DISTRICT - DURG S.No. Reg.No. Title Author FS/Year 1 869(S/a) Report on Prospecting for Cement Grade Limestone in Semaria area Dist Durg Chandrakar, N.K. 1981-83 2 1058(S/a) Report on Prospecting for Cement Grade Limestone in Matra-Gota-Hardi area of Dist Durg Dhekaware, H.D. 1991-93 3 936(S/a) Report on Prospecting For Cement Grade Limestone in Achholi and Ghotwani Area of Dist Durg Chandrakar, N.K. 1986-88 A Report on Prospecting of Cement Grade Limestone in Girhola-Khapri Area Tehsil Dhamdha, 4 1032(S/a) Pandey, J.L. 1994-95 Durg 5 927(S/a) Report on Prospecting for Limestone of Selud Chunakatta Area Durg Chandrakar, N.K. 1988-89 A Report on Reconnaissance Survey and Sampling of Limestone Occurrences Around Dhamdha 6 909(S/a) Bhanjdev, H.K. 1984-85 and Murhipar Area of Durg and Rajnandgaon District 7 1227(s/a) Mineral Inventory of Durg District Singh,S.K. and Saxena,V.K. 1999-2005 DISTRICT - RAJNANDGAON Demarcation of Gardewise Reserve of Bauxite at Village Bodai-Daldali, Tahsil Kawardha, Dist 1 923(S/a) Jain, A.K. & Nema, C.K. 1989-91 Rajnandgaon 2 875(S/a) The Report of Investigation of Iron Ore Deposits in Rajnandgaon Dist Mainkar, Datta & Singh, S.K. 1985-86 3 884(S/a) Investigation of Iron Ore Near Boria Tibbu Tahsil and Dist Rajnandgaon Pandey, J.L. 1980-81 Demarcation of Gradewise Reserve of Bauxite At Villages Bodai-Daldali, Tahsil Kawardha Dist- 4 939(s/a) Jain, A.K. 1989-90 Rajnandgaon Chandrakar, N.K. & Dhekaware, 5 942(S/a) Report on Prospecting For Cement Grade Limestone in Charbhata Area, Rajnandgaon 1985-87 H.D. Dhekaware, H.D. & Chandrakar, 6 982(S/a) A Report on Prospecting for Cement Grade Limestone in Khaira-Bhatgaon, Rajnandgaon Dist 1985-86 N.K. A Report on Survey and Sampling of Limestone Occurrences Around Joginawagaon Area Tehsil 7 1006(S/a) Pandya, S.K. & Austin, V.K. 1993-94 Kawardha Dist- Rajnandgaon Report on Gradewise Assessment of Limestone in Machanpur, Tumribod and Murhipar Area 8 961(S/a) Chandrakar, N.K. & Sharma, A.K. 1989-91 Rajnandgaon Dist 9 891(S/a) Report on Prospecting of Limestone in Chaweli-Thelkadih Area of Rajnandgaon Chandrakar, N.K. 1986-87 Continuation of Prospecting of Cement Grade Limestone in Manpur - Ranjitpur Area Dist - 10 1061(S/a) Singh, S.B. & Sankhla, V.K. 1995-96 Rajnandgaon A Geological Report on Prospecting of Limestone Around Sahaspur-Lohara Area Tahsil Kawardha 11 1029(S/a) Pandya, S.K. 1993-94 Dist Rajnandgaon 12 768(S/a) Prospecting of Limestone Deposit Around Bhanpuri Tehsil & Dist Rajnandgaon Srivastava, C.H. 1975-76 Report on Survey and Sampling for Bauxite in Motinala and Chilpi Area Dist Mandla - Balaghat 13 946(S/a) Khan, A.H. 1986-87 and Rajnandgaon 14 1222(s/a) Report on Mineral Inventory of Rajnandgaon District S.K.Singh,V.K.Saxena et al 2007-09 Grade-Wise Assessment of Limestone in Tekapar- Kalkasa Area Tahsil-Khairagarh,District- P.K.Padlamwar and Dharmendra 15 1224(s/a) 2007-08 Rajnandgaon Sai Report on Prospecting of Cement Grade Limestone around Remadwa-Jagmadwa Area, Dist. H.D.Dhekaware and 16 1239(s/a) 1998-99 Rajnandgaon, C.G. R.R.Bisen DISTRICT - BILASPUR 1 1083(S/a) Report on Geochemical Prospecting of Kota - Lormi Area Dist Bilaspur Hans, N.K. 1996-97 2 839 (S/a) Report on General Mineral Survey of Kota - Lormi Area Bilaspur Singh, S.B. 1980-81 Report on Prospecting of Cement Garde Limestone in Tendua Area Tehsil Kota and Takhatpur 3 1041(S/a) Khan, M.A. 1994-95 Dist Bilaspur Report on Reconnassance Survey, Demarcation And Sampling of Limestone in Lormi - Pandaria 4 1010 (S/a) Khan, M.A. 1993-94 Area, Dist Bilaspur 5 787(S/a) Mineral Inventory of Bilspur District Soni, B.L. 1975-76 6 1060(S/a) A Report on Prospecting of Cement Grade Limestone in Lormi - Pandria Area Dist Bilaspur Kaushal, K.K. & Khan, M.A. 1995-96 7 1023(S/a) Report on Prospecting for Cement Grade Limestone in Tendua Area Tehsil and Dist Bilaspur Singh, S.K. 1991-92 8 1167(S/a) Report on Geochemical Prospecting Around Keonchi in Pendra Area Dist Bilaspur Hans, N.K. & Doshi, C.K. 1997-98 9 1034(S/a) Progress Report on Prospecting for Cement Grade Limestone at South of Pamgarh Dist Bilaspur Qureshi, U.K. 1992-93 10 1162(S/a) Geochemical Survey Around Dhanauli in Pendra Area Dist Bilaspur Saxena, V.K. 1998-99 11 1024(S/a) Gradewise Assessment of Limestone in Masturi Area Dist Bilaspur Singh, S.K. 1989-91 12 1045(S/a) Report on Investigation of High Grade Dolomite in Bilaspur District Qureshi, U.K. 1994-95 13 1229(s/a) Prospecting of Cement Grade Limestone in Chilhati area, District Bilaspur Padlamwar,P.K. & Saxena,V.K. 2002-03 14 1233(s/a) Prospecting of High Grade Dolomite in Belpan - Dhuma area Tahsil- Kota Dist. Bilaspur Shailesh Verma & P.P.Mishra 1995-99 Survey and Demarcation high silica Limestone Suitable for cutting & Polishing purpose and rocks 15 1241(s/a) S.K.Verma 2000-03 suitable for the pradhan mantri gram Sadak Yojna in the Dist. Of Bilaspur Division DISTRICT - JANJGIR - CHAMPA 1 996(S/a) A Report on Prospecting for Cement Grade Limestone in Semra Area Tehsil Janjgir Dist Biaspur Hans, N.K. 1987-88 A Report on Prospecting for Cement Grade Limestone in Meubhata Area Tahsil Pamgarh Dist Srivastava, A.B. and Barwatia, 2 1049(S/a) 1993-94 Bilaspur M.A. Report on Systematic Survey and Sampling of Limestone Around Ghutia Area Tahsil Janjgir Dist 3 922(S/a) Tiwari, S.B. 1985-86 Bilaspur 4 815(S/a) Prospecting for Cement Grade Limestone Around Arasmeta Tahsil - Janjgir, District - Bilaspur Shrivastava, C.H. 1977-78 Report on Prospecting of Cement Garade Limestone At Bargaon Area Tehsil Pamgarh District 5 938(S/a) Vaidya, V.G. 1978-80 Bilaspur 6 1034(S/a) A Report on Prospecting of Cement Grade Limestone At South of Pamgarh Dist Bilaspur Qureshi, U.K. 1992-93 Report on Dolomite Deposits South East of Baraduar Railaway Station in and Around 7 291(S/a) Mishra, S.S. 1964 Chhitapandaria Reserve Forest and Its Surrounding Area in Tehsil Sakti Dist Bilaspur 8 926(S/a) Report on Gradewise Assessment of Limestone at Kutrabod Area Tehsil Pamgarh Dist Bilaspur Vaidya, V.G. 1988-89 9 880(S/a) Prospecting for Limestone Navagarh Area Tehsil Janjgir Dist Bilaspur Vaidya, V.G. 1980-81 10 793(S/a) Prospecting of Limestone Deposits in Naila - Champa Belt, Janjgir Tehsil Dist - Bilaspur Vaidya, V.G. 1975-76 Report on Prospecting of Cement Grade Limestone of Mudpar Area Tehsil Janjgir, District - 11 953(S/a) Sankhala, V.K. 1986-87 Bilaspur Prospecting for High Grade Dolomite in Bhainso-Masanpur Area Tahsil-Pamgarh District Janjgir - 12 1225(s/a) Verma,S.K. & Chauhan,G.R. 2000-02 Champa Geological report on Exploration for Limestone in Dhabadih Block I Tahsil Pamgarh dist. Janjgir 13 1273 (s/a) S.K.Verma 2014-15 champa c.g. DISTRICT - MAHASAMUND Shallow Refraction Seismic Survey For Placer Gold Around Mundha Village, Tahsil Saraipali, 1 1172(S/a) Tiwari, R. 1999-2000 District - Mahasamund 2 1163(S/a) Report on Geographical Survey in Singhora Area, Tehsil Saraipali, District - Mahasamund Tiwari, R. 1998-99 Investigation for polymetallic Mineralisation in Saraipali Area, Dist.Mahasamund/ Raigarh/ Raipur Panday,S.K. & Singh, U.P. & 3 1242(s/a) 1998-2002 using Remote Sensing, Geophysical & Conventional Techniques Khatediya, M.S.& Minj,B. Shallow Refraction Seismic Survey For Placer Gold Around Mundha Village, Tahsil Saraipali, 4 1245(S/a) R.Tiwari 2000-2001 District - Mahasamund 5 1253(s/a) Investigation for Limestone in Bhalukona - Rajadih Area Tahsil Saraipali Dist. Mahasamund C.G. K.C.Sharma 1999-2000 DISTRICT - KAWARDHA (KABIRDHAM) Geotechnical Studies for Polymetallic Mineralisation in Lormi - Pandaria Area, District - Bilaspur Mainkar, D., Kankane, S. and 2000 -2001 & 1 1183(S/a) and Kawardha Singh, U.P. 2001 - 2002 Report on Prospecting for Cement Grade Limestone Around Nawapara - Dongaria and Patpar Bisen, R.R. and Dhekaware, 2 1170(S/a) 1996 - 98 Area Tah & Dist - Kawardha H.D. Pandey, S.K. Khare, S. 3 1208(S/a) Mineralogical and Geological Survey of Parts of Kabirdham and Rajnandgaon Dist. 2005-06 Saxena, V.K. Report on prospecting of Bauxite in Darai area District kabirdham P.L. applied by Chhattisgarh 4 1213(s/a) S.K.Singh and H.K.Dhruw 2009-2010 mineral development corporation LTD. 5 1231(s/a) A Report on survey of Iron Ore and Bauxite Tahsil - Kawardha Dist.-Kabirdham Singh,S.K. and Dhruw.H.K. 2006-07 6 1248(s/a) Mineral Inventory of Kabirdham Dist. Singh,S.K. and Saxena,V.K. 2004-05 Padlamwar,P.K.& Sai, 7 1252(s/a) Mineral Inventory of Kabirdham Dist.(Part Report) 2006-07 Dharmendra DISTRICT - JASHPUR Report on Investigation of Aquamarine Variety of Beryl Around Borokachhar ( Bankheta ) in 1 1187(S/a) Dhekaware, H.D. 2001 - 02 Kunkuri Tahsil , District - Jashpur A Report on Exploration of Bauxite Deposit of Khuria Highland ( In Daitunpani Area of Pandrapat 2 1161(S/a) Sharma, K.C. 1978-80 Plateau ) Tahsil Bagicha, District - Jashpur Report on Prospecting for Bauxite Deposite in Deodand(Jamunia)Area Pandrapat Plateau, District 3 1238(s/a) Verma,S.K. & Sai,D. 2004-05 Jashpur (C.G.) 4 1240(s/a) Prospecting for Bauxite in Kadampat Area Pandrapat Plateau, Dist. Jashpur Chhattisgarh S.K.Verma & D.Sai 2003-04 Report on Investigation of Gold in Tapkara - Barjor Area and Delineation of the Potential Zone of 5 1243(s/a) Dhekaware,H.D.& Verma,S.K.
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