V 4 n PAGE TWENTY-FOUR jianrl;(0tpr 1Eiipnttt0 IfpraUi months. Murtc, to popular re­ total number of offenses last Manchester DupllMte Bridge cordings, will be available for June -wws 280, with 241 of these Young.o Adults* <. Club will sponsor a game tomor­ Larceny Cases dpneing, and: the parking lot, About Town row at 8 p.m, at Hie Italian being illegal parking. The number of pecaohs ar­ To Dance, Swim adjacent to' the Waddell Pool, Amerimn Club, IdS BJdridge St: Rise in June CJrestfield Oon\"ale9cent Hos­ rested for disorderly conduct Manchester’s young Adults will be open tor use. MisB Janice Chapdelaine at Registrations Will be taken at pital had its annual outdoor pic­ The nunmber of cases of lar­ will kickoff their summer activ­ Beginning next Tuesday, and 7:46. Hie game }s open to the has decreased from 11 hi 68 Chestnut ,Rlt. recently was nic yesterday. Entertainment ities program with t w ^ big continuing every Tuesday and public..-Refreshments will be ceny and theft under $60 in to 8 in June. In June of laM feted at a Grocery and Green­ hy Rusty Ryan,Mike L«one and year, 17 persona were charged events this ■ weekendr— lance Thursday in July and August, serySd. value rose considerably in June, back Shower at the home of the 'VX-ls” ' band, and Patti on Friday night at the' old Che­ the high schooT lurking lot will as compared to the month of with this offense. Titor and Gail Soucy danced ney Tech Building' on School be at the disposal of the young Miss Carol Matcfliett, 97 Hatnr The Recreation and Park IM- May, according to the monthly St., from 8 to 1-1;30 p.m. and a Adult group. lin 9t. Family and friends were and gave demonstrations Of partment will sponsor an adult report issued by the Manches­ splash p a r ^ ' under the lights present from erurrounding baton twirling. swim period weeikly fixim 6 to • _ at the n y f Waddell Pool on towns. Our LaboraiMry Remaiiw 8 p.m. at the following pools: ter police Department. GOF to Draft Saturday, also from 8 to 11:30 The bride-elect opened her The Polish American Club will Monday at Saulters, Tuesday at In June, 30 such offenses Cyclist Spilled, gifts while seated beneath a “At Your Service” to Fill have a apccial meeting-ionior- Waddell and -Wednesday at Ver- were reported, while in May, pm. Slate Monday The affairs, open to all- Mah- mulUcodored ar;5wgeimen'r' of Tcw at 7:30 p.m. at the club, .106 planch. only 17 such offenses were re­ Suffers Bruises PRESCRIPTION^ CaU- chesterites between the ages of streamers and wedding bells. A Clinton- St. ported to police, m May, only I The executive board of thfe ,17 and 20, will be supervised by A . boy on a bicycle ran buffe/t luncheon was served aft­ Members of Manchester one person was arrested tor this ing for Newly Discovered' Republican Town Committee members, of the rec and park against a car pulling out of a er the gifts were open^t,. Ronald Barracliffc, son of Mr. WATES win meet tomorrow at offense, while seven ' persons Settlement of 1 Air Strike department and by members of service station on Hartford Rd. Miss Ohapdelaine will become.. Medicines . 0 »r Medi- and Mrs. Edgar Barracliffe, 98 7 p.m. at the Walter N. Leclerc were arrested in June. will meet on M o n ^ night to the Manchester Jaycees. yesterday afternoon. the bride of Kenneth Mulvey of W. Middle Tpke.. is taking a Fhneral Home, 23 Main St., to The number of cases Of lar­ draft its recommendations for cW^ropper DELIVERS ' six-weeks summer course at the pay respects to Frank Nackow­ The '‘Prophets,” a popular The boy, James Turklngton, West Willingtpi) Aug. 6 at ceny and theft over value of GOP candidates for town office University of Mexico, Mexico ski, whose sister, Mrs. Anna dance bauid from Hartford, will 12, of 250 Spring St., suiffered Second Con^egatdonal Church. FREEl^Phone 648-4136 $50 also rose last iriohth. Six­ in the O c y ^ elections. play at the Friday night dance, bruises after he was spilled Little Relief City, He is a student at Central Jeske, is a member of the group. / Bible College,'«pi-ingfield. Mo. teen cases were reported in ' Its ^com m ended slate will and a slight fee will be chrged. from the bicycle. 1,000 Rioting June, while In May only IQ such STOWAWAY GOES HOME The VFW Auxiliary will spon­ then'be offered for endorsement If the event proves successful, Police said he was pedalling cases were reported. The six­ along the sidewalk when he LONDON (AP) — American In Sight fo r Members of the VPW Auxil­ sor a card party tomorrow at a Republican town caucus, dMces, with a new band each teen offenses, for June, though, struck the front bUfoper of a schoolboy James “Davey” Da­ In Maryland iary and Arrgy-Naw Auxiliary 8 p.m. at tSie po^ home. called for July 18 at 8 p.m. in week, will be held each Friday was a small number compared' car operated by Donna H. Mc­ vidson — who successfully flew the Whiton Auditorium. In ad- night during July and August. Traffic Jams will meet tomoiTOW at 7 p.m. to June of last year, when- 64 Kinney, 19, of Coventry. The from Kansas City- to London at the Walter N. Leclerc Eu- diUon to the slate, nominations The Saturday night splash Penitentiary such cases were'recorded, land bicycle was' considerably dam- minus tickets or passport — was False Alarm will be accepted from the floor. party will be a regularly sched­ WASHINGTON (AP) — neral Home, 33 Main St,, to pay nine persons were arrested for sent home today. respects to Frank Nackowski, uled affair during the two aiged. BALTIMORE, Md. fAPl - - the offenses. This June, three GOP Town Chairman Francis Legal restrictions— and th« ^ ' • oth At Hospital Prisoners rioted and set fire to unprecedented prosperit.v VfJiVov persons were arrested for this DellaPera today declined to re­ prison workshop^ today at the groups. lease any n^Lmes of potential of tlie airlines — curbed aiortly after 7 this morning, type of offense. Maryland Penitentiary. Author­ candidates for the board of di­ two fire engines and a ladder Last month, 79 traffic acci­ ities u.sed tear gas to try to sub- government efforts tdday rectors, board of education, and truck of the Town Fire Depart­ dents took place and 22 persons dUe them. to relieve air traffic jams other town posts, but said, "A ment sped to Manchester Me­ were injured as a result;- the Fighting broke out in One pris­ that may result from tlie group of very attractive and morial Hospital in answer to an previous mOrtlh, the same num­ on yard. Inmates broke into the strike against five major capable candidates have si^ MAYTAG alarm which was set oft there. ber of injuries resulted, but Barbecues pri.son commissary and there companies. milted their names tor consid­ -But there was no fire, and, there were three less accidents ) was some looting. 'Tliey threw Foi- the time being, there wa« eration, and I am quite pleased according to firirfdepartmeht of­ —76— in May. I rocks at the windows of the little that either the Civil Aero­ with them.” WASHERS ficials, it was “hot a false alarm, The number of ^.persons ar­ mess hall. nautics Board or the airiine in­ either. The alarm was set off rested for fraud was double in The slate will be submitted Vernon L. Peper.sack. state dustry generally could do to al­ to the GOP executive board commissioner of correction, AND accidMitaJly, AK>arently the re­ June as compared to the num­ leviate the .<»ituation. Monday by a six-man nominat­ are •said the riot broke out when the The be.st hope for relief lay in mote control bOx, which is ber the month before. Four ar­ prisoners went from Iqnch into DRYERS pull-box type of alarm, vvas rests were made, in Jime, while ing committee, consisting of a call for renewed negotiations F bumped ahd \ pushed put of DellaiFera, Harlan Taylor, Atty» the recreation yard about noon^ —orderer for TO a.m. Saturday two were made, in May. time. SKI', place. When an attempt was John F. Shea Jr.-, Wilber Little; — .between the striking,.AIT^- Arrests for speeding jumped Tile fire ccJhipleteJy engulfed made to straighten it, the alarm N. Adler Dobkin and Vincent Cip^ International Association of. oonsdderably in June, with the beckoning a (fcense plate shop in the pris­ Gmoyesi. Machinists and the five airlines. went off, department officials continued use of radar in town. on compound. Other shops also Eastern, National, Northwest, NORMAN’S say. -Sixteen :sudh arrests were made little la leader of Assembly were ablaze. Trans World and United. How the box was bumped out in ^ e month, while hi Jiune o f District 20 (West Side), Dobkin A newsman on the scene .said Immediately after the break­ h'i»r Ttic IU'hI Ib-ill pf position is not known, though la ^ year, only one person .was of Assembly District 19 (East You .can’t go wrong with All American Hot Dogs or about 1,000 of the prison’s 1,460 down in negotiations Thursday, lUld i'lii- •*<"< St-rvln' there is work being done at the- chalrged wito speeding. Side), and Genovesi of Assem­ Hamburgers; especially if you buy them at Pinehurst hospital and an accidental Jog­ bly District 18 (North End).
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