
1925 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SEN ATE 1945 By Mr. WYANT: A bill (H. R. 11699) granting an increase ance blll (S. 3218) ; to the Committee en the District of of pension to Elizabeth Clark; to the Committee on Invalld Columbia. Pensions. 3471. Also, petition of G. H. Martin and others, protesting Also, a bill (H. R. 11700) gran!ing an increase of pension against the Sunday observance bill· .( S" 3218) ; to the Com· to Mary L. Deemet ; to the Oomm1ttee on Invalid Pensions. mittee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. KNUTSON: Resolution (H. Res. 405) to pay to Walter C. Neilson $1,500 for extra and expert services to the Committee on Pensions by detail from the Bureau of Pensions ; SENATE to the Committee on Accounts. FRIDAY, January 16, 1925 PETITIONS, ETC. (Legislative day of Thursday, Jatntu.a1"1J 15, 1!125) Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid The Senate met in open executive session at 12 o'clock on the Clerk's· desk and referred as follows: meridian, on the expiration of the recess. 3456. By the SPEAKER (by request) : Petition of Federation The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Ohair lays before the of Citizens' Associations of the District of Columbia, asking for Senate the treaty with Cuba. a more definite proportionate contribution by the Federal Gov­ l\.lt. CURTIS. M.r. President, I suggest the absence of a ernment and the District of Columbia in appropriations for the quorum. maintenance, upkeep, and development of the Federal territory; The PRESIDENT pro temp01·e. The Clerk will call the to the Committee on the District of Columbia. roll. 3"457. By Mr. GARBER: Petition of T. C. Thatcher, vice T.he principal legislative clerk called the roll, and the follow­ president of Oklahoma City Mill & Elevator Co., Oklahoma ing Senators answered to their names : City, Okla., relative to the interpretati.on of the milling in bond Ashurst Edge Kendrick Reed, Pa. Ball Fernald. Keyes Sheppard and the tariff treaty between the Umted States and Cuba on Bayard Ferris King Shipstead wheat produced in Canada and milled in the United States; Bingham Fess Ladd Shortridge to the Committee on Ways and Means. Borah Fletchel' McKellar Simmons Brookhart George McKinley Smoot 3458. Also, petition of Lieut. Bernard A. Kellner, favoring Broussard Gerry McLean Spencer adequate appropriations {or making the national defense act Bursum Glass McNary Sterling of June 4, 1920, a practical reality; to the Committee· on Mili­ Butler Gooding Means Swanson Cameron Greene Metcalf Underwood tary Affairs. Capper Hale Moses Walsh, Mass. 3459. By Mr. GALLIVAN: Petition of Boston Real Estate Cope-land Harreld Neely Walsh, Mont. Exchange, Boston, Mass., protesting against the creation of a Couzens Harris Norris Warren Cummins Harrison 8ddie Watson rent commission for the District of Columbia, as proposed by Curtis Heflin verman Wlllls United States Senate bill 3764 and House bill 11078; to the Dale Howell Pepper Committee on the District of Columbia. Dial J ohnsol!J.. Calif. Ralston 3460. Also, petition of General Committee on Army and Navy Dill Jones, wash. Ransdell Chaplains, recommending favorable action on Senate bill 2532 Mr. FLETCHER. I desire to announce that my colleague, and Ho11Se blll 7038, which provide for the same status as to the junior Senator from Florida [Mr. TRAMMELi.], is unavoid­ pay, allowances, advancement fot Army chaplains as fut Navy ably absent. I ask that thls announcement may stand for the chaplains; to the Committee on Military Affairs. day. 3461. By Mr. HUDSON: Petttlon of Highland Park W.omen's The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Sixty~nine Senators have Clubs, urging_ the participation of the United States -in the answered to the roll call. There is a quorum present. The World Cou.rt on the terms of Wuren G. Harding and Secretary Senate, as in legislative session, will receive a message fr.om Charles Hughes; to the Committee on Foreign Affa.irs. the House of Representatives. 3462. Also, petition of officers of organizations of Rochester, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Mich.,. urging the Foreign Relati.ons Committee of the Senate A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. Haltl­ to report a resolution providing for participation of the United gan, one of its clerks, announced that the House had passed States in the World Court on the Harding-Hughes terms, in a bill (H. R. 11472) authorizing the construction, repair, and order that it may be voted upon by the Senate as a whole; to preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs. for other purposes, in which it requested the coneurrence of tha 2463. By Mr. KIESS : Petition of citizens of Shing1e House, Senate. Pa., protesting against the passage of Senate biD 3218 ; to the POSTAL SAL.!..RIES AND POSTAL RATES Committee on the District of Columbia. Mr. MOSES. Mr. PreSident, I ask unanimous consent, as In 3464. By Mr. KINDRED: Petition of Community Councils of legislative session, to move that the bill (S. 3674) reclassifying the City of New York, advocating the immediate enactment the salaries of postmasters and employees of the Postal Service, of the rivers and harbo~s bill; to the Committee on Rivers and. readjusting their salaries and compensation on an equitable Harbors. basis, increasing postal rates to proVide for such readjUstment, • 3465. Also, petition of Thomas W. Shelton, chairman of the and for other purposes, be set down as a special order for con- . Committee on Uniform Judicial Procedure, American Bar Asso­ sideration at the conclusion of the routine morning business on ciation, urging immediate consideration by Congress of Senate Thursday, January 22. bill 2061 or House bil111071; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The PREJSIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection? 3466. By Mr~ RAKER: Petitions of Lars Stai, of Mount Mr. KING. Mr. President, may we have the request restated? Shasta, Calif., urging the passage of House bill 8938, allowing Mr. MOSES. I have requested unanimous consent as in legis- travel pay from the Philippines to volunteer soldiers of the lative session to move that the btll to which I have referred be SpaniSh-American War and disabl~d veterans of the ·world set down as a special order to be taken up for considerati{)n at War, state department, Los Angeles, Calif., urging passage of the conclusion of routine morning buSiness on Thursday, J anu­ House blll 6484 and Senate blll 33; to the Committee on Mili­ ary 22. tary Affairs. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair hears no objec­ 3467. Also, petition of Lincoln Post No. 1, Department of Cali­ tion, and leave is granted by unanimous consent to the Senator fornia and Nevada, G. A. R., San Francisco, Calif., urging the from New Hampshire to make the motion. repeal of the Stone Mountain Memorial 50-cent pieces; to the Mr. MOSES. I make the motion. Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. Mr. OVERMAN. Ma.y I know exactly what the motion is? 3468. Also, petitions of El Dorado Oil Works, of San Fran­ Mr. MOSES. My motion is to maka Senate bill 3674, which cisco, Calif., indorsing postal legislation recommended by the ls the postal salaries and rates bill, a special order to be taken President and Postmaster General; and the Haslett Warehouse up for consideration at the conclusion of routine morning busi­ Co., San Francisco, Calif., indorsing postal legislation recom ... ness Thursday, January 22-. I understand that it requires a mended by the President and Postmaster General ; to the Com­ two-thirds vote. mittee on the Post Office and Post Roads. Mr. OVERMAN. I object. 3469. Also, petition of Executive COmmittee of Massachusetts Mr. MOSES. I had already obtaiood unanimous consent to · Bar Association, indorsing legislation to increase the salaries make the motion. of the Federal judiciary; to the Committee on the Judiciary. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from North 3470. By 1\Ir. SINNOTT : Petition of Mr. Ross Dustin and· Carolina can not now object. The Senator from New Hamp­ ethers, of Bend, Oreg., protesting against the Sunday observ- shire has been granted unanimous consent to make the motion. 1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 16 1\Ir. OVERMAN. I did not understand that unanimous con~ Mr. JONES of Washington. I desire to announce the folio~.. sent had been granted. lng pairs: The PRESIDENT pro tempore. It had been granted and the The junior Senator from Kentucky [Mr. ERNST] with th6 question now is upon the motion of the Senator from ;New senior Senator from Kentucky [Mr. STANLEY] ; Hampshire. The Senator from West Virginia [Mr. ELKINS] with tha l\Ir. BORAH. 1\Ir. President, a parliamentary inquiry. Senator from Oklahoma [1\Ir. OwENS] ; and The PRESIDEXT pro tempore. The Senator will state it. · The Senator from Colorado [Mr. PHIPPS] with the Senator ~\lr. BORAII. I ha-re not any objection to the bill being from South Carolina [Mr. DIAL]. · · made a special order if I may understand the effect of it. Mr. LADD. I desire to announce the necessary absence of .What is the effect of it? · the junior Senator from North Dakota [l\!r. FRAZIER], and to 1 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The effect of it is to set state that, if present, he would vote u yea" on the pending down the bill to which the Senator refers as a special order motion. at the conclusion of morning business upon Thursday, Janu~ The result was announced-yeas G7, nays 9, as follows: ury 22. YEAS-57 Mr. BORAH. That would not interfere with taking up other Ashurst Dill Keyes Reed, Pa. matter in case there are the votes to do it. Ball Edge Ladd Sheppard llr.
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