For public information purposes only; not part of contract. Request for Proposal Number 4958 Z1 Contract Number 67453 O4 Proposal Opening: May 15, 2015 In accordance with Nebraska Revised Statutes §84.712.05(3), the following material(s) has no t been included due to it being marked proprietary. Firespring 1. None In accordan ce with Fed eral U.S. Copyright Law Title 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq., Title 1 8 U.S.C. 2319, the following material(s) has not been included due to them being copyrighted. Firespring 1. None May IS, 2015 Dear Selection Committee, Thank you for allowing us to present our capabilities and qualifications for your consideration. It is our privilege to supply you with the enclosed information in response to your request for proposal. We are e)(cited about the opportunity to help your organization increase statewide education on and pubUc awa reness of th e need for organ and tissue donation. Snitily Carr has taken on similar educational and awareness challenges before and has a proven tfack record in helping public health organizations accomplish their campaign goals. We approach these challenges seriously and strategically. To us, it's much more than a campaign-it is a mission. Ultimatel y, it is about people's lives and the well-being of Nebraska families. And to be successful, it requires much more than a client-vendor relat ionship-it requires a strategic partnership. That collaborative approach combined with our e)(perience, resources, and passion for the cause makes us ideally suited to be your communications partner. Working together wilh the Nebraska Department of Health & Human Services team and its stakeholders and partners, we are confident that we can achieve the goals of this cClmpaign. In short, Snitily Carr offers the right people, experience, partnership, and process to achieve exceptional results. Please le.t me know if you have any questions or would like additional information regarding OUf proposal. We appreciate your time and consideration, and we look forward to the opportunity to work with you. Sincerely, Mike Losee Direclor of Healthcare Marketing SnitilyCarr TABLE OF CONTENTS A. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL 1. Request for Proposal Form . 3 2. Corporate Overview a. Bidder Identification and Information .3 b. Financial Statements . 4 c. Change of Ownership . .4 d. Office Location . 5 e. Relationships With the State . 5 f. Bidder's Employee Relations to the State . .7 g. Contract Performance. 7 h. Summary of Bidder's Corporate Experience. 7 i. Summary of Bidde(s Proposed Personnel/Management Approach ...... .. 22 j. Subcontractors .. 27 3. Technical Approach a. understanding of the Project Requirements 29 b. Proposed Development Approach . 30 c. Technical Considerations . 32 d. Detailed Project Work Plan . 33 e. Deliverables and Due Dates .. 35 B. BUDGET PROPOSAL REQU IREMENTS 1. Pricing Summary . .. 36 2. Prices 36 3. Project Rates. 37 C. PAYM ENT SCHEDULE . 37 APPENDICES Appendix A: Form A Bidder Contact Sheet 38 Appendix B: Form B Budget Proposal 39 Appendix C: Form C Project Rates . 40 Appendix D: Terms and Conditions 41 Appendix E: Evidence of Insurance Coverage 69 SnitilyCarr RETURN TO: State of Nebraska (State Purchasing Bureau) State Purchasing Bureau 1526 K Street, Suite 130 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR Lincoln. Nebraska 68508 Phone: 402-471-6500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES FORM Fax- 402- 471 -2089 SOLICITATION NUMBER RELEASE DATE RFP 4958Z1 April 03, 2015 OPENING DATE AND TIME PROCUREMENT CONTACT Teresa Fleming/ May 15, 2015 2:00 p.m. Central Time Michelle Thompson This form IS part of the specification package and must be signed In mk and returned, along with proposal documents, by the opening date and time specified. PLEASE READ CAREFULLV! SCOPE OF SERVICE The State of Nebraska, Administrative Services (AS), Materiel Division, State Purchasing Bureau, is issuing this Request for Proposal, RFP Number 4958Z1 for the purpose of selecting a qualified contractor to provide statewide education and public awareness on the need for organ and tissue donation. Written questions are due no later than April 17 , 2015, and should be submitted via e-mail to [email protected] Written questions may also be sent by facsimile to (402) 471- 2089. Bidder should submit one (1) orig inal of the entire proposal. Proposals must be submitted by the proposal due date and time. PROPOSALS MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OUTLINED IN THI S REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO BE CONSIDERED VALID. PROPOSALS WILL BE REJECTED IF NOT IN COMPLIAN CE WITH THESE REQU IREMENTS. 1. Sealed proposals must be received in State Purchasing Bureau by the date and time of proposal opening per the schedule of events. No late proposals will be accepted. No electronic, e-mail, fax, voice, or telephone proposals will be accepted. 2. This form "REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES" MUST be manually signed, in ink, and returned by the proposal opening date and time along with bidder's proposal and any other requirements as speCified in the Request for Proposal in order for a bidder's proposal to be evaluated. 3. It is the responsibility of the bidder to check the website for all information relevant to this solicitation to include addenda and/or amendments issued prior to the opening date. Website address is as follows: http://das.nebraska.gov/materiel/purchasing.html 4. It is understood by the parties that in the State of Nebraska's opinion, any limitation on the Contractor's liability is unconstitutional under the Nebraska State Constitution, Article XIII , Section 3, and that any limitation of li ability sha ll not be binding on the State of Nebraska despite inclusion of such language in documents supplied with the Contractor' s bid or in the final contract. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §84·602.02, all State contracts in effect as of January 1. 2014 will be posted to a public website beginning July 1. 2014. All information not specifically excluded by State Law WILL BE POSTED FOR PUBLIC VIEWING. Contractor hereby grants permission to the State of Nebraska and/or its agencies to reprint or republish any and all copyrighted documents related to Contractor's response to this Request for Proposal, and any and all figures, illustrations, photographs, charts, and other supplementary material on a website accessible by the public pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §84-602.02. This waiver does not apply to proprietary information properly submitted in a separate sealed, package clearly marked .Proprietary.M Contractor represents and warrants that the contents of this response to Request for Proposal and all figures, illustrations, photographs, charts, and other supplementary material herein are original and do not libel anyone or infringe upon any patent, copyright, proprietary right, or any other right whatsoever of any other party. Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor has full power and authority to execute this Copyright Release and to grant the State of Nebraska and/or its agencies the right granted herein. Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the State of Nebraska and/or its agencies aga inst any and all claims, suits, and/or judgments, including costs, expenses, damages, and reasonable legal fees based upon and arising from Contractor's violation of the rights of others and/or by reason of a breach of any of the foregoing warranties. BIDDER MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING By signing this Request for Proposal for Contractual Services form, the bidder guarantees compliance with the provisions stated in this Request for Proposal, agrees to the terms and conditions unless otherwise agreed to (see Section III) and certifies that bidder maintains a drug free work place environment. Per Nebraska's Transparency in Government Procurement Act. Neb. Rev Stat §73-603 DAS is required to collect statistical information regarding the number of contracts awarded to Nebraska Contractors. This information is for statistical purposes only and will not be considered for contract award purposes. & NEBRASKA CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT: Bidder hereby attests that bidder is a Nebraska Contractor. "Nebraska Contractor" shall mean any bidder who has maintained a bona fide place of business and at least one employee within this state for at least the six (6) months immediately preceding the posting date of this RFP. __ I hereby certify that I am a Resident disabled veteran or business located in a designated enterprise zone in accordance with Neb. Rev. Stat. §73-107 and wish to have preference, if applicable, considered in the award of this contract. FIRM : Sn itily Carr COMPLETE ADDRESS: 300 S. 68th St reel Place, Suite 200, Lincoln, NE 68510 TELEPHONE NUMBJ~ : .~ FA)( NUMBER: 402.489.2727 SIGNATURE: ~ DATE: ~M=aL>!.8,-,2",0C!.15,,---_ _____ TYPED NAME & TITL E OF SIGNER: Mike Losee, Director ofHe.llhcareMarketing A. TECHNICAL PROPOSAL 1. Request for Proposal Form Submitted on the previous pages. 2. Corporate Overview a. Bidder Identification and Information Company Name: Soltlly Carr Federal Employer Identification Number: Address: 300 South 68th Street Place lincoln, NE 68510 Primary Contact Dave Snitily, president Phone: 402.489.2121 Fax: 402.489.2727 Email: [email protected] Website: 5nitilyCarr,com Snitily Carr was founded in 1992 as David J. SnitilyVideo Productions. a sole proprietorship. In 1996, the company became 5nitityCarr Production Group Incorporated, a State of Nebraska Sub 5 Corporation with Dave Snitily and Doug Carr as its sole stockholders. In 2002. the agency name was simplified to Snitily Carr. On Aprill, 2015. Snitily Carr merged with three other lincoln companies- Firespring, Cornerstone Print & Marketing, and 42. On June I, 20 1S, the organization will conduct business under the Firespring name and brand. The merger is an exciting step that will allow us to do more for our clients because of the creative talent and technical capilbilities coming together in one place.
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