy. of the Braves, has left his Columbus ton. are easily accessible to Newark, West and a winning one, too, lie has been In the major leagues only four years, but hi home for Florida to spend two weeks at Palm that time he was one man in the Cardinal ranks wbo stood out as a pursevcrlng Beach before going to Macon, Ga., to join the Hudson, Harrison and lower New York. The player, no matter what the score, or the standing of that team in the National field is a ihort distance from the Fourth League race. Magee is a member of tho Typographical Union, and until he weut World's Champions in Spring training. * * Street Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad around the world with tin- McUraw-Comlskey tourists, in tlie Winter of IDl.'M-t. he * Charles ("Kid") Nichols, who won pen­ nd the Harrison Station of the Manhattan set type, in the off-season. This Winter he has been active in roundlns up players to nants as a pitcher for the Boston Nationals line. It is only two minutes' ride from the strengthen the Itrooklyn Tip Tops and spreading; the winning spirit to the athletes years ago, and in 189H managed the St. Louis Park Place Station in Newark. The pro* already under contract. Magee l*gan his professional career in 1!JO<>, when he Cardinals, bus signed to coach the base ball motors believe that with Sunday games they played for two weeks with the Meridian, Miss., team, of the Cotton States League, team of Missouri Valley College, in Marshall, will b« able to attract crowds of 25,000 as third basemau. hi 1007, Magee played with Springfield, Ills.; Burlington, la., Mo. * * * The Pittsburgh Club has pur­ people. and Waterloo, la. The next season found Mageo back on the job as second base- chased first baseman "Doc" Johnston from man for Waterloo, developing last. After the 1000 season with Seattle, Magee was the Cleveland American Club for cash; and Late Federal League Moves taken by the Cardinals and later farmed to Louisville. Returning to the Cardinals Johnston has accepted Pittsburgh's terms. * as infielder and outtielder, Magee stuck, until last Winter, when he took advantage * * The Cincinnati Club has signed out- CHICAGO, Ills.. February 23. President of the ten dsys"Vlau»e and hocamo manager of the Brooklyn Tip Tops. Magee fielder Tommy Leach recently unconditionally Gilmore, of the Federal League, today ac­ subbed in the infield and finally convinced Roger Bresnahan that be could play the knowledged for the first time that Newark outfleld. Magre built up a clientele In St. Louis, and In fact, every city of the cir­ released by Chicago. will be in the league this coming season. The cuit, by his splendid fighting spirit and unwillingness to quit. Federal leader asserts that Kansas City has Bill Armour's Father Dead no chance of making a fight against the trans­ PITTSBURGH. Pa., February 23. Adam fer of the franchise from that city to the Armour. 79 years old. father of William Ar­ East. * * * Five new umpires have been mour, manager of the Kansas City Club, of elected from more than 100 applicants for I nounced today. The new ones arc William I William Finneran, Fred Wcstervelt, James I the American Association, dbd at his resi- positions in the Federal League, it was an- | Fyit, who comes from the Western League; t Johnstone and Hurry Howell. The others who I dene*, at Homestead, early on February 21, SPORTING LIFE FEBRUARY 27, 1915 plus in the U. S. Reserve Bank. If the "Wee 28 names. You cannot tell anything about tha One" can help win as many for the Red- sorting. Collins, one of the least fancied on birds as he has aided in taking from them, the roll, is liable to earn a regular trench. he'll earn his keep and more. One thing is to be carefully watched this National League News A MEMORY OF '82 Spring. Players must show National League Redland was crowded with Scottish Rite caliber to remain on the list. Last Spring Masons this week and from out-of-town came it was evident in workouts that a couple of owith a World's Championship team, they can many a full-fledged fan.
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