Index Index 405 Index Aachen 53 Æthelstan, king of the English 24, 44, 57, 81, Abreu, Vasco Gomes de 258, 261, 275 83n54 Accounts Æthelweard, seneschal of King Edgar 81n40, Household 290, 295, 297, 324-25, 342 84 Privy Purse 342 Æthelwine, retainer of Athelstan ætheling Acostamento 394 75, 77 acutezza recondite 311, 324 Æthelwold, associate of Athelstan ætheling Adelheid, empress 6, 27, 44, 45-57, 62-63, 65 91 Administration 15-16, 42, 57, 65, 90, 95-98, Afonso II, king of Portugal 268 116, 120, 123, 129-30, 174, 191, 256, 268, Afonso III, king of Portugal 273 271, 298, 340, 396 Afonso V, king of Portugal 295 Adultery 262, 267 Afonso, Inês Dias 256-57 advice literature, see What the Goodwife Afonso, infante 382, 384, 388-92 Taught her Daughter Afonso, João, ombudsperson 258, 264n55 Ælfgeat 78, 84 Afonso, Pedro, huntsman 258 Ælfheah, cyninges discðen of King Eadred Afonso, Violante 258 81n43 Agnes, empress 54 Ælfhelm Polga 79, 80n36, 82n48 Albuquerque, Fernando Afonso de, mestre de Ælfhild, wife of Ealdorman Ælfwold 79n29 Santiago 249 Ælfmær 75-77 Alenquer 263-65 Ælfnoth, sword-polisher of Athelstan Alfons II of Aragon 228n9 ætheling 75 Alfonso X of Castile 273 Alfonso XI of Castile 232, 254 Ælfsige, Bishop of Old Minster, Winchester Anget, Agnes 169, 186, 193 81n40, 82n46, 91 Anne of Brittany, queen-consort of France Ælfweard 78, 81n40 313-16, 318n42 Ælfwine 82n46, 82n47, 83, 83n54 Anne of France 313-16, 318n42, 319, 321-24, Ælfwold, ealdorman 79n29 329-30 Ælfwolde, priest of Æthelflæd 80n37 Anne de Lusignan (Anne of Cyprus), duchess Ælfwynn of Mercia 23, 29 Æthelfand 84 of Savoy 327 Æthelflaed of Mercia 6, 16-19, 21-31, 33-34, Annuities 171, 179, 184, 212, 217, 392n35 36-37, 44, 80n37, 82n48, 267-68 Almær, chaplain of Ælfhild 79n29 Æthelgifu 80n37, 83 Alms, almsgiving 107, 125, 129, 138n87, 304 Ætheling 7, 57, 73-94 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, Mercian Register 18 Æthelmær 84-85 Agobard, archbishop of Lyons 43 Æthelmære, priest of Æthelflæd 80n37 Airani family 58 Æthelred of Mercia 17, 19, 22-26, 29-30 Alba, duke of 302 Æthelred II “the Unready,” king of the English Albion, Violante de 304 44, 73-75, 77-78, 80-82, 87-88, 90 Alfred, king of Wessex 17, 22, 25, 29, 74 Æthelric, Bishop of Sherborne 85-86 Alix of Brittany 118, 121-22 Æthelsige, artisan employed by King Eadred Alsace 53 83 Amicitia 34, 62, 293 Æthelsige, bishop of Cornwall 85 Andeiro, Fernando Rodriguez 253 Æthelstan, chaplain of Edward the Elder Andeiro, Juan Fernández de 250, 253, 257, 79n29 261, 263, 265-66 © Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2018 | doi 10.1163/9789004360761_019 406 Index Andeiro, Sancha de 257, 261-63 Bernat dez Pont 234n38, 240, 241n60 Anjou, Margaret of 157, 163, 214-15, 327, 353 Bernold of Constance 61 Anne of France 310, 313-16, 318n42, 321-23, Beauchamp, Roger, Lord 211 329 Bertrada, Queen of Francia 6 Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury 62 Blanca, queen of Navarre 293-95, 305 Anselm II, the Younger, bishop of Lucca bloodletting 124, 129 61-63 Blount, Humphrey 368 Aragón, Marina de 304 Blunt, Henry 370 Arduinus de Palude, count 57-58 Bobbio, abbey of St Columban 49 Arnau de França, Pere 234-35 body politic 227, 243 Anthony, Bastard of Burgundy 218 Boleyn, Anne, queen-consort of England Assassination 249, 253, 260, 266 350 Ataíde, Filipa de 279, 281 Bolingbroke, Roger 152-53 Ataíde, Gonçalo Viegas de 257 Bond, Thomas 122n20, 133 Ataíde, Martim Gonçalves de 257, 263n55, Bonizo, bishop of Sutri 61 279-81 Book of the Courtier 324 Artald, archbishop of Reims 32 Botelho, Constança Martins 258 Arthur of Brittany 115, 117-19, 134, 137 Bourbon, house of 310, 312, 316, 325, 330 Arthur Tudor 328, 342, 345, 347-49, 353 Braganza family 389, 393, 395-96, 399-400 Avis dynasty 248-70 Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk 349-50 Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeille, lord of Baeza, Gonzalo de 342, 346-47 313-16 Baeza, João Afonso de 266 Braose, Matilda de 134 ban, right of 60 Braose, William de III 134 Bar, Joan of, countess of Surrey 169, 174, Bret, Matilda (Maud) 170, 186, 193 189-90, 193 Brihtmær, Abbot of New Minster, Winchester Barnes, Sir 369 91n110 Barcelona 231-32, 236, 237n50 Brihtric the Red, thegn of Dorset 86 Barnet, battle of 212 Bristol Castle 116-17, 122-27, 129, 131-34 Beaufort, Margaret, countess of Richmond Bristol fair 105, 109, 127 and Derby 353 Brittany, Eleanor of 96, 115-38 Beaujeu, Pierre de 314, 324 Bronard, Odin 178, 188, 197 Beatrice, countess of Tuscany 44, 55-56, 59 Bronart, Edward 178-79, 197 Beatriz of Castile Bronart, Katherine; see also Belvale, Beatriz de Portugal, sister of King Fernando Katherine 169, 176-78, 193 of Portugal 250n7, 255, 259-61 Brun, archbishop of Cologne 49 Beatriz, daughter of king Fernando and Bruno, bishop of Langres 51 Queen Leonor Teles of Portugal Brent, Roger, mayor of Canterbury 209 249-53, 257-63, 265-66, 268, 386, 388-91 Bruno, archduke of Cologne 27, 34, 51 Beaumaris Castle 144, 159, 163 Brut chronicle 155 Bedyk, Margaret 170, 193 Brycheiniog, kingdom of Wales 19n14, 33 Belvale, John 178 Burgh, Elizabeth de, Lady of Clare 97, 103, Belvale, Katherine see also Bronart, Katherine 172, 174-75, 193 176-78 burh Beowulf 42 Worcester 23-25, 29-30, 33 Berengar I, king of Italy 45 Gloucester 23, 29-30, 33 Berengar II, king of Italy 50, 52 Burgundy, archduke of 302, 349, 351 Bernat de Cabrera 234n38, 240 Burley, Sir Simon 211.
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