THE NATION ◆ VISHNU BHAGWAT Photographs by SHARAD SAXENA naval officials, but also bypassed the Appointments Committee of the Cabi- net (ACC). Instead, Bhagwat was re- “Members of the Promotion warded with promotions. Board expressed serious concern Consider these facts: In April 1990, over the manner in which the VOYAGE OF as rear admiral, Bhagwat was charged flag officer had filed a writ peti- with making copies of two confidential tion in the Bombay High Court letters from a file kept in the office of the in September 1990 for not hav- Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief ing been assigned the command (West) who at that time was away in of the Western Fleet... In doing so Delhi attending a commander’s conference. Still later, an incensed the flag officer had not displayed INTRIGUE Naval Headquarters served Bhagwat a the requisite degree of maturity, notice seeking explanation for his judgement and leadership quali- The sacked naval chief is attacking the very intemperate remarks against his ties commensurate with his high seniors and senior officers of the MOD. rank. Under these circum- civilian authority that patronised him in the past Bhagwat denied the charges. With stances, the Board was of the investigation pending, Bhagwat was opinion that his acceptability in denied command of any fleet. He hit the higher ranks within the services was very low... The Board By PRABHU CHAWLA his native town or retired without be- back by filing a writ petition in the unanimously decided that he would not be selected for coming chief of naval staff. Because his Bombay High Court seeking his promotion to the rank of Vice-Admiral Grade R.” “THE APPOINTMENTS COMMITTEE superiors felt that Bhagwat had “not appointment as fleet commander. of the Cabinet can reject my recom- displayed the qualities commensurate Naval Headquarters considered this mendation but it cannot make a suo moto with his high rank”. an act of gross indiscipline on the part ADMIRAL L. RAMDAS appointment.’’ Investigation by INDIA TODAY reveals of Bhagwat and in November 1990, the Chief of Naval Staff, on May 22, 1992 Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat, to a sordid tale of political and adminis- then chief of naval staff J.G. Nadkarni The Asian Age, on January 4, 1999 trative manipulations over several served a “Letter of Severe Displeasure” years, the sole beneficiary of which was valid for three years on Bhagwat. Later OMBATIVE WORDS, BUT THE Bhagwat. Ironically, Bhagwat would the same month, Nadkarni wrote to the dismissed admiral may never perhaps have been dismissed from ser- defence minister suggesting that the like the real story about his vice as early as 1991 if not for the sup- services of Bhagwat be terminated for the manner in which he has conducted chief.’’ Earlier, Ramdas had reduced the own elevation to the highest port and connivance of the MOD his alleged misdemeanours. himself in the past... Ramdas wanted “severe displeasure” period from three Cpost in the navy to be known to civilians he is now directing his wrath That could well have happened had me to request the defence minister that years to one year, thus making Bhagwat the public. If the Cabinet or the Min- at. Faced with serious charges and the not the civilians in the MOD kept the file no further action need be taken against eligible for his next promotion. istry of Defence (MOD) had even once ire of his superiors, Bhagwat’s career pending for over nine months. In the Bhagwat as he has already suffered Initially, Pawar appeared unmoved heeded the recommendations of any of was saved by the bureaucracy and the meantime, Nadkarni retired and Admi- severe displeasure awarded by the for- by such petitions. On August 16, he his former bosses, Bhagwat would political leadership. In his case, they not ral L. Ramdas took over as the chief of mer chief of naval staff and had been summoned Vohra and Ramdas for have been either cooling his heels in only ignored adverse reports of senior naval staff. Bhagwat had over the years adequately reprimanded by the present discussions and questioned them about developed excellent rapport with Ram- the adverse impact on the services “if all das and by April 1991, Bhagwat had the issues relating to the conduct of “There are four courses of action withdrawn his writ petition. HIGHS AND LOWS Bhagwat were formally closed”. When open to deal with the misconduct of Fortune started smiling again on Ramdas assured him that he would be Bhagwat when in June 1991, the Con- “keeping a close watch on the conduct Flag Officer Bhagwat. They are (a) to ■ April ’90: Bhagwat makes gress government of P.V. Narasimha Rao copies of confidential letters of Bhagwat”, Pawar relented and the invoke the pleasure of the President took charge at the Centre. Among the Bhagwat case was given a quiet burial. as enshrined in Article 310 of the first things new defence minister Sharad kept in office of FOC-in-C West. For Bhagwat, this was like crossing Constitution ... (b) to initiate action Pawar discussed with then defence sec- ■Sep ’90: Bhagwat files writ in a major hurdle. But several others for dismissal, discharge or retire him retary N.N. Vohra was the Bhagwat case. Bombay High Court for appoint- remained. There was, for one, opposi- from the Naval service under Section A Mumbaiite, Pawar was fully aware of ment as fleet commander. tion from within the navy. In May 1992, 15(2) of the Navy Act ... (c) to place the antecedents of Bhagwat and while when Naval Headquarters forwarded the Flag Officer on the retired list in he expressed his displeasure over the rear ■ Nov ’90: Admiral Nadkarni three names for promotion to the rank terms of Regulation 179(2)... (d) to admiral’s behaviour, he did not follow up serves “Severe Displeasure” of vice-admiral, Bhagwat’s name was Court martial him under the Navy Nadkarni’s recommendation for his dis- notice, suggests termination of not in the list. When the six-member missal. Instead, he directed Vohra to dis- Bhagwat’s service. Promotion Board headed by Admiral Act and pending investigation and cuss the whole issue with Ramdas and Ramdas met on May 22, even the naval trial, suspend him under Regulation take suitable steps. ■ Dec ’90: Nadkarni retires. chief was unable to carry his colleagues 91. Since options in sub paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) are time con- Far from being dismissed, the Ramdas is new CNS. along. Bhagwat’s exclusion from the list STANDING SMALL: suming and would not send the deterrent message down the was explained thus: “... he has not dis- If bureaucratic confabulations actually ■ Bhagwat’s case comes line to all ranks in the navy ... I recommend that the services led to Bhagwat’s rehabilitation in the April ’91: Bhagwat played the requisite degree of maturity, up in court, it could of Real Admiral V. Bhagwat be immediately terminated navy. Pawar decided to drop action withdraws writ in court. judgement and leadership qualities open a can of worms under Section 15(1) of the Navy Act”. against Bhagwat when he was told by ■ Sep ’92: Promoted as commensurate with his high rank and both Vohra and Ramdas that Bhagwat vice- admiral. seniority. The Board is of the opinion ADMIRAL J.G.NADKARNI would mend his ways. On July 31, that his acceptability in the higher ranks 1991, Vohra wrote to the defence min- ■ Sep ’96: Appointed CNS. is very low.” Chief of Naval Staff, on November 26, 1990 But the MOD ister, “Admiral Ramdas has informed ■ , which Bhagwat me that he has admonished Bhagwat in Dec ’98: Sacked as CNS. considers his nemesis now, was not a meeting of all senior officials about amused with the Naval Headquarters’ 000 INDIA TODAY ♦ MARCH 00, 1996 MARCH 00, 1996 ♦ INDIA TODAY 000 THE NATION the light of Parliament and is still marked top secret. Its contents, how- “The Raksha ever, are leaked out in generous doses. Mantri was Curiously, all the three principal ac- seriously con- HORNET’S NEST tors—politicians, bureaucrats and cerned that a the military—were so far not keen on senior uni- The defence minister’s promise of reform is timely its speedy implementation. Politicians formed official but it is likely to run into rough weather because the deep-seated fear of a mil- had resorted to itary coup still persists among them publicly airing and the reforms may heighten such his grievances worries. Bureaucracy because it wants to continue to have all the au- leading to the thority without much accountability. general And the military because it could lay Ignoring the advice of the Promotion Board, impression that the blame for its shortcomings on the the then prime minister P.V. Narasimha Rao there is inade- shackles imposed on it. approved the recommendation of his quate discipline in our armed forces. Raksha Meanwhile, the “crisis of confi- defence minister Sharad Pawar elevating Mantri observed that while he had taken due dence”, as former chief of air staff Bhagwat as vice-admiral. The promotion note of the assurances given by the chief of S.K. Mehra terms the confrontation naval staff, he was still doubtful about between the Ministry of Defence and did not have the sanction of the Appointments Committee of the the signal we may be sending to the the service chiefs, has reached seri- three service chiefs in case it was ous levels especially in financial Cabinet, a mandatory provision under matters. In 1997-98 although the the rules of the government. Pawar had decided to fully rehabilitate Rear army was sanctioned Rs 560 crore forwarded Bhagwat’s file to the prime minis- Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat considering towards modernisation of its forces, ter stating that “in our view, Rear Admiral the nature of the allegations he had because of bureaucratic toing and Bhagwat deserves to be considered for pro- publicly raised and the consequent froing of files, only Rs 60 crore was motion as he has a good record of service”.
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