ASIAN PERSPECTIVES THE BULLETIN OF THE FAR-EASTERN PREHISTORY ASSOCIATION VOLUME III. 1 SUMMER, 1959 Editor WILHELM G. SOLHEIM II HONG KONG UNIVERSITY PRESS 19 60 © Hong Kong University Press, I960 Printed in October I960, IOOO copies THE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, AMEN HOUSE, LONDON, E.C.4 ARE THE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ALL COUNTRIES EXCEPT ASIA EAST OF BURMA Printed in Hong Kong by CATHAY PRESS IS3 Island Road at Aberdeen ASIAN PERSPECTIVES Bulletin of the Far-Eastern Prehistory Association Editor: Wilhelm G. Solheim II; Reg£onal Editors: Northeast Asia-Chester S. Chard; Korea-GordonW. Hewes; Japan-J. Edward Kidder, Jr. ; Ryukyu-Allan H. Smith; China Mainland-Richard Rudolph; Indochina- Thailand-Chin You-di; Burma-B. A. V. Peacock; Malaya-Alastair Lamb; Indonesia-H. R. van Heekeren; British Borneo-BarbaraHarrisson; Philippines­ Wilhelm G. Solheim II; Formosa-Kwang-chih Chang; Micronesia-Allan H. Smith; Polynesia-Robert C. Suggs ; New Zealand-Roger Duff; Melanesia-Dick Shutler, Jr.; Australia-Frederick D. McCarthy; Topical Editors: Museums­ Schuyler Carrlmann; Trans-Pacific Contacts-Gordon F. Ekholm; Plant Diffu­ sion-Edgar Anderson; Linguistics-Milton E. Barker; Occas£onal Contr£butors: Hallam L. Movius, Jr. THE FAR-EASTERN PREHISTORY ASSOCIATION Internat£onal Officers: Honorary Chairman-H. Otley Beyer; Council Members: Chairman-Bernard P. Groslier* (Indochina), Secretary-Roger Duff* (New Zealand), Li Chi* (China, Taiwan), F. S. Drake* (Hong Kong), H. R. van Heekeren* (Indonesia), Ichiro Yawata (Japan), C. A. Gibson-Hill (Malaya), Arsenio Manuel (Philippines), F. D. McCarthy (Australia), Prince Dhani Nivat (Thailand), Alexander Spoehr (United States); Executive Secretary-Wilhelm G. Solheim II. (*Executive Committee). Asian Perspectives, established in 1957, is the official publication of the Far­ Eastern Prehistory Association, and appears semi-annually. All editorial correspondence should be addressed to Wilhelm G. Solheim II, Department of Anthropology and Archreology, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A., or to the proper Regional Editor. Commercial en­ quiries and orders should be sent to the Publisher, Hong Kong University Press, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Vol. I (1957) and Vol. II (i. Summer 1958) are out of print. Vol. II (ii. Winter 1958) costs in the Far East HK$20, in the U.S.A. and Canada US$3·50, in Europe and the Commonwealth 25 shillings. The subscription rates to Vol. III (i. Summer and ii. Winter 1959) are for Institu­ tions and non-members of the F.-E. P. A., in the Far East HK$25·00, in North America US$5 and elsewhere £1-12-6. Orders may be placed in London with the OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, Amen House, E.C.4. For members of the F.-E. P. A., the special rates are: in the Far East $22.5°, in North America US$4"00, else­ where £1-7':'6. Addresses of Regional and Topical Editors CHESTER S. CHARD (Dr), Dept. of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin. GORDON W. HEWES (Prof.), Division of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. J. EDWARD KIDDER, JR (Dr), International Christian University, 1500 Osawa, Mitaka­ Shi, Tokyo, Japan. ALLAN H. SMITH (Dr), Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology, Washington State Univer­ sity, Pullman, Washington. RICHARD RUDOLPH (Prof.), Dept. of Oriental Languages, University of California, Los Angeles 24, California. CHIN YOU-DI, National Museum, Na Phra-dhart Road, Bangkok, Thailand. B. A. V. PEACOCK, c/o Dr BA HAN, Barrister-at-Law, 55 Barr Street, Rangoon, Burma. ALASTAIR LAMB, Dept. of History, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya. H. R. VAN HEEKEREN, Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Ie Binnenvestgracht 33, Leiden, Netherlands. BARBARA HARRISSON (Mrs), The Sarawak Museum, Kuching, Sara\vak. KWANG-CHIH CHANG, Peabody Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. ROBERT C. SUGGS, 6309 Fieldvale Road, Baltimore 6, Maryland. ROGER DUFF (Dr), Director, Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand. DICK SHUTLER, JR, The Nevada State Museum, P.O. Box 495, Carson City, Nevada. FREDERICK D. MCCARTHY, Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia. SCHUYLER CAMMANN (Prof.), Dept. of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. GORDON F. EKHOLM (Dr), American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th St., New York 24, New York. MILTON E. BARKER, Summer Institute of Linguistics, P.O. Box 347, Saigon, Vietnam. HALLAM L. MOVIUS, JR, Peabody Museum of Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. e BERNARD P. GROSLIER, 4 rue Torricelli, Paris 17 , France. CONTENTS £ditorial Vll Obituary-Edward Winslovv Gifford - Dick Shutler, Jr. IX REGIONAL REPORTS I. Eastern Asia and Oceania Wilhelm G. Solheinz II I 2. Southeast Asia W.G.S. 4 3· Northeast Asia Chester S. Chard 5 4· Korea Gordon W.Hewes 10 5· Japan - J. Edward Kidder, Jr. II 6. Ryukyu - Allan H. Smith 15 7· China Mainland Richard C. Rudolph 18 8. Hong Kong S. G. Davis 23 9· Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam - W.G.S. 25 10. Thailand Chin You-di 27 I I. Burma B. A .V. Peacock 30 12. Malaya Alastair Lamb 32 13· Indonesia - H. R. van Heekeren 36 14· British Borneo - Barbara Harrisson 41 15· Philippines - Wilhelm G. Solheim II 47 16. Formosa Kwang-chih Chang 51 17· Micronesia Allan H. Smith 53 18. Polynesia - Robert C. Suggs 56 19· New Zealand - Roger Duff 67 20. Melanesia - Dick Shutler, Jr. 76 21. Australia - Frederick D. McCarthy 77 TOPICAL REPORTS I. The Work of the Summer Institute of Linguistics in the Far East - Milton E. Barker 83 2. Trans-Pacific Contacts Gordon F. Ekholm 89 ARTICLE The Stratigraphy of Human Occupation Layers in North Island Coastal Sections, New Zealand - H. W. Wellman 91 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED 95 ft mTa Vll ~B ~ - Edward Winslow Gifford Dick Shutler, Jr. IX rg~¥fl* _7J1:~ I. *lili~*t$r;H I 2. JJtmlili ~¥l}~ 4 3· *;It fiE Chester S. Chard 5 4· *_~m Gordon W. Hewes 10 5· 8* J. Edward Kidder, Jr. II 6. ~~ - Allan H. Smith IS 7· tf:l~:*~-- - Richard C. Rudolph 18 8. ~m S. G. Davis 23 9· *:tm_, ~WE, ~m - l* 7J1:.i¥i 25 10. ~WE Chin You-di 27 I I. *001BJ B. A. V. Peacock 30 12. J~ * fiE - Alastair Lamb 32 13· EPm - H. R. van Heekeren 36 14· ~_~m~JH Barbara Harrisson 41 15· ~~~ Ii¥iti¥i 47 16. ~tli Kwang-chih Chang 51 17· mR:K(7qgg§ Allan H. Smith 53 18. ~mV'3ggB.a Robert C. Suggs 56 19· jTggM Roger Duff 67 20. ~tLmg§5H Dick .Shutler, Jr. 76 21. ~:* flj ill! - Frederick D. McCarthy 77 _Jm~* I. §AA~§~~a~*Z.IfF l\1ilton E. Barker 83 2. j:Z?~WJ~zllm1* - Gordon F. Ekholm 89 ~ ~ ~ g§ 111 ::it .% rEt ~ A ~ mWi Jf1 Z ?iJf ~ - - H. W. Wellman 91 JffitflfE: gS 95.
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