aci ic citizen National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League Newsstand: 25¢ (60e Postpaid) # 2.434 Vol. 104, No. 14 ISSN: 0030-8579 941 East 3rd St. Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 626-6936 Friday, April 10, 1987 Disc Jockey's Senate Majority Leader Ethnic Jokes Becomes 68th Sponsor Anger Asians WASHINGTON - Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd ofWest Virginia agreed on April 3 to co-sponsor the Senate redress bill, by Edna Ikeda according to Sen. Spark Matsunaga (I)-Hawaii), who is expected SAN DIEGO - The solicitation to introduce the bill this week of jokes about Chinese by KS103- With the addition of Byrd, the bill now has the support of FM disc jockey Randy Miller and the Senate's top leadership. Minority Leader Robert Dole of his subsequent taped "apology" Kansas became a co-sponsor in mid-February. have drawn reactions of outrage Sens. Bob Graham (I)-FIa), John Warner ffi-Va) and John from local AsianlPacific Islander Rockefeller IV (I)-W.Va.) have also added their names to the communities. list; but with the loss of two senators who had previously agreed On Feb. 26, Miller announced to support the bill-Larry Pressler ffi-S.D.) and Charles Grass­ his support of local television PhOIO by Sachl Yamamoto ley ffi-Iowa)-there has been a net gain of two co-sponsors. for PLAY IT AGAIN, TOSHIKO - New York jazz musician Toshiko Akiyoshi, personality Larry Himmel, who a total of 68 (44 Democrats, 24 Republicans). Matsunaga had a recipient of the Woman Warrior Award, performs one of her works on had been criticized for his por­ sought to acquire fJ7 co-sponsors before introducing the bill. the piano during awards ceremonies in Los Angeles (story on page 12). trayal of a Chinese acupuncturist 'Leadership From Both Sides' namedKC. WangonKFMB-TV's ''We are elated that we have the Senate leadership from both weeknight program "San Diego sides on board to support redress," said JACL-LEC executive at Large." The character sported director Grayce Uyehara "Politically, it is without a doubt the buck teeth, slanted eyes and a Yasuj's Petition Dismissed; support from the top leadership which makes it possible for happi coat so many senators to join in support of this pruticular issue. Slurs Used in Jokes Nor would we be off target to say that Bob Dole showed great Miller asked listeners to call High Court Review Sought courage and leadership to give his support to redress. in Chinese jokes during his morn­ "JACL-LEC and the many individuals and organizations who ing show. The jokes included the have been working very hard to advance the redress legislation SAN FRANCISCO - A three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit U.S. are looking to the passage of the bills with 0 much bipartisan following: Court of Appeals granted on March 23 the government's motion to - ''What does a Chinese man SUPPOl1. We have alway said redre is not a J apane e Ameri­ dismiss the caram nobis ca e of the late Minoru Yasui. use as a blindfold?" "Dental can j ue but an Amelican one. It' time for the Senate bill to Following a telephone conference with members ofYasui's famil , ee tlle light of day." floss." Peggy Nagae, an attorney with the eattle law fum ofBetu ,Patterson - ''What is an election?" "It's and Mines and a member ofYasui's legal team, said on pri16,''W what you find on a Chinese blide­ have decided to go forward on the case." gloom." The family plans to file a writ of certiorari requesting that th u­ - ''What is the sound of three preme COUlt review the appeals COUlt's d cision. The writ must b State Bill Proposed to Fund Chinese men falling down the filed within 60 day of the decision; a 3()..day e>.iension can be ob­ stairs?" "Chink, chank, chunk." tained if nece alY The use of the terms "China­ Convicted of violating a curfew impo ed on Japan Amel;can , man:' "Chink" and "slant-eyes" Yasui appealed to the Supreme Court in 1943 and wa ruled agaiD't. Film About JA Internment was prevalent during the call-ins. His case was reopened in 1983 on th basis of new evidenc that In addition, Miller referred to the govel11ment had given th Supr me omi false information in Chinese people as "grasshopper" by J.K Yamamoto order to justify its actions against Japan s American. In 1984, (a reference to the "Kung Fu" LOS ANGELES - A District Judge Robert Belloni agreed to vacate Yasui's con iction authored by As mbl peaker television series) and stated that but refused to rule on the charges of govel11mental mi conduct. In there would be an opportunity Pro Tempore Mike Roo (O-Los response, Yasui flIed an appeaL Angele ) will, ifpa ed, fund tv.'o for Chinese to call in "American" FollowingYasui's death on Nov. 12, the govel11ment made a motion jokes the following morning educational fUm on the intem­ for dismis aI, contending that th ca chad b com mooL Naga , ment ofJapanese Americans dw'" When medical students Brian along with Yasui's wife True, daughter Holly and brother Hom r, lriye and Bruce Kimura called ing WW2 and th ma acre of flIed briefs on Jan. 7 urging that th ca c be continued. D 'pit Alm nian by th Turki h go\'- to complain, Miller responded Nagae's argument that the case would help "prevent futur ac of that he was afraid that a samurai rnm nt in U1C a1'ly 1900s. racial discrimination and govel11mental mi, conduct," th appeal AB 1375 appropriate $1l5.<XX> Continued on page 2 court sided with the govel11mcnt. from th in ttuctional mat lial ection of th K-12 budg t to de­ v lop the 1l1ms and tabli he a 15-membcr study commi -ion which would contract out for pro­ Noguchi's Five-Year Legal Battle Is Over duction of tl1 film . Th over­ nor, embl. peak l' and n­ ate prEdd nt pro lempOl would SAN FRANCISCO - Fonner who have stood by me for your of tile Univ rsityMcdieal cnWr." each appoint 11 members, in­ Los Angeles County chief medi­ continuous effolt in supporting Hi attorney, Godf'l . I aac, cluding at lea I two membel cal examiner Thomas Noguchi me for so many years." said that on positiv a p ct of each of Japan and Ann nian Calif. Assemblyman Mike Roos th cas i that it gcn raL d in­ lost his fight to regain his job on 'Racial Overtones' d cent March 11 when the state Supreme terest in th book C(mmer, which Appropriation. 'Peanuts' Noting that "it is very difficult give detailed accounts of th Court refused to hear his case. "The budg t' going to be tight," to overcome politically motivat­ c 1 brity death which Noguchi Noguchi had appealed a Court Roo told l'epolt 1'8 at an April 3 ed attacks, especially in this era investigated. of Appeal ruling, handed down pi confel ne ,"but tilen again, in December, which upheld his of increasing conservatism and Supervisors' Reactions anti-Asian sentiments," he vowed Supervisor Mik Antonovich, $115,<XX> i peanut ompru d to 1962 demotion by the Los Angel­ th million that w hav ." to "continue to fight for justice one of tho . who pushed fol' No­ es County Board of Supervisors k d wh ther lh 1'C would be by actively getting involved in guchi' ou t r, call d th high and Civil Service Commission. R publi 'an oppo ition to the helping other Asian Americans COUlt's d ci ion "a taxpayer' vic­ He had been accused ofmisman­ bill, he 1 plied, "I til ink ie • ham tory for competent and cost f­ agement, using his office to pro­ who are unjustly treated and per­ fbi that w vcn talk about it ill secuted for whatever stated rea­ fective managem nt." mote personal projects, and sen­ parti an term . This i a qu StiOH sationalizing the deaths of actors son where there is evidence of But Supervi or K nn th Hahn that affects humankind ... wh I:h­ subtle or not so subtle racial said h regreti d Ule d ci ion: "I William Holden and Natalie e1' you 'I a D mocrat 0)' a R pub­ Wood. overtones." _ b lieved then and I b Heve now lican." Asked ifGov. Grot ·\uk­ that Dr. Noguchi was unf: irly d In a March 17 letter to his sup­ Noguchi said that he would re­ m jian's Arm nian anc b:y nied his position ... OC1010''V\- porters, Noguchi, now a patholo­ main at his present pOSition, He is would factot' til bill'" dged as on ofth) I acting COI'O­ be a in gist at County-USC Medical Cen­ "where I will continue mye!Tbr1s favor, Roos soid. "I sure hop '0." ter, stated that "my efforts to ob­ to develop an outstanding (oren­ ners in Am rica and his opillion The bill, which will b h urn and advice is sought nct '1' by his tain justice ... has come to an sic medicine and science teach­ b. tl1 A~s('mbly EdU('ution (0\11- end. I want to thank all of you ing program under the auspices colloagl.l('s across the nation." l'onUllll,'Ii Oil Il:\.~" :1 TRAVEL SECTION PULL-OUT. MOTHER'S DAY / FATHER'S DAY / GRADS MAIL ORDER GIFT IDEAS 2-PACIFIC CITIZEN / Friday, April 10, 1987 No. 2,434 Allow 6 weeks advance notice to report address change with label on front If you are moving / Wish to subscribe, Tri-District to Address Future ofCommunity Write New Address below.
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