Directory. Sta to Ste Manchester

Directory. Sta to Ste Manchester

DIRECTORY. STA TO STE MANCHESTER. Stanley John, painter, 11 Ridley grove, Webster et. Greenheys Staple Charles, shopkeeper,8'1 Warwick Bt. Great Cheetham s~. HB -- John, plumber, 6 Gladstone st. North George st. Salford Stapleton Edward, sho:pkeeper, 80 Regent st. Salford -- John, traveller, 54 Frances st. Chorlton on Medlock George, packer, 8 Lord Duncan st. S11olford -- John, warehouseman, 30 Westmoreland 11t. Longsight Star Blenching Co. bleachen, Ill George Bt; works, Church., near --John, oil merchant (J. and J. Stanley B.rotl!ers), S8 Ynr- .Accri.nuton-Pay day, fint Tu ea day bnrgh st. Moss Side Star Life Assurance Society, Frederick Burl!, -- John, printer, 16 Irwell st. Bury New rd. Strnngewayl 'Wellingl;on chaDlbers, 2 Victoria st. and Charles w. --John, tailor (Stanley & Co.), 204 Plymouth grove, Con M H all, 13 D&.le st. district managers-See advertis1ment -- John, cooper, 1!1 Lavender st. Hnlma Star Loan Office, 879 Rochdale rd---Jamcs Filling, manager --John k Jose ph Brothers, oil merchants, Hargreaves st. Hulme Permanent Building Society, York Street chambers, 8 York st -- John William, shopkeuper, 51 Lloyd st. Oldham rd -Edwnrd J. LMming, secretary -- Mr. Joscph, 94 \Yaterloo rd. Cheetham Stark David, timber merchant, Manchester chambers, 46 Market. -- Joseph, tailor, 57 Bold st. Hulme at; house, 44 Wellington rd. Eccle• -- Joseph, commission agent, 27 GreRt Western Bt. Moss Sida Mary, householder, 14 Melbourne at. York st. Hulme -- Margaret, butcher, 309 Stretford rd. Hulme Thomas G. calico printer (Watson & Stark), Rose :Bank, -- MarthR, householder, 43 York st. Lower Brougl1ton Stubbin111 Ra11111bottom __ Mary, dressmaker, 205 Ashton New rd. Beswick Starke .Tames :K. district superintendent for tbe -- Richard, tailor & draper, 127 Stratford rd. Hulme -- Robert, hat manufacturer, 240 :Oeansgate; house, Croft's ll.oyal London Friendly Society, 15 Arcade Bwk lane, UTflUton c hambers, St. Mary's gate; houl'le, 4:1 Molyneux. -- Robert, warehouseman, 23 Dover st. Chorlton on Medlock. s t. Stockport road, Chorlton on Medlock -- Robert, tea merchant {R. Stanley & Co.), Sta~vbridg• Starkey Charles, marine store dealer, lll2 Vine st. Hulme -- Robert, confectioner, 85 Radnor st. Hulme John, warehousemn.n, 13 Chorlton grovt, Chorlton rd __ Rohert & Co. tea merchants, 67 Corporation st John, traveller, 4 Grosvenor square, Lower Broughton Samuel, ironmonger, 55 Gorton rd. West Gorton J osepb, maker-up, 11! Wenlock st. Hulme -- Samuel, beer retailer, 7:32 & 734 Ashton rd. Openshaw Luke, salesr&an, 5 Grove st. Tipping st. Ardwick -- Samuel R. cashier, 1 Chester terrace, Chester rd. Corabrook Ricliard Howarth, salesman, 10 Hnshton st. Halston at. H -- Sarah Ann, draper, 57 Gorton lane, West Gm·ton 'Ihumus, beer retailer, 12 Medlock st. Hulme -- Sydney, printer, 4 Sydenham place, Cheltenham st. C on M Tliomas C. painter, 6 Ala1·Jborough grove, Upper Moi!!B lane -- Thomas, greengrocer, 40 Lower Broughton rd Starkie Henry, packers' mRterial dealer, 4 Be,lford st. C on M -- Thomas, householder, 65 Upper Tarn worth st. Hulma James, bootmaker, 85 Princess st; house, l;ll Higher Cam­ -- Thomas, maker-up, 151 Mill st. Great Anconts bridge st. Chorlton on Medlock -- Thomas W. Wh•at Sheaf,l7 Cooko st. Chorlton on Modlock John & Co. grocers, 152 Regent rd. Sa!ford -- Waltor Mellor. shopman, 85 Welcomb st. Hulme Jonatha.n, greengroacr, 2S.A. Port st.& 162 Palmcrston st ..Ancoal;s -- William, Royal Commercial Hotel, 52 Chapel st. Salford Luke, bootmakcr, 58 Parker st. Bradford -- \Villiam, plumber & gasfitter, 39 Gre~>me 10t. Moss Side Wtlliam, warehouseman, 16 Haglun st. Hulme -- William, blacksmith, 21 S~ Silas st. Ashton Old rd. Ardwick William, shoplweper, 151 Robert Hall st. Oldfield rd. Salford -- William, bill poster, 38 Clare st. Rutland st. Hulmo Starling Charles, printer, 39 St. Mary st. Hnlme -- William, fustian cutter, 19 Clowes st. Salford Henrietta, householder,12 Thorncliffc grove, Oxford st.C on M -- William H. bookkeeper, 8 Thomson ~n"Ove, Ardwick StarT Catherine, householder, 48 Dorset st. Hulme -- William Henry, enR'raver & printer, New Market chambers, 13 Jolin, tailor, 2 Berwick st. Chorlton on Medlock Strntt st; house, 247 City rd. Hulmo Start Thomas W. K. teachu of mathemn.tics, 38 Victoria st. L ll Stannay James, joiner, 46 Liverpool st. Salford Stat e Line of American stenmcrs-Thos. Colcs, 77 A Market st.agent -- Jane, shopkeeper, 1 Garden place, 'Voodhouse st. Gorton Statham Arthur, cashier, 32 Devonshire st. Higher Broughton Stanning John & Son, bleacbers, 4 Booth st. Ularenco st; works, Statham H. & Co. lndiarubber and gutta percha Leyland. manufacturers, g, 10 &. 11 Corporation at 5tansby Edward Henry, paper manufacturer, Lower Brou6Jhton rd; Stat ham H. & Co. merchants & commission ag.mts, Victoria cham­ house, Egerton House, Camp st. Lower Broughton bers, 9 Corporation st -- John R. clerk, 50 Russ"ll st. Hulrne Hannnh, householder, 23 Brierley avenue, Higher Ardwick Stansfield Abraham, nurseryman & florist, Kersal Moor., II B Colonel HaMy, indiarubber manufacturer (H. Statham & Co.), -- Abraham,grocer, 506 Oldham rd. Newton Heath Crumpsall grove, Bennett st. Higher Crumpsall -- Alfred, sewing machine agent & draper, 37 Ash ton rd. Open- Henry, finisher (Thorp & Statham). & indiarubber manufac­ Bhaw; in11peotur arJ.d school attendance officer, !iOfi Ashton rd. turer (ll. StRtham & Co.), Fair view, Crumpsall lane, II C • Openshaw :Mr. Isaac, Belvolr ten·ace, 43 Bolton rd. Pendleton -- .Alice, householder, 70 Tiverton st. Devonihire st. Ardwick John, joiner, 106 Duke at. Chorlton rd Stansfield & R.ickard, wholesale grocers &. provi- John, policemn.n, 32 Richmond st. Chorlton on Medlock alon merchants, 25 Ancoats s;t. Oldham st John, storekeeper, 12 Settle st. Rutland st. Hulme Stansfield Benjamin, m£mager, 8 Wilton st. Chorlton on Medlock Statham John & Sons, contractor~, builders, -- Betsy, householder, 17 Bmdshaw st. Higher Bronibton tlmber, slate ~ atone Dlerchants, mllnnf'acturers -- Charles, shopkeeper, 30i Queen's rd. Rochdale rd 0 f sanitary tubes, fire brick&, &c. Ptlndleton Saw -- Emma, householder, 6~ Do1·set st. Hulme • -- George, broker, 21!1 Ashton New rd. Beswick Mills, Broad at. Pendleton, an<l Windsor bridge, -- Geurge, butcher, 39 & 41 Bootll st. West, Chorlton on Medlock B allord-Pay day, Mondav -- George Watson, clerk, Florence House, Stanley graTe, W G Stat ham John Willinm, cooper, l.A. North st. Red bank; house, 1~ -- Hannah, householder, 28 Lr. Broughton rd. Lower Broughton Cheetham st. Red bank -- Jackson, baker, &c. 54 Higher Chatham st. Chorlton on ::Uedlock Statham .:roaathan B. timber merchant, Derby st. -- James, tobacconist, 100 Clowes st. West Gorton c heetbam; house, 21 Johnson st. Smedlev road -- J'ames, grocer (Stansfield & Rickard), The Firs, Woodhonses, Stat ham J oseph, shopkeeper, Upper Mount at. Rochdale rd .A&hton-undllr· Lynll Mary Eli:r:a, householder, 1 April st. Upper Brook st. Con M Mr. James, 9 Winfield terrace, Chester rd. Old Tralrord Samuel, builder (J. Statham & Sons), Barr liill, 134 Bolton rd.P -- James H. bntcher, 45 Chapel st. Pcndleron Samuel, pn.ttern card maker, 14 Long st. Snssex st. L B -- lllr. Jo.mes Edward, 8 \V infield terrace, Chester rd. Old Tralrord William H. laceman & glover, 187 Oxford rd. Uhorlton on -- Jane, hcuseholder, 20 Halton terrace, Bolton rd Medlock -- .T1me, dressmaker, 36 Every st. Anoonts [rd William K. builder (J. Statham & Sons), Carlton terrace, U -- .T ohn, greengrocer, Smithfield mkt. & 71 Collyhurst st. Rochdale Seedley rd. Pendleton -- John, farmer, Monsalllane, Newton Heath Stat her \\'illiam C. householder, l'i3 R•1ssell st. Hulrna --John & .Tames, bakers & flour deawr11, S9~ Greengo.te, Salford St~n on Joseph, shopkeeprr, 80 Juno st. Chspman ~;t. Oldh!\m rd -- John S. shopkeeper, 8 Lord Nelson st. Salford Septimus, cashier, The Mount, Stockport rd. I.evenshulme -- Joseph, tripe dreseer, 718 Oldham rd. Newton Heath Stat ter Thomas, civil engineer, & Rgtmt to the Earl of Derby, 2 St. -- Joseph, clerk, 22 St. John's rd. Longight James's square; house, StRnd Hall, lVhi,eftelcl -- Joseph B. surveyor, Victoria terrace, 8 Church st. Pendleton Stat ters William, joiner (Taylor & Statters), 4o7 Collyhurst Ill. -- Printing Co. calico printerlil, 70 •eorge st; work!!, Stamfidd, Rochdale rd near IAttuborough -- Reuben, mPchanic, 15 Thistle st. Gaylor et. Oldham rd Sta ob, Guyer &. Bplw, cotton waate Dlerchants &. -- Samuel, draughtsman, 28 June st. Upper Brook st. Con M e xportera, 2Z Dntton 11t. Park at. Cheetham, and Samuel, butcher, 4.1 Higher Temple st. Chorlton on Medlock a t Zurich, Sw1t.~~:erland, and Lille, :!"ranee --, Taylor & Co. logwood millers, Blackley Stav eley Adam, coachmaker, 72 Grey Mare lane, Bradford -- Thomas, mechanic, Clayton Vale, Newton Heath -- & Co. sole proprietors of the American European Parcels Ex. -- Thomas, beer retailer, 25 Higher Temple et.Chorlton on lfedlock press, sole agents for the Continental Dally Parcel\! Express, -- Thomas C. bookseller, 42 Chester rd. H. & 69 Broughton rd. S & general shipping & forwRrdinll agents, 40 Spring gardenB, & -- William, railway guard, 24 Tiverton st. Ardwick 1 The Temple, Dale st. Lit!•rpooL -- William, salesman, 33 Ker!\Bl view, Bolton rd. Pendleton C01ll & Iron Co. (Chut"j!eld), iron manufacturers, 12 Tib lane, -- William, clerk, 1 Talbot st. Ladybarn, Fallowfleld Cross st-William GravP, agent Btanton Amelia, hou!!eholder, 25 Park st. Chester st. Hnlme Edward, letterpress printer, 138 City rd. Hulme -- Bernard, furniture remover, 6 Moulton st. Vine 11t. Hnlme Henry, mechanic, 6 Wild st. Thurlow st. SRlford -- Elijah, beer retRiler, 4.8 Arlington st. Salford John, fireman, 1 Runcorn st. Cornbrook, Hnlme -- Henry, commission agent {~1'Leod & Stanton), 11 Lime grove, L Samuel, warehouseman, 8 Robertson st. East Wynford 11t. 8 -- .Tames, joiner, 29 Cai~>tor st. Chorlton on Medlock William, clerk, Ho bin Hood st. Cheeth&m Hill -- William, 11mallware weaver, 15 West ·worsleyst. Salford Stavert Ji'raucis,silk merchRnt, 75 Cannon at-Pay da~1.jir8t Wlldnu­ -- William, householder, Seedley Mount, 5 Fitzwarren st. Seedley day-house, 8 Trn!l'ord mount, Chester rd. Old. Tralrord -- Willinm John, grocer, 43 Rogers st. Red bank 1 Zigomala & Co.

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