C ONTENTS Manners At College A Good S tar t Inquiries Equipme nt Fi rst Imp ressions Good Looks “ The S end - Off A H ome At College The C ollege Room S tarting Right D o rmit ory Re gulatio ns Popularity Un selfishn ess Manner isms Accomplishmen ts Things To L e ave At H ome College Banking Extras t Meeting People The Faculty Upper Classmen H ome Town Friends Town People New Friends Introductions Acknowledging Introd uctions S haking Hands “ Cutting 2 CONTENTS A Member Of S ociety Adj ust ing Oneself College Religion Litt le Things That Go A Long Way Post Office Rules Telephone Courtesy Pict u res Fraternities And S ororities S oro rities H onorary S ocieties Insignia S chool and College Activities Beginning Right Extr a- Curricular Activities T ryouts O rganiz ing New S ocieties Et iquette Of S pecial Activities P ublications Ent ertaining Celeb rities At Reunions of Alumni Intro ducing S peakers Debat ing Amateu r Theatricals College Cus toms And T raditions “ ” The S cr ap ’ Founde rs Day The May Quee n Commencement Class Exercises CONTENTS Etiquet te Of S p orts D ress The Referee Watching A Game Rooting We aring C olors Celeb r ating ’ At Gi rls Exhibitions Recreation Manners The S wimming Pool Riding Flying Tennis Golf Motoring Hiking Tr aveling Train Manners In the Pullman The Dining Car S tations H o tels Taxicabs The D ay In Town S hopping In Restaur ants and Tearooms In Museums and Places of Interest At Entertainments The ater Manners Thespian C rushes 4 CONTENTS Invitations Fo rmal Invitations Informal In vitations V i sits Cards Te as and Receptions The Tea Dance Tea At H ome ‘ The Garden Party Dancing Fancy Dancing Going toDances S uccess ful Partners Parties Masquerades At Car d Parties S p re ads Playing Games Invit ed Out To Eat In S tr ange H ouses Manners at Table At Dinner At Banque ts Going O ut Of Town H ouse Parties Having Company s t Academic Processions The fP rom MANNERS AT COLLEGE A college student is thrown suddenly into a community very different from his home and school environment . He finds new ideas , new opportunities , new friends about him . But they o ff must be won by his wn e orts . He has little chance to ask o r wonder What to do as he faces situations that are important to his p resent comfort and future success . He wants to make good ; t o scratch his high mark on college records ; to have his share o f popularity . He n ot o r realizes that it all depends , upon pull or money looks , but upon his ability to adapt ’ h ifii sel f successfully to these new conditions and to make the most of the chances that come day by day . The boy o r girl wh o holds an alert attitude toward college life may be sure o f the best the ff college has to o er . Each has his own problems arising from personality and individual talents , but the routine problems of college environment t o are common all students alike . They harass the wealthy young person thrown for the first 6 ETIQUETTE AT COLL EGE e own tim upon his responsibility, J ust as they worry the boy Wh o comes with a little roll of ’ bills for the first semester s expenses and the rest o h t o f is way earn . How shall he make a good impression upon several hundred people wh o never heard o f him before ? How shall he gain friends that will last ? How can h e make sure of good times and p0 pu l ari ty? Is money fo r or against on e ? Can a student making his own expenses hope t o take part in so ci e ty life ? What does on e need to take along to college ? What will the roommate be like ? ’ o one e Sh uld shar with Roommate one s secrets , o r o r letters , hopes and fears , remain more less o f an unknown quantity ? There are many questions like these that are h too shy for public inqui ry. They come from t e hearts o f boys and girls wh o want to be popular and beloved ; wh o want to be sought after by d rr t es abl e groups o f student socie y . What makes seemingly ordinary persons so popular when others with brilliance and ambition go neg l ected ? What is the secret of d rawrng frt end s th e law of attraction ? Established college circles judge things on a different basis from time - honored decrees o f - opinion and fiction . They call good looking MANNERS AT COL L EGE 7 many men and women who seem homely o f “ ” feature . One who is considered the real thing may puzzle a freshman wh o sees in the example o f o r . no hint beauty, genius heroic action Cus toms and traditions are puzzling and handicap on until e recognizes . understands and observes them . ’ ol d Shall the student s parents who are grads , a se e o r ccompany him and him started in , will their kind care react o n h is standing in the eyes o f fellow - students wh o come alone ? Is his south ern accent apt to be an asset o r a drawback ? Shall he admit he plays the guitar ? May he tell the college president that his uncle is a trus tee and that he is descended from a Mayflower ancestor ? Will it help his standing with the fraternity he covets if he drops a word about his ’ father s resources ? What distinguishes the star athletes from those “ ” wh o are nearly as good but neve r make the ? o first team Why does the tall , graceful girl g home to c ry because her name is no t among the dancers chosen fo r the pageant ? Why do they omit a certain gifted fellow from the staff o f the college weekly ? Why are some girls always busy when be se ige d for dates ? Why d o O thers smile upon o ne ? meeting When girls meet boys they like , 8 ETIQUETTE AT COLLEGE they are especially anxiou s to make n o false s to ? moves . Is it forward to ask the boy call Or should they wait fo r th e boys to take th e initiative ? What should on e d o when the boy does n o t take the initiative ? When o ne is asked to fo r th e h pour tea a friend in town , what s ould sh e borrow t o wear ? How should she a nswer ’ an invitation to bridge that came on h e r hostess s visiting card ? Many boys and girls hesitate to attend social affairs because o f shyness when they have in them qualities which with a littl e care and u n d e rst an d i n i g w ll fai rly shine . What are these qualities and h ow c an they be developed ? How is o ne supposed to act with a faculty member ? How much should one tell in home letters ? How can on e control the reputation fo r brilliancy o r stupidity that seems to S pring full grown upon th e campus ? Why does the over - anxious student seldom make th e fraternity desired ? May a girl call up a man at his fra t e rn ity? What should one know about weari ng fraternity pins ? How did it happen that some of the gift ed - ou t l students failed in the dramatic , club try , eav ing a list to be posted that surprised every one ? Why was th e college pap er staff suspend ed from MANNERS AT COLL EGE 9 publishing the weekly ? What was the obje c tion to a bit o f hazing ? ’ Why wasn t he asked again t o visit the old friends o f his parents ? Should he feel slighted at a dinner invitation to take the place o f an other wh o could no t go ? Did every o n e know ’ he wasn t likely t o be dining any where but at the dormitory ? How should he entertain a visit ing alumnus ? What calls is he obliged t o make ? How can he build up a pleasant social life in town as well as in the college ? Why d o so many college engagements come t o grief ? What dis t in gu i sh e s a popular man from o n e who is tol c rated merely because another dress - suit is needed at the party ? And the student’s sister ? Her perplexities may be smaller but they can spoil many hours . What shall she wear at the fraternity masquerade party ? How can she avoid seeming a w all flower at a dance where she knows so few men ? Will her partner see to it that she has a good ? time all evening When she goes to a luncheon , is she supposed to keep o n her hat and gloves ? And h ow long should she stay afterward ? If she is having a guest fo r the week - end and thinks o f asking Mrs . Grayson to include the girl in her ? dinner party, will it be permissible There are scores o f other questions which I O ETIQUETTE AT COLLEGE - ne no come up in every day contacts .
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