The NCAA November 8,1982, Volume 19 Number 25 Offkial Publication of th atiunal Collegiate Athletic Association D ivisi -on I criteria Seeding proposal outlined format Proposed legislation to strengthen seven annual Convcntrons. the criteria for membership in Division Meanwhile, Divisions II and Ill- I, as backed by the NCAA Council and first the latter and more recently the changed the Division I Steering Committee in former-have been steadily refining their October meetings, has been the crttcrra m their divisions as their In order to increase flexibility for placed in final form for considcratron mcmbcrs move toward the homogene- seeding teams, the Division I-AA at the 1983 NCAA Convention. ity intended in the three-division strut- Football Committee has announced a The lcgislation~all amending ture . change in procedure for the I982 Bylaw l l-l-will bc included m the The frustrations mamfcstcd by the championship. Official Notice of the Convention, to various annual proposals and debate Under the old procedure, the Nos. be mailed November 22, and will be within Division I were reviewed by the I- and 4-seeded teams were to be voted upon by the Division I membcr- NCAA division steering committees placed in the top half of the bracket for ship during the Convention January and the Council in 1979, when the quarterfinal play, while the Nos. 2- IO- I2 in San Diego. Special Committee on NCAA Govern and 3-seeded teams would be placed in the lower half of the bracket. A resume of the plan and imple- ante, Organization and Services was With the new format, the committee menting Icgislation, as developed and appointed and charged with studying, has the flexibility to place the Nos. I - announced by the NCAA Council, foil among other things, the problems in and 4-seeded teams and the Nos. 2- lows: the NCAA divrslon structure. Two years later, that study culminated in and 3-seeded teams in the half of the refinement of the criteria for Divisions bracket that would keep the teams as Background near as possible to their natural When Divisions I, II and III were I-A and I-AA in football at the Decem- ber 19X I special Convention. regions. created by the membership in 1973, According to Milton D. Hunter, The Council then turned its atten- the intent was to provide the opportu- South Carolina State College and chair tion to the unresolved problem of the nity for national legislative forums of of the committee, the reason for adopt- overall Division I membership; i.e., reasonably homogeneous groupings of ing the new procedure was twofold. institutions with simrlar commitments the increased presence in that division “In seeding the top four teams we to similar programs. The respective of a number of institutions with neither have two concerns,” Hunter said. division memberships beganestablish- programs nor commitments compara- “We want to reduce travel expenses ing criteria for their divisions at the ble to those of the majority of the diviL whenever possible, and, at the same January I974 Convention. sion’s members. The Council consid- time, generate interest in the champi- In Division I, additional new criteria erations and studies have resulted in the criteria to bc voted upon in January onship by keeping teams in their natu- were adopted at the 1978, 1980 and rzl regions. 1981 annual Conventions and at the 1983. “Changing the pairings format December I Yg I special Convention. gives the committee the flexibility of Existing criteria were subject to revi- Purpose trying to keep teams in their own sions at the 1979, I980 and 1982 The intent of the recommended regions, which in turn will create more annual Conventions, as well as at the Division I criteria plan is to achieve a interest in the championship.” IYR I special Convention. Unsuccess- greater commonality of intercollegiate ful attempts to either strengthen or athletic purposes and programs within The NCAA Division I-AA Football weaken the Division I critcrta have that drvrsron. The votmg mcmbcrs of Championship will have a field of I2 been suhmittcd for each of the past See Dividon I, pqe 15 teams. Eight teams will play first- round games November 27 on the campuses of the competing teams. The top four teams, as seeded by the com- 132 proposals face mittee, will receive byes. Two independent teams will receive berths, and the champions of seven Convention delegates allied conferences-Big Sky, Mid- Eastern Athletic, Ohio Valley, South- January 7. Delegates to the 1983 NCAA Con- ern, Southland, Southwestern Athletic vention in San Diego will be facing the Chief executive officers of active and Yankee-will qualify automati- largest number of legislative proposals and allied memhers will receive forms cally for the 1982 championship. The since 1979. to be used in appointing voting dele- remaining three teams will be selected A total of I32 proposals wrll appear gates, alternates and visitors to the at large by the committee. in the Official Notice of the Conven- Convention. These forms will accom- The country has been divided into tion, which will be mailed from the pany the mailing of the Official Notice four regions: West, Central, South and national ofticc Novcmbcr 22. November 22. East, with the West and Central in the The proposals are distributed among The 132 proposals are the most Western division and the South and IO legislative topics, and the most smcc 1979, when Convention dele- -. _- -- - East in the Eastern division. The important topics appear to bc mcmbcr- gates also faced I32 proposals. After (Photo bv Mdrolm Emm championship finals will match the ship and classification, academic declining to I03 proposals in IYgO, the Men’s basketball c----- Eastern division and Western divi- requirements, and governance. number of proposals rose to I21 in Georgetown’s Pat Ewing turned in 23point.r and 11 rebounds in last sion winners. The NCAA membership will con- 1981 and 122 at the 1982 Convention. year’s NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Chumpionship final. The Quarterfinals are Dccembcr 4, sider the proposed legislation when the Excluding I9 proposals in the con sophomore center, shown here leuping high above North Carolina’s semifmals December I I and the cham- Convention assembles January IO-12 sent packages t I5 routine amendments Sum Perkins. will &tempt to lead the Hoyas back to the Finul Four. pionship December I8 in Wichita at the Town and Country Hotel in San to the bylaws and other legislation and For u preview of the upcoming season. see pages 8-10. Falls, Texas. Diego. Related meetings will begin four to the constitution), the largest number of proposals for any topical nnr\ . 1 1 In the News grouping is I5 found in the governance section. Thcrc will be I4 proposals in LXUs to receive aelegate forms John Kasser, the University of Hous- the playing and practice seasons Forms that chief executive officers other institutional representative is Nb badges will be changed among vot- ton’s new director of athletics, gives group, and I3 recruiting proposals will must use to appoint official delegates permitted to complete the form at the en and their alternates at the Conven- his views on the current issues in inter- face Convention delegates. collegiate athletics .2 to the annual NCAA Convention will time of Convention registration. In tion. Other groupings include champion- be mailed to the membership Novem- such cases, the institution’s represent- l Alliedconferences without voting His coach says quarterback Rick ships t 12). academic requirements ber 22. atives will be registered as visitors privileges, associate members and Psonak is a good student of the game, (I 2). financial aid (12). general (nine), until written authorization is received The forms, which accompany the affiliated members may appoint one but the Muskingum College signal personnel limitations (nine), member- chief executive’s copy of the Official from the chief executive officer. delegate each. That delegate may caller has the edge over the coach in ship and classification (nine), and l Once the form has been signed Notice of the Convention, arc not sent speak on the Convention floor but will one category . ..I eligibility (eight). and submitted by the chief executive, to faculty athletic representatives and have no voting privileges. Statistics and notes on all NCAA foot- A group-by-group review of the directors of athletics because only no one may be added as a voting or ball divisions .47 proposed legislation for the 1983 chief executive officers are authorized alternate delegate without a letter or l NCAA members and nonmem- Championship previews in Division II NCAA Convention will appear in all to make delegate appointments. telegram from the chief executive. bers are permitted to register as many men’s and women’s cross country. remaining issues of The NCAA News Other delegate-appointment proce- l Once the voting and alternate del- visiting delegates as they wish. Visi- Division II men’s soccer, and Divisions leading up to the Convention. The first dures: egates have been appointed properly, tors are considered observers and may I, 11, Ill field hockey. .11-12 report of proposed legislation will l When no appointment form is they may transfer voting rights among neither address the Convention nor appear in the November I5 issue. received from the chief executive, no themselves as the institution desires. vote 2 November 8.1982 I I The NCAA Comment Kasser answers current athletics questions By Hal Lundgren It’s a national problem. It’s a concern of our cntirc cducatitrnal A. When would Houston go out and rry to put some TV con- Houston Chronicle system. Schools have gotten away from teaching basics, and cdu- tracts together? When John Kasser arrived on the University of Houston cam- caters are alarmed by some of the test results.
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