C - gnenjit||«%*f|f niplr Adft lihH ^ t i MdhM* j lallUlUaw s UllAUUIW Ullfl By Georte Kamoa the final list of name* President other candidate for tha Job, art Wedneaday Editor Kennedy wgs attending a meet­ toad frlenda and were recruited President Robert E. Kennedy ing of the state colleges’ Beard by then coach, La Roy Hughes. name * atep closer today to nam- of Trudtoca in Sacramento. injt u new football coach, when The president later attended legs of Sequoias and rumored as ho received a Uat of names of alumni meetings In Stockton and a possible candidate, has built an five ’ candidatea who have been Sacramento. One of the appli* impressive record at the Visalia •elected by hia advisory commit* cants, Ken Blue, la at tha Uni- campus. Hia teams have racked tee. varsity of -Pacific in Stockton. up a 84-8-2 slate. similar post at San'otiqro*State. The committee, headed by Dean Assistant football coach Blue A graduate of tho Univeraity tli mna n|gn IlMMhd MAS mfc Wan. -toldv the Muatang' Daily that he of Southern California, Baldook sea WH mXHv nVN wHMs^v BBw USaSa^ Carl Cummina, head of the Ap- cock College, where Ida Mam was p led Arta School, aelectad the had applied for the poet herb. was in town for tho annual junior Blue, former coach a t Hartnell college - wrestling tournament 9-1 and rated No. 9 nationally la five candidatea from a Jiat of 88 junior coltogo polio. applicants. College, aaid he was op tha road, whan ha was Informed of tho when he heard1 of tho vacancy. vacancy. Beatty, formas hood oeaah at Preeldent Kennedy will contact Baldock h n dm&sd sny eon* Cal SUte, denied rumors that ha each of the five men (elected by The 44-year-old coach aald he had applied for the jab.. had discussed his application with tacts with tha administration the.committee and it la expected thus far. J Still a physical nhnatloa in- that Interviews will be held with Robert Mott, head of tho Physi­ a true tor, Beatty built two aaillen- cal Education Department, and John Maddon, dafenaiva coach moat if not all of them aa a for tha professional Oakland al championship teams in 1SS4 meaoa of working toward making LeRoy Hughes, former head and 09. coach. Raidars, and Homar Baatty, for­ of the final (election. Preaident mer head map at Cal- Stats Loa Another rumored candldala, . K nm.'dy has stated that ha in* Blue waa an assistant a t tha Angatai, have been mentioned aa A«Ami easeIm flow*Oaesaaaip IA Is ^m|IJwywaw leamMm W m aaIII wBHI*amm tends to announce the selection University of New Mexico for possible applicants. mant on reports that ha had ap­ rf the new head coach on or be-~- aoven years and spent five years Madden, a .former Muatang plied fpr the job. •—; r-. foru March 27, tha beginning of at Hartnell in Salinas. footballer, expressed interest |p Smith to currently football the Spring Quarter at the college. While at Hartnell, his teams the job, but admitted ha hadn't coach at Hartnell Collage in The (election committee In* compiled a 28-11 record. applied. , ' ' < Salinas. -> ( eludes Dean Cummina, chairman; Another candidate who eon- The Raider coach aaid, “Ihavs Bam Vokee, former hand feat- Actjng Administrative VI ce firmed applying is Dick Manlni. always talked about ooming ftMifh >t CaH<|h > C olkf* wftib President Harold 0. Wlleort; Dr.' Maninl, coach f t Rio Hondo back." it noweoaehing at AltonpuMoali Robert Mott, head of the Physi­ Madden revealed that ho hod College In Santa Maria, toUS Mua- < cal Education Department; Rich* Collogo in Whittier, paid, “I’ve always wanted to go to Poly and talked it over with his wife, but tang DaBy Saturday that he to ard Anderson, athletic director i hadn’t applied because of Hie Dean of Student!, Everett M. -coach." Tha former Mustfng fullback busy schedule. ooneidHad, Chandler; Willard Pederson, head "1 first jteord about the job of the English and Speech De­ coached three years at Santa. partment; Ruah Hill, president of Maria Hlfh School where tho the Cal Poly student body; Ken Saints fashioned a 24-7-1 mark. \ V HIOT ON CAMPUS?...Ne, San Lula Obispo The claaa wae taught by Issy Florea and Danny Dalton representing the football In IMS, Manlnl’a team fought its county law. enforcement \agene lex participated Nunc* of the. San Lulu Oblapo County Sharif fa players; and Don Van Harreveld way to the C.I.F. aemi-fInals. in a riot control demenetratlon class last Thursday Department. An estimated 300 14 w enforcement representing the alumni.------—-~ Strangely enough, tho IMS and Friday on th* lawn of th« Little Theater. offlcera participated In the riot control claaaee. When the committaa drew up graduate and Stan Sheriff, ah- T* jiuoent JUflKiinrtiasnmm Mtmkrrt of tht fltudmt A flilii Council (BAC) and Student Judicial? want through a verbdt donny brook laat waak on raappnr During tha aeaetlag, sesnsbses tionmant with aaeh aids soomingly of SAC had nriglaaBy hapad ta uhdsrstandtng ths other’s viaw. got an setoniim to weali an tha Associate Juatiea 8 to vs Bal ton­ tine said studanta shouldn’t Kara CALIFORNIA STAFF to bolong to campus interest YTFCHHIC groups ta order to ha ropriiBntad During tho dtomeiieu it tha VOL. XXX, NO. 33 ___ SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1968 on SAC Howovor, Amos Ngongi, AB1 Pnrtto»uM«i^ttoe aajmpn vice-president, called Ballsntins’s argument for one man-one vote 8 AC moesbare w m Bid for CU umsTrucnon oroo "Impractical.’’ Under the student eeurtfb pin* Ngongi said that If tvsry stu­ ordinary studanta could ha m tha Four rise with new sound is pvt off Kmits dent wore represented, there Student Affairs Csunill. Jhn open today Woest, Engineering Cionril rep- Back In the Dark Ages of a de­ tance, ranking as the musical from Seattla which is whare thay would bo. no Mod for BAC. Ha reaenUthra en SAC, fait a leak it Advertisement of bid* for con­ alao said the council would M too struction of lht> new Julian A. code or so hgo, folk singing (what counterpart to'the publication of met aa fraternity brothers at tha The administration haa pat aa wqmriaMa taeapH tM * a new book by J. D. Salinger. Univeraity of Washington. big. McPhec College Union Building there whs of it) was confined to "off limits’’ sign on tha construe- He cited three alternatives that On the other head, Toai Navlnn is scheduled for today. the musty cellars of coffee houses , Just hs sikectneular has been In those days, there were no tion area for tho new Engineer­ the response' to their records in thoughts of a professional career. the Student Judiciary oouid da aeeaalaM juatl i i . aaM a parson I'hey will be opened at tho in the bohemian sections of New ing-Math Building between En­ regarding rsnpportlsnmeal. college Feb. 27, . according to RUrope und tite Orient. In the They started stngtng together gineering East and Engineering lew •— ^S^PIn^S York, Ban Francisco and other cold djy language of statistics, almost by accident, as a kind of The former Feopto to-Peopto handto tha iHnaHua. Bauaadhlm - a statement from K. Douglaa > cosmopolitian cities. Weat Gerard, associate dean for facil­ Columbia 'Records reports that frntprnity joka on a (lull night representative said that the eta- \eelf aa nn example. To the Ameilcu'n public in ge­ The Brothers Four are among Students and faculty rubber- dent eourt could take its saps ta ities planning. Then one day thay decided to necking in the tone are In danger fa n sMaad m m Mi , . BPMXS neral, folk singing was an art the three biggest sellers in)'Co­ cut a record and tha re st aa the Estimated construction coat for form steeped in vagueness, some­ lumbia’s overseas markot for pop­ from the building activity, said p w h lenf Vm fla el af AwbHml the building, which will be named man aaid, ia history. Douglas Gerard, building coord- fejaTaiS&TJtUSl thing Burl Ives did when l)e In­ ular musk. Tha Four will appear in con- to tho different departments dad turn was daniod Aa aMt M SAC after the late Julian A. McPhee, ~ -— «-f ----- 1 --1--U uL- a -9----MA formed us he didn't much care If To put It mildly, four young, . cert In. tha Man’s Gym. on Petr. S divisional eoundto. vpii nHHIMI VHHPr president emertiua of the college, Jimmy cracked corn. And that men named Bob Flick, Mike He reported that only author­ As a third atoatnatlvo, Ngongi ruling .nedy erne an oHoMlai is $3,327,000. at 8 p.m. Ticket prices are was shout all there wns to it. Kirkland, John Paine and Dick ami $2.80 for students, and ised personnel wearing hard hate said the eourt oouid area make a . hem dnnd---------------'• ^ weuM Its 100,427 square feet of floor - Since then, of course, we have Ftdey have come a long way and $8.80 for the general pu wiR be allowed tn the section. recommendation to SAC. bo denied a aont space will Include lounges, game witnessed a revolution. Indeed, The construction—whkh haa The student government body A fagmal hearing bedaru thg and meeting rooms, a book store, the emergence of folk music as put a crush on some parking fa­ has been working on a MU which rtnjkmt aanrt ^ ^ i HMMitna1 hobby craft and. reading rooiqs, popular entertaiumeiit was the cilities—-is scheduled for comple­ deals with reappartipameat The offices for student oi ggnlsations, show business phenomenon of tion in May 1M8.
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