WEPXESPAYArTEByOOy. AUGUST 25. J915 COAST MEN STAR Marsans Run* a G'aar Factory in Standing'* of the Team* Cuba; Pay as a Ball Player Goes On AMERICAN ASSOCIATION WAIL IE!OU1 AT TENNIS GAMES Won Lost Pet. The reopening of a raid '"by the Fed- the meantime the Reds are in last place and the St. Louis Feds are los- Minneapolis 50 ,594 erals on clubs In organized baseball .3S5 ME ETCH II 51 gives room for wonder If there will ing games through lack of the hitting St. Paul CALIFORNIANS SHOW UP WELL .04 5S .51I5 BY WISCONSIN be any more cases like that of -Ar- punch Marsans would give them. , Louisvilluuuio.ine^ 56 .509 IN SINGLES MATCHES AT THE mando Marsans, the Cuban outfielder, Marsans was a big favorite in Cin- | Indianapolis 60 .495 who jumped'from the Cincinnati Reds clnnati and he would pack the park j Kansas Cit QET1I MEET MEADOW CLUB, THREE MEX .54 65 .464 to the St. Louis Federals last season. • if he were to appear there now. Milwaukee WINNING STRAIGHT SETS. Marsans xi allowed to loaf at a sal- Cleveland 52 65 .444 iTMlLTEMI Marsans has not played a lick of s .378 74 ; baseball since last June, when he ary in the neighborhood of $4,000 a Columbus SECRETARY ANNOUNCES 13» TWENTY ENTRANTS IN FIRST A>- | made the Jeap_ Mfi wag enjoired from year. When the Feds opened their AMERICAN" LEAGUE HAVE REGISTERED AND EX- STORY-TO THE EFFECT THAT SOUTHAMPTON, NT. Y.. Aug. 25.— NTJAL CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS playing with St. Louis and his case raids in the winter of 1914 the Reds Won Lost Pet. sent a man all the way to Cuba, to ..75 37 .670 PECTS M.AXY MORE. ARLIE MUCKS AND OTHERS The playing of the Californians was ] , r i was continued In court. Boston ON NEW SPEEDWAY j Bu(. Marsans- salary gc.es On just sign Marsans and he was allowed to Detroit . ..74 41 .644 ARE INELIGIBLE SENT OUT. the feature of yesterday's rounds of the singles for the Meadow club cup, i the same, ,If the court finally awards name his own figures. He said, Chicago . ..71 44 .619 Ward Dawson, Clarence J. Griffin and 'him to St. Louis, that club will have when he jumped that he signed with Washington . .57 55 .509 Xames of Several Star* Are Missing the. St: Louis Feds for $12,000 • for New York ..62 56 .481 William M. Johnson all winning in Directors of Elgin Automobile Road to pay hjnl The Reds were compelled Ki-om List—Drawings for Eliniins- Squad Will Report In Madison On Or straight sets. George M, Church, the three seasons. Cleveland . ..44 69 .389 Racing Association Believe They *, .~ - ^ JjUUlg - ..43 72 .374 Princeton captain, defeated the'veter- The Marsans case is ealSlly the jok e olSt. tion Round of Eighteen Holes About Sept. 13, Which Is Five Days of baseball and thhe joke is on the | p - de]phia. ...35 77 .312 an Charles MacMul'.cn, 6—1. 6—2, Have Lost About ?lo,000 on Chi- pay if ne ls awa/rded to Cincinnati. m la Medal Play Are Announced. Prior To the Date When the Actual A default was recorded against T. C. Marsans is at his home in Havana fellows who will haave to pay his sal- NANATIONAT L LEAGUE" geu .-xAutomobilu e Club Trophy Race. Coaching Begins. Bunday. The results of the prlncipa'. Cuba, running his cigar factory. In ary. Won Lost Pet. matches follow: I Philadelphia .60 50 .545 Second round—R. Norris Williams Brooklyn .61 54 .530 YORK. Aug. 25.—When the II. won from H. S. Stephens by de- CH1CAGO, Aug. 2o.—Final an- .55 54 .515 entries for the twenty-first annual MADISON, Wig.. -Letters Old Timers Would Show the Boston . • fault; Watson M. Wat-hburn defeated nouncement of -the personnel of the Chicago .57 56 .504 amateur championship tournament to all possible football candidates for Coster Schermerhorn, 6—2, 6—3; Indian team, which has been awaited St. Louis . ,56 60 .483 of the United States Golf association the 1915 University of Wisconsin foot- Ward Dawson, defeated R. S. Stoi- in motorcycling circles since the Men- Youngsters How to Play the Game Pittsburgh . .56 60 .483 closed, there were 13S players on the dart. 9—7, 7—5; Lyle'E. Mahon, de- dee company first said it would have .474 ball team will be sent out in a few Ed Walsh, the famous comeback, City league, and several other former Cincinnati . .54 60 list. On Tuesday Secretary Howard j-days by Coach William Juneau, call- feated S. G. Mortimer, 6—4. 6—3; an outfit in Chicago's first annual world-beaters. New York . .51 .465 F. Whitney announced the drawings ing upon the men to report in Madi- Theodore Roosevelt Pell defeated A. championship race for the two wheel- will have to look to his laurels. Ra- for the elimination round of eighteen cine has a whole, flock of men who Jack Weber is mobilizing his forces FEDERAL LEAGUE *on on or about Sept. 15. This is five M. Kidder. 6—2, 6—2: William Cun- ers, was made yesterday. The team o£ old times. He scoffs at the young Won Lost Pel. holes medal play, which- is to take ningham won from Thomas C. Bundy will try to drink of the Fountain of \ days prior to the date at which actual will include Ray Seymour of Minne- men of today, declaring that they , .66 .569 place next Saturday on the links of coaching may begin, according to the by default; Clarence G. Griffin de- apolis Ray Creviston of Indianapolis, Youth and give Father Time the Pittsburgh . the country club of Detroit, Mich. He grand ha-ha. have just learned the A B C's of the Newark . .63 .558 conference rules. The new men are feated J. P. Paret. 6—2. 6—2; Don Johns of LosAngeles, Earl Arm- national game and that they are due .547 said, however, that probably there particularly to be requested to report Charles W. MacMullen won from Irv- Next Sunday, at the Bl-State league Kansas City . .64 strong of San Francisco, Gene Walk- park, when the city leaguers get to- for some more instructions. "If the . .64 53 .547 would be some post entries which early so that If material at hand does ing C, Wright by default. er and Teddy Carroll of Springfield, youngsters in this city league have Chicago . might bring the total up to or over not fit, time enough whl remain for Third round—Walter Merrill Hall gether for their regular two-bill per- St. Louis . .60 55 .522 Mass., Fred Whittler of Salt Lake City any Idea that the old timers will be 65 .467 the number received for the Garden securing the necessary equipment be- defeated Allen Chambers. 6—1. 6—0; formance, there may be seen in har- Buffalo . .57 City tournament (wo years ago, when and Lee Taylor'of Mlddletown, 0. ness one Jack Weber, an old time soft picking, you'd better let them . 55 64 .462 fore the 'date of actual work under Edward H. Y/hitney defeated Karl The announcement of the Indian catcher and a star of the old Racine know that they'll have a fight on their . .39 76 .339 149 entered. the coaching staff. Smith, 6—2, 6—4; William M. Johns- company brings the total of entries hands,from the start to the finish." is This year the names of several That Wisconsin will suffer consider- ton defeated Frederick Frelinghuy: promine'nt golfers are missing from for the Chicago race up to twenty. the statement accredited to Jack. Results of Yesterday's Games ably this year from loss of strong sen. 6—3, 6—2; George M. Church Seymour, Johns, and Creviston are the list. "I've got some of the best men of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION players lost by graduation and espe- defeated Charles W. MacMullen, 6—I, stars of the first magnitude and form old city league already lined UP, and Among the most notable of these cially through Ineligibility is now ad- 6—2. the backbone of their team. Seymour Milwaukee 2, Columbus 1. are Waller J. Travis and Finrlley if there is a place In the circuit, we'll | Minneapolis 7, Louisville 1. mitted to be more true than was stat- The matches which brought the arrived with two machines yesterday. GOLF m TAKENshow the kids a thing or two in the Douglas of this city, and H. Chand- No other games scheduled. ed last week. Jn fact, the coaches second day of the tournament, to a He went to the track to watch mem- Ifr Egan of Chicago. all former themselves do not yet know definitely close found Ward Dawson, the Cali- way of baseballing." • team working The city league is scheduled to AMERICAN LEAGUE champions. .Among other absentees what men will not be banned on ac- fornlan; George M. Church and G. are Oswald Kirkby. Fred Herreshoff. count of scholastic deficiencies. Rum- and wlirgive the two-mile course meet tonight, and at the session Jack St. Louis 10-6, Philadelphia 7-2. O. Caner, the young Harvard player, Is confi- 1 Boston 3. Detroit 1. Oilman P. Tiffany and John M. Ward, Weber will be present to air his views ors that Arlie Mucks, giant guard and ^. ...H fall in till leading players in the Metropoli- •tar track athlete, and Eddiu Stav- and to make arrangements for enter- Cleveland 6, New York 0.
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