MARI TILK VIIS VIIMAST KAITSMIST KANAGENDRAN AROORAN DIFFERENTIAL REGULATION OF RELEASE OF LEAF STRESS VOLATILES: FROM TERPENE SYNTHASE GENE EXPRESSION TO EMISSION RESPONSES UNDER HEAT, OZONE AND WOUNDING STRESSES BIOGEENSETE LENDUVÜHENDITE EMISSIOONI REGULATSIOON STRESSITINGIMUSTES: GEENIEKSPRESSIOONIST LENDUVÜHENDITE EMISSIOONIVASTUSTENI ERINEVATE ABIOOTILISTE STRESSIDE KORRAL Professor Ülo Niinemets FORESTS DUNE PINE THE SOUTH-WEST ESTONIAN IN ANALYSIS DIVERSITY AND GEOBOTANICAL VEGETATION GROUND 9. märts 2018 KAAREL SOOTS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY FOR POST-HARVESTED CULTIVATED BERRIES GROUND VEGETATION DIVERSITY AND GEOBOTANICAL KULTUURMARJADE KORISTUSJÄRGSE TÖÖTLEMISE TEHNOLOOGIA ANALYSIS IN THE SOUTH-WEST ESTONIAN Professor Jüri Olt 6. aprill 2018 DUNE PINE FORESTS ANDRES JÄÄRATS THE EFFECT OF PLANTING STOCK AND SOIL SCARIFICATION ON FOREST REGENERATION ALUSTAIMESTIKU MITMEKESISUS JA GEOBOTAANILINE ISTUTUSMATERJALI JA MAAPINNA ETTEVALMISTAMISE MÕJU METSA UUENDAMISELE ANALÜÜS EDELA-EESTI LUITEMÄNNIKUTES Emeriitdotsent Heino Seemen, dotsent Ivar Sibul, Arvo Tullus (Tartu Ülikool) 1. juuni 2018 KATRIN KALDRE INVASIVE NON-INDIGENOUS CRAYFISH SPECIES AS A THREAT TO THE NOBLE CRAYFISH (ASTACUS ASTACUS L.) POPULATIONS IN ESTONIA INVASIIVSED VÄHI VÕÕRLIIGID JA NENDE OHUSTAV MÕJU MARI TILK JÕEVÄHI (ASTACUS ASTACUS L.) ASURKONDADELE EESTIS Emeriitprofessor Tiit Paaver, professor Riho Gross 15. juuni 2018 PILLE TOMSON A Thesis ROLE OF HISTORICAL SLASH AND BURN CULTIVATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry OF CULTURAL LANDSCAPES AND FOREST VEGETATION IN SOUTH ESTONIA AJALOOLISE ALEPÕLLUNDUSE ROLL LÕUNA-EESTI MAASTIKE JA METSATAIMESTIKU KUJUNEMISEL Professor Robert Gerald Henry Bunce, professor Kalev Sepp Väitekiri 24. oktoober 2018 filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks metsanduse erialal ISSN 2382-7076 ISBN 978-9949-629-46-6 (trükis) ISBN 978-9949-629-47-3 (pdf) Tartu 2018 Trükitud taastoodetud paberile looduslike trükivärvidega © Kuma Print Eesti Maaülikooli doktoritööd Doctoral Theses of the Estonian University of Life Sciences GROUND VEGETATION DIVERSITY AND GEOBOTANICAL ANALYSIS IN THE SOUTH-WEST ESTONIAN DUNE PINE FORESTS GROWTH DEVELOPMENT AND ECOLOGY OF MIDTERM HYBRID ASPEN AND SILVER BIRCH PLANTATIONSALUSTAIMESTIKU ON FORMER MITMEKESISUS AGRICULTURAL JA LANDS GEOBOTAANILINE ANALÜÜ S EDELA-EESTI LUITEMÄNNIKUTES KESKEALISTE HÜBRIIDHAAVA- JA ARUKASEISTANDIKE KASVUKÄIK JA ÖKOLOOGIA ENDISTEL PÕLLUMAJANDUSMAADEL MARI TILK REIMO LUTTER A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in A Thesis Forestry for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry VäitekiriVäitekiri filosoofiadoktorifilosoofiadoktori kraadi kraadi taotlemiseks taotlemiseks metsanduse metsanduse erialal Tartu 201 8 Tartu 2017 GROUND VEGETATION DIVERSITY AND GEOBOTANICAL ANALYSIS IN THE SOUTH-WEST ESTONIAN DUNE PINE FORESTS GROWTH DEVELOPMENT AND ECOLOGY OF MIDTERM HYBRID ASPEN AND SILVER BIRCH PLANTATIONSALUSTAIMESTIKU ON FORMER MITMEKESISUS AGRICULTURAL JA LANDS GEOBOTAANILINE ANALÜÜ S EDELA-EESTI LUITEMÄNNIKUTES KESKEALISTE HÜBRIIDHAAVA- JA ARUKASEISTANDIKE KASVUKÄIK JA ÖKOLOOGIA ENDISTEL PÕLLUMAJANDUSMAADEL MARI TILK REIMO LUTTER A Thesis for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in A Thesis Forestry for applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry VäitekiriVäitekiri filosoofiadoktorifilosoofiadoktori kraadi kraadi taotlemiseks taotlemiseks metsanduse metsanduse erialal Tartu 201 8 Tartu 2017 Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering EstonianInstitute ofUniversity Forestry ofand Life Rural Sciences Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences According to verdict No. 6-14/4-3, 5th of October, 2018, the th DefenceAccording Board to verdict of PhDNo. 6-thesis14/4- 3,in 5 Forestry of October, of 201Estonian8, the Defence Board of PhD thesis in Forestry of Estonian University of Life Sciences has accepted the thesis for the defenceUniversity of theof Lifedegree Sciences of Doctor has of accepted Philosophy the in thesis Forestry. for the defence of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry. Opponent: Prof. Annamari Markkola, PhD Opponent: Prof. Annamari Markkola, PhD Department of Biology Department of Biology University of Oulu University of Oulu Supervisors: Katri Ots, PhD Supervisors: Katri Ots, PhD Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences Estonian University of Life Sciences Malle Mandre, PhD Malle Mandre, PhD Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences Estonian University of Life Sciences Tea Tullus, PhD Tea Tullus, PhD Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences Estonian University of Life Sciences Defence of the thesis: Defence of the thesis: Estonian University of Life Sciences, room 1A5, Kreutzwaldi Estonian University of Life Sciences, room 1A5, Kreutzwaldi 5, Tartu on December 12th, 2018, at 10:00. th 5, Tartu on December 12 , 2018, at 10:00. The English in the current thesis were revised by Proof- The English in the current thesis were revised by Proof- Reading-Service.com and Mrs. Karit Jäärats, the Estonian by ReadingUrve Ansip-Service.com. and Mrs. Karit Jäärats, the Estonian by UrvePublication Ansip. of this dissertation is supported by the Estonian Publication of this dissertation is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and by the Doctoral School of Earth UniversitySciences and of EcologyLife Sciences created and under by the the Doctoral auspices School of European of Earth SciencesSocial Fund. and Ecology created under the auspices of European Social Fund. © Mari Tilk, 2018 ISSN© Mari 2382 Tilk,-7076 201 8 ISBNISSN 2382978-9949-7076-629 -46-6 (trükis) ISBN 978-99994949-629-4746-36 (pdf(trükis)) Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering EstonianInstitute ofUniversity Forestry ofand Life Rural Sciences Engineering CONTENTS Estonian University of Life Sciences According to verdict No. 6-14/4-3, 5th of October, 2018, the LIST OF ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS ........................................ 6 th DefenceAccording Board to verdict of PhDNo. 6-thesis14/4- 3,in 5 Forestry of October, of 201Estonian8, the ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................... 7 Defence Board of PhD thesis in Forestry of Estonian University of Life Sciences has accepted the thesis for the 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................... 8 defenceUniversity of theof Lifedegree Sciences of Doctor has of accepted Philosophy the in thesis Forestry. for the 2. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ........................................... 10 defence of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry. 2.1 Wooded dunes ................................................................. 11 Opponent: Prof. Annamari Markkola, PhD 2.2 Environmental factors on inland dunes ............................ 14 Opponent: Prof. Annamari Markkola, PhD Department of Biology Department of Biology 3. AIMS AND HYPOTHESES OF THE STUDY ....................... 20 University of Oulu University of Oulu 4. MATERIAL AND METHODS ................................................ 22 Supervisors: Katri Ots, PhD 4.1 Study area ........................................................................ 22 Supervisors: Katri Ots, PhD Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering 4.2 Climate ........................................................................... 24 Estonian University of Life Sciences Estonian University of Life Sciences 4.3 Data collection ................................................................ 26 Malle Mandre, PhD 4.3.1 Environmental factors............................................. 26 Malle Mandre, PhD Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering 4.3.2 Ground vegetation .................................................. 29 Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences 4.4 Data analysis .................................................................... 31 Estonian University of Life Sciences Tea Tullus, PhD 5. RESULTS .................................................................................. 35 Tea Tullus, PhD Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering 5.1 Environmental factors...................................................... 35 Institute of Forestry and Rural Engineering Estonian University of Life Sciences 5.2 Ground vegetation ........................................................... 42 Estonian University of Life Sciences 5.3 Environmental factors affecting species richness, species Defence of the thesis: composition and cover ..................................................... 52 EstonianDefence of University the thesis: of Life Sciences, room 1A5, Kreutzwaldi 5.3.1 Vascular plant species .............................................. 52 Estonian University of Life Sciences, room 1A5, Kreutzwaldi 5, Tartu on December 12th, 2018, at 10:00. 5.3.2 Bryophytes and lichens ........................................... 52 5, Tartu on December 12th, 2018, at 10:00. 5.3.3 Ground vegetation (vascular plant species, bryophytes The English in the current thesis were revised by Proof- The English in the current thesis were revised by Proof- and lichens) ..................................................................... 56 Reading-Service.com and Mrs. Karit Jäärats,
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