j U b SS i i e i u s OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN PILOTS ORGANIZATION VOLUME 12 NOVEMBER 1985 NUMBER 9 CESSNA PRESSURIZED CENTURION N5252J TAKE DELIVERY BEFORE DECEMBER 31 AND GET A $25,000 TO $60,000 TAX-FREE REBATE. Make your best deal with first full year after an interest-free year. But if you put your new your Cessna Dealer and we’ll send period, with no prepayment Cessna into service before you a factory direct after-tax penalty. January 1, all current tax bene­ rebate on top of it. Just 10%down and 10 years fits including Investment Tax $25,000 on a Cessna Pres­ to pay (8 years on the Pressur­ Credit and depreciation under surized Centurion or Crusader. ized Centurion). Interest doesn’t the Accelerated Cost Recovery $40,000 on a Cessna 340 start to accrue until February 1st. System will still be available. or 402. The first payment’s not due until Talk to your tax attorney. $50,000 on a Cessna March 1st. Then call 1-800-4-CESSNA Chancellor. (1-800-423-7762) for the name $60,000 on a Cessna GET FULL TAX BENEFITS of your nearest Cessna Dealer. Golden Eagle. BEFORE THEY GO AWAY. But you’l I have to act Or if you prefer, Cessna There are new tax laws quickly-this offer Finance Corporation is offering under consideration that may expires December 31, wtg | 3% below prime f i nanci ng for the strip away many benefits next 1985. Cessna This offer available 10/14/85-12/31/85 through participating Dealers in the U S (e*ciuding Hawaii), tor sa‘es to U S citnens or U S registered businesses Other restrictions may apply, including credit qualification by Cessna f nance Corporation which provides the financing PUBLISHER The Ninety-Nines, Inc. EDITOR Lu Hollander n i e S S n B i S s EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Nema Masonhall OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOMEN PILOTS ORGANIZATION Nancy Smith VOLUME 12 NOVEMBER 1985 NUMBER 9 ADVERTISING MANAGER Norma Vandergriff EDITORIAL CONSULTANT Jan Million J e a t c t A U Out of tfo 'E m ! EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Loretta Gragg 10 Travel to India We'd like to recognize Bay 12 Surprising Confidence-Builder Cities 99 Ruth Rueckert this HEADQUARTERS SECRETARY month. Over the years, Ruth Barbara Engel 14 Flight Across Australia has sent many photographs, 15 Summer Odyssey '85 articles and bits of information 16 The Garden Isle of Kauai to Headquarters for inclusion in International Officers the Archives. Her material has PRESIDENT also appeared in T h e 99 NEWS, Hazel Jones including October's "A Back­ 8536 Mediterranean Dr. Dallas TX 75238 ward Glance” column. VICE-PRESIDENT 4 Calendar Barbara Sestito 4 New Ratings Coming in December’s issue is 8041 Ravinia CL, Fair Oaks CA 95628 5 The President’s Message a challenge that has been SECRETARY issued to the Ninety-Nines. In 6 Membership Corner Gene Nora Jessen addition, learn how to buy a 2814 Cassia. Boise ID 83705 7 Letters to the Editor house by the square foot. TREASURER 8 Air Marking Judy Hall Just a reminder to "Chapter 2115 San]o D r, P.O. Box 193, Lizella GA 31052 8 Gifts to Headquarters News” reporters — the 9 In The News BOARD MEMBERS deadline for material for the Chanda Sawant Budhabhatti 10 New Horizons January-February combined Marie Christensen 13 A Backward Glance issue is December 31. There is Marilyn Copeland Harriet Fuller 18 Chapter News not another deadline for the Pat Roberts 30 Air Racing News magazine until January 31 for the March issue, so be sure to send your holiday reports by The 99 NEWS December 31. (Reading about Christmas parties in the March International Headquarters issue is really “old news.”) Terminal Dr. and Amelia Earhart Ln. 2 Cessna Aircraft P.O. Box 59965 5 Aero Insurance Oklahoma City OK 73159 Happy holiday flying! (405)682-4425 6 From Sea to Sea by Lu Hollander 6 Chapparal 99s POSTMASTER: Send address changes to 9 Avco Lycoming ON THE COVER: The Ninety-Nines, Inc., P.O. Box 59965, 10 Norman Beerger Productions "A Backward Will Rogers World Airport, Oklahoma Glance" focuses City OK 73159. 10 Plane Stuff on 99 Cornelia 10 Classified Fort. See page 13 11 Hilton Tours for this look at a CIRCULATION INFORMATION part of our past. 14 Flight of the Eagles The 99 NEWS is published monthly, except bimonthly January/February and July/August Annual subscription rate is $17.50 and is included as part ot the annual 15 Pilot's Bed & Breakfast membership o! The Ninety-Nines. Inc Subscriptions are available to non-members at the rate ol $17 50 per year 15 The Cherry Tree POSTMASTER Second class postage paid al Oklahoma City and additional entry offices (S6N 0273-608S) 17 Photo Air Membership Count 6,343 as ot October 31.1985 29 Photo Air 30 Intermountain 99s Colendor________________ New Rotings NOVEMBER CARIBBEAN SECTION November 8-10: High Sky Derby, Marla mystery flights. Entries, $100. close October 1, P.O. Mary Higgs - ASES Box 1493, Marfa TX 79843. November 29-30: High Sky Skier*, fly to ski in Riudoso. New Mexico. Entries, $50, P.O. Box EAST CANADA SECTION 1493, Marfa TX 79843. Cathy Frasier, Eastern Ontario November 30: Intent to Seek Election forms deadline (see September issue of The 99 NEWS — Class II Instructor, CFII for details). Felicity McKendry, Eastern Ontario November 30: No deadline for The 99 NEWS. — CFII, Class I Instructor, Designated Flight Text Examiner DECEMBER NEW YORK-NEW JERSEY SECTION December 1: Wright Day Dinner, sponsored by Greater Kansas City Chapter. Base club, Richards-Gebaur Airport. Social hour, 1830; dinner, 1930. Guest speaker, Lt. Colonel James D. Leslie Hlghleyman. North Jersey Latham Tickets, $15, Micky Pinkston, (816) 441 -2830; November 25 is reservations deadline. — AMEL December 6:20th anniversary party for Florida Spaceport Chapter, Rockledge Country Club, Virginia Hoke, Western New York 1900 hours. Contact Martha Loss, (305) 631 -7010, or Rosemary Jones, (305) 459-0411. — Glider December 15: AE Scholarship Application forms due to chapter AE chairmen (see September issue of The 99 NEWS for details). NORTH CENTRAL SECTION December 31: The 99 NEWS deadline for January-February issue. Carol Deltsch, All-Ohio -CFII JANUARY Darlene Eldridge. All-Ohio — ASEL January 15: AE Scholarship Application forms deadline to be forwarded from chapter to section AE Scholarship chairmen. Sharon Haucke. All-Ohio -AMEL January 31: The 99 NEWS deadline for March issue; includes International Convention registration forms. Cindy Woodward. All-Ohio -ASEL FEBRUARY Melissa Kristoff, Cape Girardeau — COMM, IFR, CFI February 15: AE Scholarship Application forms deadline to be forwarded from section AE Scholarship chairmen to AE Scholarship Committee vice-chairman. Nancy Lebetski. Cape Girardeau -AMEL February 22-26: 1986 World Aviation, Education & Safety Congress. New Delhi. India, sponsored by India 99s. June L. Beers. Greater Detroit Area — ATP February 28: The 99 NEWS deadline for April issue. Mickey Pinkston. Greater Kansas City MARCH — ASES March 16-22: Sun ’n’ Fun Fly-In. Lakeland, Florida. Contact Sun 'n' Fun office, (813) 644- 2431, 0900-1600 hours, Monday-Thursday, or write P.O. Box 6750, Lakeland FL 33807. SOUTH CENTRAL SECTION March 31: The 99 NEWS deadline for May issue. Deborah Durden. Kansas — COMM APRIL Lonnie Steele, Northeast Kansas — FAA Flight Test Examiner Designee, April 12: Shirts ‘n’ Skirts Air Race. Race kit, $4, June Leach, 1005 Tularosa Ave . Orange CA ATP-ME 92666. Marcle Dllley. Purple Sage April 16-19: National Collegiate Flying Association SAFECON, Waco, Texas — IFR April 30: The 99 NEWS deadline for June issue. Carol Thompson. Tulsa — BGI (Instrument) Nancy Blrdwell. Waco Cen-Tex — Helicopter SOUTHWEST SECTION Terry Morrison. Arizona Sundance PRESERVE IT? — IFR IN SMTCmMATtOHAl Shirley Leatherwood. Mt Shasta — IFR e / £ / \ a y c £ a < r A . ---------- I1* — li — ^ Linda Barker. Orange County — IFR MO G-RC © £V< 3gwp83S&£5l 7t> Jw f a l t H t * i 'Ri/UMasft-TUrf irj X vttm rr it r a - J J J NOTAM wrrw CHArra^/aKT’ONj Smh^Namx International Historian Judy Logue is trying to determine how many women 0 ry\jBLttAVONj i N a U t J I CAPVOHS have flown the Alcan Highway. WitW AuPhotoCWAPH* 1 If you have information on this, contact her at 1450 N. Sunlight Rd., P.O. Box 9669, Casper WY 82609, (307) 265-8887. by International President Hazel Jones It is with a deep sense of regret that the Board has accepted the 10. Visit your local flight instructor for an hour of dual, just in case you might resignation of International Secretary Jean Davis, for personal be a "little rusty." reasons. Gene Nora Jessen has agreed to accept this post for the Although this is a national problem for the United States, it is also remainder of Jean’s term. international in scope. N o doubt a Back to Basics program would be I’ve just returned from Washington, where the 99s participated in well received all over the world. Let’s go for it, and see if a concerted the A O P A Plantation Party, hosting a booth and several seminars. effort on the part of 99s worldwide can make a difference to the We always enjoy these activities because we not only meet new aviation industry we all love so much. people but greet old friends as well. While in Washington, I also met with FAA representatives concerning their new safety program, “Back to Basics.” Because many aviation accidents are the result of ignoring or violating NOTAM simple, basic operational procedures which we as pilots learned On July 26 at the Ninety-Nines Convention in Baltimore, the son of early in our training, the new safety program is geared to address member Terri Donner was seriously injured when his fingers those basic principles.
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