5400 THE LONDON GAZETTE, JULY 26, 1910. 4th Battalion, The Hampshire Regiment; Neville iQth (County of London) Battalion, The London- Reeks to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 27th Regiment (Paddington Rifles); Captain and May, 1910. Honorary Major Alfred D. Bayliffe to be- Frank Arthur Searle Hinton to be Second Major. Dated 28th June, 1910. Lieutenant. (To be supernumerary.) Dated Lieutenant William R. Walter to be Captain. 8th June, 1910. Dated 28th June, 1910. 6th Battalion, The South Staffordshire Regiment: 18^ (County of London) Battalion, The London George Henry Muras to be Second Lieu- Regiment (London Irish Rifles); Second Lieu- tenant. Dated 8th June, 1910. tenant Augustine ap Ellis to be Lieutenant. Dated 28th June, 1910. 4th Battalion. The Welsh Regiment; Arthur Stanley Williams to be Second Lieutenant. 23rd (County of London) Battalion, The London Dated 18th June, 1910. Regiment; the undermentioned officers are seconded, under the conditions of paragraph 6th (Glamorgan) Battalion, The Welsh Regiment; 114, Territorial Force Regulations:— Lieutenant Charles F. E. Gough to be Captain. Lieutenant Montgomery R.' Harris. Dated Dated 1st March, 1910. 20th November, 1909. oth Battalion, The Sherwood foresters {Notting- Lieutenant Roger J. Cholmeley. Dated 26tit hamshire and Derbyshire Regiment'); Second December, 1909. Lieutenant Frederick W. Wragg to be Lieu- Lieutenant Burton William Eills Getbing,. tenant. Dated 23rd January, 1910. The Northumberland Fusiliers, to be Adjutant, Lieutenant Frederick E. M. Doone to be vice Captain Thomas W. Bullock, The Dorset- Captain. Dated 1st April, 1910. shire Regiment, who vacates that appointment. Second Lieutenant Stewart J. Aldous to be Dated 12th July, 1910. Lieutenant. Dated 1st April, 1910. Lieutenant Burton W. E. Gething, The Second Lieutenant John D. Kerr to be Lieu- Northumberland Fusiliers, is granted the tem- tenant. Dated 26th April, 1910. porary, rank of Captain whilst holding the Arnold Stone to be Second Lieutenant. appointment of Adjutant Dated 12th July, Dated 21st May, 1910. 1910. 28th (County of London) Battalion, The London 7th Battalion, The Duke of Cambridge's Own Regiment (Artists Rifles) ; Lieutenant Richard (Middlesex Regiment); William John Bales to E. Sharps, whose resignation was announced be Second Lieutenant. Dated 30th June, in the London Gazette of the 10th September, 1910. 1909, is granted permission to retain his rank 5th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment; William and to wear the prescribed uniform. Talbot Woods to be Second Lieutenant. Lieutenant Charles R. Park, whose resigna- Dated 9th July, 1910. tion was announced in the London Gazette of the 10th September, 1909, is granted permission 9th Battalion, The Manchester Regiment; George to retain his rank and to wear the prescribed Harold Okell to be Second Lieutenant Dated uniform. 17th June, 1910. Frederick William Kershaw to be Second ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lieutenant. Dated 28th June, 1910. 1st East Lancashire Field Ambulance ; the under- Charles Edgar Atkinson to be Second Lieu- mentioned officers are borne as supernumerary tenant Dated 28th June, 1910. whilst serving with No. 18 Field Ambu- lance, Royal Army Medical Corps, Special 4th Battalion, The Gordon Highlanders; Lieu- Reserve. Dated 7th March, 1910:— tenant Lachlan Mackinnon, Junr., to be Captain. Lieutenant-Colonel John B. Mann. Dated 15th April, 1910. Major William B. Pritchard. Second Lieutenant John G. Cowie to be Captain Charles Roberts. Lieutenant. Dated 15th April, 1910. Captain Henry G. Smeeth. 6th (Banff and Donside) Battalion, The Gordon 2nd East Lancashire Field Ambulance; the Highlanders ; Second Lieutenant John Taylor undermentioned officers are borne as super- resigns his commission. Dated 27th July, numerary whilst serving with No. 18 Field 1910. Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve. Dated 7th March, 1910 :— 3rd Battalion, The Monmouthshire Regiment; Bernard Michael Patrick Gorman to be Second Major Fred D. Woolley. Lieutenant. Dated 1st July, 1910. Captain George Ashton, M.D. Alfred Andrew Fry to be Quartermaster Lieutenant Thomas Carnwath, M.B. • with the honorary rank of Lieutenant. Dated Charles Henry Stennett Redmond to be llth July, 1910. Lieutenant. Dated 1st May, 1910. 4th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regi- 3rd East Lancashire Field Ambulance ; the under- ment (Royal Fusiliers); Lieutenant Edward H. mentioned officers are borne as supernumerary Stillwell to be Captain. Dated 20th April, whilst serving with No. 18, Field Ambulance, 1910. Royal Army Medical Corps, Special Reserve. Second Lieutenant Richard N. Arthur to be Dated 7th March, 1910 :— Lieutenant. Dated 20th April, 1910. Lieutenant William H. P. Hey. Quartermaster and Honorary Lieutenant %th (City of London) Battalion, The London Regi- Herbert Dugdale. ment (Rifles) ; Second Lieutenant William R. Lyon to be Lieutenant. Dated 7th July, Attached to Units other than Medical Units. 1910. Lieutenant Andrew E. Hodder, M. B., is borne Second Lieutenant Arthur R. Ainsworth as supernumerary whilst serving with No. 18 resigns his commission. Dated 27th Juty, Field Ambulance, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1910. Special Reserve. Dated 7th March, 1910..
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