Ministry),. Published by Authority

Ministry),. Published by Authority

{ FILE MINISTRY),. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. Registered at the eekly List No. 49.) TUESDAY, JULY 9th, 1918. G.P.O. as a Newspaper. This number contains the Six War Office Daily Lists (No. 56o6 to No. 5611) and the Six Air Ministry Daily Lists (No. 53 6 No. 58), dated July 1st to July 6th. 10- These Daily Lists have not been modified since their original compilation (on the dates named) to cover other casualties the soldier reported later. Such later casualties will be found in a later list in this or a subsequent number. In the lists of Warrant Officers, N on-commissioned Officers and Men, the town shown against each Soldier's name is home of his next-of-kin, except where followed by the abbreviation 11 Enit." when it is his place of enlistment. Y War Office Daily List of duly Ist (No. 56®6) in Seven Parts. f PART I. PART II. W.O.'s, N.C.O.'s, AND MEN (Contd.). PART III. W.O.'s, N.C.O.'s, AND MEN (Contd.). OFFICERS. Previously reported missing, n,2w reported KILLED (Contd.). KILLED. PRISONERS OF WAR IN GERMAN HANDS (Contd.). YORKSHIRE REGIMENT.—Atkinson 2o264 Sit. J. W. (New Mill); Partridge 33842 W. (Birmingham). ery, Sec. Lt. R. A., Oxf. & Luck, Sec. Lt. N. A., R.W.Kent ROYAL NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE (Contd.). ;ks.L.I. R., attd. Oxf. & Bucks.L.I. borough); Binsley R/173 A. (Hamstead); Brightman R/6433 F. ROYAL SCOTS FUSILIERS.—Blakey S9375 W (North r Ton, Sec. Lt. W., Cam'n Moore, Sec. Lt. T., Oxf. & (Northampton); Clark TZ/4So J. B. W. (North Shields); Collins Shields); Broadfoot 59679 R. (Sanguhar). ;hrs. Bucks.L.I. R(6413 F. J. (Sandwich); Craghill R/3234 J. W. (Huntingdon); s, Sec. Lt. G. S., R.W. Pullam, Sec. Lt. F., N.Staff.R. Dair CZ6495 W (Burntisland); Deeming R16o86 E. ROYAL INNISKILLING FUSILIERS.—Mitchell 29062 R. it R., attd. Glouc.R. Stanley, Lt. A. K., Glouc.R. T. (Leicester); Desborough R13406 G. (Goole); Fletcher (Coagh). R/6307 C. (Birkby); Giles R/933 R. S. (Yeovil); Graham Previously reported .missing, now reported CZJ1645 J. (Glasgow); Haigh RJ5233 B. (Knottingley); Hancock WORCESTERSHIRE REGIMENT.—Addicott 57 849 A. (Taun- KILLED. •VZ13274 T. J. (Swansea); Hamilton CL/5328 W. (Motherwell); ton); Bevis 235224 F. G. (St. Leonards); Burden 43696 R. H. (Mapledurham) • Evans 436o8 T. R. (Swansea) ; Haywood 57908 Hepburn CZ/5798 B. (Motherwell}; Harper R/246a S. J. (Notting ' Billings, Sec. Lt. H. B., R.F.C. R. W. (Exmouth)• Jones 240823 R. C. (Evesham); Kirkaldy 44319 Hill, W.); Jarvis R/496o W. J. (Birmingham); Lynam TZ/4997 Cpl. T. J. (Dumbleton) • Paish 44321 Sit. J. (Yarmouth); 'Thacker DIED OF WOUNDS. W. (Kirby); McAneney CZ/3750 D. (Glasgow}; Harris TZJg657 207425 F. (Birmingham). W. V. S. (Newcastle-on-Tyne); Jackson R/5751 C. (Irahlingborough); a"erson, Sec. Lt. B. H. B., Miles, sec. Lt. J. S., Glouc.R. Ledder R/46o2 J. A. (Egremont}; Lochhea.d CZ/5366 G. (Denny); EAST SURREY REGIMENT.—Golder 2325o A. (Dover). ji n'n Highrs. Perry, Sec. Lt. A. E. C., R.G.A. McKinnon CZ/2456 J. (Ardrossan); McLachlan CZJ15 A/A.B. ichol. Sec. Lt. J. P., Arg. & Wellings, Sec. Lt. H. W., (H.G.) W. (Glasgow); Moore R/623o J. (Leicester); Mott R/6434 DUKE OF CORNWALL'S LIGHT INFANTRY.—Brightly ''d Highrs. Shrops.L.I., attd. M.G.C. W. T. (Northampton); Mullin KX/177 L.Sea. T. (Durham); Nye 4o88o A. G. (Frindsbury). I Previously reported wounded, now reported LZ14074 J. B. (Queen's Park, W.); O'Neill CZ/6x88 P., M.M. (Greenock); Parker R/54o2 F. (Cheadle); Pearson TZ/4654 F. (East BORDER REGIMENT.—Kite 27382 P. A. (Ulverston). DIED OF WOUNDS. Stanley); Phillips R/1814 G. (Shrewsbury); Primrose CZ/1554 R. ROYAL SUSSEX REGIMENT.—Boothby 19oS9 S. E. (Stock- Fraser, Lt. A. McI., Arg. & Suth'd Highrs. (Glasgow); Richardson KP/993 A. G. (Wooler); Roberts CZ/5085 port); Burt x839 F. G. (Seaford); Cooper 14356 W. (Southsea); L.Sea. W., M.M. (Larbert); Rowell R/1803 W. S. (Mepal); Sargent Frost 19134 W. (Wigan). WOUNDED. CZ/5277 P.Off, W. (Glasgow); Skelland KP1422 S. (Heywood); Sec. Lt, E. R. C., Long, Sec, Lt. W, C., Royal Slavin CZ/2758 R. (Glasgow); Smethurst KW/5'o R. (Royston); HAMPSHIRE REGIMENT.—Angel 26989 L.-Cpl. J. (South- :'uc.R. Fus. Stenhouse CZ/2847 T. (Hill-of-Beath); Stewart CZ/336o J. (Dun- ampton) ; Drew 12146 A. E. (Tadworth) ; McNeil 204922 L.-Cpl. IaTner, Sec. Lt. G. C., K.R. MacDonnell, Lt. J. H. O'C., dee); Tait TZ11713 P.Off. J. (South Shields); Tait TZ/4402 R. G. W. (Farnborough). C. Conn.Rang., attd. Leins.R. (Percy Main); Taylor R/x652 P. (Witton Park); Waistell KX/352 t SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE REGIMENT.—Collins 0966 L. p- ardine, Maj. C. W., Methuen,, Lt. D. C. R.F.A, A.B. (H.G.) S. N. (Beamis'h)• Weightman TZ/7728 T. W. (Seaton ij ,(•., M.C., R.F.A. Noke, Rev. H., A.Chap.Dept., Delavel); White R/2634 G. A. (Boston); Wilson R/5142 T. (New- (Durham). castle-under-Lyme). ix, Sec. Lt.. R. W., R.F.A. attd. Oxf. & Bucks.L.I. DORSETSHIRE REGIMENT.—Downing 30822 A. G. (Brix- << vey, Sec. Lt. R. H., R.G.A. Ovenden, Sec. Lt. C. L., ROYAL MARINE LIGHT INFANTRY.—Brindley P0 12367(S) ham). rl Ton, Capt. W. M., Glouc.R. J. H. (Kenilworth) • Blanch Po 11767(S) C. (Coleford) ; Davies 1It. M. C. Parsons, Sec, Lt. G. J., Royal Ch/2o693 S. L. (Kingsland)• Dowding Ch/17c82 Cpl. N. P. P. (Frim- SOUTH LANCASHIRE REGIMENT.—Titchard 201 993 A. a, Teri, Sec. Lt. A. J., Fus, ley); Earl Po12323(S) E. J. (Redditch); Earthy Po/472(S) H. E. (Warrington). 11 if.R. Peers, Sec. Lt. H. W. C., (Leyton); Farey Ch/x878(S) R. A. P. (Midgh'am); Fletcher Sec. Lt. F., King's OXFORDSHIRE AND BUCKINGHAMSHIRE LIGHT IN- y, Welsh R. Ply/2399(5) A. (Col'eford); Flinn Ch/2423(S) J. (Birmingham); Grady FANTRY.—Brooks 34623 W. A. (Bermondsey, S.E.); Bullock ?oal R.). Peters, Sec. Lt. H. J Glouc.R. Ply/x5996 S. (Warrington); Gribble P011581(S) C. (Chippenham); on, Lt. R. C., Royal Fus. 2037o3 H. (Stourbridge) • Chesterman 34563 J. (Standerwick) ; Rye, Sec. Lt. S. J., Worc.R. Griffin Ch/2433(S) H. (Dudley); Hearn P0/215i(S) F. G. (Reading); Creswell 265780 Sit. G. H. (Great Marlow); Ellis 34521 L.-Cpl. 1, Sec. Lt. E. T. C., R.W. Salisbury, Sec. Lt. W. J., Homer Po/22o7(S) E. (Stourbridge); Marshall Po/x1878 Act. Cpl. A. (Plymouth); Harrington 34143 S. (Kelvedon); Hearne 345 84 t R., attd. Oxf. & Bucks. Devon.R. A. S. (Portsmouth); Riddick Ch/9o2(S) C. H. (Balham, S.W.)- T. (Addiscombe); Jeffreys 34596 W. (Swansea); Williams 201921 Scroggie, Sec. Lt. V., Glouc.R. Thomas Po/1699(S) B. O. (Bristol); Todd Po/155(S) Sit. W. T., G. H. (Banbury); Young 34510 A. C. (Southampton). ;tt, Sec. Lt. H. H., M.G.C. Shanks, Capt. W. F., R.A.M.C., M.M. (Chelsea, S.W.). n, Maj. B., R.G.A. attd. R.G.A. ESSEX REGIMENT.—Brindley 42784 G. H. (Leek); Morley I,away, Sec. Lt. A. J., M.C., ROYAL MARINES.—Shaw Dea113128(S) A. (Morecambe). J. Smith, Sec. Lt. J. V. M.G.C. 205546 R. (Haverhill); Smith 4o1o6g A. H. (Wennington); Wise- °:x R. Stafford, Sec. Lt. C. S., Dorset. man 27498 W. C. (Bexley Meath). !e, Sec. Lt. H., R.G.A. R., attd. Glouc.R. Non, Capt. H. B., Glouc.R. Tomsett, Sec. Lt. G. R., R.F.A. PART III. KING'S OWN (YORKSHIRE LIGHT INFANTRY).—Cope- R.Dub.Fus.). Towers; Sec. Lt. W., Buffs (E. stake 37140 W. (Sutton-in-Ashfield); Denton 42361 L.-Cpl. A. '. f, Sec. Lt. A. C., R.Ir.Fus. Kent R.). WARRANT OFFICERS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, (Bradford) : Dolan 17295 W. (Wakefield) ; Edrnundson 22952 Act. Sec. Lt. G. H., R.F.A., Tripp, Lt. N. F., A.S.C., attd. Cpl. F. (Darlington); Gleave 62oS3 L. O. (Manchester); Guyan av R.E. R.War.R. AND MEN. 203166 J. (Sheffield); Pepper 24409 C. (London); Pretty 40359 gs, Sec. Lt. I. C., M.G.C. Turner, Sec. Lt, A. F., R.F.A. All are PRIVATES except where otherwise shown. W. H. (London, S.E.); Warren 43869 L.-Cpl. A. G. (Southamp- t•.con, Sec. Lt. W. McK., Turner, Lt. G., R.G.A. ton); Wilmot 37270 J• M. (Derby). •A. Wagstaff, Sec. Lt. L. R., K.O. Sec. Lt. W. S., R.G.A. (Yorks.L.I.), KILLED. MANCHESTER REGIMENT.—Barlow 29101 H. (Oldham). Sec. Lt. T. C., Sea. Walker, Sec. Lt. E., Lond.R. ROYAL FIELD ARTILLERY.—Airey 2530 Cpl. G. (Wick- i •us. Walker, Maj. J. T., M.C.,R.G.A. ham); Ardern 206897 Gnr. J. P. (Wavertree); Bailey 1938o Dvr. MANCHESTER REGIMENT, ATTACHED TRENCH MOR- TAR BATTERY.—Lally 3886 J. (Manchester); Mulkerns 26o22 Sec. Lt. E. A., R.F.A., Wetherilt, Sec. Lt. W. A., R. E. (Leeds); Barton x87083 Gnr. H. (St. Helens); Blake 46214 R.H.A. Berks.R L.-B'dr. T. (Islington, N.) ; Bonsfield 751083 Gnr. W. E. M. (Manchester); Sprunt 53228 J. (Dundee). (Brough) ; Bridger 806834 Gnr. W. S. (Leicester) ; Bussey 99263 DURHAM LIGHT INFANTRY.—Haslam 92929 C. (Dron- MISSING. •r Gnr. A. (Spennymoor); Cowburn 53743 Bdr. A. (Bradford); Cox field). tdy, Sec. Lt. J. P., Lond. Pettigrew, Sec, Lt. W., Glouc.R . 916x35 Gnr. P. (Folkestone); Johnson 2363o Gnr.

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