What's New in Tone Arms 60 Ceni s x 171 1 I APRIL THE MAGAZINE FOR MUSIC LISTENERS' z THE TRIUMPHS AND TROUBLES OF THE MET By Martin Mayer www.americanradiohistory.com Only these FM Stereo Receivers have Pilot's unique signal -sampling multiplex circuit* You get the best possible FM Stereo reception because PILOT'S unique signal -sampling multiplex circuit gives you maximum separation (30 db or better) across the entire audio spectrum. It is the simplest, most effective, most trouble -free circuit presently being manufactured for stereo demodu- lation. There are no troublesome frequency separation filters and matrices or extra controls as are required by other multiplex circuits. This is just one of the many features that make PILOT Stereo Receivers the perfect electronic "heart" for your high -fidelity system. Patent Pending STEREO FM MULTIPLEX /4 602M TUNER -AMPLIFIER 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 iu1 LL-17. - - - - - - - - - -- 1. iö:1 FM STEREC TUNING MASTER VOLUME STEREO BALANCE B HF H. r INPUT SELECTOR PHONO rOM l', AMP . ! - PILOT 602M...30 watts music power...frequency response 20- 20,000 cycles, 1 db.. "harmonic distortion 1% at full power...12- control flexibility...FM sensitivity 3 uy IHFM...wide band RF and IF circuits for undistorted reception at full modula - tion...6 inputs...51 " high x 145/e" wide x 103/4" deep. With cover... (Also available with added AM as Model 602S. Complete, 299.50) STEREO FM MULTIPLEX ¡10l 654M TUNER AMPLIFIER 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 M C FM FM 7.0 roo TUNING MASTER VOLUME STE RE<. BALANCE BASS TREBLE INPUT SELECTOR PHONO 1.4040 a PILOT 654M...60 watts music power (IHFM mid -band rating)...frequency re- sponse 10- 50,000 cycles plus 0.5 db or minus 1 db... hum and noise: completely inaudible (80 db below full output)... intermodulation distortion: less than 0.3% ...14 controls, including rumble and scratch filters...6 inputs... plus a fully auto- matic stereo indicator that lights on stations broadcasting FM stereo...51/2" high x 145/8° wide x 123/4° deep. Black and brass styling . With cover... íßi PILOT RADIO CORPORATION, 37 -18 36TH STREET, LONG ISLANDCITY 1, NEWYORK FOUNDED/ot 1919 CIRCLE 67 ON READER-SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com \ri.R.E To LEM CVLTURE-M#cP LIFE f4T '£URoPES LsD1UGj MUSIC FESTIVPrL? , WIN f MP1R 'S Rot/ND-11E-WORLD MUSIC CONTEST ! Imagine-you, and the guest of your choice, will be attending - such greats as the Athens. Dubrovnik, Bregenz, IF NM CULTURE-MAD : kND WftNT T0 I_lWf DAR : Salzburg, Bayreuth and Edinburgh Festivals. You'll 1NGLY, VISIT YOUR NEAR- : witness the world's finest presentations of opera, EST f-II FIDELITY DEALER ballet, drama, symphony concerts, chamber music, FOR COMPLETE ITINERARY and even "le jazz hot" at a Parisian cellar club. AND ENTRY FORMS ...OR : You'll be taken on personalized tours through WRITE: EMPIRE TRoUBADoR : many world- famous cultural centers, like Rome, : DEPT. ET-k,&*RDEN CITY, N.Y. Paris, Munich. Complete trip...21 days. Transpor- nation, rooms, meals, tickets and tours are pre -paid by creators of the Empire "Troubador "...world's empire most perfect and cultural record playback system. 1"SCIENTIFIC CORP. CIRCLE 41 ON READER- SERVICE CARD www.americanradiohistory.com c to get to his... L stereo fluxvalve pickup PICKERING & COMPANY INC. offers the stereo fluxvalve pickup in the following models: the Calibration Standard 381, the Collector's Series 380, the Pro -Standard Mark II and the Stereo 90. Priced from $16.50 to $60.00, available at audio specialists everywhere. E . " F O R T H O S E W H O C A N H E A R T H E D I F F E R E N C " 'ickering and Company -Plainview, Long Island, New York CIRCLE: 66 ON RE: %DF:R- SERVICE CARD HIGH FIDELITYi ITY MAGAZINE www.americanradiohistory.com Page 42 Page 49 41111. high fidelity Page 38 Music and Musicians 37 The Met-Present, Future, and Past: an editorial 38 The Triumphs and Troubles of the Met Martin Mayer 46 No Funeral Taps for Delius Peter J. Pirie 49 When the Big Bands Played Swing Martin Williams 20 Notes from Abroad -London. Munich 28 Teresa Stich -Randall: an interview Martin Bernheimer 59 Music Makers Roland Gelait Sound Reproduction 42 Improvements in Arms Joseph Marshall 52 Equipment Reports Grado Laboratory Series Stereo Cartridge EICO ST -96 FM -AM Tuner and MX -99 Multiplex Adapter H. H. Scott LK -72 Stereo Amplifier Kit Audax CA -70 "Sonoteer" Speaker System 105 High Fidelity Newsfronts Reviews of Recordings 61 Feature Record Reviews Strauss: Salome (Birgit Nilsson et al., Georg Solti) Ives: Sonata for Piano, No. 2 (Concord) (George Pappa.stavrou) 63 Other Classical Reviews 75 The Imports Gene Bruck -, 85 The Lighter Side 93 Jazz 97 The Tape Deck APRIL 1962 VOLUME 12 NUMBER 4 Published monthly of Great Barrington, Mass. by The Billboard Publishing Co. Copyright O 1962 by The Billboard Publishing Co. The deslen and contents el Huh fidelity Magazine are luny protected by copyright and must not be reproduced in one manner. Second -alois postale paid at Great Barrington and at additional mailing offices. One veer subscription in U. S.. Possessions, and Canada 56.00. Fi e..here S7.00. Indexed in the "Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature." Change of Address notices and undelivered copias (Form 35791 should be addressed to High Fidelity, Subscription Dept., 2160 Paterson St., Cincinnati 14, O. www.americanradiohistory.com .....,.......... RADIO lii fi1clli LAFAYETTEpresents It Matif Po-palm S eo- Pkono Sptent kativtim THE TRIUMPHS The FAMOUS LA -250A 50 -WATT STEREO AMPLIFIER AND TROUBLES CHOICE OF GARRARD AT-6 DIAMOND STEREO CARTRIDGE OF 1111 MET PICKERING 380C ir LAFAYETTE LA-250A 50 -WATT STEREO AMPLIFIER LAFAYETTE fArk Cover Design: by Roy Lindstrom OUR BEST STEREO SYSTEM BUY BASE SHURE M7D LAFAYETTE SK -58 MATCHED COMPONENTS 12" COAXIAL SPEAKERS Lafayette LA -250A 50 -Watt Stereo Amplifier 99.50 (OPTIONAL) Garrard AT -6 4 -Speed Record Changer 54.50 Roland Gelatt Pickering 380C Diamond Stereo Cartridge 29.85 LAFAYETTE Editor in Chief ELIPTOFLEX Lafayette Wood Base 3.95 BOOKSHELF 2 Lafayette SK -58 12" ENCLOSURES Coaxial Speakers Joan Griffiths @ 29.50 each 59.00 Executive Editor Total Price if Purchased Separately 246.80 Norman Eisenberg HI -FI STEREO SYSTEM, as above, with choice of Pickering 380C or Shure M7D Cartridge and Walnut, Audio Editor LAFAYETTE Mahogany or Blonde Changer Base (specify finish) 199.50 LS -252WX Only 199.50 Sue Severn SPECIAL PRICE Managing Editor Same as LS -252WX but includes 2 Lafayette Elip- toflex Series Bookshelf Enclosures in Walnut, Oiled YOU SAVE Walnut, Mahogany or Blonde (specify finish) Shirley Fleming 47.30 LS -254WX Only 265.50 Assistant Editor H. C. Robbins Landon Pacesetter of the High -Fidelity in- European Editor . renowned for its perfor- LAFAYETTE'S dustry Roy Lindstrom LINE mance. The ultimate for those who Art Director CRITERION demand the finest. Nathan Broder John M. Conly NEW! KT -550 100 -WATT KT -600A PROFESSIONAL R. D. Darrell Alfred Frankenstein BASIC STEREO AMPLIFIER KIT STEREO CONTROL CENTER John F. Indcox Robert C. Marsh KT -550 In Kit Form 134.50 KT -600A In Kit Form 79.50 Contributing Editors LA -550 LA -600A Completely Wired 1 34.50 Completely Wired Claire N. Eddings Advertising Sales Manager 184.50 , Walter F. Grueninger NO Director MONEY Circulation DOWN Warren B. Syer Publisher Rated at 50 -Watts per Channel Made in NO MONEY Response from 2. 100,000 cps, 0, DOWN -1db at 1 -Watt U.S.A. Made in Response 5-40,000 cps 1 db. Grain Oriented, Silicon Steel Transformers r U.S.A. Precise Balancing System Multiple Feedback Loop Design "Null" Unique Stereo and Monaural Control Features Assemble Kit Form A D V E R T I S I N G Easy -To- Concentric Input Level Controls A new "Laboratory Standard" dual 50 -watt ampli- Easy -To- Assemble Kit Form. Main Office basic stereo fier guaranteed to outperform any Sensitivity 2.2 my for 1 volt out. Dual low im- N. Eddings, The Publishing House market. Advanced engineering Less Claire amplifier on the pedance "plate follower" outputs 1500 ohms. Great Barrington, Mass. Telephone 1300 techniques plus the finest components ensure than .03% IM distortion; less than .1% harmonic Distortion levels so low below 2 volts. flawless performance. distortion. Hum and noise 80 db New York they are unmeasurable. Hum and noise better than 140103'ex41/2". Shpg. wt., 16 lbs. 90 db below 50- watts. Complete with metal en- 1564 Broadway, New York 36 closure. 9'''%x121/z "D. Shpg. wt., 60 lbs. Telephone' Plaza 7 -2800 Seymour Resnick, Andrew Spanberger Lafayette Radio, Dept. WD2 -1, P. 0. Box 10, Syosset, L. I., New York Chicago NEW 740 N. Rush St., Chicago 11 Name Telephone: Michigan 2 -4245 1962 P. H. Cempers, Thomas Berry, Address - CATALOG Allen Campbell City Zone - State 340 PAGES Los Angeles Hollywood 28 4kTAFAYETTEico NEW YORK I3,N.Y. BRONX 58, N.Y.- -NEWARK - --2, N.J. 1520 North Gower, , ------- - .IL. R A Ii = Telephone: Hollywood 9 -6239 I N.J. BOSTON 10, MASS LOCATIONS P. JAMAICA 33, NEW YORK PLAINFIELD, N.J. PARAMUS, George Kelley CIRCLE 58 ON READER -SERVICE CARD 4 HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE www.americanradiohistory.com Remember when the most delicious part of an ice Remember, if it's worth recording, it's worth Audio - cream soda was that last resounding sip? The magic tape There are eight types, one exactly suited to the years of youth are sprinkled with a thousand and one next recording you make.
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