rr-vv :.i: u ...-,., ...... , · ·- ~--~------------ Support Jewish Read By Agencies More Than With Your 40,000 Membership People THE 'JNL Y ENGLISH JEWISH WEEKLY tN R I AND SOUTHEAST MAS~ VOLUME LXVII, NUM BER 37 THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1980 25¢ PER COPY Rabbi Kaufman Reassigned Begin Reacts Strongly To To Texas Post Charges By Sadat Natha hc: fo r thei r dcd1cat1on and contnbu­ t1ons to the Jewish communuy JER SALE \I (JTA)-Prc:m1cr strucuon to the: autonom) delega11on. they Rabbi Kaufman ""as born 1n Ph1la­ .\.t c:n.ichc:m Bqm has reacted strong!) 10 an could haH reached a quick ag reement. He dc: l p h 1a, Pa .. 1n 1938, the son of 1n1c:n1~ by Eg)p11an Pres.1dc:nt An,..,ar said the: difference: bct,..,ec:n the Israeli and Har ry and Ehzabc:lh Kaufman He: Sadat blaming 8cg1n for the deadlock 1n the: l:~ptian rc:g,mc::s "as that m E8)pl Sadat graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the: Umver• autonomy nqo11a11ons Bc:gm responded 10 could msu uct his officials ""hatc:,c:r he s1ty o f Pc:nnsyh·an1 m 1959 and emc:rcd the: Sadat ,n bnguagc:s1m1lar 10 ,..,h,u Sadat u.sed hkcd. m Israel the: Premier had no such Jewish Theological Seminary of America 1n ,n an mlc:n,c:,. 1n the Au1u.s1 issue of authont) Onl) the Cabinet could ma l e Nc:w York Cit) from which hc,..,uordamcd Rcadc:n Digol. la) mg the nc.go11a11ons dccmons. ""'h1ch gmdc: the lsr.ic:h delegation 1n 1964 rea1v1ng av.auh m General £A. could be: succc.ssfull) completed ,.ith1n a to the: ncgo11.111ons. Bcgm strc.ssed ttllc:ncc: and Je,..,,sh Philosophy ma11cr of houn 1f the Eup11;in Pra,dc:nt Bc:gm outhned the l:.gyptmn proposuls Rabbi Kaufman began h11 Rabbmw::al ""ould "slid. to 1he Camp O;i,,d accord·· .,.h1ch contradicted the: Camp Oa\id ac­ career as ass1~tanl Rabbi at Congrep11on In lhc mtc;n1c:"". $.id;it ~•d that "more cords the rcdt\1s1on of Jerusalem, the Kch1 llath Israel, Brookline:, Ma» from lh.in 90 p,c:r cent of the: Israeli peopk ""ant nature of autonom). arid the sc:c-unt) qucs- 1%4 to 1967 rc:acc: But II appcari that \ Ir Begin cannot 1,on Bc:gm concluded his reaction as As spmtual leader [email protected] B"'-iai bung h1msc.lf to lca,c: ""hal he: calls Judaca fullo""\ and S..mana ~use. 11 I\ 81bhal " l,rael dunna the past 1h1rtec:n )Un. Rabbi "Prc\ldcnl SadJI c:,pcc1, In a ,talc:mc:nt lhal he d1c1a1ed at h1.1 from me that I K.iufman 1nauiur,11cd ,u \caJcm) of ,hould go ba1..._ on m) con, ,ctwn that 1-rctz Rabb, Wilham L Kaufman wi ll be rc:­ Jc:,..,1\h ,1ud10. an aduh cdltC,ll1on proaram home:, ""here he I\ no"" rc:co,crmg from a Ymacl •~ lhc land of Til) forefathers. It 1s my hngu1s hing his pos1 11 on as Rabbi or Con­ mild heart atl.u._ , Bc:r,n \.11d tha1 1f ~dat u11lwng mcmbcn or the Congregation u ,n­ duh to rc:pl) to him, ,..,,th respect. fncndsh1p grega tion B'Na1 Israel, Woon,ockc:t, a pzy.i;,. a ""an1c:d an a,rec:mcnl on the: autonom). he: \lru~lof\, org.1n11ed Yuuni Couplet Club. .ind cJlmn~\. I hat his e,pcc1.111on ,s but an tmn he has held smcc: 1967 nrgJm1c:d <,,elf-,tud) \~na11oguc ""ork,hof'\. had 111 1n~1ruc1 h11 offic1ah not 10 make 1llu\lon. Lret, Y,uacl 1) the land of our A ~pecml \c: rvicc "" 111 be held at Congrcia• \Cncd J\ Pnnc1pal and teacher tn 1hc: rroro'-11\ "'h11..h cuntrad1etcd the C.1mp Da-.,d a1..u,rd,. Thac: prop,;,..._.1,. rnnM1tuted f,1rd.1ther\ I \Cf) Jc"", Chnst1an and 11 0n B'Nai lm 1cl on Sunday, July 27 at 7:JO llchrcw. S<.hool. organ11cd ;m adult lu\ Mo\lcm ._no""\ th,~ 1ru1h .. p.m honormg Rabb, Kaufman and his wife (Continued on pa~ 13) a 1hrc:.it hl the \oCCUTlh or hr.ad and th fu1urc. lk11n '\Jld · "I too, could ha-.c: \.aid thal 9, per ct.nl of Sadat Postpones lhe Lt)PllilTI people: \O,lnl r,ciltt unhkc the PLO Arabs Arrested in I gyptlan 1mcrnmcn1,' Bc:gm u1d " But Israeli Trip I here" no need for that .. Rqun r,.l"""tc:d Sad.11', compl;un1 th.iii ,f Tl L AV IV - According to a rcccntly he:, Bc:11111. ""ould ha,e g1-.,n d,Ncrc:nt m- pubhshcd lsrach nc,..,..sp&pcr report, Egyp- Sharon Assassination Plot 11:rn Prc11dc:nt Anwar el-Sadat has rl-L AVIV (JTA) -Sccunty forces ha.,c The: 1c: rron s1s had apparcnll) bec:n plano­ postponed an upcoming v1s11 10 h ncl .trrcslcd four Ara b,; fr om the Gaza Strip lTI[l lhc anad. for a )car They h.1d people Drinan Calls For fo llo,.., ing comments made by Is raeli Pnme uml charged them with a plol lo J~sassmatc ""IHkmg m packing hou~ near the: Sharon M1 n1.1t c:r Mc: nachc: m Begin, which accused Agr1 ..: uhurc M1111)tcr And Sharon at his rarm ""here the) could obJ>Cnc h1, hab11, Shcharansky Release Mr Scdat of tr)ing 1odri vc:a ""edge betwee n farm m the Negev. The four reportedly con­ WAS III NGTON (JTA) - Rc:p Robert lhe people of Is rael and thei r leaders. fessed they were recru ited fo r 1h c: ta.s k by Au:ordmg 10 rc:poru, the fou r mc:n Orman (0 Mass) has called on the: Soviet Mr Begin's comments were: made in the Palc:stinc L1bcra11on Orga m1.at1on. .irrcslcd had planned 10 1c1 J0b u Union to release 1mpn1oned d1.s.s1dc:n 1 reference: 10 re.marks m.tdc by Mr. Sadat that Sharon was apparently chosen beca use farmh.ind) on Sharon's form The 1emmsu Anatol) Shcharansky now ··as a sign of the b rac:hs wan ted peace but that th e: Prim e: he l 'i in charge of the Mimstcn al Sct1lcmcn1 had c.1 rl 1cr ~tock pi led arms nea r one of the good ,..,,II and an effort to cool growing Ea.'lt­ M1n 1ster was c:mo 11 ona ll y inca pable of con­ Commiucc and is the lc.idmg advoca te m fru 1t- pack,ng plants. The) rc:portc:d ly plan­ Wcs1 1c:ns1on.s" on the: c~c of the opc:mng of cludmg JI the Cabinet of incrcas mg Jewish settlements ned to au ack lhc m1n1ster with CA plosi-.o the Olympic Games ,n MO$CO "" Orman The Egyptian leader, who has an open in­ in the West Bank . A reserve: general, he is and lirc:.irms while: he was m his house, thus J01 ned appro;t1 matcl) 100 people: at the dail y vi tation to v1s1t Israel, stated in the interview also a wa r hero, es pecially oflhc Yom Ki p-­ cu cum-.c:no ng h,s bod)guard and the: elec­ v1g 1I o uu ,de 1hc Sov1c1 Embassy here which 1hat ·• In vi ew of Mr. Begi n"s depressed pur War where he led the Israeli forces tronic ""a rmng devices which surround the: marked the: second anmHrs.ary o r the: .sc: n­ mood :u mamfcstc:d in his crushing per­ across the Suez Cunal into Egypt. fa rm tenc,ng of Shcharansky sonal attack on me, there: is no poi nt to Dnnan 1s chairman o r the. lnlc: rnat10 nal another summil mecling at th is time:." He Committee fo r th e: Release or Anatoly further Slated during the Yf'diol Aharonof Israelis React To Acceptance Shcharansk). He me t the d1.ss1dcnt 1n the mtervi c:w that he had intended to take up the USSR m 1975 ""hc:n Shcharansky .sc: rvc:d as invitatio n soon but decided last week against Of Palestinians At Olympics his guide and mtc:rprc:t c: r the trip. TEL AVIV (JTA)- Israelis arc upset by ;1ssocm1c: el igible: over whether an lsrnch the Internati onal Amateur Wrest li ng presence: m Moscow mig ht have: blocked Fcderntion·s .tccc:ptancc of a Palestin ian rccogmt1on o f the Pal c:stm1ans. team - "Falastin'' - as a non-national Labor MK Ora h Namu. who heads the Kncsse1 ·s Sports Comm iu tt, has obsc: r.,cd 1ha1 Patestmc Liberation Orgamzation Jewish Groups Warn chief Yasir Arafat paid an offici al visll to 1hc Olympic Village: in Moscow onl y c: igh1 Against School ycius after PLO terrorists massacred the Israeli team at the Munich Olympics. Prayer Campaign Charging that the world has forgotten the WASHINGTON - The Un ion of horrors of the Munich massa'cre, Namir an­ American Hebrew Congregations have nounced that she: would convene her com­ voiced concern ove r a campaign now un­ mittee to consider possible: Israeli reactions derway by fundamentalist Christians which to the recognilion of the Palestinian urges the return of organized prayer to wrestlers. public schools. Some Israel is expressed the view 1ha1 if The extensive lctterwriling campaign. Israel had not boycotted the Moscow which was organized by evangelical and fun­ Olympics and had its sports officials there, damentalisl Christians, supports a bill that they may have prevented the admillance o f would strip U.S.
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